

Ending: 3 May 1979. Document type: Declassified documents.

Showing items 1 - 500 of 2055.

PDF PREM19/1 80 Feb 21 86 Jun 30 36 Confidential Archives (Suez 1956 files)
PDF PREM19/2 79 May 21 79 Aug 3 212 Confidential Australia (MT visit to, Jul 1979)
PDF PREM19/3 79 May 18 79 Nov 29 236 Confidential China (Premier Hua visit to UK, Oct 1979) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/4 79 May 22 79 Oct 15 109 Confidential Civil Service (Dispersal) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/5 79 May 8 79 May 28 189 Confidential Civil Service (Manpower Freeze) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/6 79 Sep 7 79 Dec 31 198 Confidential Civil Service (Manpower Freeze) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/7 79 Nov 20 79 Nov 26 4 Confidential Civil Service (Christmas Message)
PDF PREM19/9 79 May 18 79 Jul 31 201 Secret Commonwealth (Lusaka Heads of Government Meeting) (CHOGM) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/10 79 Jul 31 79 Aug 17 56 Confidential Commonwealth (Lusaka CHOGM - bilaterals)
PDF PREM19/11 79 Sep 5 79 Dec 17 28 Secret Cuba (Soviet ground forces)
PDF PREM19/12 79 Nov 19 79 Dec 14 9 Confidential Cuba (UK credits)
PDF PREM19/13 79 Aug 27 79 Dec 21 216 Restricted Deaths (Lord Mountbatten)
PDF PREM19/14 79 May 21 79 Dec 15 177 Top Secret Defence (UK Strategic Nuclear Deterrent) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/15 79 May 16 79 Nov 29 226 Secret Defence (Modernisation of Theatre Nuclear Forces)(Part 1)
PDF PREM19/16 79 Jul 5 79 Nov 27 8 Confidential Defence (Anglo-German offset agreement)
PDF PREM19/17 79 Nov 10 79 Nov 16 9 Secret Defence (Accidental US nuclear alert)
PDF PREM19/18 79 May 8 79 May 31 169 Secret Economic policy (Public Spending) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/19 79 Jun 1 79 Jul 16 206 Secret Economic policy (Public Spending) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/20 79 Jul 17 79 Aug 29 139 Secret Economic policy (Public Spending) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/21 79 Sep 6 79 Sep 28 106 Secret Economic policy (Public Spending) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/22 79 Oct 1 79 Oct 23 122 Secret Economic policy (Public Spending) (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/23 79 Oct 24 79 Nov 19 292 Secret Economic policy (Public Spending) (Part 6)
PDF PREM19/24 79 May 4 79 Jun 14 111 Secret Economic policy (Strategy) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/25 79 Jun 17 79 Jul 13 167 Secret Economic policy (Strategy) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/26 79 Jul 16 79 Oct 2 56 Secret Economic policy (Strategy) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/29 79 May 4 79 Jun 11 347 Secret Economic policy (Budget) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/30 79 May 15 79 Dec 18 219 Confidential Economic policy (National Economic Development Council) (NEDC) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/31 79 Jun 4 79 Jul 20 189 Secret Economic policy (Privatization) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/32 79 Jul 23 79 Dec 19 115 Secret Economic policy (Privatization) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/33 79 May 10 79 Jul 25 208 Secret Economic policy (Domestic monetary policy) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/34 79 Sep 7 79 Dec 20 245 Secret Economic policy (Domestic monetary policy) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/35 79 May 7 79 Jun 28 167 Confidential Economic policy (Price Commission & Competition Bill)(Part 1)
PDF PREM19/36 79 Sep 6 79 Oct 26 67 Unclassified Economic policy (Invisibles in trade figures)
PDF PREM19/37 79 May 1 79 May 8 60 Confidential Economic policy (CPRS paper on UK economy)
PDF PREM19/38 79 May 30 79 Sep 10 44 Confidential Economic policy (Proposed Council of Economic Advisers)
PDF PREM19/39 79 Jun 20 79 Jun 21 9 Confidential Economic policy (Bank of England staff pay)
PDF PREM19/40 79 Jul 16 79 Dec 18 87 Confidential Economic policy (Executive perks)
PDF PREM19/41 79 May 4 79 May 7 93 Secret Elections (Briefing for incoming PM)
PDF PREM19/42 79 May 4 79 Jun 16 219 Confidential Energy (Energy Policy) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/43 79 Jun 17 79 Oct 30 232 Secret Energy (Energy Policy) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/44 79 Jul 3 79 Sep 12 174 Secret Energy (British National Oil Corporation & BP shares) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/45 79 Sep 13 79 Dec 21 267 Secret Energy (British National Oil Corporation & BP shares) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/46 79 May 24 79 Sep 20 41 Confidential Energy (Offshore Supplies Interest Relief Grants Scheme)
PDF PREM19/47 79 May 28 79 Jun 29 28 Confidential Energy (Nuclear power safety - Schmidt letter)
PDF PREM19/48 79 May 29 79 Aug 14 114 Confidential Energy (Nuclear power plant industry
PDF PREM19/49 79 Jun 27 79 Jul 12 42 Confidential Energy (UK/Australia nuclear safeguards agreement)
PDF PREM19/50 79 May 8 79 Oct 26 230 Confidential European policy (Agriculture) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/51 79 May 30 79 Jun 27 407 Confidential European policy (European Council, Strasbourg June 1979) Part 01
PDF PREM19/52 79 Oct 19 79 Dec 7 300 Secret European policy (European Council, Dublin Nov 1979) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/53 79 May 4 79 Jul 12 166 Confidential European policy (European Community budget) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/54 79 Jul 13 79 Oct 25 244 Secret European policy (European Community budget) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/55 79 Oct 25 79 Nov 30 329 Secret European policy (European Community budget) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/56 79 Aug 22 79 Aug 30 19 Confidential Fishing Industry (Mourne herring fishery)
PDF PREM19/57 79 May 8 79 Aug 28 172 Secret France (MT visits to, Paris June 1979) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/58 79 May 4 79 May 25 220 Secret Germany (Chancellor's visits to UK, Schmidt May 1979) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/59 79 Jun 11 79 Dec 7 156 Secret Germany (MT visits to, Bonn Oct 1979) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/60 79 May 7 79 Jul 14 287 Confidential Government machinery (Rayner review) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/61 79 Jul 16 79 Sep 14 124 Confidential Government machinery (Rayner review) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/62 79 Sep 17 79 Nov 29 255 Confidential Government machinery (Rayner review) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/63 79 Jun 1 79 Jun 4 4 Unclassified Government machinery (Ministerial responsibility for population matters)
PDF PREM19/65 79 Sep 5 79 Oct 23 56 Confidential Greece (PM Karamanlis visit to UK, Oct 1979)
PDF PREM19/66 79 May 21 79 Jun 7 12 Unclassified Home affairs (Sale of Isle of Iona)
PDF PREM19/67 79 May 24 79 Jun 12 18 Confidential India (Call on MT by Deputy PM Ram)
PDF PREM19/68 79 Jun 19 79 Nov 27 176 Confidential Indonesia (President Suharto visit to UK, Nov 1979)
PDF PREM19/69 79 May 17 79 Dec 21 414 Confidential Industrial policy (Meetings with the TUC) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/70 79 May 5 79 Sep 27 191 Confidential Industrial policy (Industrial relations law) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/71 79 Sep 7 79 Dec 13 119 Confidential Industrial policy (Future of British Leyland) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/72 79 Jul 13 79 Nov 14 97 Secret Industrial policy (Future of Rolls-Royce)
PDF PREM19/73 79 May 7 79 Jul 2 71 Confidential Industrial policy (Ford Motor Company - meeting with Henry Ford II)
PDF PREM19/74 79 Jul 31 79 Sep 3 16 Unclassified Industrial policy (Employee stock ownership - correspondence with US Senator)
PDF PREM19/75 79 Aug 24 79 Sep 17 17 Confidential Industrial policy (National Enterprise Board - Hartlepool titanium project)
PDF PREM19/76 79 May 10 79 Dec 10 268 Secret Iran (Internal situation, including hostage crisis) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/77 79 Dec 11 79 Dec 22 225 Secret Iran (Internal situation, including hostage crisis) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/78 79 May 15 79 May 24 23 Secret Iran (Jewish community - correspondence with President Carter)
PDF PREM19/79 79 May 2 79 Sep 6 156 Secret Ireland (Taoiseach's visits to UK) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/80 79 May 2 79 Aug 24 235 Secret Ireland (Northern Ireland situation) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/81 79 Aug 27 79 Sep 28 184 Secret Ireland (Northern Ireland situation) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/82 79 Oct 1 79 Oct 23 107 Secret Ireland (Northern Ireland situation) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/83 79 Oct 24 79 Nov 29 225 Secret Ireland (Northern Ireland situation) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/84 79 Aug 1 79 Aug 24 62 Confidential Ireland (Intervention by Governor Carey of New York State)
PDF PREM19/86 79 Jul 5 79 Jul 24 18 Confidential Israel (Farewell call by Israeli Ambassador, July 1979)
