

Searched for: reagan. Document type: Declassified documents.

Showing items 1 - 500 of 4549.

PDF 72 Jul 17 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) MT: No.10 menu ("Luncheon in honour of the Honourable Ronald Reagan Governor of California, and Mrs Reagan") [first meeting of MT and Reagan] [released 2003]
PDF 75 Apr 30 We Declassified documents Key Archive (Thatcher MSS) Cold War: Reagan letter to MT (fall of Saigon) ["a dark day ... somehow the shadows seem to have lengthened"] [released 2003]
PDF 78 Dec 29 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Cold War: Reagan letter to MT (thanks for meeting; defence) [released 2007]
PDF 79 Sep 24 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Eliot Janeway) [Democratic/Republican Presidential candidates; PLO; Rhodesia] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 80 Jan 17 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (CIA) Argentina: CIA Information Report (1934Z) ("Alleged belief of the Argentine Government that the current US Administration is trying to 'destabilize' it by using the human rights campaign") ["knee-jerk rationalisation among elements within the GOA"] [declassified 2018]
PDF 80 Jan 22 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) US: Ray Whitney to Geoffrey Howe (US-UK relations) [“there is a widespread fear among the incoming Administration of being ‘Thatcherised’”] [released 2017]
PDF 80 Apr 16 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Middle East: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Kissinger) [US Administration, Iran, East/West relations, Arab-Israeli dispute, Western summit] [declassified 2010]
PDF 80 Apr 24 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: UKE Washington telegram 1589 to FCO (2045Z) ("US Presidential Campaign: Pennsylvania") ["seen as a last chance for Kennedy and Bush to stem the tide running in favour of Carter and Reagan"] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 80 Apr 24 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: No.10 record of conversation ("Conversation with Mr. Carbaugh at 10 Downing Street on Thursday 24 April 1980") [Michael Alexander, John Carbaugh: US defence policy; request that MT make case in Parliament for increased defence expenditure; Rapier programme; Republican nominee: request that MT meet with Reagan to support his campaign; funds for Reagan campaign; Namibia] [released Aug 2013]
PDF 80 May 19 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: FCO telegram to UKE Washington (1400Z) ("Contacts with Mr Reagan's Advisers") [John Carbaugh, aide to Senator Helms: request for channel of communication to No.10] [released Aug 2013]
Text 80 Jul 2 We Declassified documents Minor Archive (Thatcher MSS) MT Engagement Diary
PDF 80 Jul 8 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) US: Gordon Reece note for MT (account of visit to Washington DC) [meeting presidential campaign teams] [released 2011]
PDF 80 Jul 8 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) US: Gordon Reece minute to MT (US Presidential Campaign teams) ["Reagan's is far and away the richest and also the least media dominated group"] [released 2011]
PDF 80 Jul 14 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: Armstrong minute to Alexander (report of conversation with Chancellor Schmidt) [acquiring Trident: Armstrong delivers MT's personal message; Schmidt recounts visit to Moscow] [declassified 2011]
PDF 80 Jul 18 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: UKE Washington telegram 2550 to FCO (2335Z) ("The Republican National Convention, Detroit 14-17 July") [report on Reagan's endorsement as Presidential nominee] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 80 Jul 22 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: UKE Washington telegram 37 to FCO ("Republican Party Energy Policy") [summary & analysis] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 80 Jul 29 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: UKE Washington telegram 2619 to FCO (0030Z) ("U.S. Presidential Election") [Democratic Party Nominating Convention/Billy Carter affair] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 80 Jul 29 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: UKE Washington telegram 2620 to FCO (0100Z) ("U.S. Presidential Election: consequences of Anderson's candidacy") ["the peculiar circumstances of this election, and of Anderson's candidacy in particular, are likely to provoke more than the usual nervousness and distraction within both Congress and Administration over the next few months"] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 80 Jul 29 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: UKE Washington telegram 2631 to FCO (2300Z) ("The US Economy and the Presidential Election") [analysis] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 80 Aug 5 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: UKE Washington telegram 3695 to FCO (2145Z) ("Billy Carter: President Carter's press conference") [report] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 80 Aug 7 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: UKE Washington telegram 42 to FCO (“United States monthly economic report for July 1980”) [“decline in US economic activity is continuing”] [declassified 2012]
PDF 80 Aug 11 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Press Office: Transcript of 'Special Edition' radio programme (Richard Staley reports on interview with MT) [released 2011]
