

Ending: 3 May 1979. Document type: Speeches.

Showing items 6001 - 6500 of 7932.

Text 87 Jan 29 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech at "Action for Jobs" presentation
Text 87 Jan 29 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 87 Jan 29 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech at launch of BBC/ITV Superchannel
Info only 87 Jan 29 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher TV Interview at launch of BBC/ITV Superchannel
CD only 87 Jan 29 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for BBC (resignation of Alasdair Milne as BBC Director-General)
Text 87 Jan 30 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Interview for the Press Association
Text 87 Jan 31 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech to Finchley Conservatives
Text 87 Feb 3 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 87 Feb 4 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Interview for The Universe
Text 87 Feb 5 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 87 Feb 7 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Speech to Young Conservative Conference
Info only 87 Feb 7 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech at York Railway Station (electrification)
Text 87 Feb 9 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for RAI (Italian TV)
Text 87 Feb 10 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 87 Feb 11 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Joint Press Conference with Italian Prime Minister (Bettino Craxi)
Text 87 Feb 12 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 87 Feb 13 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Trivial Margaret Thatcher Remarks showing children around No.10
Text 87 Feb 13 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks visiting Finchley
CD only 87 Feb 14 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Trivial Margaret Thatcher Remarks following her son’s wedding
Text 87 Feb 17 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 87 Feb 18 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Interview for Woman magazine and BBC Radio London
Text 87 Feb 19 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
CD only 87 Feb 20 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks visiting Leeds (not electioneering)
Text 87 Feb 20 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for Yorkshire TV Calendar
CD only 87 Feb 20 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks visiting Bradford (football stadium)
Text 87 Feb 24 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Speech to the Institute of Directors
Text 87 Feb 24 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 87 Feb 26 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 87 Mar 2 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Interview for Smash Hits magazine
Text 87 Mar 2 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks on Soviet arms control proposal ("good step forward")
CD only 87 Mar 3 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Interview for Woman’s Own
Text 87 Mar 3 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 87 Mar 4 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for BBC (NEDC meeting)
Text 87 Mar 4 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for ITN (NEDC meeting)
Text 87 Mar 4 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Radio Interview for IRN (NEDC meeting)
Text 87 Mar 5 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
CD only 87 Mar 6 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Interview for Woodhouse College Magazine
CD only 87 Mar 7 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks on Zeebrugge ferry disaster
CD only 87 Mar 7 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks at Conservative Local Government Conference (Zeebrugge)
Info only 87 Mar 7 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Press Conference on Zeebrugge ferry disaster (in Zeebrugge)
CD only 87 Mar 7 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Press Conference on Zeebrugge ferry disaster (in Bruges)
Text 87 Mar 9 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Speech to Finchley Conservatives (Association AGM)
Text 87 Mar 10 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
CD only 87 Mar 11 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Interview for She magazine
Text 87 Mar 12 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 87 Mar 13 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks on Peter Wright case (government expects to appeal)
Text 87 Mar 13 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks on Truro by-election defeat
Info only 87 Mar 13 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Trivial Margaret Thatcher Speech opening Gwynedd Hospital
Text 87 Mar 13 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Interview for The Standard
Text 87 Mar 16 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Trivial Margaret Thatcher Remarks visiting Finchley (opening new Sainsburys)
Text 87 Mar 17 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 87 Mar 19 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 87 Mar 21 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Speech to Conservative Central Council
PDF 87 Mar 23 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Archive (TNA) Soviet Union: Ingham note for the record (MT press conferences with Mitterrand and Kohl) [Chateau de Benouville & Bonn] [released Jul 2017]
Text 87 Mar 23 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Joint Press Conference with French President (Francois Mitterrand)
Text 87 Mar 23 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Joint Press Conference with West German Chancellor (Helmut Kohl)
Text 87 Mar 24 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 87 Mar 24 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Written Interview for H.H. Saudi Research and Marketing (UK) Ltd
CD only 87 Mar 24 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for Saudi Arabian TV
Text 87 Mar 26 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 87 Mar 28 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks leaving Downing Street for Moscow (hopes visit will contribute to world peace)
CD only 87 Mar 28 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Interviews en route to Moscow
CD only 87 Mar 28 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher ?Radio Interview for BBC (on arrival in Moscow)
Info only 87 Mar 28 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Trivial Margaret Thatcher Remarks returning to the British Embassy
Text 87 Mar 29 Su Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks visiting Zagorsk
Text 87 Mar 29 Su Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Speech at lunch given by the Orthodox Metropolitan
Text 87 Mar 29 Su Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks on walkabout in Moscow
PDF 87 Mar 30 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) USSR: Gorbachev speech at Kremlin dinner (advance text; MT's annotations) ["the evil inherent in 'nuclear deterrence'"] ​​​​​​​[released 2017]
