Speeches, etc.

Margaret Thatcher

Remarks after voting in the Westminster constituency ("hope and belief" in victory)

Document type: Speeches, interviews, etc.
Venue: Central London Institute (Polling Station), Westminster
Source: Thatcher Archive: General Election Compilation Tape (VHS)
Editorial comments: Around 1000.
Importance ranking: Minor
Word count: 163

Television Commentary (?ITN)

It was just after 10 o'clock this morning when Mrs Thatcher, registered for the past eight years from her home in Downing Street, arrived at her polling station. She cast her vote in what is one of the safest Tory seats away from the cameras and photographers but emerged after a few minutes to pose obligingly. Mrs Thatcher said she was feeling fine but she was a little reluctant to predict the election result:


So, Prime Minister, are we going to have a prediction?


Absolutely wonderful … inaudible


Just a hope?


Hope and belief.

Television Commentary (?ITN)

With that—hope and belief in victory—she drove off to visit party workers. Finally, after three weeks in front of the cameras … Tape ends.