

Showing items 1 - 296 of 296.

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PDF PREM19/9 79 May 18 79 Jul 31 201 Secret Commonwealth (Lusaka Heads of Government Meeting) (CHOGM) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/13 79 Aug 27 79 Dec 21 216 Restricted Deaths (Lord Mountbatten)
PDF PREM19/15 79 May 16 79 Nov 29 226 Secret Defence (Modernisation of Theatre Nuclear Forces)(Part 1)
PDF PREM19/76 79 May 10 79 Dec 10 268 Secret Iran (Internal situation, including hostage crisis) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/77 79 Dec 11 79 Dec 22 225 Secret Iran (Internal situation, including hostage crisis) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/79 79 May 2 79 Sep 6 156 Secret Ireland (Taoiseach's visits to UK) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/80 79 May 2 79 Aug 24 235 Secret Ireland (Northern Ireland situation) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/81 79 Aug 27 79 Sep 28 184 Secret Ireland (Northern Ireland situation) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/82 79 Oct 1 79 Oct 23 107 Secret Ireland (Northern Ireland situation) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/83 79 Oct 24 79 Nov 29 225 Secret Ireland (Northern Ireland situation) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/84 79 Aug 1 79 Aug 24 62 Confidential Ireland (Intervention by Governor Carey of New York State)
PDF PREM19/88 79 Sep 20 79 Oct 8 101 Confidential Italy (MT’s visits to Italy; Anglo-Italian Summits) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/188 80 Jan 3 80 Jun 20 265 Secret Economic policy (G7 Summit - Venice) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/221 80 Oct 24 80 Dec 4 128 Secret European Policy (European Council Meeting, Luxembourg, 1-2 December 1980) (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/279 79 Dec 5 80 Mar 7 198 Secret Ireland (Northern Ireland situation) (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/283 80 Mar 3 80 Aug 8 164 Secret Ireland (Prime Minister’s meetings with the Taoiseach, Charles Haughey) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/295 79 Sep 21 80 May 9 250 Secret Middle East (Situation in the Middle East) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/358 80 Jul 18 80 Jul 28 11 Secret Security (Article by Duncan Campbell in New Statesman on US National Security Agency (NSA) activities at Menwith Hill, North Yorkshire)
PDF PREM19/397 80 Nov 11 81 Feb 27 252 Secret Canada (UK/Canadian relations: patriation of the Canadian constitution) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/445 81 Feb 2 81 Jul 15 225 Secret Economic policy (G7 Summit - Ottawa) (Part 6) [Part 5 of this file has been destroyed]
PDF PREM19/446 81 Jul 16 81 Nov 10 252 Confidential Economic policy (G7 Summit - Ottawa) (Part 7)
PDF PREM19/462 81 May 21 81 Jul 6 216 Confidential European policy (European Council meeting in Luxembourg, June 1981) (Part 7)
PDF PREM19/483 79 Apr 11 81 Mar 24 155 Confidential Home affairs (Oil refineries in Canvey Island and Thurrock area: industrial hazards)
PDF PREM19/498 80 Aug 12 81 Feb 25 224 Top Secret - UK Eyes A Ireland (Situation in Northern Ireland; force levels) (Part 8)
PDF PREM19/499 81 Mar 3 81 Aug 23 277 Secret Ireland (Situation in Northern Ireland; force levels) (Part 9)
PDF PREM19/500 81 Feb 5 81 Jul 21 220 Secret Ireland (Prime Minister's visits to Northern Ireland) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/501 80 Jun 11 81 Apr 24 62 Secret Ireland (Prime Minister's meeting with widows from Fermanagh, Northern Ireland, July 1980)
PDF PREM19/502 80 May 8 81 Feb 23 29 Confidential Ireland (Meetings with Lord Brookeborough and Lord Moyola to discuss the security situation in Northern Ireland)
PDF PREM19/503 80 Dec 13 81 Apr 21 198 Secret Ireland (Hunger strike at the Maze Prison, Northern Ireland; the 'Dirty Protest') (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/504 81 Apr 22 81 May 20 267 Secret Ireland (Hunger strike at the Maze Prison, Northern Ireland; the 'Dirty Protest') (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/505 81 May 20 81 Jul 2 336 Secret Ireland (Hunger strike at the Maze Prison, Northern Ireland; the 'Dirty Protest') (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/506 81 Jul 3 81 Aug 28 335 Secret Ireland (Hunger strike at the Maze Prison, Northern Ireland; the 'Dirty Protest') (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/509 81 Oct 22 81 Nov 6 224 Secret Ireland (Prime Minister's meetings with the Taoiseach (Garret Fitzgerald); Anglo-Irish Summit, November 1981) (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/512 79 Jun 1 81 Nov 18 301 Secret Jordan (Visits to UK by King Hussein: meetings with Prime Minister) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/531 81 May 1 81 Sep 30 340 Secret Middle East (Situation in the Middle East) (Part 6)
PDF PREM19/532 81 Oct 1 81 Nov 3 178 Secret Middle East (Situation in the Middle East) (Part 7)
PDF PREM19/581 79 May 14 81 May 29 9 Secret Royal family (Visits to Northern Ireland by Princess Alexandra, June 1979 and June 1981)
PDF PREM19/600 81 Jan 2 81 Feb 28 311 Secret USA (Prime Minister's visit to Washington, February 1981: meeting with President Reagan) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/620 82 Apr 20 82 Apr 22 258 Top Secret Argentina (Falklands) (Part 9)
PDF PREM19/622 82 Apr 27 82 Apr 29 288 Secret Argentina (Falklands) (Part 11)
