Speeches, etc.

Margaret Thatcher

Remarks to the crowd in Downing Street

Document type: Speeches, interviews, etc.
Venue: Downing Street
Source: Thatcher Archive: COI transcript
Editorial comments: 1200. The tape is incomplete.
Importance ranking: Minor
Word count: 241


We hear you are ten today. Lovely, just after General Election Day and we are celebrating today as well. We wondered if you would like a little booklet of No. 10. This is what goes on behind the front door. That is a cabinet room and it will tell you the history. That is what goes on behind the front door and I hope you have a lovely birthday and that you will remember it always.

A very good manifesto was it not?


It was an excellent manifesto, Prime Minister, and an excellent campaign.


I thought so because we were concentrating on content.


You won because you were the best.


Thank you very much. We have got a lot of work to do now.

I think the real thing now is we have done it three times, with 100%;. Is that for me? That is lovely. Thank you very much. With a universal franchise, the third time is terrific is it not?


Maggie, well done old girl. Thank you very much for coming back. You are great, you are the greatest.


Will you be doing something for the health service, for the nurses?


We have got your pay review body and we are, as you know, putting all that into operation.


At St Thomas 's … tape ends