

Searched for: MTRR. Document type: Declassified documents.

Showing items 1 - 108 of 108.

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PDF PREM19/104 79 May 8 79 Sep 25 193 Confidential Prime Minister (MT's visits to Departments & possible regional visits)
PDF PREM19/512 79 Jun 1 81 Nov 18 301 Secret Jordan (Visits to UK by King Hussein: meetings with Prime Minister) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/532 81 Oct 1 81 Nov 3 178 Secret Middle East (Situation in the Middle East) (Part 7)
PDF PREM19/600 81 Jan 2 81 Feb 28 311 Secret USA (Prime Minister's visit to Washington, February 1981: meeting with President Reagan) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/613 82 Jan 1 82 Mar 30 129 Confidential Argentina (Falklands) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/615 82 Apr 6 82 Apr 8 233 Secret Argentina (Falklands) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/622 82 Apr 27 82 Apr 29 288 Secret Argentina (Falklands) (Part 11)
PDF PREM19/623 82 Apr 30 82 May 2 231 Secret Argentina (Falklands) (Part 12)
PDF PREM19/624 82 May 3 82 May 5 303 Secret Argentina (Falklands) (Part 13)
PDF PREM19/627 82 May 11 82 May 14 368 Secret Argentina (Falklands) (Part 16)
PDF PREM19/642 82 Nov 1 82 Nov 29 292 Top Secret Argentina (Falklands) (Part 31)
PDF PREM19/657 82 Jan 7 82 Apr 2 119 Top Secret Argentina (Falkland Islands Review Committee (Franks): documentation seen by PM, extracted from PREM19 files and copied to the Committee) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/694 81 Nov 17 82 Feb 26 154 Top Secret Defence (UK Strategic Nuclear Deterrent) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/723 82 Mar 4 82 Jun 2 214 Secret Economic policy (G7 Summit - Versailles) (Part 7)
PDF PREM19/724 82 Jun 3 82 Jun 5 213 Secret Economic policy (G7 Summit - Versailles) (Part 8)
PDF PREM19/725 82 Jun 6 82 Jul 12 230 Confidential Economic policy (G7 Summit - Versailles) (Part 9)
PDF PREM19/758 80 May 6 82 Dec 24 322 Secret Foreign policy (Third United Nations Law of the Sea Conference; extension of the UK territorial sea)
PDF PREM19/798 81 Apr 19 82 Feb 16 95 Secret India (Prime Minister's visit to India, April 1981: follow-up action) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/824 81 Nov 16 82 Jul 10 345 Secret Lebanon (Internal situation; Israeli/Lebanese hostilities; UK/Lebanese relations) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/871 81 Dec 19 82 Jan 5 305 Secret Poland (Internal situation; state of emergency - martial law) (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/872 82 Jan 6 82 Jan 21 230 Top Secret Poland (Internal situation; state of emergency - martial law; possible measures to be taken against Poland and Soviet Union) (Part 6)
PDF PREM19/873 82 Jan 22 82 Feb 8 292 Secret Poland (Internal situation; state of emergency - martial law; possible measures to be taken against Poland and Soviet Union; Day of Solidarity with the Polish People) (Part 7)
PDF PREM19/874 82 Feb 9 82 Oct 19 252 Secret Poland (Internal situation; state of emergency - martial law; possible measures to be taken against Poland and Soviet Union; Polish debt rescheduling; Polish refugees) (Part 8)
PDF PREM19/893 81 Dec 17 82 Sep 13 104 Confidential Prime Minister (Disappearance and rescue of Mark Thatcher in Algeria during Paris to Dakar car rally)
PDF PREM19/924 79 Sep 27 82 Mar 22 235 Secret Soviet Union (Trade relations: credit agreement; uranium enrichment contract; grain sales; controls on strategic exports) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/925 82 Apr 19 82 Nov 11 276 Secret Soviet Union (Trade relations: credit restrictions; United States sanctions against Siberian pipeline - impact on John Brown Engineering and other European companies; controls on strategic exports) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/942 81 Jan 21 82 Apr 30 256 Confidential USA (Visit to UK by President Reagan, June 1982) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/943 82 May 5 82 Jul 1 227 Secret USA (Visit to UK by President Reagan, June 1982: meetings with Prime Minister) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/944 79 May 4 82 Apr 13 205 Secret USA (Relations between the UK and USA) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/953 83 Sep 19 83 Dec 30 347 Secret Argentina (Falklands) (Part 35)