PDF PREM19/87 79 Jun 1 79 Jul 16 104 Confidential Italy (Italian PM’s visits to UK) (?Part 1) [possible filing error - Part 2 of this file has no clear Part 1]
PDF PREM19/88 79 Sep 20 79 Oct 8 101 Confidential Italy (MT’s visits to Italy; Anglo-Italian Summits) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/89 79 May 17 79 May 18 5 Confidential Legal procedure (Authority to order drafting of Bills)
PDF PREM19/90 79 May 10 79 Sep 18 228 Confidential Local government (Relations with central government, organisation & finance) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/92 79 May 17 79 Sep 20 223 Secret Middle East (Situation in the Middle East) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/93 79 May 9 79 May 11 52 Confidential Ministers (Ministers assess position they inherited on taking office)
PDF PREM19/95 79 May 4 79 Jul 27 242 Confidential National Health Service (Doctors' and Dentists' pay) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/96 79 May 4 79 Nov 29 121 Confidential Nationalized industries (Shipbuilding) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/97 79 Jun 1 79 Nov 12 133 Confidential Nationalized industries (Steel) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/98 79 Jun 1 79 Jun 7 15 Confidential Nationalized industries (British Rail - cutback in fuel supplies)
PDF PREM19/99 79 Jul 27 79 Aug 23 15 Confidential Pakistan (Sale of cargo ships to Pakistan by British Shipbuilders)
PDF PREM19/100 79 May 5 79 Jul 6 127 Confidential Parliament (Legislative programme) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/101 79 Jul 12 79 Nov 23 334 Secret Parliament (Legislative programme) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/102 79 May 7 79 May 29 34 Confidential Prime Minister (Meeting with Cardinal Hume, Northern Ireland May 1979)
PDF PREM19/103 79 May 9 79 Oct 17 41 Unclassified Prime Minister (Meeting with British Council of Churches Oct 1979)
PDF PREM19/104 79 May 8 79 Sep 25 193 Confidential Prime Minister (MT's visits to Departments & possible regional visits)
PDF PREM19/106 79 Apr 30 79 May 31 321 Secret Rhodesia (Situation in) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/107 79 Jun 1 79 Jul 4 382 Secret Rhodesia (Situation in) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/108 79 Jul 4 79 Jul 30 254 Secret Rhodesia (Situation in) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/109 79 Jul 31 79 Aug 9 226 Confidential Rhodesia (Situation in) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/110 79 Aug 9 79 Aug 30 355 Secret Rhodesia (Situation in) (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/111 79 Aug 31 79 Sep 11 206 Secret Rhodesia (Situation in) (Part 6)
PDF PREM19/112 79 Sep 11 79 Oct 10 293 Secret Rhodesia (Situation in) (Part 7)
PDF PREM19/113 79 Oct 11 79 Oct 31 342 Secret Rhodesia (Situation in) (Part 8)
PDF PREM19/114 79 Nov 1 79 Nov 18 295 Secret Rhodesia (Situation in) (Part 9)
PDF PREM19/115 79 Nov 19 79 Nov 30 273 Secret Rhodesia (Situation in) (Part 10)
PDF PREM19/116 79 Dec 2 79 Dec 21 443 Secret Rhodesia (Situation in) (Part 11)
PDF PREM19/121 79 Jun 19 79 Dec 20 158 Confidential Social services (Benefits) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/122 79 Aug 1 79 Sep 10 42 Confidential South Africa (Plessey Radar contract - poss breach UN embargo)
PDF PREM19/124 79 Jun 22 79 Jul 17 57 Confidential Soviet Union (MT's stopover in Moscow, en route to Tokyo G7 Summit)
PDF PREM19/125 79 Jun 7 79 Jul 3 17 Confidential Transport (Consumers & nationalized transport industries)
PDF PREM19/126 79 Jul 6 79 Dec 17 70 Confidential United States (President Carter's energy policy)
PDF PREM19/127 79 Nov 8 79 Dec 21 301 Secret United States (MT visit to Washington - policy, December 1979)
PDF PREM19/128 79 Jul 10 79 Oct 1 67 Confidential Vatican (Possible papal visit to Ireland, north & south)
PDF PREM19/129 79 May 24 79 Jun 14 309 Secret Vietnam (Vietnamese boat people) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/130 79 Jun 15 79 Jul 19 304 Secret Vietnam (Vietnamese boat people) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/131 79 Nov 11 79 Nov 13 23 Confidential Zaire (Call on MT by Foreign Minister of)
PDF PREM19/133 79 Nov 19 79 Nov 24 418 Secret European policy (European Council, Dublin Nov 1979 - briefing)
PDF PREM19/134 79 Dec 17 80 Jan 6 280 Secret Afghanistan (Soviet invasion) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/135 80 Jan 6 80 Jan 20 317 Secret Afghanistan (Soviet invasion) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/136 80 Jan 21 80 Feb 28 257 Secret Afghanistan (Soviet invasion) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/137 80 Feb 28 80 Apr 9 220 Secret Afghanistan (Soviet invasion) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/138 80 May 20 80 Jun 2 17 Confidential Algeria (Visit to UK by Foreign Minister Mohammed Benyahia, June 1980: meeting with Prime Minister) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/139 80 Mar 26 80 Oct 22 20 Confidential Anguilla (Legislation for separation of Anguilla from St Kitts-Nevis)
PDF PREM19/140 80 Feb 26 80 Jun 11 16 Confidential Argentina (Visit to UK by Dr Martinez de Hoz, Minister of Economy, June 1980)
PDF PREM19/141 80 Apr 18 80 Apr 21 28 Restricted Australia (Prime Minister’s televised telephone conversation with Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser to mark 50th anniversary of Australia’s first international telephone service)
PDF PREM19/142 80 Apr 10 80 Jul 25 78 Confidential Bangladesh (Visit to UK by President Ziaur Rahman, June 1980: meeting with Prime Minister)
PDF PREM19/143 79 May 23 80 Nov 6 248 Confidential Canada (UK/Canadian relations: patriation of the Canadian constitution) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/144 79 May 17 80 May 15 144 Secret Civil Service (Pay and Pensions: reports by Government Actuary’s Department and Civil Service Pay Research Unit)
PDF PREM19/145 80 Feb 14 80 Apr 22 23 Unclassified Civil Service (Proposal to close Public Record Office research room in Chancery Lane)
PDF PREM19/146 80 Mar 21 80 Dec 3 18 Confidential Civil Service (Cabinet Office Whitley Council request for meeting, concerning pay, with Prime Minister)
PDF PREM19/147 80 Mar 10 80 Apr 10 162 Secret Civil Service (Long-term management and manpower policy: efficiency of central government; Civil Service manpower; Sir Derek Rayner’s recommendations for reforms) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/148 80 Apr 10 80 Apr 23 234 Secret Civil Service (Long-term management and manpower policy: efficiency of central government; Civil Service manpower; Sir Derek Rayner’s recommendations for reforms) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/149 80 Apr 24 80 May 7 143 Secret Civil Service (Long-term management and manpower policy: efficiency of central government; Civil Service manpower; Sir Derek Rayner’s recommendations for reforms) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/150 80 May 8 80 Jul 31 222 Secret Civil Service (Long-term management and manpower policy: efficiency of central government; Civil Service manpower; Sir Derek Rayner’s recommendations for reforms) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/151 80 Aug 5 80 Sep 30 167 Confidential Civil Service (Long-term management and manpower policy: efficiency of central government; Civil Service manpower; Sir Derek Rayner’s recommendations for reforms) (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/152 80 Oct 1 80 Nov 14 182 Secret Civil Service (Long-term management and manpower policy: efficiency of central government; Civil Service manpower; Sir Derek Rayner’s recommendations for reforms) (Part 6)
PDF PREM19/153 80 Jan 3 80 Mar 5 142 Secret Civil Service (Civil Service manpower: action to reduce size of Civil Service and staff costs) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/154 80 Mar 5 80 Jul 31 273 Secret Civil Service (Civil Service manpower: action to reduce size of Civil Service and staff costs; Civil Service pay; early retirement) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/155 79 Aug 1 80 Feb 6 131 Secret Commonwealth (Heads of Government Meeting in Lusaka, August 1979) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/156 79 Sep 11 80 Oct 7 27 Secret Commonwealth (Five Power Defence Arrangements: joint exercises; proposal from Prime Minister of Australia) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/157 80 Mar 12 80 Nov 26 37 Confidential Cyprus (Prime Minister’s meeting with Alecos Michaelides, President of Cyprus House of Representatives, November 1980)
PDF PREM19/158 79 Dec 14 80 Jul 31 42 Confidential Defence (Defence equipment trade with USA; possible sale of improved Harriers - the AV-8B)
PDF PREM19/159 79 Dec 4 80 Jun 9 199 Top Secret Defence (UK Strategic Nuclear Deterrent) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/161 79 May 10 80 Jan 17 129 Secret Defence (Defence budget) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/162 80 Jan 17 80 Jan 25 297 Secret Defence (Defence budget) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/163 80 Jan 25 80 Oct 16 248 Secret Defence (Defence budget) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/164 80 Jan 25 80 Oct 16 178 Secret Economic policy (Public Spending) (Part 7)