Text 87 Mar 30 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks on morning’s talks with Gorbachev ("very frank and very very valuable")
Text 87 Mar 30 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Speech at Soviet Official Banquet
Info only 87 Mar 30 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Trivial Margaret Thatcher Remarks returning to British Embassy after Soviet Official Banquet
Text 87 Mar 31 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech opening British Trade Centre in Moscow
Info only 87 Mar 31 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Trivial Margaret Thatcher Remarks returning to British Embassy in Moscow
Text 87 Mar 31 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Key Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for Soviet Television
Text 87 Mar 31 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Press Conference in Moscow
Text 87 Mar 31 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for BBC1 (visiting Moscow)
Text 87 Mar 31 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for BBC2 (visiting Moscow)
Text 87 Mar 31 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for ITN (visiting Moscow)
Text 87 Mar 31 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for Channel 4 (visiting Moscow)
Text 87 Mar 31 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for TV-AM (visiting Moscow)
CD only 87 Mar 31 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Radio Interview for BBC (visiting Moscow)
CD only 87 Mar 31 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Radio Interview for BBC Radio 4 Today (visiting Moscow)
Text 87 Mar 31 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Radio Interview for IRN (visiting Moscow)
Text 87 Apr 1 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech at official dinner in Georgia
Text 87 Apr 1 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Press Conference returning to London
Text 87 Apr 2 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 87 Apr 2 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher HC Stmnt: [Prime Minister’s visit to the Soviet Union]
Text 87 Apr 3 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks visiting Finchley (visit to Soviet Union)
Text 87 Apr 6 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech at dinner for Pakistan Prime Minister (Mohammad Khan Junejo)
Text 87 Apr 7 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 87 Apr 7 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech at Institute of Economic Affairs 30th Anniversary dinner
Text 87 Apr 8 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Interview for Manchester Evening News
Text 87 Apr 8 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech opening NEDO Exhibition
Text 87 Apr 8 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks at NEDO Exhibition (trade talks with Japan)
Text 87 Apr 9 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 87 Apr 13 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for Yorkshire TV (role of Parliamentary Private Secretary)
Info only 87 Apr 21 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech opening Better Made in the Countryside Exhibition
Text 87 Apr 22 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Interview for Daily Express
Text 87 Apr 23 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 87 Apr 24 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Interview for Illustrated London News
Text 87 Apr 25 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Speech to Conservative Candidates’ Conference
CD only 87 Apr 27 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Message on IRA murder of Lord Justice Gibson
Text 87 Apr 27 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher TV Broadcast on 750th anniversary of Berlin
Text 87 Apr 27 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for West German TV (ZDF TV)
Text 87 Apr 28 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
CD only 87 Apr 29 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech to Small Business Bureau Annual Conference
Text 87 Apr 30 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Info only 87 Apr 30 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher TV Broadcast on 40th Anniversary of Marshall Plan
Text 87 May 1 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech opening Confederation of British Industry Design Conference
Text 87 May 5 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 87 May 6 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher HC PQ [Private Notice Question on State Security (Spycatcher)]
Text 87 May 6 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech at dinner for Mozambique President (Joaquim Chissano)
Text 87 May 7 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 87 May 8 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for ITN film profile (General Election background)
Info only 87 May 10 Su Speeches, interviews, etc. Trivial Margaret Thatcher Remarks returning to Downing Street (fences on election date)
Text 87 May 11 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Key Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for BBC (“Yes, I hope to go on and on”)
Text 87 May 11 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for ITN (General Election announcement)
Text 87 May 11 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for TV-AM (General Election announcement)
CD only 87 May 11 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Radio Interview for BBC (General Election announcement)
Text 87 May 11 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Radio Interview for IRN (General Election announcement)
CD only 87 May 11 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Interview for Daily Mail
Text 87 May 12 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 87 May 13 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Interview for The Sun
Text 87 May 14 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 87 May 14 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Speech to 1922 Committee
Text 87 May 15 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Key Margaret Thatcher Speech to Scottish Conservative Party Conference
Text 87 May 17 Su Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Article for Sunday Express ("The land of opportunity")
Text 87 May 18 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Letter to Giles Shaw (resignation)
CD only 87 May 18 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Interview for TV Times (campaign stories)
CD only 87 May 18 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Interview for Daily Express
Text 87 May 19 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Key Margaret Thatcher General Election Press Conference (launching Conservative manifesto)
Text 87 May 19 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Foreword to the Conservative Manifesto
CD only 87 May 19 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for BBC (after manifesto launch)