PDF 80 Aug 15 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: UKE Washington telegram 3779 to FCO (2345Z) ("Democratic National Convention, New York, 11-14 August") [report] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 80 Aug 25 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: UKE Washington telegram 3834 to FCO (2300Z) ("The outlook for a second Carter term") [assessment] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 80 Sep 11 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: UKE Washington telegram 3979 to FCO (2330Z) ("US Presidential Campaign") [participation in first televised debate] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 80 Sep 23 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: UKE Washington telegram 4087 to FCO (2358Z) ("US Presidential Campaign") [first televised debate] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 80 Oct 3 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: Angus Maude minute to all Ministers ("US Presidential Election") [participation radio & television programmes] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 80 Oct 22 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Belize: Armstrong briefing for MT ("Anglo-Guatemalan Negotiations Over Belize (OD(80) 59)") [declassified 2013]
PDF 80 Nov 2 Su Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: UKE Washington telegram 4459 to FCO (2355Z) ("US Presidential Election") [polls; electoral system; hostage crisis; analysis] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 80 Nov 5 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: UKE Moscow telegram 696 to FCO (1515Z) ("US Elections") [Soviet reporting on/reactions to results] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 80 Nov 5 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Hong Kong: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Yue-Kong Pao) [shipbuilding contracts and the new Chinese and US regimes] [declassified 2012]
PDF 80 Nov 6 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: UKE Washington telegram 4499 to FCO (2135Z) ("U.S. Presidential election") [analysis of Reagan/Carter campaigns & results] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 80 Nov 6 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cabinet: Minutes of Full Cabinet - CC(80) 39th (1981-82 Cash Limits & Votes, Rate Support Grant Supplement 1981-82, Public Expenditure 1981-82, etc) [declassified 2010]
PDF 80 Nov 7 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: UKE Paris letter to FCO (US election result) [notes MT likely to get on particularly well with Reagan] [declassified 2012]
PDF 80 Nov 10 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: President-elect Reagan letter to MT (thanks for her congratulations) [looks forward to another meeting] [declassified 2012]
PDF 80 Nov 11 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: UKE Washington telegram 4538 to FCO (0105Z) ("US elections") [analysis of results] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 80 Nov 12 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Defence: Carrington PS letter to No.10 (“Health of the Alliance”) [proposed review of NATO to reduce UK contribution to budget] [declassified 2013]
PDF 80 Nov 13 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) France: No.10 record of telephone conversation (MT-Giscard) [military spending, election of Reagan, Schmidt visit to US, East/West relations] [declassified 2012]
PDF 80 Nov 14 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Armstrong briefing for MT ("Northern Ireland (OD(80) 67 and 68)") [declassified 2011]
PDF 80 Nov 16 Su Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: MT letter to Paul Johnson (US elections: thoughts on Reagan's victory) [American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research; "a note to thank you for your assessment"] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 80 Nov 16 Su Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Labour: MT letter to Paul [Johnson] (significance of Michael Foot's election as Labour leader) ["I fear it will start with mob oratory in an attempt to create disorder"] [released 2011]
PDF 80 Nov 16 Su Declassified documents Minor Archive (Thatcher MSS) US: MT letter to Paul Johnson (Reagan's election and Foot as Labour leader) ["I fear [Foot's leadership] will start with mob oratory"] [released 2011]
PDF 80 Nov 16 Su Declassified documents Minor Archive (TNA) Germany: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Chancellor Schmidt) [Carrington's visit to Eastern Europe, NATO, Middle East and South West Asia, Quadripartite Consultation, Arab-Israeli Conflict, EC affairs, Anglo-French bilateral relations, Spain, defence] [declassified 2011]
PDF 80 Nov 19 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) China: Carrington minute to Pym (“COCOM: defence sales to China”) [UK seeks to reassure allies] [declassified 2013]
PDF 80 Nov 21 Fr Declassified documents Minor Archive (Thatcher MSS) US: MT letter to Sir Robert Thompson (Thompson's discussion with Nixon, views of Reagan's administration) [Soviet influence in the third world] [released 2011]
PDF 80 Nov 21 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) France: No.10 record of telephone conversation (MT-Giscard) [MT's conversation with Schmidt, Middle East, quadripartite summit, Commission portfolios, New Zealand, Luxembourg] [declassified 2012]
PDF 80 Nov 21 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: No.10 letter to FCO (“Contacts with the Reagan team”) [proposed MT first meeting with Reagan as President] [declassified 2012]
PDF 80 Nov 23 Su Declassified documents Minor Archive (TNA) Germany: No.10 record of telephone conversation (MT-Chancellor Schmidt) [Schmidt's visit to Washington, Reagan's Administration, arms control negotiations] [declassified 2011]
PDF 80 Nov 24 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: UKE Washington telegram 4678 to FCO (2325Z) ("President-Elect Reagan") [analysis of character and likely policies & priorities on assuming office; probable key advisers] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 80 Dec 4 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: UKE Washington telegram 4785 to FCO (0125Z) ("The transition: appointments to Mr Reagan's Cabinet") [speculation] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 80 Dec 8 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Trade: Keith Joseph minute to MT (“Textiles”) [problem of US imports] [declassified 2012]