PDF PREM19/626 82 May 8 82 May 10 260 Secret Argentina (Falklands) (Part 15)
PDF PREM19/629 82 May 18 82 May 21 276 Secret Argentina (Falklands) (Part 18)
PDF PREM19/641 82 Oct 1 82 Oct 30 203 Secret Argentina (Falklands) (Part 30)
PDF PREM19/642 82 Nov 1 82 Nov 29 292 Top Secret Argentina (Falklands) (Part 31)
PDF PREM19/814 81 Aug 24 82 Jan 27 262 Secret Ireland (Situation in Northern Ireland) (Part 10)
PDF PREM19/815 82 Feb 4 82 Jun 30 133 Secret Ireland (Situation in Northern Ireland) (Part 11)
PDF PREM19/816 82 Jul 1 82 Nov 12 181 Secret Ireland (Situation in Northern Ireland) (Part 12)
PDF PREM19/817 79 Sep 18 82 Apr 8 146 Secret - Cab Two Ireland (Northern Ireland Security Co-ordinator: appointments of Sir Maurice Oldfield and Sir Brooks Richards; post then left in abeyance)
PDF PREM19/824 81 Nov 16 82 Jul 10 345 Secret Lebanon (Internal situation; Israeli/Lebanese hostilities; UK/Lebanese relations) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/843 81 Dec 11 82 Apr 21 344 Secret Middle East (Situation in the Middle East) (Part 9)
PDF PREM19/844 79 May 10 82 Jul 1 191 Secret Ministers (Ministerial travel overseas: general policy) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/860 81 Sep 9 82 Jan 27 112 Confidential Pakistan (Prime Minister's visit to Pakistan, October 1981)
PDF PREM19/879 80 May 1 82 Jul 12 31 Confidential Prime Minister (Meeting with delegation of Conservative Friends of Israel)
PDF PREM19/923 80 Sep 8 82 Oct 21 212 Secret South Africa (Internal situation; relations with UK) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/925 82 Apr 19 82 Nov 11 276 Secret Soviet Union (Trade relations: credit restrictions; United States sanctions against Siberian pipeline - impact on John Brown Engineering and other European companies; controls on strategic exports) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/943 82 May 5 82 Jul 1 227 Secret USA (Visit to UK by President Reagan, June 1982: meetings with Prime Minister) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/944 79 May 4 82 Apr 13 205 Secret USA (Relations between the UK and USA) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/951 83 Mar 3 83 Apr 30 322 Secret Argentina (Falklands) (Part 33)
PDF PREM19/960 82 Nov 25 83 May 5 297 Confidential Broadcasting (Direct broadcasting by satellite; development of cable systems and services; broadcasting policy) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/970 83 Nov 19 83 Nov 26 232 Secret Commonwealth (Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Delhi, November 1983: policy) (Part 6)
PDF PREM19/971 80 Feb 29 83 Nov 29 355 Secret Cyprus (Internal situation; UK/Cypriot relations) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/981 80 Mar 28 80 Aug 11 43 Unclassified DISASTERS. Collapse of Norwegian oil rig 'Alexander Kielland' in North Sea: PM's message of condolence...
PDF PREM19/1007 82 Sep 21 83 Apr 28 229 Secret Economic policy (G7 Summit - Williamsburg) (Part 11)
PDF PREM19/1008 83 Apr 25 83 May 26 325 Secret Economic policy (G7 Summit - Williamsburg) (Part 12)
PDF PREM19/1029 82 Nov 1 83 Jun 23 266 Secret European policy (European Council meeting, Stuttgart, June 1983) (Part 16 (incorporating Part 14))
PDF PREM19/1033 82 Oct 1 83 Oct 31 416 Top Secret Foreign policy (East/West relations; United States foreign policy) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/1068 82 Nov 16 83 Jul 25 277 Secret Ireland (Situation in Northern Ireland) (Part 13)
PDF PREM19/1069 83 Aug 1 83 Dec 13 274 Secret Ireland (Situation in Northern Ireland) (Part 14)
PDF PREM19/1070 81 Nov 9 83 Oct 31 396 Secret Ireland (Prime Minister's meetings with the Taoiseach; Anglo-Irish Summit; Anglo-Irish joint studies) (Part 6)
PDF PREM19/1073 82 Nov 22 83 Oct 31 295 Confidential Japan (Commercial relations with Japan; effects of Japanese imports on the European car industry; possible Nissan investment in UK) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/1074 82 Jul 12 83 Sep 5 423 Secret Lebanon (Internal situation; Israeli/Lebanese hostilities; Multinational Force (MNF) in Lebanon; UK/Lebanese relations) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/1075 83 Sep 6 83 Oct 31 275 Top Secret Lebanon (Internal situation; Multinational Force (MNF) in Lebanon; Beirut barracks bombing, 23 October 1983; UK/Lebanese relations) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/1076 83 Nov 1 83 Dec 4 220 Top Secret Lebanon (Internal situation; Multinational Force (MNF) in Lebanon; UK/Lebanese relations) (Part 5A)
PDF PREM19/1077 83 Dec 4 83 Dec 30 234 Top Secret Lebanon (Internal situation; Multinational Force (MNF) in Lebanon; UK/Lebanese relations) (Part 5B)
PDF PREM19/1087 82 Apr 22 83 Jan 31 353 Secret Middle East (Situation in the Middle East) (Part 10)
PDF PREM19/1088 83 Feb 3 83 Dec 28 388 Secret Middle East (Situation in the Middle East) (Part 11)
PDF PREM19/1097 82 Nov 9 83 Jun 30 151 Secret Parliament (Legislative programme, 1983-1984) (Part 10)
PDF PREM19/1105 80 Aug 4 83 Feb 28 309 Confidential Prime Minister (Arab League Delegation visit to London; inclusion of representative of Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO)) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/1106 83 Mar 2 83 Mar 27 176 Secret Prime Minister (Arab League Delegation visit to London; inclusion of representative of Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO); meeting with Prime Minister) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/1118 81 Jun 3 83 Sep 29 265 Confidential Royal family (Public memorial to Lord Mountbatten; appeal for statue; selection of sculptor; arrangements for unveiling ceremony) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/1120 82 Apr 20 83 Jun 17 8 Secret Royal family (Queen Mother's visits to Northern Ireland, April 1982 and June 1983)