Info only 87 May 19 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for ITN (after manifesto launch)
Info only 87 May 19 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Radio Interview for BBC (after manifesto launch)
Text 87 May 19 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Radio Interview for IRN (after manifesto launch)
CD only 87 May 19 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Interview for Daily Telegraph
Text 87 May 19 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Party Election Broadcast
Text 87 May 20 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Speech to Conservative Candidates’ Conference
CD only 87 May 20 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Interview for Sunday Telegraph
Info only 87 May 20 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Party Election Broadcast
Text 87 May 20 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Letter to Dr David Owen (Alliance defence policy)
CD only 87 May 21 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks visiting Docklands (handover of campaign coach)
Text 87 May 21 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Speech at adoption meeting
Text 87 May 21 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher 1987 General Election Address
Info only 87 May 21 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Party Election Broadcast
Text 87 May 22 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Key Margaret Thatcher General Election Press Conference
Info only 87 May 22 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks visiting Stockport (J.E.L. Energy Conservation Services Ltd)
CD only 87 May 22 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Speech in Stockport (Hazel Grove)
Info only 87 May 22 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks visiting Bury (Millikens Industrials Ltd)
CD only 87 May 22 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Speech to Bury Conservatives
Text 87 May 23 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks canvassing Finchley (Finchley Cricket Club)
Text 87 May 23 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech to Hampstead and Highgate Conservatives
Text 87 May 24 Su Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Radio Interview for IRN (phone-in)
Text 87 May 24 Su Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for Channel 4 (Face the Kids)
Text 87 May 25 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher General Election Press Conference
Text 87 May 25 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Speech at East Midlands Airport
Text 87 May 25 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks visiting Leicester Grammar School (no choice under Labour)
Info only 87 May 25 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Radio Interview for BBC Radio Nottingham (attack on Labour defence policy)
Text 87 May 25 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks visiting Next Headquarters (enterprise)
Text 87 May 25 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks visiting Motor Industry Research Association
CD only 87 May 25 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Remarks visiting East Midlands (unemployment)
CD only 87 May 25 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Press Conference in Northamptonshire
Text 87 May 26 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher General Election Press Conference
Text 87 May 26 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks campaigning in Wales
Info only 87 May 26 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for BBC Wales
CD only 87 May 26 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for HTV
Text 87 May 26 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Speech to Conservative Rally in Newport
PDF 87 May 27 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Archive (State Department) US: White House press release (Reagan interviews on general election) [“the relationship between our two countries does go back many, many years, and I think it would take more than an election in either one of our countries to change that”]
Text 87 May 27 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher General Election Press Conference (education)
Info only 87 May 27 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for BBC (denies rocky start to campaign)
CD only 87 May 27 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech on arrival at Exeter Airport
Text 87 May 27 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Remarks on 1977 Party Political Broadcast ("we’d have been drummed out of office if we’d had this level of unemployment")
Text 87 May 27 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Press Conference in Exeter
Text 87 May 27 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Speech in Bovey Tracey
CD only 87 May 27 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks on progress of the campaign
Text 87 May 27 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Party Election Broadcast
Text 87 May 28 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher General Election Press Conference (health)
Text 87 May 28 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks arriving at Birmingham Airport
Text 87 May 28 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks visiting Jaguar Cars
CD only 87 May 28 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Radio Interview for BRMB (visiting Birmingham)
Text 87 May 28 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Speech to Conservative Rally in Solihull
Text 87 May 29 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher General Election Press Conference (housing)
CD only 87 May 29 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Speech at Fornham All Saints
CD only 87 May 29 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Remarks on the battlebus (release of diplomat and progress of the campaign)
Text 87 May 29 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks campaigning in Ipswich
Text 87 May 29 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech in Tiptree
CD only 87 May 29 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech to Conservative Rally in Chelmsford
CD only 87 May 30 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks on Thatcherism ("I don’t think it’s done badly for Britain")
CD only 87 May 30 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech to Ealing Conservatives
Info only 87 May 30 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks visiting Finchley (defence and the economy)
CD only 87 May 31 Su Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Radio Interview for BBC Radio 4 The World This Weekend
Text 87 Jun 1 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher General Election Press Conference (employment)
CD only 87 Jun 1 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Remarks visiting Chatham Boys School ("a school where everything is going extremely well")
CD only 87 Jun 1 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks on being subject to personal attack