PDF PREM19/973 83 Jan 25 83 Nov 23 261 Top Secret - UK Eyes A Defence (Arms control) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/979 82 Oct 20 83 Sep 21 353 Top Secret Defence (Modernisation of Theatre Nuclear Forces (TNF) in Europe; proposed basing of United States Ground Launched Cruise Missiles (GLCM) in the UK; Geneva talks on Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF)) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/1007 82 Sep 21 83 Apr 28 229 Secret Economic policy (G7 Summit - Williamsburg) (Part 11)
PDF PREM19/1008 83 Apr 25 83 May 26 325 Secret Economic policy (G7 Summit - Williamsburg) (Part 12)
PDF PREM19/1009 83 May 27 83 Oct 2 221 Secret Economic policy (G7 Summit - Williamsburg) (Part 13)
PDF PREM19/1033 82 Oct 1 83 Oct 31 416 Top Secret Foreign policy (East/West relations; United States foreign policy) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/1048 83 Mar 29 83 Oct 27 Top Secret Grenada (US-led invasion) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/1074 82 Jul 12 83 Sep 5 423 Secret Lebanon (Internal situation; Israeli/Lebanese hostilities; Multinational Force (MNF) in Lebanon; UK/Lebanese relations) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/1075 83 Sep 6 83 Oct 31 275 Top Secret Lebanon (Internal situation; Multinational Force (MNF) in Lebanon; Beirut barracks bombing, 23 October 1983; UK/Lebanese relations) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/1076 83 Nov 1 83 Dec 4 220 Top Secret Lebanon (Internal situation; Multinational Force (MNF) in Lebanon; UK/Lebanese relations) (Part 5A)
PDF PREM19/1087 82 Apr 22 83 Jan 31 353 Secret Middle East (Situation in the Middle East) (Part 10)
PDF PREM19/1088 83 Feb 3 83 Dec 28 388 Secret Middle East (Situation in the Middle East) (Part 11)
PDF PREM19/1106 83 Mar 2 83 Mar 27 176 Secret Prime Minister (Arab League Delegation visit to London; inclusion of representative of Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO); meeting with Prime Minister) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/1148 82 Feb 16 83 Oct 19 282 Secret United Nations (Second Special Session on Disarmament; Prime Minister's visit to New York and Washington, June 1982) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/1153 83 Aug 31 83 Oct 14 198 Secret USA (Prime Minister's visit to Washington, September 1983) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/1179 83 Nov 27 84 Jan 20 260 Secret Commonwealth (Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting, New Delhi, November 1983) (Part 7)
PDF PREM19/1182 83 Sep 21 84 Jun 29 369 Top Secret Defence (Deployment of Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) in Europe) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/1184 83 Dec 8 84 Dec 14 274 Secret Defence (Arms control) (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/1186 84 Mar 2 84 Dec 31 454 Confidential Defence (Defence sales) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/1206 83 Jan 28 84 Feb 29 327 Secret Economic policy (G7 Summit - London) (Part 14)
PDF PREM19/1209 84 May 29 84 Jun 1 122 Secret Economic policy (G7 Summit - London) (Part 16B)
PDF PREM19/1238 83 Jan 12 84 Dec 31 257 Confidential Foreign policy (United Nations Law of the Sea Convention (UNLOSC)) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/1242 82 Sep 21 84 Apr 18 370 Secret France (Prime Minister's visits to France; meetings with President Mitterrand; Anglo-French Summits) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/1244 82 Mar 8 84 Sep 28 357 Confidential Germany (Anglo-German relations) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/1267 84 Aug 1 84 Sep 25 415 Secret Hong Kong (Future of Hong Kong) (Part 16)
PDF PREM19/1296 82 Jul 1 84 Nov 30 330 Secret - UK Eyes A Jordan (Visits to UK by King Hussein; meetings with Prime Minister) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/1297 83 Dec 30 84 Feb 27 365 Top Secret Lebanon (Internal situation; Multinational Force (MNF) in Lebanon; UK/Lebanese relations) (Part 6)