PDF PREM19/165 80 Jan 29 80 Feb 29 176 Secret Economic policy (Public Spending) (Part 8)
PDF PREM19/166 80 Mar 3 80 Jul 2 184 Secret Economic policy (Public Spending) (Part 9)
PDF PREM19/167 80 Jul 2 80 Oct 22 241 Secret Economic policy (Public Spending) (Part 10)
PDF PREM19/168 80 Oct 22 80 Nov 7 137 Secret Economic policy (Public Spending) (Part 11)
PDF PREM19/169 80 Nov 11 80 Nov 24 220 Secret Economic policy (Public Spending) (Part 12)
PDF PREM19/170 80 Feb 11 80 Oct 29 182 Secret Economic policy (Privatization) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/171 79 Oct 12 80 Jan 30 220 Secret Economic policy (Strategy) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/172 80 Feb 1 80 Jun 30 219 Confidential Economic policy (Strategy) (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/173 80 Jul 1 80 Sep 3 215 Secret Economic policy (Strategy) (Part 6)
PDF PREM19/174 80 Sep 19 80 Dec 31 377 Secret Economic policy (Strategy) (Part 7)
PDF PREM19/175 79 Jun 11 80 Feb 28 225 Secret Economic policy (Budget) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/176 79 Mar 1 80 May 12 198 Secret Economic policy (Budget) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/177 80 Jan 7 80 May 2 214 Secret Economic policy (Domestic monetary policy) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/178 80 May 6 80 Sep 22 161 Secret Economic policy (Domestic monetary policy) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/179 80 Sep 23 80 Oct 28 310 Secret Economic policy (Domestic monetary policy) (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/180 80 Oct 31 80 Nov 26 229 Secret Economic policy (Domestic monetary policy) (Part 6)
PDF PREM19/181 79 Jul 19 80 Jun 19 164 Secret Economic policy (Public sector pay policy; possible industrial disputes; the pay round) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/182 80 Jun 25 80 Oct 29 193 Secret Economic policy (Public sector pay policy; transitional problems; arbitration arrangements; comparability and cash limits) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/183 79 May 16 80 Mar 31 202 Secret Economic policy (Prime Minister’s meetings with Gordon Pepper) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/184 79 Oct 26 80 Nov 18 217 Confidential Economic policy (The Brandt Commission: report on international development issues; proposal for a North/South summit meeting) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/185 80 Jan 10 80 Jun 30 229 Secret Economic policy (Inflation proofed pensions in the public sector; independent enquiry) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/186 79 May 8 79 Sep 19 193 Secret Economic policy (Pay comparability and the future of the Standing Commission (Clegg Commission); Government response) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/187 79 Sep 21 80 Jul 1 183 Secret Economic policy (Pay comparability and the future of the Standing Commission (Clegg Commission); appointment of members) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/188 80 Jan 3 80 Jun 20 265 Secret Economic policy (G7 Summit - Venice) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/189 80 Jun 20 80 Aug 28 189 Secret Economic policy (G7 Summit - Venice) (Part 4) [Part 5 of this file has been destroyed]
PDF PREM19/190 80 Jan 4 80 Feb 13 14 Confidential Economic policy (Public Service pay negotiating machinery)
PDF PREM19/191 80 Jul 17 80 Dec 23 59 Confidential Economic policy (Proposal for a national investment trust to promote wider property ownership: report by Leo Pliatzky, July 1980)
PDF PREM19/192 80 Jan 25 80 Jan 28 6 Unclassified Economic policy (Demonetisation of old sixpence)
PDF PREM19/193 79 May 9 80 Jun 30 114 Secret Economic policy (Top Salaries Review Body reports on salaries of senior civil servants, senior armed forces officers, judges, nationalised industries board members, Ministers and MPs) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/194 79 Jun 27 80 Jun 20 173 Secret Economic policy (Small firms: eliminating undue burdens; enterprise proposals; assistance; tax relief) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/195 79 Nov 14 80 Mar 20 61 Secret Economic policy (Possible changes in the taxation of bank profits)
PDF PREM19/196 80 Oct 7 80 Nov 21 20 Confidential Economic policy (Liability to tax of UK resident beneficiaries of overseas trusts: the Vestey case, November 1979)
PDF PREM19/197 80 May 9 80 Jul 15 34 Confidential Economic policy (Seminar with academic economists, 13 July 1980)
PDF PREM19/198 79 Jul 4 80 Jun 20 131 Confidential Education (Future of the Inner London Education Authority (ILEA)) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/199 80 Jun 20 80 Nov 28 36 Confidential Education (Future of the Inner London Education Authority (ILEA)) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/200 79 May 4 80 Jun 17 154 Confidential Education (Teachers’ pay) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/201 80 Feb 15 80 Jul 22 17 Confidential Education (Committee of inquiry into the education of handicapped children and young people: responses to the Warnock Report, 1978)
PDF PREM19/202 80 Jan 30 80 Mar 10 16 Confidential Education (Non-teaching staff employed by local education authorities)
PDF PREM19/203 79 Nov 5 80 Feb 19 264 Secret Energy (Energy Policy) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/204 80 Feb 20 80 May 7 207 Confidential Energy (Energy Policy) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/205 80 May 9 80 Dec 10 218 Secret Energy (Energy Policy) (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/206 79 Dec 27 80 Jun 20 198 Secret Energy (Future of British National Oil Corporation (BNOC); proposed sale of British Petroleum (BP) assets; Petroleum and Submarine Pipeline Bill) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/207 79 May 31 80 Apr 8 262 Secret Energy (Energy conservation and home insulation schemes: oil demand restraint) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/208 79 Jul 23 80 Sep 8 52 Confidential Energy (Coking coal: National Coal Board grant; British Steel Corporation imports)
PDF PREM19/210 79 May 11 80 Dec 12 131 Confidential Energy (European Community energy issues; research projects; oil import targets; coking coal scheme; projects in the hydrocarbons sector)
PDF PREM19/211 80 Mar 27 80 Oct 29 24 Unclassified Energy (Burgoyne Committee report on offshore safety; transfer of responsibility)
PDF PREM19/212 79 May 4 79 Jun 15 199 Top Secret Defence (Arms control) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/213 79 Jun 18 79 Aug 24 231 Secret Defence (Arms control) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/214 79 Oct 29 80 Jan 31 185 Confidential European Policy (Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/215 80 Feb 5 80 Mar 10 116 Secret European Policy (Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/216 80 Mar 12 80 Apr 30 145 Secret European Policy (Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/217 80 May 1 80 Jul 16 209 Secret European Policy (Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)) (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/218 80 Jul 18 80 Nov 27 207 Secret European Policy (Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)) (Part 6)
PDF PREM19/219 80 Feb 5 80 May 15 307 Secret European Policy (European Council Meeting in Luxembourg, 27-28 April 1980 (re-scheduled from Brussels)) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/220 80 Jan 14 80 Jun 19 181 Confidential European Policy (European Council Meeting, Venice, 12-13 June 1980) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/221 80 Oct 24 80 Dec 4 128 Secret European Policy (European Council Meeting, Luxembourg, 1-2 December 1980) (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/222 79 Dec 3 80 Jan 21 219 Secret European Policy (European Community budget) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/223 80 Jan 22 80 Feb 25 144 Secret European Policy (European Community budget) (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/224 80 Feb 26 80 Mar 19 153 Secret European Policy (European Community budget) (Part 6)
PDF PREM19/225 80 Mar 19 80 Apr 28 259 Secret European Policy (European Community budget) (Part 7)
PDF PREM19/226 80 Apr 29 80 Jun 3 251 Secret European Policy (European Community budget) (Part 8)
PDF PREM19/227 80 Jun 4 80 Sep 19 196 Secret European Policy (European Community budget) (Part 9)
PDF PREM19/228 79 May 10 80 Nov 4 192 Secret European Policy (Prime Minister’s meetings with President of European Commission, Roy Jenkins)
PDF PREM19/229 79 Sep 3 80 Jul 30 80 Confidential European Policy (EEC food exports to Soviet Union; sales of subsidised butter)
PDF PREM19/230 80 Jan 4 80 Feb 7 6 Restricted European Policy (Designation of European Community)
PDF PREM19/231 80 Apr 15 80 May 29 33 Confidential European Policy (Visit to UK by Henri de Koster, President of Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, May 1980; meeting with Prime Minister)
PDF PREM19/232 79 Jul 16 80 Jul 18 218 Confidential European Policy (Prime Minister’s meetings with James Scott-Hopkins MEP, leader of European Democratic Group (EDG) in European Parliament, and other EDG MEPs)