Text 87 Jun 1 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech to Conservative Rally at Boxley
Info only 87 Jun 1 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for TV South (visiting Maidstone)
Text 87 Jun 2 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher General Election Press Conference (the economy)
CD only 87 Jun 2 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks visiting Marconi (skill shortages and bad polls)
CD only 87 Jun 2 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks visiting Scottish and Newcastle Brewery ("cooperation and harmony" in industry)
Text 87 Jun 2 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Speech to Conservative Rally in Edinburgh
Text 87 Jun 2 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Party Election Broadcast
CD only 87 Jun 3 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher General Election Press Conference in Glasgow
CD only 87 Jun 3 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for BBC Scotland (Ravenscraig)
Text 87 Jun 3 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for Scottish TV (visiting Glasgow)
Info only 87 Jun 3 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks visiting the Metro Centre ("the kind of entrepreneurship which is back in Britain now")
Text 87 Jun 3 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for Tyne Tees (visiting Newcastle)
CD only 87 Jun 3 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Radio Interview for BBC Radio 1 Election ’87 (phone-in)
Text 87 Jun 4 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Key Margaret Thatcher General Election Press Conference (Health and Social Security)
Text 87 Jun 4 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks visiting Alton Towers
Text 87 Jun 4 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for Thames TV This Week Election Special
Text 87 Jun 5 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher General Election Press Conference (Foreign affairs and defence)
CD only 87 Jun 5 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Radio Interview for BBC Radio 2 Jimmy Young Programme
Text 87 Jun 5 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Speech to Conservative Rally in Chester
Text 87 Jun 6 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Radio Interview for BBC Radio 4 Today
Text 87 Jun 6 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for Channel 4 Face the People
Text 87 Jun 6 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech opening M25 service station (praises Forte family)
Text 87 Jun 6 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Speech in Finchley
Info only 87 Jun 6 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Speech in Whetstone
Text 87 Jun 7 Su Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for TV-AM
Text 87 Jun 7 Su Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Speech to Conservative Family Rally at Wembley
Text 87 Jun 7 Su Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Party Election Broadcast
Text 87 Jun 8 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher General Election Press Conference (economy)
Text 87 Jun 8 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Key Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for BBC1 Panorama
Text 87 Jun 8 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Radio Interview for IRN
Text 87 Jun 8 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks departing for Venice G7
Text 87 Jun 9 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Press Conference after Venice G7
Text 87 Jun 9 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Speech to Conservative Rally in Harrogate
Text 87 Jun 9 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for Yorkshire TV ("A Leader for the Nineties")
CD only 87 Jun 10 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for BBC Election Call (phone-in)
Text 87 Jun 10 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher General Election Press Conference (eve of poll)
Text 87 Jun 10 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Key Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for BBC (eve of poll; "drool and drivel they care")
Text 87 Jun 10 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for ITN (eve of poll)
Text 87 Jun 10 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Interview for The Times
CD only 87 Jun 10 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech at Leigh-on-Sea
CD only 87 Jun 10 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks visiting Southend
CD only 87 Jun 10 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Remarks visiting Southampton
Text 87 Jun 10 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech to Conservatives in Eastleigh
Text 87 Jun 11 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Message to the electors of Finchley
Text 87 Jun 11 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks after voting in the Westminster constituency ("hope and belief" in victory)
Text 87 Jun 11 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks arriving at the count ("cautious but optimistic")
Text 87 Jun 12 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Speech on being re-elected MP for Finchley
Text 87 Jun 12 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Remarks following re-election in Finchley
Text 87 Jun 12 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Key Margaret Thatcher Remarks returning to Central Office ("a big job to do in some of those inner cities")
Text 87 Jun 12 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks returning to No.10 ("work")
Text 87 Jun 12 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks to the crowd in Downing Street
Text 87 Jun 12 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for BBC (General Election victory)
Text 87 Jun 12 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for ITN (General Election victory)
Text 87 Jun 12 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Radio Interview for BBC (General Election victory)
Text 87 Jun 12 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Radio Interview for IRN (General Election victory)
Text 87 Jun 12 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Radio Interview for Central Office of Information (General Election victory)
CD only 87 Jun 12 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Radio Interview for BBC World Service (General Election victory)
Text 87 Jun 12 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for Channel 4 News (General Election victory)
CD only 87 Jun 12 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Interview for Time magazine
Text 87 Jun 13 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Letters to persons leaving the Government (Biffen, Edwards, Hailsham, Jopling, Tebbit)
Text 87 Jun 15 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Letters to persons leaving the Government (Ancram, Boyson, Buchanan-Smith, Goodlad, Lucas, McKay, Malone, Pattie, Robinson, Walden, Young)