PDF PREM19/1298 83 Mar 1 84 Nov 23 359 Secret Legal procedure (United States anti-trust investigation into allegations of price fixing against British airlines, following collapse of Laker Airways) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/1331 84 Jun 1 84 Jul 18 317 Secret Nationalised industries (Coal mines) (Part 10)
PDF PREM19/1332 84 Jul 19 84 Aug 31 304 Secret Nationalised industries (Coal mines) (Part 11)
PDF PREM19/1362 84 Jun 1 84 Oct 2 345 Secret Prime Minister tours abroad (G7 Summit - London; 40th anniversary of D-Day: administrative arrangements) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/1394 84 Jun 4 84 Dec 22 411 Top Secret Soviet Union (UK/Soviet relations; visit to UK by Mikhail Gorbachev, member of Politburo, December 1984; meeting with Prime Minister) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/1404 82 May 10 84 Feb 28 305 Top Secret USA (UK/USA relations) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/1405 79 May 4 84 Nov 7 457 Secret USA (Internal political situation; 1980 and 1984 Presidential election campaigns) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/1409 84 Mar 20 84 Jun 6 18 Confidential Aerospace(Presentation on United States manned space station at Lancaster House during London Economic Summit, 1984)
PDF PREM19/1412 84 Nov 2 85 Apr 3 289 Secret Aerospace (Future of British Airways (BA): BA privatisation and United States anti-trust suits; Laker Airways liquidation; airports policy) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/1413 80 Jun 20 85 Nov 29 265 Secret Aerospace (Space policy: formation of British National Space Centre (BNSC)) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/1442 85 Mar 8 85 Jul 29 231 Secret Defence (Arms control) (Part 6A)
PDF PREM19/1443 85 Jan 4 85 Feb 15 218 Secret Defence (Arms control) (Part 6B)
PDF PREM19/1456 84 Dec 5 85 Apr 26 390 Secret Economic policy (Domestic monetary policy) (Part 12)
PDF PREM19/1467 84 Sep 7 85 Apr 30 464 Confidential Economic policy (G7 Summit - Bonn) (Part 18)
PDF PREM19/1468 85 Apr 25 85 Sep 22 412 Confidential Economic policy (G7 Summit - Bonn) (Part 19)
PDF PREM19/1477 84 Nov 2 85 May 30 503 Secret Environmental Affairs (Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution: effects of acid rain; agriculture and conservation) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/1494 83 Oct 27 85 Jun 29 315 Secret Foreign Policy (East/West relations) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/1495 85 Jul 31 85 Nov 29 424 Top Secret Foreign Policy (East/West relations) (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/1502 84 Sep 12 85 Mar 25 250 Confidential Foreign Policy (Prime Minister's visit to China, Hong Kong and USA, December 1984: policy)
PDF PREM19/1530 84 Sep 26 85 Apr 30 291 Secret Hong Kong (Future of Hong Kong) (Part 17)
PDF PREM19/1534 84 Feb 1 85 Jan 16 343 Secret Hungary (UK/Hungarian relations: Prime Minister's visit to Hungary, February 1984) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/1645 82 Nov 12 85 Oct 24 286 Secret and Personal Soviet Union (Economic relations: control on strategic exports; United States sanctions; sale of Rolls-Royce gas turbines; Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls (COCOM) list review) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/1654 82 Oct 12 85 Feb 28 411 Secret USA (Economic situation in the United States) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/1655 82 Apr 9 85 Dec 12 271 Secret USA (Visits to UK by George Shultz, US Secretary of State: meetings with Prime Minister)
PDF PREM19/1656 84 Feb 9 85 May 31 333 Secret USA (UK/USA relations) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/1657 81 Feb 20 85 Oct 23 103 Secret USA (Prime Minister's visit to Washington and New York, February 1981) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/1658 84 Dec 10 85 Feb 15 320 Secret USA (Prime Minister's visit to Washington, February 1985) (Part 4A)