PDF PREM19/233 79 May 8 80 Jan 31 260 Confidential Fishing industry (EEC Common Fisheries Policy) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/234 80 Mar 3 80 May 7 134 Confidential Fishing industry (EEC Common Fisheries Policy) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/235 80 May 9 80 Aug 15 178 Confidential Fishing industry (EEC Common Fisheries Policy) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/236 80 Aug 27 80 Oct 6 225 Secret Foreign Policy (Prime Minister’s visit to Greece and Yugoslavia, September 1980: policy)
PDF PREM19/237 80 May 5 80 May 9 92 Secret Foreign Policy (Prime Minister’s bilateral meetings in Belgrade whilst attending Tito’s funeral)
PDF PREM19/238 79 Jul 5 80 May 30 192 Top Secret Foreign Policy (East/West relations; Western strategy in wake of Soviet invasion of Afghanistan) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/239 79 Oct 9 80 Oct 6 321 Secret France (Prime Minister’s visit to France, September 1980: Franco-British Conference at Bordeaux)
PDF PREM19/240 80 Apr 23 80 May 22 43 Secret Gabon (Visit to UK by President Bongo, May 1980: call on Prime Minister)
PDF PREM19/241 79 May 16 80 Feb 28 147 Confidential Government Machinery (Responsibility for science matters; future of Advisory Council for Applied Research and Development (ACARD)) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/242 79 Nov 30 80 Feb 12 228 Confidential Government Machinery (Promotion of efficiency and elimination of waste: the scrutiny programme) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/243 80 Feb 14 80 May 30 244 Confidential Government Machinery (Promotion of efficiency and elimination of waste: the scrutiny programme) (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/244 80 Jun 5 80 Nov 24 243 Confidential Government Machinery (Promotion of efficiency and elimination of waste: the scrutiny programme) (Part 6)
PDF PREM19/246 79 Jul 19 80 Feb 8 14 Confidential Government Machinery (Future of Directorate of Overseas Surveys and Centre for Overseas Pest Research)
PDF PREM19/247 79 May 16 80 Feb 21 14 Confidential Government Machinery (Ministerial co-ordination of maritime affairs)
PDF PREM19/248 79 Apr 27 80 May 2 235 Confidential Government Machinery (Special advisers; appointment procedure; pay) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/249 80 Mar 14 80 Jul 4 215 Secret Government Machinery (Future of Civil Service Department; integration with the Treasury; Select Committee consideration) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/250 80 Jul 7 80 Nov 28 549 Secret Government Machinery (Future of Civil Service Department; integration with the Treasury; Select Committee consideration) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/251 80 Sep 12 80 Dec 29 128 Confidential Greece (Sale of coal fired power station)
PDF PREM19/252 79 Jun 11 80 Oct 13 157 Confidential Home Affairs (Pay of magistrates court staff; industrial action) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/253 79 Oct 4 80 Feb 25 69 Unclassified Home Affairs (Increase in incidence of leukaemia in Lancashire; correspondence with Stan Thorne MP)
PDF PREM19/254 79 Nov 14 80 Jul 2 14 Confidential Home Affairs (Use of immigration rules to prevent scientologists entering UK; lifting of the ban)
PDF PREM19/255 79 May 14 80 Dec 31 142 Confidential Hong Kong (UK trade with China; power projects in Hong Kong involving UK companies) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/256 79 May 22 80 Jul 31 117 Secret Housing (Housing policy; the Housing Bill; council house sales) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/257 80 Jun 18 80 Jul 16 26 Confidential India (Call on Prime Minister by Swraj Paul, Vice Chairman, Indo/British Association, July 1980; Indo-British exchange conference)
PDF PREM19/258 79 Dec 14 80 Mar 10 161 Secret Industrial policy (Future of British Leyland (BL)) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/259 80 Mar 11 80 Apr 17 245 Secret Industrial policy (Future of British Leyland (BL)) Part 3
PDF PREM19/260 79 May 4 80 Jun 30 150 Confidential Industrial policy (Future of National Enterprise Board (NEB); disposal of shareholdings; Ferranti) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/261 79 Oct 1 80 Feb 1 221 Secret Industrial policy (Industrial relations law) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/262 80 Feb 3 80 Feb 14 232 Secret Industrial policy (Industrial relations law) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/263 80 Feb 14 80 Apr 11 215 Secret Industrial policy (Industrial relations law) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/264 80 Apr 14 80 Jul 16 192 Confidential Industrial policy (Industrial relations law) (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/265 80 Jul 17 80 Nov 28 251 Confidential Industrial policy (Industrial relations law) (Part 6)
PDF PREM19/266 79 May 29 80 Sep 15 235 Confidential Industrial policy (Prime Minister’s meetings with Confederation of British Industry (CBI) on economic strategy) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/267 80 Jan 23 80 Aug 18 266 Confidential Industrial policy (Consultations with Trades Union Congress (TUC) on economic strategy; Prime Minister’s meetings with TUC representatives) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/268 80 Aug 20 80 Oct 16 227 Confidential Industrial policy (Consultations with Trades Union Congress (TUC) on economic strategy; Prime Minister’s meetings with TUC representatives) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/269 79 May 24 80 Apr 30 137 Confidential Industrial policy (Micro-electronics industry; support for Inmos Ltd (INMOS)) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/270 80 Nov 19 80 Nov 25 9 Confidential Industrial policy (Resource Centre in Wales: Welsh Office contribution to feasibility study by Wales Trades Union Congress) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/271 80 Aug 8 80 Oct 15 84 Secret Industrial policy (Industrial support) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/272 79 Jul 23 80 Jun 30 173 Secret Information and Publicity (Public attitudes on pay determination; presentation of Government’s economic policy) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/273 79 Dec 23 80 Jan 8 265 Secret Iran (Internal situation: relations with USA and UK following hostage taking at US embassy, Tehran; sanctions) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/274 80 Jan 9 80 Jan 30 213 Secret Iran (Internal situation: relations with USA and UK following hostage taking at US embassy, Tehran; sanctions) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/275 80 Feb 1 80 Apr 8 203 Secret Iran (Internal situation: relations with USA and UK following hostage taking at US embassy, Tehran; negotiations for release of hostages; sanctions) (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/276 80 Apr 9 80 Apr 30 244 Secret Iran (Internal situation: relations with USA and UK following hostage taking at US embassy, Tehran; US mission to release hostages; sanctions) (Part 6)
PDF PREM19/277 80 May 1 80 May 27 257 Secret Iran (Internal situation: relations with USA and UK following hostage taking at US embassy, Tehran; sanctions) (Part 7)
PDF PREM19/278 79 Sep 27 80 Sep 30 361 Secret Iraq (Internal situation: relations with Iran; escalation of conflict; impact of Iraq/Iran hostilities on oil market) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/279 79 Dec 5 80 Mar 7 198 Secret Ireland (Northern Ireland situation) (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/280 80 Mar 12 80 May 30 139 Secret Ireland (Situation in Northern Ireland; Northern Ireland Conference, Belfast) (Part 6)
PDF PREM19/281 80 Jun 5 80 Aug 5 156 Secret Ireland (Situation in Northern Ireland) (Part 7)
PDF PREM19/282 79 Nov 15 80 Dec 10 245 Secret Ireland (Hunger strike at Maze Prison, Northern Ireland; the ‘Dirty Protest’) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/283 80 Mar 3 80 Aug 8 164 Secret Ireland (Prime Minister’s meetings with the Taoiseach, Charles Haughey) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/285 80 Mar 3 80 Apr 3 19 Secret Israel (Visit to UK by Yigael Yadin, Deputy Prime Minister, March 1980: call on Prime Minister)
PDF PREM19/286 80 May 27 80 May 29 22 Secret Italy (Visit to UK by Emilio Colombo, Foreign Minister, May 1980)
PDF PREM19/288 79 Jun 13 80 Mar 5 141 Confidential Liberia (Visit to UK by President Tolbert, December 1979: meeting with Prime Minister)
PDF PREM19/289 79 Nov 15 80 Feb 26 110 Secret Local Government (Relations with central government, organisation & finance) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/290 80 Feb 28 80 Sep 27 205 Secret Local Government (Relations with central government, organisation & finance) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/291 79 May 8 80 May 9 248 Secret Local Government (Waste in local authority expenditure)
PDF PREM19/292 79 May 17 80 Sep 22 16 Confidential Local Government (Ministerial responsibility for the Welsh rate support grant; administration of unitary grant in Wales)
PDF PREM19/293 80 Jan 10 80 Oct 15 107 Confidential Manpower (Special employment measures; youth unemployment; education, training and industrial performance; industrial training) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/294 80 Jan 16 80 Nov 11 79 Confidential Memoirs (BBC programmes based on Lord Mountbatten’s memoirs)