Text 87 Jun 17 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher HC S: [Election of Speaker]
Text 87 Jun 17 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Written Interview for la Repubblica
Text 87 Jun 21 Su Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Article for Sunday Express ("Our task is to govern for all the people all the time)
Text 87 Jun 22 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Written interview for Politica Exterior (Spanish magazine)
PDF 87 Jun 25 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) USSR: Gorbachev speech to CPSU Central Committee Plenum [MT annotations on speech re: restructuring the economy] ​​​​​​​[released 2017]
Text 87 Jun 25 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Key Margaret Thatcher HC S: [Debate on the Address]
Text 87 Jun 26 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Interview for Sunday Telegraph
Info only 87 Jun 29 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks at Brussels European Council (budget dispute)
Text 87 Jun 30 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Press Conference after Brussels European Council
CD only 87 Jun 30 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for BBC (Brussels European Council)
Text 87 Jun 30 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for ITN (Brussels European Council)
Text 87 Jun 30 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for TV-AM/Channel Four (Brussels European Council)
CD only 87 Jun 30 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Radio Interview for BBC (Brussels European Council)
Text 87 Jun 30 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Radio Interview for IRN (Brussels European Council)
Text 87 Jul 1 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher HC Stmnt: [Brussels European Council]
Text 87 Jul 2 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 87 Jul 3 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Press Conference for American Correspondents in London
Info only 87 Jul 4 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Trivial Margaret Thatcher Message congratulating Richard Branson (crashed balloon)
Text 87 Jul 7 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 87 Jul 9 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
CD only 87 Jul 10 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks visiting Finchley (business and the environment)
Text 87 Jul 13 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Radio Interview for The Voice of Progress (newspaper for the blind)
Text 87 Jul 14 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 87 Jul 15 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech at lunch for the King of Morocco
Text 87 Jul 16 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 87 Jul 16 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Speech to 1922 Committee
CD only 87 Jul 17 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for NBC Today (visiting Washington) (defending Reagan)
Text 87 Jul 17 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for CNN (visiting Washington) (defending Reagan)
Text 87 Jul 17 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Key Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for CBS News (visiting Washington) (defending Reagan)
CD only 87 Jul 17 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for ABC (visiting Washington) (defending Reagan)
Text 87 Jul 17 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Speech after meeting with US President (Ronald Reagan) ["Departure Statement"]
Text 87 Jul 17 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for CBS Face the Nation (visiting Washington) (defending Reagan)
Info only 87 Jul 17 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Press Conference en route from Washington to Jamaica
CD only 87 Jul 18 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks to Jamaican police (drugs)
Text 87 Jul 18 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech visiting Jamaican Police Academy
Text 87 Jul 18 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech in the garden of Jamaica House
Text 87 Jul 18 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech at lunch given by the Jamaican Prime Minister (Edward Seaga)
Text 87 Jul 19 Su Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Press Conference en route from Jamaica to London
Text 87 Jul 20 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech at dinner in honour of Malaysian Prime Minister (Dr Mahathir bin Mohammad)
Text 87 Jul 21 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 87 Jul 23 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 87 Jul 24 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for BBC1 One O’clock News
PDF 87 Jul 29 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Archive (TNA) Broadcasting: Norgrove minutre to members of MISC128 (BBC Radio Today transcript) [revealing exchange on independent TV production] [declassified Feb 2016]
Text 87 Jul 29 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech at ratification of Channel Tunnel Treaty
Text 87 Jul 29 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Press Conference after talks with French Prime Minister (Jacques Chirac)
Text 87 Jul 30 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Interview for Ladies’ Home Journal
CD only 87 Aug 12 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks at Trevose Golf Club photocall (sending minesweepers to the Gulf)
CD only 87 Aug 20 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks visiting Swindon hospital (Hungerford massacre)
CD only 87 Aug 20 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks visiting Hungerford (Hungerford massacre)
Text 87 Aug 21 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks visiting Scottish National Portrait Gallery (improving relations with USSR)
Text 87 Sep 2 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech to Scottish Conservatives
CD only 87 Sep 2 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Press Conference in Edinburgh ("Adam Smithism")
Text 87 Sep 3 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech at Napier College
CD only 87 Sep 3 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks visiting new Glasgow housing development
Text 87 Sep 3 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech at James Howden Ltd (Channel Tunnel boring machines)
CD only 87 Sep 3 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Trivial Margaret Thatcher Remarks visiting Rowett Research Institute ("impressed")
Text 87 Sep 4 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks visiting Aviemore (training)
Text 87 Sep 8 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Interview for Der Spiegel
Text 87 Sep 10 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Key Margaret Thatcher Interview for The Independent
Text 87 Sep 15 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for Yorkshire TV (Open College)
CD only 87 Sep 16 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks visiting Middlesbrough (urban renewal)