PDF PREM19/1126 79 Nov 9 83 Dec 23 342 Secret Saudi Arabia (Saudi/UK relations; internal situation) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/1148 82 Feb 16 83 Oct 19 282 Secret United Nations (Second Special Session on Disarmament; Prime Minister's visit to New York and Washington, June 1982) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/1154 82 Dec 1 83 Oct 28 308 Top Secret Zimbabwe (Internal situation; trial of air force officers on sabotage charges; sale of Hunter aircraft; British Military Advisory and Training Team (BMATT); status of Joshua Nkomo in UK) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/1172 83 May 25 84 Apr 27 304 Confidential Broadcasting (Direct broadcasting by satellite; development of cable systems and services; broadcasting policy) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/1185 82 Nov 15 84 Feb 28 435 Confidential Defence (Defence sales) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/1186 84 Mar 2 84 Dec 31 454 Confidential Defence (Defence sales) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/1206 83 Jan 28 84 Feb 29 327 Secret Economic policy (G7 Summit - London) (Part 14)
PDF PREM19/1207 84 Mar 2 84 May 21 368 Secret Economic policy (G7 Summit - London) (Part 15)
PDF PREM19/1208 84 May 22 84 May 30 212 Secret Economic policy (G7 Summit - London) (Part 16A)
PDF PREM19/1209 84 May 29 84 Jun 1 122 Secret Economic policy (G7 Summit - London) (Part 16B)
PDF PREM19/1210 84 Jun 1 84 Jun 7 140 Secret Economic policy (G7 Summit - London) (Part 16C)
PDF PREM19/1211 84 Jun 8 84 Nov 23 254 Secret Economic policy (G7 Summit - London) (Part 17)
PDF PREM19/1223 84 Nov 28 84 Dec 24 209 Secret European policy (European Council meeting, Dublin, December 1984) (Part 19)
PDF PREM19/1228 84 Apr 2 84 May 31 334 Secret European policy (European Community budget; future of Europe) (Part 24)
PDF PREM19/1230 84 Jul 7 84 Jul 31 238 Secret European policy (European Community budget; future of Europe) (Part 26)
PDF PREM19/1231 84 Aug 1 84 Oct 31 392 Secret European policy (European Community budget; future of Europe) (Part 27)
PDF PREM19/1237 84 Aug 3 84 Nov 23 156 Confidential Foreign policy (Prime Minister's visit to the Far East in September 1984: Malaysia, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Indonesia - trip cancelled)
PDF PREM19/1239 84 Jun 1 84 Oct 19 455 Secret Foreign policy (Seminars on foreign policy at Chequers, October 1984)
PDF PREM19/1240 (annex) 81 Sep 11 84 Feb 29 171 Secret France (Visits to UK by President Mitterrand; briefing for May 1982 meeting of Franco-British Council in Edinburgh) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/1240 (main part) 81 Sep 11 84 Feb 29 327 Top Secret France (Visits to UK by President Mitterrand; meeting of Franco-British Council; Prime Minister's meetings with Prime Minister Pierre Mauroy and Minister for European Affairs Roland Dumas) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/1242 82 Sep 21 84 Apr 18 370 Secret France (Prime Minister's visits to France; meetings with President Mitterrand; Anglo-French Summits) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/1243 84 May 2 84 Dec 11 234 Confidential France (Prime Minister's visits to France, May 1984 and November 1984) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/1245b 83 Oct 11 84 Aug 29 261 Secret Germany (Visits to UK by Chancellor Helmut Kohl; Anglo-German Summit) (Part 8B)
PDF PREM19/1273 82 Nov 22 84 Feb 27 288 Top Secret India (UK/Indian relations) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/1283 82 Jun 28 84 Feb 29 361 Top Secret Iraq (Internal situation; Iran-Iraq War; threat to Gulf oil supplies) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/1285 84 Jan 6 84 Mar 30 249 Secret Ireland (Situation in Northern Ireland) (Part 15)
PDF PREM19/1286 84 Apr 10 84 Jun 28 296 Secret Ireland (Situation in Northern Ireland) (Part 16)
PDF PREM19/1287 84 Jul 2 84 Oct 5 219 Top Secret Ireland (Situation in Northern Ireland) (Part 17A)
PDF PREM19/1288 84 Oct 6 84 Oct 31 239 Top Secret Ireland (Situation in Northern Ireland) (Part 17B)
PDF PREM19/1289 84 Nov 1 84 Dec 18 147 Secret Ireland (Situation in Northern Ireland) (Part 18)
PDF PREM19/1290 79 May 10 84 Sep 5 209 Secret Ireland (Anglo-Irish economic co-operation; supply of natural gas from Irish Republic field at Kinsale to Northern Ireland)
PDF PREM19/1291 79 Nov 7 84 Aug 1 55 Confidential Ireland (European Commission of Human Rights: case of Farrell v. UK)
PDF PREM19/1293 81 Sep 1 84 Mar 5 106 Secret Ireland (Hunger strike at the Maze Prison, Northern Ireland) (Part 6)
PDF PREM19/1295 80 Oct 29 84 Feb 2 283 Secret Italy (MT’s visits to Italy; Anglo-Italian Summits) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/1296 82 Jul 1 84 Nov 30 330 Secret - UK Eyes A Jordan (Visits to UK by King Hussein; meetings with Prime Minister) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/1297 83 Dec 30 84 Feb 27 365 Top Secret Lebanon (Internal situation; Multinational Force (MNF) in Lebanon; UK/Lebanese relations) (Part 6)