PDF PREM19/295 79 Sep 21 80 May 9 250 Secret Middle East (Situation in the Middle East) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/296 80 May 13 80 Jun 30 275 Confidential Middle East (Situation in the Middle East) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/297 80 Jul 2 80 Aug 29 297 Confidential Middle East (Situation in the Middle East) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/298 80 Feb 13 80 Mar 12 20 Confidential Morocco (Visit to UK by former Prime Minister, Ahmed Osman, March 1980: meeting with Prime Minister)
PDF PREM19/299 79 Aug 9 80 Mar 27 69 Unclassified National Health (Fluoridation of water supplies; correspondence with Sir Emmanuel Kaye)
PDF PREM19/300 79 Oct 25 80 Feb 8 24 Confidential National Health (Pneumoconiosis compensation schemes)
PDF PREM19/301 79 Jul 31 80 Mar 3 30 Confidential National Health (Overspending by Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham Area Health Authority (AHA); removal of powers by Social Services Secretary; AHA resumption of powers following Court ruling)
PDF PREM19/302 79 Jun 27 80 Mar 17 145 Confidential Nationalised Industries (Coal mines) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/303 79 Sep 28 80 Mar 21 231 Confidential Nationalised Industries (Gas and electricity prices; financial targets and energy pricing policy) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/304 79 Mar 26 80 Oct 2 164 Secret Nationalised Industries (Gas and electricity prices; financial targets and energy pricing policy) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/305 79 May 9 80 Feb 18 97 Confidential Nationalised Industries (Privatisation) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/306 80 Feb 21 80 Oct 17 150 Confidential Nationalised Industries (Privatisation) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/307 79 Nov 28 80 Jan 7 258 Confidential Nationalised Industries (British Steel Corporation; industrial action by steel unions; contingency planning) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/308 80 Jan 8 80 Jan 22 319 Secret Nationalised Industries (British Steel Corporation; industrial action by steel unions; contingency planning) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/309 80 Jan 22 80 Feb 15 207 Secret Nationalised Industries (British Steel Corporation; industrial action by steel unions; contingency planning) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/310 80 Feb 15 80 Mar 12 226 Secret Nationalised Industries (British Steel Corporation; industrial action by steel unions; pay negotiations; contingency planning) (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/311 80 Mar 12 80 Jul 30 228 Secret Nationalised Industries (British Steel Corporation (BSC); industrial action by steel unions; Lord Lever’s inquiry and recommendations for settlement accepted by BSC and Steel Union) (Part 6)
PDF PREM19/312 80 Sep 12 80 Nov 27 162 Secret Nationalised Industries (British Steel Corporation (BSC); BSC finances and future shape under new chairman; problems of private sector steel firms) (Part 7)
PDF PREM19/313 79 Jun 4 80 Nov 17 55 Confidential Nationalised Industries (Water industry pay; contingency planning) (Part 7)
PDF PREM19/314 79 Dec 5 80 Nov 12 193 Confidential Nationalised Industries (Shipbuilding; British Shipbuilders (BS) strategy and financing; BS pay claim; privatisation) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/315 80 Jul 2 80 Aug 4 14 Unclassified Nationalised Industries (Correspondence with Alan Newman Ltd about contract for conversion of liner into floating hotel: negative response from Harland and Wolff and British Shipbuilders)
PDF PREM19/316 79 Aug 31 80 Jul 17 153 Secret New Hebrides (Independence; security situation; disturbances on Santo and Tanna; Anglo/French consultations) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/317 80 Jul 18 80 Jul 30 64 Secret New Hebrides (Independence; security situation; disturbances on Santo; Anglo/French consultations; dispatch of military forces) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/318 79 Nov 22 80 Oct 2 64 Confidential New Zealand (Visit to UK by Brian Talboys, Deputy Prime Minister, December 1979, May 1980, and October 1980: meetings with Prime Minister)
PDF PREM19/319 79 Jun 19 80 Feb 20 188 Confidential Overseas Aid (Aid Policy Review: 1979-1980 and 1980-1981 aid programmes) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/320 80 Jun 12 80 Jun 19 70 Confidential Pakistan (Visit to UK by Agha Shahi, Foreign Minister, June 1980: meeting with Prime Minister)
PDF PREM19/321 80 May 9 80 Oct 17 14 Top Secret Parliament (Defence Committee inquiry into Polaris successor systems)
PDF PREM19/322 79 May 8 80 Jan 28 189 Confidential Parliament (House of Commons procedure; reorganization of Select Committees; Departmental Select Committees) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/323 80 Feb 1 80 Mar 13 240 Confidential Parliament (House of Commons procedure; reorganization of Select Committees; Departmental Select Committees; provision of evidence to Select Committees) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/324 80 Mar 14 80 Jun 18 290 Secret Parliament (House of Commons procedure; reorganization of Select Committees; Departmental Select Committees; provision of evidence to Select Committees) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/325 79 Nov 23 80 Feb 15 302 Confidential Parliament (Legislative programme) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/326 80 Feb 15 80 Mar 31 191 Secret Parliament (Legislative programme) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/327 80 Apr 1 80 Oct 23 188 Confidential Parliament (Legislative programme) (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/328 79 Jun 8 80 Feb 7 243 Secret Parliament (Top Salaries Review Body report on Parliamentary pay) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/329 80 Feb 12 80 Jul 10 194 Secret Parliament (Top Salaries Review Body report on Parliamentary pay) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/330 80 Jul 10 80 Nov 28 225 Confidential Parliament (Top Salaries Review Body report on Parliamentary pay) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/331 79 Aug 22 80 Nov 28 227 Secret Poland (Internal situation; relations with UK) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/332 80 May 21 81 Jan 19 37 Restricted Post and Telecommunications (Postal charges on articles for the blind)
PDF PREM19/333 79 May 15 80 Jul 4 258 Confidential Post and Telecommunications (Postal tariff increases; industrial dispute; finances; industrial democracy. Future of the Post Office: British Telecommunications (BT); telecommunications monopoly; postal monopoly) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/334 79 Mar 6 80 Aug 28 47 Confidential Prime Minister (Meeting with Clifton C Garvin Jr, Chairman of Exxon, June 1980)
PDF PREM19/335 79 Sep 27 80 Jan 11 240 Secret Prime Minister (Visits to government departments and regional visits) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/336 80 Apr 24 80 Jun 5 34 Unclassified Prime Minister (Meeting with delegation from British Chamber of Commerce on trade union immunities)
PDF PREM19/337 80 Apr 1 80 May 1 75 Restricted Prime Minister (Meeting with delegation from Kingston upon Hull on 24 April 1980 to discuss problems of the fishing industry)
PDF PREM19/338 79 Oct 31 80 Mar 18 63 Unclassified Prime Minister (Meeting with Sir Horace Cutler to discuss Greater London Council (GLC) matters, December 1979)
PDF PREM19/339 80 Sep 11 80 Dec 19 58 Confidential Prime Minister (Prime Minister’s visit to Dublin, December 1980: administrative arrangements)
PDF PREM19/340 79 Nov 20 80 Jun 26 192 Confidential Regional Policy (Establishment of Enterprise Zones; legislative requirements; choice of sites) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/341 79 May 17 80 Sep 22 129 Confidential Rhodesia (Oil sanctions against Rhodesia; follow-up to Bingham Report; possible further review; proceedings by Lonrho against Shell and BP)
PDF PREM19/342 79 Dec 21 80 Jan 11 265 Confidential Rhodesia (Situation in) (Part 12)
PDF PREM19/343 80 Jan 12 80 Jan 24 258 Secret Rhodesia (Situation in) (Part 13)
PDF PREM19/344 80 Jan 25 80 Feb 15 297 Confidential Rhodesia (Situation in) (Part 14)
PDF PREM19/345 80 Feb 16 80 Feb 29 221 Secret Rhodesia (Situation in) (Part 15)
PDF PREM19/346 80 Feb 29 80 Mar 19 224 Secret Rhodesia (Situation in) (Part 16)
PDF PREM19/347 80 Mar 21 80 Aug 11 194 Confidential Rhodesia (Situation in) (Part 17)
PDF PREM19/348 79 Jul 13 79 Sep 14 419 Secret Rhodesia (Constitutional Conference, Lancaster House, London, Sept-Dec 1979: submission folder; proceedings & conference papers, CC (79) 1-10)
PDF PREM19/349 79 Sep 14 79 Oct 26 269 Restricted Rhodesia (Constitutional Conference, Lancaster House, London, Sept-Dec 1979: proceedings & conference papers, CC (79) 11-40)
PDF PREM19/350 79 Oct 27 79 Nov 16 324 Restricted Rhodesia (Constitutional Conference, Lancaster House, London, Sept-Dec 1979: proceedings & conference papers, CC (79) 41-79)