Text 87 Sep 16 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for Tyne Tees TV
CD only 87 Sep 16 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech opening Cadcam Complex (Middlesbrough business centre)
CD only 87 Sep 16 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks on future of Teesside ("bright")
CD only 87 Sep 16 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Press Conference after visiting Cleveland
CD only 87 Sep 16 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks on the death of Lord Soames ("towering personality")
Text 87 Sep 17 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for CNN
Text 87 Sep 17 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech on receiving the Benjamin Franklin Medal
Text 87 Sep 18 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Trivial Margaret Thatcher Remarks visiting Finchley
CD only 87 Sep 22 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks visiting Wolverhampton (launching Task Force for Wolverhampton)
Info only 87 Sep 22 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks visiting Bilston Housing Estate (great faith in this generation)
CD only 87 Sep 22 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech presenting BBC Radio Times Enterprise Award
Text 87 Sep 22 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Press Conference visiting West Midlands (attack on merchantman in the Gulf)
Text 87 Sep 22 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Remarks visiting Birmingham International Convention Centre
Text 87 Sep 23 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Key Margaret Thatcher Interview for Woman's Own ("no such thing [as society]")
Text 87 Sep 25 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Speech to International Democrat Union
Text 87 Sep 25 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Press Conference after International Democrat Union Conference
Text 87 Sep 25 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks on the Berlin Wall
Text 87 Sep 25 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Radio Interview for British Forces Broadcasting Service (visiting Berlin)
Text 87 Sep 25 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for West German TV (ZDF) (visiting Berlin)
Text 87 Sep 25 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for ITN (visiting Berlin)
Text 87 Sep 25 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for BBC (visiting Berlin)
CD only 87 Sep 28 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks on EU budget (must remain within legal limits)
CD only 87 Oct 1 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Interview for Life magazine (impressions of Gorbachev)
Text 87 Oct 1 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Remarks after meeting US Vice-President (George Bush) at No.10
Info only 87 Oct 5 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Trivial Margaret Thatcher Remarks arriving in Blackpool
CD only 87 Oct 6 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech at Blackpool Civic Ball ("not resting on our laurels")
Text 87 Oct 9 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Key Margaret Thatcher Speech to Conservative Party Conference
Info only 87 Oct 10 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Trivial Margaret Thatcher Remarks visiting Olympia Fashion Show (British Fashion Week)
Text 87 Oct 13 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Speech at opening of Vancouver Commonwealth Summit (Vancouver CHOGM)
Info only 87 Oct 14 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Trivial Margaret Thatcher Remarks at Vancouver Commonwealth Summit (South Africa debate today)
CD only 87 Oct 15 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for BBC (Vancouver Commonwealth Summit)
Text 87 Oct 15 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for ITN/Channel Four (Vancouver Commonwealth Summit)
CD only 87 Oct 16 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for BBC (Vancouver Commonwealth Summit)
Text 87 Oct 16 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for TV-AM (Vancouver Commonwealth Summit)
Text 87 Oct 16 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Press Conference at Vancouver Commonwealth Summit (briefing for Sunday papers)
Text 87 Oct 17 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for ITN (Vancouver Commonwealth Summit)
CD only 87 Oct 17 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Radio Interview for BBC (Vancouver Commonwealth Summit)
CD only 87 Oct 17 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Radio Interview for BBC World Service (Vancouver Commonwealth Summit)
Text 87 Oct 17 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Press Conference at Vancouver Commonwealth Summit
Info only 87 Oct 18 Su Speeches, interviews, etc. Trivial Margaret Thatcher Remarks arriving in Dallas (visiting Mark Thatcher)
Info only 87 Oct 19 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Trivial Margaret Thatcher Remarks on Black Monday (Stock Exchange crash: underlying economies strong)
CD only 87 Oct 19 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks supporting US action in the Gulf (attack on Iranian oil platforms)
Text 87 Oct 22 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 87 Oct 22 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher HC Stmnt: [Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (Vancouver)]
Text 87 Oct 26 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Letter to Lord Havers (resignation)
Text 87 Oct 27 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 87 Oct 28 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Interview for North Carolina Public TV Service ("Globewatch")
Text 87 Oct 29 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 87 Oct 30 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech to Finchley Conservatives
Info only 87 Oct 30 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Trivial Margaret Thatcher Remarks visiting Finchley (opening flats at John Grooms Edgware Estate for the Disabled)
CD only 87 Nov 2 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks on appointing Peter Brooke Conservative Chairman (praise of Norman Tebbit)
Text 87 Nov 3 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 87 Nov 4 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks visiting Marks and Spencers (shopping)
Info only 87 Nov 5 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Info only 87 Nov 5 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks on US budget deficit
Text 87 Nov 7 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks visiting Finchley Conservative Autumn Fair (hoping for a fourth term)
Text 87 Nov 8 Su Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Remarks on IRA bombing of Enniskillen Remembrance Day Service
Text 87 Nov 10 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 87 Nov 11 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for Italian TV (Channel 5)
Text 87 Nov 12 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 87 Nov 15 Su Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech at Army Benevolent Fund Dinner
