1979 Jun 1 - 1981 Nov 18
Prime Ministerial Private Office files
Jordan (Visits to UK by King Hussein: meetings with Prime Minister) (Part 1)
Source: | TNA, PREM19 series |
Release date: | 2011 Dec 30 |
Classification: | Secret |
Page count: | 301 |
Any docs withheld? | 1 |
PREM19/512 - download whole file (PDF, 53.85 MB)
Selections from this file
Showing items 1 - 20 of 33
Date | Value | Title |
79 Jun 6 We | Major | Jordan: No.10 minute to MT ("Your Lunch for King Hussein, 18 June") ["It would not be appropriate to invite Queen Noor to what is by design a working lunch"] [declassified Dec 2011] |
79 Jun 14 Th | Major | Jordan: FCO briefing for MT ("Prime Minister's Lunch for King Hussein: 18 June") [Arab/Israel dispute/Palestine; sale of tanks to Jordan; Rolls Royce engines; medical scholarships] [declassified Dec 2011] |
79 Jun 15 Fr | Major | Jordan: FCO record of conversation ("Secretary of State's Call on King Hussein") [Carrington, Hussein: Arab/Israel dispute/Palestine; Lebanon; Oman; sale of British tanks to Jordan] [declassified Dec 2011] |
79 Jun 15 Fr | Major | Jordan: Ministry of Defence record of conversation (Secretary of State's Call on King Hussein) [Pym, Hussein: sale of tanks to Jordan] [declassified Dec 2011] |
79 Jun 18 Mo | Major | Jordan: No.10 record of conversation (MT, King Hussein, Pym, Gilmour, Hurd, Abdelhamid Sharaf, Sharif Zeid bin Shaker, Jordanian Ambassador, John Moberly) [MT account of meeting with Prime Minister Begin; Arab/Israel dispute/Palestine; Egypt/Saudi Arabia; Soviet intervention in Middle East; Lebanon; sale of British tanks to Jordan] [declassified Dec 2011] |
79 Sep 20 Th | Major | Jordan: No.10 record of conversation (MT, King Hussein, Abdelhamid Sharaf, John Moberly) [Arab/Israel dispute/Palestine; sale of British tanks] [declassified Dec 2011] |
79 Sep 20 Th | Major | Jordan: Ministry of Defence briefing for MT ("King Hussein's Call on the Prime Minister") [sale of British tanks to Jordan; Arab/Israel dispute/Palestine/Lebanon] [declassified Dec 2011] |
80 Jan 21 Mo | Major | Jordan: FCO briefing for MT ("Call by King Hussein on the Prime Minister on 23 January") [Regional stability; Afghanistan/Soviet Union; Arab/Israel dispute; sale of tanks & aircraft; Rhodesia; Iraq and Syria; Saudi Arabia; Yemen; Oman & the Gulf; oil] [declassified Dec 2011] |
80 Jan 23 We | Major | Jordan: No.10 record of conversation (MT, King Hussein, Lord Carrington, John Moberly) [Iran/Afghanistan & Soviet motives; Arab/Israel dispute; Iraq and Syria; Saudi Arabia; Yemen; Oman & the Gulf; oil] [declassified Dec 2011] |
80 May 28 We | Major | Jordan: FCO briefing for MT (meeting with King Hussein) [Arab/Israel dispute; Saudi Arabia; Afghanistan; regional security; Iraq; Hussein visit to Moscow; UK military sales to & training for Jordan] [declassified Dec 2011] |
80 May 28 We | Major | Jordan: No.10 record of conversation (MT, King Hussein, Lord Carrington, Jordanian Ambassador) [Arab/Israel dispute; Saudi Arabia; Gulf; Iraq; Algeria; Libya; Syria] [declassified Dec 2011] |
80 May 28 We | Major | Jordan: UKE Amman telegram to FCO ("King Hussein's Visit to Britain") [Hussein stresses need for Middle East peace process to include US, Soviet Union and Western Europe] [declassified Dec 2011] |
80 Jun 20 Fr | Major | Jordan: FCO briefing for MT ("King Hussein's Call on the Prime Minister on 24 June") [Arab/Israel dispute; visit to Washington; EC statement on Middle East] [declassified Dec 2011] |
80 Jun 24 Tu | Major | Jordan: No.10 record of conversation (MT, King Hussein, Prime Minister Sharaf, John Moberly) [Arab/Israel dispute] [declassified Dec 2011] |
80 Sep 9 Tu | Major | Jordan: FCO briefing for MT (Call by King Hussein on the Prime Minister) [Arab/Israel dispute] [declassified Dec 2011] |
80 Sep 10 We | Major | Jordan: No.10 record of conversation (MT, King Hussein, Sir John Graham, Ibrahim Izziddin) [Arab/Israel dispute; Lebanon; Libya; Syria; Saudi Arabia; North Yemen; Gulf; Iran] [declassified Dec 2011] |
81 Apr 7 Tu | Major | Jordan: FCO briefing for MT ("Call by King Hussein on the Prime Minister") [military equipment sales; Arab/Israel dispute/Palestine; Syria; Iraq] [declassified Dec 2011] |
81 Apr 7 Tu | Major | Jordan: Ministry of Defence briefing for MT ("Khalid tanks for Jordan") [supplementary to main briefing for MT meeting with King Hussein] [declassified Dec 2011] |
81 Apr 8 We | Major | Jordan: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Hurd, King Hussein, Jordanian Ambassador) [exchange of reports on Haig visit to Jordan & MT visit to Washington; Arab/Israel dispute/Palestine; Syria; Iran/Iraq; Rapid Deployment Force; North Yemen; Egypt; Tornado MT visit to Gulf] [declassified Dec 2011] |
81 Oct 2 Fr | Major | Jordan: FCO telegram to UKDel Melbourne ("Possible visit by Secretary of State to Jordan") ["it is worth taking the trouble to keep the Jordanians favourable to the European approach and to the Fahd initiative" on peacekeeping Force in Sinai] [declassified Dec 2011] |