PDF PREM19/1299 79 Jul 9 84 Mar 23 151 Top Secret Libya (UK/Libyan relations; threat to Libyan dissidents in UK) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/1316 79 May 9 84 Sep 17 314 Confidential Ministers (Ministers’ outside interests; position of Ministers on appointment to office; membership at Lloyds; Questions of Procedure for Ministers) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/1336 83 Jul 1 84 Feb 29 233 Confidential Parliament (Legislative programme) (Part 11)
PDF PREM19/1342 80 Mar 17 84 Dec 17 226 Confidential Portugal (Visits to UK by Prime Minister Dr Sa Carneiro (May 1980), Vice Prime Minister Professor Freitas do Amaral (November 1982) and Prime Minister Dr Mario Soares (November 1984); meetings with Prime Minister)
PDF PREM19/1343 84 Feb 8 84 Aug 9 327 Secret Portugal (Prime Minister's visit to Portugal, April 1984)
PDF PREM19/1347 84 Nov 12 84 Nov 19 14 Confidential Prime Minister (Prime Minister's meeting with US Senator Orrin Hatch, November 1984)
PDF PREM19/1352 84 May 9 84 Dec 14 37 Secret Prime Minister (Allegations by Paddy Ashdown MP about Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operations against British companies in the computer technology field allegedly embargo-breaking)
PDF PREM19/1361 82 Nov 26 84 May 31 403 Secret Prime Minister tours abroad (G7 Summit - London; 40th anniversary of D-Day: administrative arrangements) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/1362 84 Jun 1 84 Oct 2 345 Secret Prime Minister tours abroad (G7 Summit - London; 40th anniversary of D-Day: administrative arrangements) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/1363 81 Sep 24 84 Oct 16 308 Confidential Prime Minister (Prime Minister's visit to Liverpool, October 1984; possible visit to British Nuclear Fuels Ltd (BNFL) at Risley; future of Liverpool Garden Festival site)
PDF PREM19/1375 84 May 1 84 Jul 13 20 Secret Security (Custody contacts of persons accused of security offences, following arrest of Security Service officer Michael Bettaney)
PDF PREM19/1391 82 Dec 9 84 Sep 30 379 Top Secret South Africa (Internal situation; relations with UK) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/1395 79 May 21 84 Oct 22 354 Secret Sri Lanka (Internal situation; UK/Sri Lankan relations; aid to Sri Lanka) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/1404 82 May 10 84 Feb 28 305 Top Secret USA (UK/USA relations) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/1405 79 May 4 84 Nov 7 457 Secret USA (Internal political situation; 1980 and 1984 Presidential election campaigns) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/1406 82 Jun 30 83 Nov 25 233 Confidential Yugoslavia (Visit to UK by Prime Minister Milka Planinc, November 1983: meeting with Prime Minister)
PDF PREM19/1408 83 Nov 1 84 Nov 23 495 Secret Ireland (Prime Minister's meetings with Taoiseach, Garret FitzGerald; Anglo-Irish Summits) (Part 7)
PDF PREM19/1423 82 Feb 11 85 Jun 14 263 Secret Canada (UK/Canadian relations: patriation of the Canadian constitution) (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/1424 79 Sep 17 85 Dec 9 328 Secret Chile (UK/Chilean relations: policy on arms sales)
PDF PREM19/1429 84 May 21 85 Nov 20 110 Confidential Civil Service (Assassination and death in service: policy on compensation for civil servants' families)
PDF PREM19/1431 84 Jun 18 85 Oct 13 242 Secret Commonwealth (Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), Nassau, Bahamas, October 1985) (Part 9)
PDF PREM19/1432 83 Dec 1 85 May 31 446 Secret Cyprus (Internal situation: UK/Cyprus relations) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/1437 80 Apr 3 85 Dec 16 48 Secret Defence (Proposal by Julian Amery MP to revive the Special Operations Executive (SOE): history of SOE in the Far East, Greece and Scandinavia)
PDF PREM19/1442 85 Mar 8 85 Jul 29 231 Secret Defence (Arms control) (Part 6A)
PDF PREM19/1449 84 Dec 10 85 Dec 12 181 Confidential Downing Street (250th anniversary of Prime Minister's residence at 10 Downing Street; BBC documentary)
PDF PREM19/1451 85 Jun 3 85 Sep 30 219 Secret Drugs (Drug misuse: trafficking; proposed legislation; Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) report) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/1462 84 Mar 6 85 May 31 281 Secret Economic policy (Pay Review Body reports on pay of civil servants, armed forces and National Health Service (NHS); Top Salaries Review Body (TSRB) pension awards; pay of Permanent and Deputy Secretaries) (Part 6)
PDF PREM19/1467 84 Sep 7 85 Apr 30 464 Confidential Economic policy (G7 Summit - Bonn) (Part 18)
PDF PREM19/1473 81 Dec 12 85 Dec 18 352 Confidential Egypt (Visits to UK by President Mubarak by Foreign Minister Ismat Abdel Meguid: meetings with Prime Minister) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/1480 85 Jun 6 85 Nov 29 401 Confidential European Policy (European Community Budget: developments in the European Community) (Part 30)
PDF PREM19/1489 84 Jan 30 85 Jun 5 53 Confidential European Policy (Prime Minister of Spain request for UK support for candidacy of Don Marcelino Oreja as Secretary-General of Council of Europe: Oreja's meeting with Prime Minister, January 1985)
PDF PREM19/1490 85 Mar 7 85 Apr 30 718 Confidential European Policy (European Council meeting, Brussels, March 1985) (Part 20)
PDF PREM19/1491 85 May 10 85 Jun 27 276 Secret European Policy (European Council meeting, Milan, June 1985) (Part 21)
PDF PREM19/1492 85 Jun 27 85 Dec 6 247 Confidential European Policy (European Council meeting, Milan, June 1985) (Part 22)