Text 87 Nov 16 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Key Margaret Thatcher Speech at Lord Mayor’s Banquet
Text 87 Nov 17 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Info only 87 Nov 18 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Trivial Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for BBC Yes, Prime Minister (trailer for next series)
CD only 87 Nov 19 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks visiting King’s Cross (underground fire)
Text 87 Nov 19 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 87 Nov 20 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Key Margaret Thatcher Interview for Financial Times
Text 87 Nov 20 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Written interview for Yedioth Ahronoth (Israeli journal)
CD only 87 Nov 22 Su Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Press Conference after meeting French Prime Minister (Jacques Chirac)
Text 87 Nov 23 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech unveiling plaque to Nancy Astor
Text 87 Nov 23 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Letter to Neil Kinnock MP (pensioners and cold weather payments)
Text 87 Nov 24 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 87 Nov 26 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 87 Nov 27 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Written interview for Kepes 7 (Hungarian magazine)
Text 87 Dec 1 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 87 Dec 3 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 87 Dec 5 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Press Conference after Copenhagen European Council
CD only 87 Dec 5 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for BBC (Copenhagen European Council)
Text 87 Dec 5 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for ITN (Copenhagen European Council)
Text 87 Dec 5 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for TV-AM (Copenhagen European Council)
CD only 87 Dec 5 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Radio Interview for BBC (Copenhagen European Council)
Text 87 Dec 5 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Radio Interview for IRN (Copenhagen European Council)
Info only 87 Dec 5 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Trivial Margaret Thatcher Written Statement on the death of David Barber (hole-in-the-heart baby)
Text 87 Dec 7 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech of farewell to Soviet President (Mikhail Gorbachev) (talks at Brize Norton)
Text 87 Dec 7 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Press Conference after meeting President Gorbachev (talks at Brize Norton)
CD only 87 Dec 7 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for BBC (talks with Gorbachev at Brize Norton)
CD only 87 Dec 7 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for BBC2 Newsnight (talks with Gorbachev at Brize Norton)
Text 87 Dec 7 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for ITN (talks with Gorbachev at Brize Norton)
CD only 87 Dec 7 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Radio Interview for BBC (talks with Gorbachev at Brize Norton)
Text 87 Dec 7 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Radio Interview for IRN (talks with Gorbachev at Brize Norton)
Text 87 Dec 8 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 87 Dec 8 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher HC Stmnt: [European Council (Copenhagen)]
Text 87 Dec 8 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Press Conference on INF Treaty (just signed)
Text 87 Dec 9 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Letter to Neil Kinnock MP (pensioners and cold weather payments)
Text 87 Dec 9 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for Soviet TV
Text 87 Dec 9 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Interview for Pravda
Text 87 Dec 9 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Message for BBC1 Christmas with Noel
Text 87 Dec 9 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Message for Australian TV (Bicentenary year)
Text 87 Dec 9 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Radio Interview for BBC World Service (Soviet Union)
Text 87 Dec 9 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Christmas Message for the Falklands
Info only 87 Dec 10 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Letter to Dr H. Joffe (intensive care nurses)
Text 87 Dec 10 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 87 Dec 10 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for Thames TV This Week
Text 87 Dec 11 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks visiting Aquascutum Factory (arms control)
Text 87 Dec 11 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Trivial Margaret Thatcher Remarks visiting Finchley
Text 87 Dec 15 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Trivial Margaret Thatcher Remarks on Willie Whitelaw’s stroke ("He’s a lot better")
Text 87 Dec 15 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 87 Dec 16 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech at lunch for Israeli President (Chaim Herzog)
Text 87 Dec 16 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher HC S: [Comptroller and Auditor General]
Text 87 Dec 17 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
CD only 87 Dec 21 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for BBC1 Nine O’Clock News
CD only 87 Dec 22 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Written interview for This Week (Nigerian newspaper)
Text 87 Dec 22 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Letter to Nicholas Winterton MP (NHS)
Text 87 Dec 22 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Interview for Jewish Chronicle
Text 87 Dec 29 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Interview for Central Office of Information (coming visit to Africa)
Text 87 Dec 31 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher New Year Message
Text 88 Jan 3 Su Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Interview for Press Association (longest serving 20th century PM)
Text 88 Jan 3 Su Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Remarks outside No.10 (longest serving 20th century PM)
Text 88 Jan 3 Su Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Article for Sunday Express ("Britain counts for something good again")
Info only 88 Jan 4 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Interview in Nairobi
Text 88 Jan 5 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech at Kenyan State Banquet
Text 88 Jan 6 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Press Conference in Nairobi
Text 88 Jan 7 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech arriving in Nigeria
Text 88 Jan 7 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech at Nigerian official dinner
Text 88 Jan 7 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech opening new British Council building in Nigeria