PDF 80 Dec 9 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: UKE Washington telegram 4851 to FCO (0150Z) ("The Reagan Transition: Cabinet Appointments") [timetable; Al Haig] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 80 Dec 10 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Japan: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Japanese Foreign Minister, Japanese Ambassador) [oil prices; Middle East; MT views on Carter and Reagan administrations; MT views on place of human rights in foreign policy; Poland] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 80 Dec 11 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: UKE Washington telegram 4879 to FCO (2055Z) ("The Reagan Cabinet") [appointees; biographies] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 80 Dec 11 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Poland: UKDEL NATO to FCO ("Poland") [discussion of situation in Poland at Foreign Ministers' dinner: contingency planning for Soviet intervention in Poland] [declassified 2011]
PDF 80 Dec 18 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: UKE Washington telegram 4957 to FCO (0040Z) (foreign policy of the incoming Administration) [Ambassador Henderson, Richard Allen: record of conversation] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 80 Dec 23 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: UKE Washington telegram 4988 to FCO (0016Z) ("Reagan Cabinet appointments: Press Conference") [Haig Q&A; Haig; Kirkpatrick; Edwards; Watt; Pierce: biographies] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 80 Dec 23 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Belize: FCO telegram 1962 to UKE Washington (1600Z) ("Belize/Guatemala") ["Apparent hardening of the Guatemalan position...may not be unconnected with their hopes for better understanding and support from the Reagan Administration"; need to brief Haig] [declassified 2013]
PDF 80 Dec 24 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: UKE Washington telegram 4998 to FCO (0035Z) ("Reagan Cabinet: Secretary of Agriculture") [biog & assessment of new appointee, Block] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 80 Dec 24 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: UKE Washington telegram 4999 to FCO (0043Z) ("US Presidential Appointments") [biogs & assessment] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 80 Dec 24 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: UKE Washington telegram 5005 to FCO (1755Z) ("Presidential transition: General Haig") [Haig's dismissals & appointments] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 80 Dec 24 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Belize: UKE Washington telegram 5007 to FCO (1930Z) ("Belize/Guatemala") ["The apparent hardening of the Guatemalan position may indeed owe something to their expectation that US/Guatemalan relations will improve under a Reagan Administration"] [declassified 2013]
PDF 80 Dec 30 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: UKE Washington telegram 5015 to FCO (0005Z) ("The Reagan Cabinet") [analysis] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 80 Dec 31 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Press Office: Press Office memo ("Review of the Year") [main events in 1980] [released 2011]
PDF 80 Dec 31 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Cold War: Hugh Thomas minute to MT ("A Western policy towards the Soviet economy") ["Mr. Reagan's administration may be interested in a radical approach of this nature"] [released 2013]
PDF 80 Dec 31 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Defence: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Pym-Carrington-Chancellor of the Exchequer) ["Defence Estimates 1981/82"] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Jan 2 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Angola: Lord Carrington PS letter to No.10 ("Angola: visit of Savimbi") [case against MT meeting with leader of UNITA guerrilla movement] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 81 Jan 4 Su Declassified documents Key Archive (Thatcher MSS) Media: Ingham minute for MT ("Note for the Record") ["Rupert Murdoch Lunch"] [released 2012]
PDF 81 Jan 8 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) China: No.10 letter to Dept of Energy (Guangdong Nuclear Power Station) [directive to discuss with French but keep other options open] [declassified 2012]
PDF 81 Jan 9 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: UKE Washington telegram 73 to FCO (2100Z) ("Visit to the US of the Reverend Ian Paisley") [Paisley keen to accept accidental invite to Reagan's inauguration] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 81 Jan 9 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Energy: Armstrong briefing for MT ("Energy Prices") [briefing for meeting with Howell and Chancellor of the Exchequer] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Jan 9 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Energy: Ibbs minute to Lankester ("Energy Prices") [need to assist British industry with energy prices; competition with EC and US] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Jan 10 Sa Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: UKE Washington telegram 85 to FCO (0035Z) ("Appointments at the State Department") [biogs of Eagleburger, Rashish & Stoessel] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 81 Jan 12 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Namibia: FCO telegram 35 to UKE Washington (1546Z) ("Namibia") [need to persuade incoming