PDF PREM19/351 79 Nov 19 79 Dec 13 235 Restricted Rhodesia (Constitutional Conference, Lancaster House, London, Sept-Dec 1979: proceedings & conference papers, CC (79) 80-105)
PDF PREM19/352 79 Dec 15 79 Dec 15 148 Restricted Rhodesia (Constitutional Conference, Lancaster House, London, Sept-Dec 1979: proceedings & conference papers, CC (79) 106-109)
PDF PREM19/354 80 Apr 15 80 Apr 30 8 Confidential Royal Family (Visit to France by Prince Charles, July 1980)
PDF PREM19/356 80 Oct 23 80 Dec 17 84 Secret Security (Leak of documents on defence expenditure to Press Association)
PDF PREM19/357 80 Jan 4 80 Aug 4 57 Confidential Security (Review of adequacy of leaks procedure)
PDF PREM19/358 80 Jul 18 80 Jul 28 11 Secret Security (Article by Duncan Campbell in New Statesman on US National Security Agency (NSA) activities at Menwith Hill, North Yorkshire)
PDF PREM19/360 80 Jul 7 80 Oct 6 11 Secret Security (Alleged connection between Czech Intelligence Service and John Stonehouse)
PDF PREM19/362 79 Dec 6 80 Mar 24 23 Secret Security (Leak in Guardian and Time Out of Ministerial discussion on civil nuclear power programme)
PDF PREM19/365 79 Nov 22 80 Sep 30 282 Confidential Social Services (Rayner study on arrangements for paying social security benefits) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/366 80 Jan 3 80 Feb 25 101 Confidential Social Services (Taxation of short term benefits, supplementary benefits and strikers' benefits; financial treatment of strikers and their families) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/367 80 Feb 26 80 Jul 1 111 Confidential Social Services (Taxation of short term benefits, supplementary benefits and strikers' benefits; financial treatment of strikers and their families) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/368 80 Nov 5 80 Dec 31 16 Unclassified Social Services (Action on child abuse; death of Lucy Gates) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/369 80 Jul 2 80 Nov 11 78 Confidential Social Services (Prime Minister’s meeting with representatives of the Community Service Volunteers to discuss youth unemployment)
PDF PREM19/370 80 Sep 9 80 Oct 1 32 Confidential South Africa (Visit to UK by Dr Van Zyl Slabbert, leader of opposition, September 1980: call on Prime Minister)
PDF PREM19/371 79 Jun 18 80 Aug 27 235 Secret South Africa (Internal situation; relations with UK) Part 1
PDF PREM19/373 80 Jan 28 80 Feb 8 18 Unclassified Spain (EEC fishing licences for Spanish fishermen)
PDF PREM19/374 80 Jan 8 80 Mar 6 251 Secret Sport (UK participation in Moscow Olympic Games following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/375 80 Mar 6 80 Apr 30 201 Confidential Sport (UK participation in Moscow Olympic Games following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/376 80 May 9 80 Jul 30 142 Confidential Sport (UK participation in Moscow Olympic Games following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/377 79 Aug 30 80 Feb 28 173 Secret Sport (Sporting relations with South Africa)
PDF PREM19/378 80 Oct 24 80 Dec 9 21 Confidential Trade (Visit by David Howell, Secretary of State for Energy, to Mexico and Venezuela, September 1980; proposed seminar)
PDF PREM19/379 79 Oct 12 80 Jun 27 165 Confidential Trade (United States synthetic fibre exports to UK; problems of the UK clothing and textile industry) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/380 80 Feb 29 80 Mar 21 18 Confidential Tunisia (Call on Prime Minister by Habib Bourguiba, son of Tunisian President, March 1980)
PDF PREM19/381 80 May 28 80 Aug 15 74 Secret USA (Visit to UK by Dr Harold Brown, US Secretary of Defense, June 1980: meeting with Prime Minister)
PDF PREM19/382 80 Feb 20 80 Jun 9 27 Secret USA (Visit to UK by Major General George J Keegan Jr, US Air Force (retired), March 1980: call on Prime Minister)
PDF PREM19/383 79 May 14 80 Feb 22 173 Secret USA (Visits to UK by Cyrus Vance, US Secretary of State: meetings with Prime Minister)
PDF PREM19/384 79 Aug 13 80 Jan 4 69 Secret Yemen Arab Republic (Visit to UK by Prime Minister Abdul Aziz Abdul Ghani, November 1980: meeting with Prime Minister)
PDF PREM19/385 79 Aug 27 80 Jan 16 137 Top Secret Ireland (Prime Minister’s visit to Northern Ireland, December 1979)
PDF PREM19/387 80 Apr 10 81 Sep 14 333 Top Secret Afghanistan (Soviet invasion) (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/388 80 Mar 21 81 Apr 28 21 Confidential Agriculture (Proposed energy subsidies to horticulture and fisheries industries to combat 'unfair' foreign competition)
PDF PREM19/389 79 May 16 81 Mar 11 168 Confidential Agriculture (Liquid milk prices)
PDF PREM19/390 80 Oct 22 81 Feb 11 39 Confidential Arts and amenities (Export licence for Leicester Codex by Leonardo da Vinci, following purchase by Dr Armand Hammer)
PDF PREM19/391 80 May 20 81 Feb 2 31 Confidential Arts and amenities (Future of the Wernher Collection at Luton Hoo)
PDF PREM19/392 80 Jul 3 81 Apr 29 27 Confidential Australia (Transfer of uranium enrichment technology to Australia)
PDF PREM19/393 81 Sep 9 81 Dec 1 15 Confidential Brazil (Visit to UK by Foreign Minister, Ramiro Saraiva Guerreiro, December 1981: meeting with Prime Minister)
PDF PREM19/394 79 May 25 81 Oct 22 203 Confidential Broadcasting (BBC External Services)
PDF PREM19/395 79 Jul 16 81 Jun 16 172 Confidential Broadcasting (Legislation on broadcasting; fourth TV channel; Welsh language broadcasting (threatened hunger strike by former Plaid Cymru MP Gwynfor Evans); renewal of BBC Charter) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/396 79 May 4 81 Sep 23 171 Confidential Cabinet (Questions of Procedure for Ministers: revision and reissue; disclosure of structure and details of Cabinet committees)
PDF PREM19/397 80 Nov 11 81 Feb 27 252 Secret Canada (UK/Canadian relations: patriation of the Canadian constitution) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/398 81 Mar 2 81 Oct 23 386 Confidential Canada (UK/Canadian relations: patriation of the Canadian constitution) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/399 80 May 16 81 Feb 25 178 Secret Civil service (Pay and pensions: public sector pay policy; review of pay research system; staffing problems in London) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/400 81 Mar 2 81 Apr 15 211 Secret Civil service (Pay and pensions: public sector pay policy; Civil Service pay dispute; industrial action) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/401 81 Apr 16 81 May 18 252 Secret Civil service (Pay and pensions: public sector pay policy; Civil Service pay dispute; industrial action; proposal for independent inquiry) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/402 81 May 19 81 Jun 8 189 Secret Civil service (Pay and pensions: public sector pay policy; Civil Service pay dispute; industrial action; revised terms of reference for proposed independent inquiry) (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/403 81 Jun 9 81 Jul 9 235 Secret Civil service (Pay and pensions: public sector pay policy; Civil Service pay dispute; industrial action; membership of independent inquiry;) (Part 6)
PDF PREM19/404 81 Jul 10 81 Nov 5 347 Secret Civil service (Pay and pensions: public sector pay policy; Civil Service pay dispute; industrial action; establishment of independent inquiry) (Part 7)
PDF PREM19/405 81 Feb 9 81 Jun 10 24 Confidential Civil service (Cynon Valley Borough Council dispute with Welsh Office over allocation of funds for highway maintenance)
PDF PREM19/406 80 Feb 8 81 Jul 14 288 Confidential Civil service (Annual scrutiny of departmental running costs) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/407 79 Jun 15 81 Jul 9 282 Secret Civil service (Pay of professional, technological and scientific grades: possibility of industrial action; review of Scientific Civil Service)
PDF PREM19/408 80 Nov 18 81 Mar 6 224 Secret Civil service (Long term management and manpower policy; Sir Derek Rayner's recommendations for reforms; Civil Service numbers and costs; performance related pay) (Part 7)
PDF PREM19/409 81 Mar 9 81 Sep 28 288 Confidential Civil service (Long term management and manpower policy; Sir Derek Rayner's recommendations for reforms; Civil Service numbers and costs; chain of command review; efficiency) (Part 8)
PDF PREM19/410 81 May 19 81 Sep 14 200 Secret Commonwealth (Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Melbourne, September-October 1981: procedure; attendance; agenda) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/411 79 May 31 81 Apr 1 159 Secret Defence (Sale of tanks to Jordan; future tank policy; future of Vickers Ltd Elswick works)
PDF PREM19/412 79 Dec 3 81 Mar 10 106 Top Secret Defence (Modernisation of Theatre Nuclear Forces (TNF) in Europe; proposed basing of United States Ground Launched Cruise Missiles (GLCM) in the UK) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/413 80 Sep 2 81 Dec 15 176 Confidential Defence (Defence sales) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/414 80 Oct 17 81 Mar 6 240 Secret Defence (Defence budget) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/415 81 Mar 11 81 May 17 397 Secret Defence (Defence budget) (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/416 81 May 18 81 Jun 30 227 Secret Defence (Defence budget) (Part 6)