Text 88 Jan 8 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech at Emir of Kano’s welcoming ceremony
Text 88 Jan 8 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Press Conference leaving Nigeria
Text 88 Jan 10 Su Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Letter to Lord Whitelaw (resignation)
Text 88 Jan 12 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 88 Jan 13 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Speech to Foreign Press Association
Text 88 Jan 14 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
CD only 88 Jan 15 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech to Brentford Conservatives (opening new offices)
Text 88 Jan 18 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech to Hanson Trust Achievments Awards dinner
Text 88 Jan 19 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 88 Jan 19 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Speech at Australia Day Dinner
Text 88 Jan 21 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
PDF 88 Jan 22 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Archive (TNA) NHS: Sir Geoffrey Howe speech to Liverpool University Conservative Association (Conservative Party Press Release) [increases in spending, delays, complaints] [released July 2016]
CD only 88 Jan 22 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for ABC Good Morning America
CD only 88 Jan 22 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for CNN
CD only 88 Jan 22 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for NBC
Text 88 Jan 22 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for CBS
Text 88 Jan 22 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Interview for L’Express magazine
Text 88 Jan 25 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Key Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for BBC1 Panorama (announces NHS review)
Text 88 Jan 26 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 88 Jan 27 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Letter to Trevor Clay (Royal College of Nurses) (offers talks on NHS)
Text 88 Jan 27 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Interview for Daily Star
Text 88 Jan 28 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 88 Jan 29 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Joint Press Conference with French President (Francois Mitterrand)
Text 88 Jan 30 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech to Finchley Conservatives
Text 88 Feb 1 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Foreword to history of Scottish Tory Party
Text 88 Feb 2 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Joint Press Conference with West German Chancellor (Helmut Kohl)
Text 88 Feb 2 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 88 Feb 3 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Letter to Richard Shepherd MP (reform of Official Secrets Act)
Text 88 Feb 4 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 88 Feb 5 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks visiting Channel Tunnel site
Text 88 Feb 9 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 88 Feb 10 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Interview for Wall Street Journal
Text 88 Feb 10 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech unveiling a portrait of Lord Hailsham
Info only 88 Feb 12 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Trivial Margaret Thatcher Remarks at Brussels European Council ("don’t know what will happen")
Text 88 Feb 13 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Press Conference after Brussels European Council
Text 88 Feb 13 Sa Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Radio Interview for BBC (Brussels European Council)
Text 88 Feb 15 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher HC Stmnt: [European Council (Brussels)]
Text 88 Feb 16 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 88 Feb 17 We Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Press Conference after Brussels NATO Summit
Text 88 Feb 18 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 88 Feb 18 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher HC Stmnt: [Civil Service Management] (Next Steps)
Text 88 Feb 18 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for ITN News At Ten
Text 88 Feb 19 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Remarks visiting Finchley
Text 88 Feb 19 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Interview for Finchley Times
Text 88 Feb 22 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech at dinner for US Defense Secretary (Caspar Weinberger)
Text 88 Feb 23 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Interview for Today
Text 88 Feb 23 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 88 Feb 25 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Info only 88 Feb 26 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher Speech opening Salford Information Technology Institute
Text 88 Feb 26 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Trivial Margaret Thatcher Remarks visiting Salford (could not do without frozen food)
Info only 88 Feb 26 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Minor Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for BBC (Salford visit)
Text 88 Mar 1 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
Text 88 Mar 3 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Press Conference after Brussels NATO Summit
Text 88 Mar 3 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for BBC (Brussels NATO Summit)
Text 88 Mar 3 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for ITN (Brussels NATO Summit)
Text 88 Mar 3 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher TV Interview for TV-AM (Brussels NATO Summit)
Text 88 Mar 3 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Radio Interview for BBC (Brussels NATO Summit)
Text 88 Mar 3 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Radio Interview for IRN (Brussels NATO Summit)

Documents lie at the core of this website, each one dated and sorted chronologically (by default) in search results. Most are images in PDF format of original paper documents scanned or filmed for the site. There also transcripts of speeches and interviews, press articles, photos, videos, and more. The document database contains tens of thousands of items and permits complex searching.

Files are multi-page PDFs from which most of the documents on the site are selected. All of Mrs Thatcher’s official files from No.10 are available in full on this site (paper copies are stored at the National Archives in the series PREM19), as well as most of those of Geoffrey Howe and Nigel Lawson as Chancellor (stored at TNA as series T639 and T640).

Guides are articles about key events and topics. Many were written to accompany annual releases of Mrs Thatcher’s private and party papers at the Churchill Archive Centre in Cambridge.


  • Full Text Full text on site
  • Photo Photo
  • Video Video
  • Audio Audio
  • Info Only Info only (no text available)
  • CD Only Text on CD only