PDF PREM19/1493 81 Sep 22 85 Jun 14 331 Confidential Fishing Industry (EEC Common Fisheries Policy) (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/1494 83 Oct 27 85 Jun 29 315 Secret Foreign Policy (East/West relations) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/1495 85 Jul 31 85 Nov 29 424 Top Secret Foreign Policy (East/West relations) (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/1497 85 Apr 1 85 Apr 4 146 Top Secret Foreign Policy (Prime Minister's visit to South-East Asia, April 1985) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/1498 85 Apr 5 85 Jul 27 367 Secret Foreign Policy (Prime Minister's visit to South-East Asia, April 1985) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/1502 84 Sep 12 85 Mar 25 250 Confidential Foreign Policy (Prime Minister's visit to China, Hong Kong and USA, December 1984: policy)
PDF PREM19/1504 84 Jan 9 85 Mar 29 281 Secret Foreign Policy (Strategy on foreign policy and defence issues: Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) resources) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/1506 82 Jun 29 85 Mar 7 266 Secret France (Anglo-French relations) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/1520 80 Mar 26 85 Jan 30 323 Secret Home Affairs (Review of the law on public order: Green Paper) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/1545 80 Apr 29 85 Dec 16 96 Secret Ireland (Cases of Marian Price, Dolours Rea (nee Price), Pauline McLaughlin, Robert Cardwell and the Gillespie sisters: pleas for release from imprisonment)
PDF PREM19/1547 82 Dec 2 85 Sep 24 266 Top Secret Ireland (Prime Minister's visits to Northern Ireland) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/1548 84 Dec 31 85 Mar 28 366 Top Secret - UK Eyes A Ireland (Situation in Northern Ireland) (Part 19)
PDF PREM19/1549 84 Nov 27 85 Jun 29 313 Secret Ireland (Prime Minister's meetings with the Taoiseach: Anglo-Irish relations) (Part 8)
PDF PREM19/1550 85 Jul 1 85 Sep 30 333 Secret Ireland (Prime Minister's meetings with the Taoiseach: Anglo-Irish relations) (Part 9)
PDF PREM19/1551 85 Oct 1 85 Oct 31 270 Secret Ireland (Prime Minister's meetings with the Taoiseach: Anglo-Irish relations) (Part 10)
PDF PREM19/1552 85 Nov 1 85 Nov 14 362 Secret and Personal Ireland (Prime Minister's meetings with the Taoiseach: Anglo-Irish relations) (Part 11)
PDF PREM19/1553 80 Jan 3 85 Sep 12 297 Secret Italy (Italian PM’s visits to UK) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/1554 83 Sep 1 85 Dec 19 361 Secret Italy (Italian PM visits to UK; Anglo/Italian Summit, October 1984) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/1560 85 Mar 1 85 May 31 369 Secret Local Government (Relations with central government, organisation & finance; Chequers meeting on Community Charge) (Part 26)
PDF PREM19/1578 84 Nov 21 85 Jan 18 379 Secret Nationalised industries (Coal mines) (Part 15)
PDF PREM19/1593 83 Apr 12 85 May 28 367 Confidential Parliament (House of Commons procedure: election of Speaker; appointment of Departmental Select Committees; Government reply to Public Accounts Committee; rules on release of documents and disclosure of information to Select Committees) (Part 6)
PDF PREM19/1594 84 Oct 1 85 May 28 261 Secret Parliament (Legislative Programme) (Part 13)
PDF PREM19/1601 85 Jan 18 85 Feb 1 44 Confidential Prime Minister (Prime Minister's visit to Lloyd's of London: note of meeting with chairman Peter Miller, February 1985)
PDF PREM19/1617 84 May 16 84 May 21 5 Secret Royal Family (Queen's visit to army units in Germany, May 1984: possible threat from Irish terrorism)
PDF PREM19/1630 82 Feb 28 85 Nov 19 38 Secret Security (Hijacking of an Air Tanzania Boeing 737 by Tanzanian dissidents: surrender at Stansted Airport, 28 February 1982)
PDF PREM19/1632 84 Oct 12 85 Jun 24 97 Secret Security (Bomb explosion at the Grand Hotel, Brighton, during the Conservative Party Conference, 12 October 1984)
PDF PREM19/1634 81 Apr 1 85 Sep 5 253 Secret Security (Security Commission: review of security procedures; appointments; cases referred; 'Three Advisers' on appeals against positive vetting clearance refusals - terms of reference and procedures)
PDF PREM19/1641 84 Oct 1 85 Jun 29 358 Secret South Africa (Internal situation: relations with UK) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/1642 85 Jul 1 85 Aug 31 358 Confidential South Africa (Internal situation: relations with UK) (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/1649 82 Feb 16 85 Mar 29 280 Confidential Transport (Channel Fixed Link (Channel Tunnel): economic considerations; discussions with the French) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/1650 85 Apr 1 85 Dec 24 309 Secret Transport (Channel Fixed Link (Channel Tunnel): economic considerations; discussions with the French) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/1654 82 Oct 12 85 Feb 28 411 Secret USA (Economic situation in the United States) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/1655 82 Apr 9 85 Dec 12 271 Secret USA (Visits to UK by George Shultz, US Secretary of State: meetings with Prime Minister)
PDF PREM19/1656 84 Feb 9 85 May 31 333 Secret USA (UK/USA relations) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/1657 81 Feb 20 85 Oct 23 103 Secret USA (Prime Minister's visit to Washington and New York, February 1981) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/1658 84 Dec 10 85 Feb 15 320 Secret USA (Prime Minister's visit to Washington, February 1985) (Part 4A)