Reagan Administration to encourage South Africa to engage with Namibia independence negotiations] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Jan 13 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Namibia: UKE Washington telegram 118 to FCO (2344Z) ("Namibia") [Reagan Administration "likely to be hostile to the idea of sanctions" against South Africa] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Jan 14 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: UKE Washington telegram 132 to FCO (2250Z) ("Confirmation Hearings on Alexander Haig") [report; Cambodia; Chile; Watergate] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 81 Jan 16 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Namibia: UKE Washington telegram 153 to FCO (0020Z) ("U.S. Policy on Namibia") [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Jan 16 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Defence: Nott minute to MT ("Defence Estimates 1981/82") [further adjustments to defence programme] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Jan 19 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Defence: Armstrong minute to MT ("Defence Estimates 1981/82: Flotation of British Aerospace") [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Jan 19 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Defence: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Nott-Carrington-Chancellor of the Exchequer-Joseph-Havers) ["Defence Expenditure and BAe Flotation"] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Jan 20 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: UKE Bonn telegram 47 to FCO (1020Z) ("The New US Administration: FRG views") [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 81 Jan 20 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: MT letter to President Reagan (inauguration) [congratulations] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 81 Jan 20 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: MT letter to President Carter (US elections) [message to mark end of Carter's Presidency] [declassified Jan 2014]
Text 81 Jan 20 Tu Declassified documents Key Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Thatcher letter to Reagan (inaugural congratulations) [unclassified]
PDF 81 Jan 21 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("My Meeting with Warren Christopher, Working Group on Iran Agreement, Upcoming Visits by European Foreign Ministers") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jan 21 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: UKE Washington telegram 205 to FCO (2245Z) ("The Reagan Administration") [appointments] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 81 Jan 21 We Declassified documents Key Archive (Thatcher MSS) US: No.10 telcon (Reagan phone call to MT on inauguration day) [MT promises to brief him on her mistakes] [declassified 2010]
PDF 81 Jan 21 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: FCO to No.10 ("Visit to Britain by President Reagan") [MT: "I think it would be very nice if it were a state visit - even without an open carriage ride"] [declassified 2012]
PDF 81 Jan 22 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Iran, Meeting with Senior Moroccans, Poland") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jan 23 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Iran, Demarche on Soviet Actions During the Hostage Crisis, El Salvador, Polish Contingency Planning, Meeting with Congressmen Zablocki and Broomfield") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jan 23 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: UKE Washington telegram 245 to FCO (2357Z) ("Reagan Administration Appointments") [report] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 81 Jan 24 Sa Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Messages to Gromyko and Allies on Poland, Panama's Relationship with Cuba, Lunch with French Ambassador de Laboulaye") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jan 25 Su Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Former Hostages Arrive Home, Conversation with the Mexican Ambassador, F-15s for Saudi Arabia, Personnel") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jan 26 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Nicaragua, El Salvador, Meeting with British Ambassador, Update on the Status of the Returnees") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jan 26 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: NSC discussion of Thatcher visit (urges accepting invitation to return event at British Embassy) [declassified 2006]
PDF 81 Jan 26 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: Hugh Thomas letter to MT (President Reagan) [evaluation by Dr Edward Luttwak] [declassified 2012]
PDF 81 Jan 27 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Giscard Proposal on Afghanistan, Moroccan-Soviet Confrontation: Demonstration of US Interest, Reception of the Returnees") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jan 27 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: UKE Washington telegram 257 to FCO (0030Z) ("President Reagan's Government") ["some preliminary comments on the conduct of business, particulary foreign affairs"] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 81 Jan 27 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: NSC discussion of Thatcher visit (disinclination to accept return event at British Embassy) [declassified 2006]
