1987 Apr 1 - 1987 Jun 26
Prime Ministerial Private Office files
Soviet Union (Prime Minister's visit to Soviet Union, March-April 1987: briefing for Prime Minister) (Part 2) [1 of 2]
Source: | TNA, PREM19 series |
Release date: | 2017 Jul 20 |
Classification: | Top Secret |
Page count: | 193 |
Any docs withheld? | 5 |
PREM19/2530/1 - download whole file (PDF, 179.97 MB)
Selections from this file
Showing items 1 - 20 of 33
Date | Value | Title |
87 Mar 1 Su | Major | Soviet Union: UKE Moscow telegram 538 to FCO (0545Z) ("Prime Minister's Visit to Moscow: Preliminary Assessment") ["more candid and coherent exchanges... than have... ever taken place between a Soviet leader and the Head of a Western Government"] [released Jul 2017] |
87 Mar 30 Mo | Major | Soviet Union: The Christian-Ecumenists' Group, Moscow message to MT ("Prime Minister's Talks in USSR: 28 March/1 April 1987") [appeal on behalf of detained prisoners of conscience, relayed via Keston College] [released Jul 2017] |
87 Mar 30 Mo | Major | Soviet Union: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Howe, representatives of Soviet Comittee for the Defence of Peace) [plea for abolition of nuclear weapons] [released Jul 2017] |
87 Mar 31 Tu | Major | Soviet Union: UKE Moscow telegram 542 to FCO (0645Z, 1st April 1987): record of conversation (Howe, Shevardnadze) ["Secretary of State's Dinner with Shevardnadze, 31 March: Cambodia": Cambodia; East/West relations; North/South Korea] [released Jul 2017] |
87 Apr 1 We | Minor | Soviet Union: No.10 letter to Dobrynin (Prime Minister's speech at Dinner on Monday 30 March) [cover letter only, referring to enclosed copy of the text] [released Jul 2017] |
87 Apr 1 We | Major | Soviet Union: MT letter to Margarita Pylchikova (East/West relations) ["I am taking the opportunity of my visit to Moscow to reply to the letter you have written to me and which was published in Izvestia on 27 March"] [released Jul 2017] |
87 Apr 1 We | Key | Soviet Union: MT message to President Reagan (Prime Minister's Visit to the Soviet Union) [MT outlines her impressions of Gorbachev & her conclusions drawn from her visit] [released Jul 2017] |
87 Apr 1 We | Key | Soviet Union: UKE Moscow telegram 537 to FCO (0500Z) ("Prime Minister's talks with Gorbachev on 30/31 March") [analysis; summary; record] [released Jul 2017] |
87 Apr 2 Th | Major | Soviet Union: UKE Madrid telegram 225 to FCO (0645Z) ("Prime Minister's Visit to Moscow: Spanish press coverage") [released Jul 2017] |
87 Apr 2 Th | Major | Soviet Union: UKE Rome telegram 223 to FCO (1415Z) ("Prime Minister's Visit to Moscow: Italian press reactions") [released Jul 2017] |
87 Apr 2 Th | Major | Soviet Union: Howe letter to Conservative backbench MPs (Prime Minister's Visit to the Soviet Union) [MT commends Howe's summary of the visit & its outcomes] [released Jul 2017] |
87 Apr 2 Th | Major | Soviet Union: UKE Bonn telegram 279 to FCO (1105Z) ("Prime Minister's Visit to Moscow: German Press Comment") [released Jul 2017] |
87 Apr 2 Th | Major | Soviet Union: No.10 letter to Howe PS ("Prime Minister's Meeting with the Chairman of the Council of Ministers") [amendments to record of MT, Ryzhkov conversation on 31 March 1987, and copy of Soviet export list handed to MT at the meeting] [released Jul 2017] |
87 Apr 3 Fr | Major | Soviet Union: UKE Moscow telegram 570 to FCO (0500Z) ("Prime Minister's Visit to Soviet Union: Soviet Press Coverage") [released Jul 2017] |
87 Apr 3 Fr | Major | Soviet Union: MT message to European Heads of Governnment, by FCO telegram 211 to Flash Bonn, Paris, Brussels etc. (1330Z) ("Prime Minister's Visit to Moscow: Messages to European Heads of Government") [outcomes] [released Jul 2017] |
87 Apr 6 Mo | Major | Soviet Union: MT letter to President Mubarak (Prime Minister's Visit to Soviet Union) [Soviet Jews & Israel; Lebanon] [released Jul 2017] |
87 Apr 6 Mo | Major | Soviet Union: MT letter to Prime Minister Tinsulanonda (UK Prime Minister's Visit to Soviet Union: discussions with Gorbachev about Cambodia) ["no movement, but at least they were prepared to discuss the subject"] [released Jul 2017] |
87 Apr 6 Mo | Major | Soviet Union: Richard Pollock record of conversations ("Prime Minister's Talks in USSR: 28 March/1 April 1987") [MT's interpreter's notes, supplementary to Powell records] [released Jul 2017] |
87 Apr 8 We | Major | Soviet Union: No.10 record of conversation ("Prime Minister's Visit to Moscow") [Charles Powell, Kossov] [released Jul 2017] |
87 Apr 8 We | Major | Soviet Union: Raisa Gorbachev letter to MT (Prime Minister's Visit to Soviet Union) [her thoughts on the impact of MT's visit] [released Jul 2017] |