PDF PREM19/1660 85 Apr 15 85 Oct 15 398 Confidential USA (Prime Minister's visit to New York and the United Nations, October 1985) (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/1663 84 Oct 31 85 Dec 12 184 Secret Deaths (Assassination of Indira Gandhi, October 1984: Prime Minister's visit to India to attend funeral)
PDF PREM19/1668 86 Jan 12 86 Jan 24 318 Confidential Aerospace (Westland Helicopters) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/1675 80 Jan 21 86 Apr 22 266 Secret Australia (Visits of Australian Prime Ministers to London: Malcolm Fraser (February 1980 and July 1981) and Robert Hawke (June 1983 and April 1986); meetings with the Prime Minister) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/1679 82 Oct 6 86 Jan 24 214 Secret Cabinet (Cabinet Committee structure and membership) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/1698 80 Jan 8 86 Apr 6 122 Confidential Diplomatic Misions (Armed protection for British government representatives overseas: carriage of arms by bodyguards of VIP visitors)
PDF PREM19/1714 85 Jun 14 86 May 6 388 Secret Economic policy (G7 Summit - Tokyo) (Part 20)
PDF PREM19/1715 85 Apr 30 86 May 6 197 Secret Economic policy (G7 Summit - Tokyo) (Part 21)
PDF PREM19/1733 80 Nov 4 86 Jun 27 357 Secret Egypt (Anglo-Egyptian relations: defence sales to Egypt; internal situation) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/1734 79 Oct 22 86 Sep 16 55 Confidential Egypt (Visits to the UK by Prime Ministers, Dr Mustafa Khalil and Dr Ali Loutfi: meetings with the Prime Minister)
PDF PREM19/1750 84 Oct 1 86 Sep 22 362 Confidential European Policy (European Community Budget: report on UK applications for European Regional Development Grants) (Part 33)
PDF PREM19/1751 85 Jul 15 86 Nov 28 271 Confidential European Policy (European Council meeting, London, December 1986) (Part 23)
PDF PREM19/1752 85 Nov 26 86 Jan 15 291 Confidential European Policy (European Council meeting, Luxembourg, December 1985) (Part 24)
PDF PREM19/1753 83 Feb 15 86 Dec 31 212 Confidential European Policy (Visits to UK by Presidents of the European Commission, Gaston Thorn (March 1983 - June 1984) and Jacques Delors (May 1985 - February 1987): meetings with Prime Minister) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/1760 85 Jul 4 86 Oct 23 204 Top Secret France (Anglo-French relations) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/1761 82 Feb 5 86 Sep 24 290 Confidential France (Internal situation) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/1762 85 Oct 16 86 Nov 28 239 Top Secret France (Visits to UK by President Mitterrand) (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/1763 82 Oct 1 86 May 30 348 Top Secret Germany (Internal situation) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/1764 84 Oct 1 86 Sep 22 306 Secret Germany (Anglo-German relations) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/1765 83 Nov 11 86 May 28 276 Secret Germany (Prime Minister's meetings with Chancellor Helmut Kohl) (Part 15)
PDF PREM19/1767 83 Mar 16 86 Oct 31 289 Confidential Government Buildings (The building of an international conference centre on the Broad Sanctuary site and the redevelopment of the Bridge Street and Richmond Yard sites) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/1784 85 Aug 8 86 Mar 20 357 Unclassified Home Affairs (Prime Minister's seminar on crime prevention, January 1986) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/1795 85 Feb 12 86 May 21 309 Confidential Home Affairs (Review of the law on public order) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/1800 82 Sep 2 86 Mar 26 287 Confidential Immigration (Immigration rules) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/1808 81 Feb 23 86 Dec 12 144 Confidential Iran (Internal situation: Anglo-Iranian relations) (Part 9)
PDF PREM19/1809 85 Nov 15 85 Nov 30 628 Secret Ireland (Meetings with the Taoiseach) (Part 12)
PDF PREM19/1810 85 Dec 1 86 Feb 14 316 Secret Ireland (Meetings with the Taoiseach) (Part 13)
PDF PREM19/1811 86 Feb 17 86 Feb 28 255 Secret Ireland (Meetings with the Taoiseach) (Part 14)
PDF PREM19/1812 86 Mar 1 86 Apr 30 307 Secret Ireland (Meetings with the Taoiseach) (Part 12)
PDF PREM19/1813 80 Jul 1 86 Jan 21 310 Confidential Ireland (DeLorean sports cars) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/1814 85 Apr 1 86 Jun 27 417 Secret Ireland (Situation in Northern Ireland) (Part 20)
PDF PREM19/1816 86 Mar 6 86 Jun 16 239 Secret Israel (Prime Minister's visit to Israel, May 1986)
PDF PREM19/1818 79 Jun 5 86 Nov 6 387 Top Secret Italy (Anglo-Italian relations: Italian political scene; British contribution to Italian earthquake relief, 1980-1981) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/1819 86 Feb 2 86 May 27 104 Confidential Italy (Anglo-Italian Summits) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/1820 85 Jun 7 86 Dec 31 264 Confidential Japan (Anglo-Japanese relations) (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/1831 86 Apr 17 86 Apr 30 Retained Sec 3.4 Libya (Internal situation: Anglo-Libyan relations; United States response to Libyan terrorism) (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/1843 81 May 29 85 Jun 11 229 Secret Mexico (Anglo-Mexican relations: internal situation in Mexico) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/1850 84 May 1 85 Feb 13 112 Confidential Memorials (WPC Yvonne Fletcher memorial)