PDF PREM19/417 80 Jun 10 81 Nov 12 276 Top Secret Defence (UK Strategic Nuclear Deterrent) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/418 80 Nov 25 81 Feb 16 575 Confidential Economic policy (Public Spending) (Part 13)
PDF PREM19/419 81 Feb 17 81 Sep 16 173 Secret Economic policy (Public Spending) (Part 14)
PDF PREM19/420 81 Oct 9 81 Oct 23 166 Secret Economic policy (Public Spending) (Part 15)
PDF PREM19/421 81 Oct 26 81 Nov 12 99 Secret Economic policy (Public Spending) (Part 16)
PDF PREM19/422 81 Nov 13 81 Dec 8 229 Secret Economic policy (Public Spending) (Part 17)
PDF PREM19/423 81 Jan 2 81 Jun 10 256 Secret Economic policy (Strategy) (Part 8)
PDF PREM19/424 81 Jun 11 81 Oct 9 272 Secret Economic policy (Strategy) (Part 9)
PDF PREM19/425 81 Oct 12 81 Dec 3 169 Secret Economic policy (Strategy) (Part 10)
PDF PREM19/426 80 Jun 25 81 Mar 4 96 Confidential Economic policy (Top Salaries Review Body (TSRB): future role; resignation of Lord Boyle of Handsworth as chairman; appointment of Lord Plowden)
PDF PREM19/427 80 Jul 1 81 Jan 30 161 Secret Economic policy (Policy towards the pay review bodies: Top Salaries Review Body (TSRB), Armed Forces Pay Review Body (AFPRB), Doctors and Dentists Review Body (DDRB)) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/428 81 Feb 2 81 Nov 9 175 Secret Economic policy (Policy towards the pay review bodies: Top Salaries Review Body (TSRB), Armed Forces Pay Review Body (AFPRB), Doctors and Dentists Review Body (DDRB)) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/429 79 Dec 14 81 Dec 29 187 Confidential Economic policy (Meetings of National Economic Development Council (NEDC); ministerial membership; Prime Minister's attendance) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/430 79 Dec 4 81 Mar 9 241 Secret Economic policy (Inland Revenue computer project: computerisation of PAYE; future of International Computers Limited (ICL))
PDF PREM19/431 80 Jul 8 81 Apr 7 233 Secret Economic policy (Policy towards small firms) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/432 80 Jul 4 81 Aug 5 117 Confidential Economic policy (Standing Commission on Pay Comparability; abolition of the Commission; future of Pay Review Bodies) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/433 80 Nov 28 81 Jun 4 246 Confidential Economic policy (Inquiry into Value of Pensions (chairman: Sir Bernard Scott); index linked public sector pensions) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/434 80 Sep 2 81 Aug 4 157 Confidential Economic policy (Correspondence with Armand Hammer, chairman of Occidental Petroleum; meetings with Prime Minister; proposals for a polyethylene plant in Scotland; export licence for Leicester Codex)
PDF PREM19/435 80 Nov 12 81 Sep 24 263 Confidential Economic policy (Brandt Commission; relations with developing countries; North/South Dialogue; Cancun Summit, Mexico) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/436 79 May 25 82 Apr 16 170 Unclassified Economic policy (Correspondence from John Sparrow on financial and economic policy; meetings with Prime Minister)
PDF PREM19/437 79 May 4 81 Oct 23 267 Secret Economic policy (Exchange rate; exchange control policy; inflow controls) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/438 80 Oct 31 81 Feb 17 244 Secret Economic policy (Budget) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/439 81 Feb 18 81 Jul 10 227 Secret Economic policy (Budget) (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/440 80 Dec 1 81 Mar 12 244 Secret Economic policy (Domestic monetary policy) (Part 7)
PDF PREM19/441 81 Mar 18 81 Aug 17 337 Secret Economic policy (Domestic monetary policy) (Part 8)
PDF PREM19/442 80 Oct 31 81 Mar 11 186 Confidential Economic policy (Public sector pay policy; arbitration arrangements; Treasury monitoring reports) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/443 81 Mar 16 81 Aug 6 197 Confidential Economic policy (Public sector pay policy; arbitration arrangements; Treasury monitoring reports) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/444 80 Oct 31 81 Oct 21 255 Secret Economic policy (Disposal of public sector assets) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/445 81 Feb 2 81 Jul 15 225 Secret Economic policy (G7 Summit - Ottawa) (Part 6) [Part 5 of this file has been destroyed]
PDF PREM19/446 81 Jul 16 81 Nov 10 252 Confidential Economic policy (G7 Summit - Ottawa) (Part 7)
PDF PREM19/447 81 Jun 19 81 Sep 22 106 Secret Economic policy (Report by Central Policy Review Staff (CPRS) on pay: ministerial consideration)
PDF PREM19/448 81 Feb 25 81 Mar 25 18 Secret Economic policy (Economic effects of industrial action: machinery of government aspects)
PDF PREM19/449 81 Mar 3 81 Mar 9 18 Secret Economic policy (Operation Enterprise campaign: organisation of government to assist small firms)
PDF PREM19/450 81 Feb 25 81 Aug 10 107 Secret Egypt (Visit to UK by President Sadat, August 1981: meeting with Prime Minister)
PDF PREM19/451 79 May 29 80 Sep 8 156 Confidential Egypt (Visits to UK by Vice President Mubarak in June 1979, May 1980 and September 1980: calls on the Prime Minister)
PDF PREM19/452 81 May 21 81 Aug 17 21 Confidential Energy (Mossmorran ethylene cracker project: possibility of Government assistance)
PDF PREM19/453 80 Jul 4 81 Dec 22 214 Secret Energy (Future of British National Oil Corporation (BNOC); Petroleum and Continental Shelf Bill; Clyde oil field development) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/454 79 Jul 2 81 Sep 14 243 Confidential Energy (Proposal for North Sea gas gathering pipeline)
PDF PREM19/455 80 Dec 2 81 Mar 31 161 Secret European policy (Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)) (Part 7)
PDF PREM19/456 81 Apr 1 81 Nov 19 248 Secret European policy (Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)) (Part 8)
PDF PREM19/457 80 Sep 23 81 Feb 27 191 Confidential European policy (European Community budget) (Part 10)
PDF PREM19/458 81 Mar 4 81 Sep 24 114 Confidential European policy (European Community budget) (Part 11)
PDF PREM19/459 81 Oct 9 81 Dec 1 188 Confidential European policy (European Community budget) (Part 12)
PDF PREM19/460 79 Mar 13 81 Jun 30 184 Secret European policy (Report by the 'Three Wise Men' on European Community institutions)
PDF PREM19/461 81 Feb 24 81 Apr 2 85 Confidential European policy (European Council meeting in Maastricht, Netherlands, March 1981) (Part 6)
PDF PREM19/462 81 May 21 81 Jul 6 216 Confidential European policy (European Council meeting in Luxembourg, June 1981) (Part 7)
PDF PREM19/463 81 Oct 13 81 Nov 24 250 Secret European policy (European Council meeting in London, November 1981) (Part 8)
PDF PREM19/464 81 Nov 25 81 Dec 6 171 Confidential European policy (European Council meeting in London, November 1981) (Part 9)
PDF PREM19/465 80 Nov 3 81 Dec 16 134 Confidential European policy (Prime Minister's address to European Parliament, December 1981)
PDF PREM19/466 80 Sep 4 81 Sep 15 256 Secret Fishing industry (EEC Common Fisheries Policy) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/467 81 Feb 8 81 Apr 13 201 Confidential Foreign policy (Prime Minister's visit to Saudi Arabia & the Gulf States, April 1981) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/468 81 Mar 2 81 Mar 20 13 Confidential France (Visit to UK by Jacques Chaban-Delmas, President of National Assembly, March 1981: meeting with Prime Minister)
PDF PREM19/469 79 Jul 11 81 Mar 10 190 Secret France (Visit to UK by President Giscard d'Estaing, November 1979: Anglo-French Summit) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/470 81 Mar 20 81 Sep 11 262 Secret France (Visits to UK by President Mitterrand, July and September 1981; Anglo-French Summit) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/471 80 Jun 4 81 Nov 18 338 Top Secret Germany (Prime Minister's meetings with Chancellor Schmidt in Bonn, November 1980 and November 1981: Anglo-German Summits) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/472 79 Aug 13 81 Apr 17 229 Secret Germany (Visit to UK by Chancellor Schmidt, March 1980: Anglo-German Summit) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/473 80 Oct 21 81 Jun 2 155 Confidential Ghana (Visit to UK by President Limann, May 1981: meeting with Prime Minister)
PDF PREM19/474 79 Jun 20 81 Apr 2 18 Confidential Government buildings (Expenditure on government accommodation)
PDF PREM19/475 80 Dec 3 81 Feb 14 253 Confidential Government machinery (Organisation of Treasury and Civil Service Department (CSD)) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/476 81 May 20 81 Oct 30 227 Secret Government machinery (Organisation of Treasury and Civil Service Department (CSD); consideration of a 'Prime Minister's Department') (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/477 80 Nov 26 81 Feb 2 260 Confidential Government machinery (Promotion of efficiency and elimination of waste: the Rayner Scrutiny Programme) (Part 7)
PDF PREM19/478 81 Feb 2 81 May 20 436 Confidential Government machinery (Promotion of efficiency and elimination of waste: the Rayner Scrutiny Programme) (Part 8)
PDF PREM19/479 81 May 21 81 Sep 16 341 Confidential Government machinery (Promotion of efficiency and elimination of waste: the Rayner Scrutiny Programme) (Part 9)