PDF PREM19/1659 85 Feb 13 85 Mar 15 187 Secret USA (Prime Minister's visit to Washington, February 1985) (Part 4B)
PDF PREM19/1660 85 Apr 15 85 Oct 15 398 Confidential USA (Prime Minister's visit to New York and the United Nations, October 1985) (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/1669 86 Jan 25 86 Feb 28 483 Secret Aerospace (Westland Helicopters) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/1693 85 Aug 1 86 Feb 27 390 Secret Defence (Arms control) (Part 7)
PDF PREM19/1694 86 Mar 5 86 Jun 27 321 Secret - UK Eyes A Defence (Arms control) (Part 8)
PDF PREM19/1695 86 Jul 1 86 Nov 28 427 Secret - UK Eyes Defence (Arms control) (Part 9)
PDF PREM19/1714 85 Jun 14 86 May 6 388 Secret Economic policy (G7 Summit - Tokyo) (Part 20)
PDF PREM19/1758 79 Aug 9 86 Jul 21 279 Secret Foreign Policy (Review of the British Council) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/1759 85 Dec 1 86 Oct 30 329 Secret Foreign Policy (East/West relations) (Part 6)
PDF PREM19/1844 86 Feb 3 86 Dec 9 14 Top Secret Defence (Project Moonflower)
PDF PREM19/1966 86 Mar 3 86 May 30 468 Secret South Africa (Internal situation; relations with UK) (Part 9)
PDF PREM19/1967 86 Jun 1 86 Jun 30 484 Secret - UK Eyes A South Africa (Internal situation; relations with UK) (Part 10)
PDF PREM19/1973 80 May 14 85 May 3 324 Confidential Soviet Union (Human rights and the position of dissidents in the Soviet Union: policy towards the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE)) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/2089 86 Sep 18 87 May 29 276 Secret Economic Policy (G7 Summit - Venice, June 1987) (Part 22)
PDF PREM19/2090 87 Jun 1 88 Feb 17 401 Secret Economic Policy (G7 Summit - Venice, June 1987) (Part 23)
PDF PREM19/2173 87 Dec 1 88 Nov 15 334 Top Secret Foreign Policy (East/West relations) (Part 8)
PDF PREM19/2364 87 Jul 30 88 Nov 14 278 Secret NATO (NATO Summits) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/2367 79 Jul 26 87 Feb 25 311 Top Secret Nicaragua (Internal situation: relations with UK) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/2529 87 Jan 5 87 Mar 31 603 Top Secret Soviet Union (Prime Minister's visit to Soviet Union, March-April 1987) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/2530/1 87 Apr 1 87 Jun 26 193 Top Secret Soviet Union (Prime Minister's visit to Soviet Union, March-April 1987: briefing for Prime Minister) (Part 2) [1 of 2]
PDF PREM19/2545 87 Nov 20 88 Oct 30 259 Top Secret Soviet Union (Visits to UK by President Gorbachev) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/2892 87 Jul 24 89 Nov 30 412 Secret USA (Prime Minister's visits to Washington, November 1988 and November 1989) (Part 8)
PDF PREM19/3174 86 Jun 17 90 May 26 277 Top Secret Soviet Union (Human rights and the position of dissidents in the Soviet Union: policy towards the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE)) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/3866 86 Sep 11 92 Dec 23 253 Secret Netherlands (Visits to the UK by Ruud Lubbers, Dutch Prime Minister) (Part 2)
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Documents lie at the core of this website, each one dated and sorted chronologically (by default) in search results. Most are images in PDF format of original paper documents scanned or filmed for the site. There also transcripts of speeches and interviews, press articles, photos, videos, and more. The document database contains tens of thousands of items and permits complex searching.

Files are multi-page PDFs from which most of the documents on the site are selected. All of Mrs Thatcher’s official files from No.10 are available in full on this site (paper copies are stored at the National Archives in the series PREM19), as well as most of those of Geoffrey Howe and Nigel Lawson as Chancellor (stored at TNA as series T639 and T640).

Guides are articles about key events and topics. Many were written to accompany annual releases of Mrs Thatcher’s private and party papers at the Churchill Archive Centre in Cambridge.


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