PDF PREM19/1876 82 Nov 16 86 Oct 7 104 Confidential Norway (Prime Minister's visit to Norway, September 1986)
PDF PREM19/1879 85 Jun 3 86 Jun 16 341 Confidential Parliament (House of Commons procedure: replies to Select Committee reports; conflict of interests in the House of Commons) (Part 7)
PDF PREM19/1882 84 Nov 2 86 Mar 11 258 Confidential Parliament (Queen's Speeches on prorogation and opening of Parliament; televising proceedings of the House of Commons) (Part 6)
PDF PREM19/1887 79 Jul 7 86 May 2 187 Secret Portugal (UK/Portugal relations; internal situation; death of Dr Francisco de Sa Carneiro; Prime Minister's meeting with Dr Mario Soares, 14 February 1984)(Part 1)
PDF PREM19/1966 86 Mar 3 86 May 30 468 Secret South Africa (Internal situation; relations with UK) (Part 9)
PDF PREM19/1970 86 Aug 1 86 Nov 28 289 Top Secret - Cab One South Africa (Internal situation; relations with UK) (Part 13)
PDF PREM19/1971 79 Oct 27 86 Aug 21 283 Confidential South Korea (UK/South Korea relations; internal situation; death of President Park; election and resignation of President Choi Kya-hah; inauguration of President Chun Doo-hwan; visit of President Chun to UK and meeting with Prime Minister, 9 April 1986) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/1972 82 Mar 29 86 May 16 162 Confidential South Korea (Prime Minister's visit to South Korea, May 1986)
PDF PREM19/1976 80 Mar 10 86 Feb 21 279 Top Secret Spain (Internal situation; UK/Spain relations) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/1997 81 Jun 11 85 Jul 3 USA (Visits to UK by Vice President George Bush; discussions on extraterritoriality and terrorism)
PDF PREM19/2031 88 Jan 4 88 Sep 30 494 Confidential Broadcasting (Television licence fees; subscription television; independent television producers; Broadcasting White Paper) (Part 6)
PDF PREM19/2089 86 Sep 18 87 May 29 276 Secret Economic Policy (G7 Summit - Venice, June 1987) (Part 22)
PDF PREM19/2090 87 Jun 1 88 Feb 17 401 Secret Economic Policy (G7 Summit - Venice, June 1987) (Part 23)
PDF PREM19/2091 87 Jun 26 88 Jun 11 286 Confidential Economic Policy (G7 Summit - Toronto) (Part 24)
PDF PREM19/2109 88 Mar 1 88 May 31 364 Confidential Economic Policy (G7 Summit - Toronto: Prime Minister's Personal Representative for Economic Summits; briefing for third meeting of Personal Representatives ('Sherpas'), Paris, May 1988) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/2110 88 Jun 1 88 Jul 29 340 Confidential Economic Policy (G7 Summit - Toronto: Prime Minister's Personal Representative for Economic Summits; 'Sherpa' papers) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/2172 86 Nov 3 87 Nov 27 300 Secret and Personal Foreign Policy (East/West relations) (Part 7)
PDF PREM19/2173 87 Dec 1 88 Nov 15 334 Top Secret Foreign Policy (East/West relations) (Part 8)
PDF PREM19/2181 86 Nov 3 88 Nov 28 339 Top Secret France (Anglo-French relations: French disruption of UK lamb trade; Anglo-French nuclear defence cooperation; Prime Minister Michel Rocard's environmental initiative) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/2182 86 Oct 21 87 Oct 30 287 Top Secret - UK Eyes A France (Prime Minister's visits to France, November 1986 and March and July 1987) (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/2187 87 Apr 10 87 Apr 13 11 Unclassified Government Buildings (Vacant public property)
PDF PREM19/2211 80 May 1 87 Mar 31 242 Secret Greece (UK/Greek relations) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/2525 87 Sep 2 88 May 26 408 Secret South Africa (Internal situation: relations with UK) (Part 15)
PDF PREM19/2539 87 Feb 3 87 Apr 21 162 Top Secret Soviet Union (UK/Soviet relations; internal situation) (Part 7)
PDF PREM19/2558 79 Nov 15 87 Jul 8 192 Confidential Turkey (UK/Turkish relations) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/2593 88 Oct 3 89 Apr 27 403 Confidential Broadcasting (Broadcasting policy) (Part 7)
PDF PREM19/2609 85 Jul 4 89 Feb 28 295 Secret Cyprus (Internal situation: UK/Cyprus relations) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/2625 89 Jan 10 89 May 25 323 Secret Economic Policy (Public Spending) (Part 41)
PDF PREM19/2633 88 Jun 18 89 Jun 19 300 Secret Economic Policy (G7 Summit - Toronto, June 1988) (Part 26)
PDF PREM19/2634 89 Jul 10 89 Jul 28 333 Confidential Economic Policy (G7 Summit - Paris, July 1989) (Part 28) [filed out of sequence; for Part 27 see PREM19/3277]
PDF PREM19/2665 89 Jun 7 89 Jun 22 289 Secret European Policy (European Council meeting, Madrid, June 1989) (Part 32)
PDF PREM19/2666 89 Jun 23 89 Jun 27 348 Secret European Policy (European Council meeting, Madrid, June 1989) (Part 33)
PDF PREM19/2682 88 Dec 2 89 Nov 17 347 Secret Foreign Policy (East/West relations) (Part 9)
PDF PREM19/2691 86 Dec 1 89 Aug 31 379 Confidential France (Visits to UK by President Mitterrand) (Part 6)
PDF PREM19/2692 87 Nov 13 89 Feb 28 308 Secret France (Prime Minister's visits to France) (Part 6)
PDF PREM19/2868 89 Jan 3 89 Mar 31 492 Secret Soviet Union (Visit to the UK by President Mikhail Gorbachev, April 1989) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/2869 89 Apr 2 89 May 3 404 Top Secret Soviet Union (Visit to the UK by President Gorbachev, 5-7 April 1989) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/2873 89 Feb 1 89 May 31 361 Top Secret - Cab One Soviet Union (UK/Soviet relations: internal situation) (Part 12)
PDF PREM19/2892 87 Jul 24 89 Nov 30 412 Secret USA (Prime Minister's visits to Washington, November 1988 and November 1989) (Part 8)