PDF PREM19/480 79 May 30 81 Aug 12 331 Confidential Government machinery (Internal audit & financial control in government) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/481 80 Aug 1 81 Dec 14 226 Confidential Government machinery (Advisory Council for Applied Research & Development (ACARD): reports on IT, computer-aided design & technological change; future of ACARD) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/482 79 May 29 81 Mar 2 70 Confidential Government machinery (Reactivation of Civil Contingencies Unit in Cabinet Office: review of contingency planning; proposed Central Press Unit; use of TAVR during industrial disputes) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/483 79 Apr 11 81 Mar 24 155 Confidential Home affairs (Oil refineries in Canvey Island and Thurrock area: industrial hazards)
PDF PREM19/484 80 Apr 2 81 Oct 29 247 Secret Home affairs (Civil disorder: riots in Brixton, Bristol, Liverpool, Manchester & London; Prime Minister's meetings with community leaders; anti-riot equipment for the police; Urban Programme; implications for local authority spending)
PDF PREM19/485 79 Oct 23 81 Sep 25 244 Confidential Home affairs (Powers of entry: review by David Mitchell, Parliamentary Under-Secretary at Department of Industry; enforcement powers of Revenue Departments; European Commission powers of entry) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/486 79 Jul 26 81 Oct 29 150 Secret Immigration (The Nationality Bill) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/487 81 Jan 14 81 Apr 19 357 Secret India (Prime Minister's visit to India, April 1981) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/488 80 May 28 81 Jan 28 165 Confidential India (UK/Indian relations; Indo/Soviet arms deal) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/489 80 Jan 25 81 Mar 30 132 Confidential Industrial policy (Information Technology: shortcomings of interdepartmental Whitehall machinery; Central Policy Review Staff (CPRS) and Advisory Council for Applied Research and Development (ACARD) reports) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/490 80 Nov 7 81 Jul 7 205 Confidential Industrial policy (Prime Minister's meetings with Confederation of British Industry (CBI) on economic strategy) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/491 80 Dec 1 81 Oct 2 291 Confidential Industrial policy (Industrial relations law) (Part 7)
PDF PREM19/492 80 Jul 2 81 Jan 22 257 Secret Industrial policy (Future of British Leyland (BL)) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/493 81 Jan 22 81 Oct 31 308 Secret Industrial policy (Future of British Leyland (BL)) (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/494 80 Mar 17 81 Oct 27 40 Secret Industrial policy (National Union of Mineworkers (NUM): structure and procedures, and leading personalities; likely tactics in pay negotiations)
PDF PREM19/495 80 Jul 11 81 Nov 17 77 Confidential Information and publicity (Public attitudes on pay determination; presentation of Government's economic policy) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/497 80 Nov 13 81 Mar 18 35 Confidential Iraq (Visit to UK by Foreign Minister Dr Saadoun Hammadi, March 1981: meeting with Prime Minister)
PDF PREM19/498 80 Aug 12 81 Feb 25 224 Top Secret - UK Eyes A Ireland (Situation in Northern Ireland; force levels) (Part 8)
PDF PREM19/499 81 Mar 3 81 Aug 23 277 Secret Ireland (Situation in Northern Ireland; force levels) (Part 9)
PDF PREM19/500 81 Feb 5 81 Jul 21 220 Secret Ireland (Prime Minister's visits to Northern Ireland) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/501 80 Jun 11 81 Apr 24 62 Secret Ireland (Prime Minister's meeting with widows from Fermanagh, Northern Ireland, July 1980)
PDF PREM19/502 80 May 8 81 Feb 23 29 Confidential Ireland (Meetings with Lord Brookeborough and Lord Moyola to discuss the security situation in Northern Ireland)
PDF PREM19/503 80 Dec 13 81 Apr 21 198 Secret Ireland (Hunger strike at the Maze Prison, Northern Ireland; the 'Dirty Protest') (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/504 81 Apr 22 81 May 20 267 Secret Ireland (Hunger strike at the Maze Prison, Northern Ireland; the 'Dirty Protest') (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/505 81 May 20 81 Jul 2 336 Secret Ireland (Hunger strike at the Maze Prison, Northern Ireland; the 'Dirty Protest') (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/506 81 Jul 3 81 Aug 28 335 Secret Ireland (Hunger strike at the Maze Prison, Northern Ireland; the 'Dirty Protest') (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/507 80 Aug 11 81 Mar 5 275 Secret Ireland (Prime Minister's meetings with the Taoiseach (Charles Haughey); Anglo-Irish joint studies) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/508 81 Mar 11 81 Oct 20 328 Secret Ireland (Prime Minister's meetings with the Taoiseach (Charles Haughey, Garret Fitzgerald); Anglo-Irish joint studies) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/509 81 Oct 22 81 Nov 6 224 Secret Ireland (Prime Minister's meetings with the Taoiseach (Garret Fitzgerald); Anglo-Irish Summit, November 1981) (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/510 81 Jan 20 81 Nov 11 211 Secret - UK Eyes A Italy (Anglo-Italian Summits) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/511 81 Apr 6 81 Jul 13 119 Confidential Japan (Visit to UK by Japanese Prime Minister Zenko Suzuki, June 1981: meetings with Prime Minister)
PDF PREM19/512 79 Jun 1 81 Nov 18 301 Secret Jordan (Visits to UK by King Hussein: meetings with Prime Minister) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/513 81 Apr 21 81 May 22 27 Confidential Kenya (Visit to UK by Foreign Minister, Dr Robert Ouko, May 1981: call on Prime Minister)
PDF PREM19/514 80 Sep 29 81 Jun 2 235 Secret Local government (Relations with central government, organisation & finance) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/515 81 Jun 4 81 Sep 8 229 Secret Local government (Relations with central government, organisation & finance) (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/516 81 Sep 11 81 Oct 30 108 Confidential Local government (Relations with central government, organisation & finance) (Part 6)
PDF PREM19/517 81 Nov 2 81 Dec 1 134 Confidential Local government (Relations with central government, organisation & finance) (Part 7)
PDF PREM19/518 80 Oct 23 81 Nov 9 171 Secret Local government (Pay of local authority manual workers; Fire Service dispute; industrial action in the water industry) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/519 79 Oct 31 81 Jun 6 23 Confidential Local government (Possibility of an Accounts Commission for Local Government)
PDF PREM19/520 81 Mar 26 81 Jun 26 25 Confidential Local government (Future of the City Corporation: correspondence with Sir Horace Cutler)
PDF PREM19/521 79 Jun 26 81 Oct 14 74 Secret Luxembourg (Visit to UK by Gaston Thorn (Foreign Minister of Luxembourg and President-designate of the European Commission), October 1980: meeting with Prime Minister)
PDF PREM19/522 79 Oct 12 81 Jun 1 27 Confidential Malta (Visits to UK by Dr Edward Fenech Adami, leader of Maltese opposition Nationalist Party, November 1979 and June 1981: meetings with Prime Minister)
PDF PREM19/523 80 Oct 21 81 Jan 30 152 Confidential Manpower (Special employment measures; industrial training; youth unemployment) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/524 81 Feb 3 81 Mar 26 57 Confidential Manpower (Unemployment and young people; industrial training) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/525 81 Apr 3 81 Jul 10 242 Confidential Manpower (Unemployment and young people; industrial training; Employment and Training Bill - Enterprise Zones; measures against unemployment) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/526 81 Jul 13 81 Oct 31 249 Secret Manpower (Measures against unemployment; youth training; Young Workers Scheme; unemployment and early retirement) (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/527 80 Jul 7 81 Jul 23 56 Confidential Manpower (Housing policy and labour mobility: National Mobility Scheme)
PDF PREM19/528 81 Jan 19 81 May 21 24 Confidential Mexico (Visit to UK by Foreign Minister, Dr Jorge Castadena, March 1981: meeting with Prime Minister)

Documents lie at the core of this website, each one dated and sorted chronologically (by default) in search results. Most are images in PDF format of original paper documents scanned or filmed for the site. There also transcripts of speeches and interviews, press articles, photos, videos, and more. The document database contains tens of thousands of items and permits complex searching.

Files are multi-page PDFs from which most of the documents on the site are selected. All of Mrs Thatcher’s official files from No.10 are available in full on this site (paper copies are stored at the National Archives in the series PREM19), as well as most of those of Geoffrey Howe and Nigel Lawson as Chancellor (stored at TNA as series T639 and T640).

Guides are articles about key events and topics. Many were written to accompany annual releases of Mrs Thatcher’s private and party papers at the Churchill Archive Centre in Cambridge.


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