PDF PREM19/2920 85 Sep 5 90 Jun 25 291 Secret Canada (UK/Canadian relations) (Part 6)
PDF PREM19/2943 89 Sep 5 90 Apr 23 441 Secret Economic Policy (Domestic monetary policy) (Part 21)
PDF PREM19/2945 89 Dec 21 90 Aug 20 414 Secret Economic Policy (G7 Summit - Houston, July 1990) (Part 30)
PDF PREM19/2961 81 Dec 1 90 Jan 22 300 Secret El Salvador (Internal situation: UK/El Salvador relations) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/2992 89 Dec 1 90 Jan 30 460 Secret Foreign Policy (East/West relations) (Part 10)
PDF PREM19/2993 89 Feb 1 90 Jul 31 315 Secret Foreign Policy (East/West relations) (Part 11)
PDF PREM19/3003 86 Jun 13 90 Mar 2 378 Secret Germany (Internal situation in the Federal Republic of Germany) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/3005 86 Feb 3 90 Oct 1 67 Secret Germany (Visits to the UK by Richard von Weizsacker, President of the Federal Republic of Germany)
PDF PREM19/3056 86 Nov 5 90 Feb 23 245 Confidential Italy (Anglo-Italian Summits) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/3058 86 Oct 3 90 Oct 20 316 Secret Italy (Visits of the Italian Prime Minister: visits of the Italian President) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/3077 90 Aug 20 90 Aug 23 370 Top Secret Middle East (Situation in the Middle East: Iraqi invasion of Kuwait) (Part 24)
PDF PREM19/3081 90 Sep 6 90 Sep 13 328 Top Secret Middle East (Situation in the Middle East: Iraqi invasion of Kuwait) (Part 28)
PDF PREM19/3085 90 Oct 22 90 Oct 31 241 Top Secret - Cab One Middle East (Situation in the Middle East: Iraqi invasion of Kuwait) (Part 32)
PDF PREM19/3086 90 Nov 1 90 Nov 17 375 Top Secret - Cab One Middle East (Situation in the Middle East: Iraqi invasion of Kuwait) (Part 33)
PDF PREM19/3169 89 Oct 2 90 May 18 287 Secret Social Services (Uprating of social security benefits, including child support) (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/3171 89 Nov 1 90 Feb 28 493 Secret - Cab One South Africa (Internal situation: relations with UK; release of Nelson Mandela) (Part 21)
PDF PREM19/3174 86 Jun 17 90 May 26 277 Top Secret Soviet Union (Human rights and the position of dissidents in the Soviet Union: policy towards the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE)) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/3184 86 Jun 2 90 Jan 3 87 Secret Soviet Union (Visits to the UK by Eduard Shevardnadze, Soviet Foreign Minister, July 1986 and December 1989)
PDF PREM19/3317 91 Jan 18 91 Nov 29 291 Secret European Policy (European Council meeting, Maastricht, December 1991) (Part 39)
PDF PREM19/3340 87 Oct 20 90 Dec 18 208 Secret Foreign policy (Prime Minister's meetings with the Foreign Secretary) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/3346 89 Mar 1 91 Jul 31 270 Secret France (Prime Minister's visits to France: Anglo-French Summits) (Part 7)
PDF PREM19/3347 82 Jan 25 91 Mar 27 340 Top Secret - UK Eyes A France (Visits to the UK by Jacques Chirac (Mayor of Paris / Prime Minister) and Michel Rocard (Prime Minister)) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/3348 89 Sep 1 91 Dec 6 230 Secret - UK Eyes A France (Visits to UK by President Mitterrand) (Part 7)
PDF PREM19/3408 89 Jan 20 90 Apr 26 303 Secret Ireland (Situation in Northern Ireland) (Part 27)
PDF PREM19/3410 88 Mar 1 91 Nov 28 204 Secret Italy (Visits by the Prime Minister to Rome: Anglo-Italian Summits in Italy) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/3467 80 Sep 16 91 Nov 7 319 Confidential Netherlands (Internal situation: UK/Dutch relations) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/3496 85 Dec 17 91 Apr 5 283 Secret Prime Minister (Prime Minister's occasional bilateral meetings with various Cabinet colleagues) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/3548 79 Sep 18 91 Dec 3 195 Secret Soviet Union (Contacts with and calls by Soviet Ambassadors)
PDF PREM19/3760 90 Aug 7 92 Apr 29 459 Secret Foreign Policy (East/West relations) (Part 12)
PDF PREM19/3866 86 Sep 11 92 Dec 23 253 Secret Netherlands (Visits to the UK by Ruud Lubbers, Dutch Prime Minister) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/3881 80 Jul 2 92 May 18 97 Confidential Peru (Internal situation: UK/Peru relations; visits of the Peruvian Speaker (Luis Percovich), Mario Vargas Llosa and President Fujimori)
PDF T640/1321 89 Feb 13 89 Jun 23 185 Secret Europe (World economy: Italy 1987-1989)
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Documents lie at the core of this website, each one dated and sorted chronologically (by default) in search results. Most are images in PDF format of original paper documents scanned or filmed for the site. There also transcripts of speeches and interviews, press articles, photos, videos, and more. The document database contains tens of thousands of items and permits complex searching.

Files are multi-page PDFs from which most of the documents on the site are selected. All of Mrs Thatcher’s official files from No.10 are available in full on this site (paper copies are stored at the National Archives in the series PREM19), as well as most of those of Geoffrey Howe and Nigel Lawson as Chancellor (stored at TNA as series T639 and T640).

Guides are articles about key events and topics. Many were written to accompany annual releases of Mrs Thatcher’s private and party papers at the Churchill Archive Centre in Cambridge.


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