PDF 81 Jan 28 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Seaga, Press Conference, Confirmation of Bill Clark") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jan 28 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: UKE Washington telegram 286 to FCO (0050Z) ("Hostages: Washington Reception") [report] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 81 Jan 29 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Response to Gromyko Letter, Vietnam and Cambodia, Meeting with Senate Steering Committee, Call of Turkish Ambassador, Poland") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jan 29 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: UKE Washington telegram 314 to FCO (2220Z) ("Haig press conference: 28 January") [report on first press conference] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 81 Jan 29 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Press Office: Ingham minute to MT ("Time") [arrangements for interview; comment on Labour party divisions, US, Northern Ireland] [released 2012]
PDF 81 Jan 29 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cabinet: Minutes of Full Cabinet - CC(81) 4th (Parliamentary Affairs, US, Namibia, Poland, Afghanistan, Soviet Union, Israel, Iran, EC, Scrutiny of Department Running Costs) [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Jan 30 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Budget, Canada, Meeting with Michel Debré, Nicaragua, Poland, US Crude Oil Decontrol") [Nicaraguans warned on Cuban use of their territory to support insurgency in El Salvador] [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jan 31 Sa Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: National Security Adviser memorandum to President ("Secretary Haig's Evening Report") [items of special interest] [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Feb 1 Su Declassified documents Major Archive (CIA) Argentina: CIA National Foreign Assessment Center Memorandum ("Guatemala: The Climate for Insurgency") ["The 20-year old Marxist insurgency is again intensifying"] [declassified 2019]
PDF 81 Feb 2 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Korean President's Visit, Polish Contingency Planning and Allied Consultations, Soviet Grain Embargo, Meeting with Reverend Jesse Jackson, Justice Clark") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Feb 2 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) US: Reagan letter to MT (congratulations on MT's speech to the Pilgrim's Dinner) [concern for "democracy and liberty" is "the essence of the special relationship"] [released 2012]
Text 81 Feb 2 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Reagan letter to Thatcher (the special relationship) [declassified 1997]
PDF 81 Feb 2 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: President Reagan letter to MT (MT speech to the Pilgrims’ Dinner) [declassified 2012]
PDF 81 Feb 3 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Korea, Soviet Grain Embargo, Meeting with Foreign Ministers, Inter-Agency Meeting on Jamaica, Meeting on CSCE with Max Kampelman, Justice Clark") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Feb 3 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: FCO to No.10 ("Visit to Britain by President Reagan") [problems with state visits of US Presidents to the UK] [declassified 2012]
PDF 81 Feb 3 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Netherlands: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Dutch Ambassador to London, Robbert Fack) [MT's visit to the Netherlands] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Feb 3 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: Armstrong minute to Alexander ("Prime Minister's Visit to the United States: 25-28 February") [UK priorities and objectives] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Feb 4 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Meeting with Israeli Ambassador Evron, Spain-NATO and Our Bilateral Agreement, Americans Detained in Iran and American Properties, Launch of ICBM, NOtification of the Soviet Embassy, Use of Utapao Airbase in Thailand, Oil Supplies for Portugal, Publication of Human Rights Report, Poland") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Feb 5 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Polish Ambassador Repeats Need for Financial Assistance, Meeting with Saudi Ambassador, Discussion with Greek Ambassador on US-Greek Relations, Dutch Ambassador's Visit, Special NATO Council Meeting on Poland, Soviet Refugee in US Embassy in Malta, Judiciary Committee Interest in Counter-Terrorism") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Feb 5 Th Declassified documents Minor Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: NSC planning for MT visit (dinner guests) [declassified 2006]
PDF 81 Feb 5 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Namibia: President Masire of Botswana letter to MT (future of Namibia) [need to resist calls for sanctions; appeals to MT to impress upon Reagan need for positive US influence] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Feb 6 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: National Security Council minutes (1830Z) (“Caribbean Basin & Poland”) (NSC 0001) [preliminary discussion] [declassified 2007]
PDF 81 Feb 6 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Poland: UKE Warsaw to FCO ("Poland") ["the slide to anarchy in Poland is reaching such a point that the Soviet Union may find it impossible not to intervene"] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Feb 7 Sa Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Ship Visit to Agadir, Morocco, Mexico, Sinai") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Feb 8 Su Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) US: Sherman paper for MT ("Potential snags in Anglo-American relations") [Reaganites since election "brutally differentiated themselves" from MT's government] [declassified 2010]
PDF 81 Feb 10 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Expulsion of Cuban Diplomat, Call by Dobrynin, Swedish Foreign Minister's Statement on El Salvador, Increased Cooperation Among Arab States of the Persian Gulf, Aid to Private Groups in Nicaragua, Committee to Stimulate Investment in Jamaica, Interagency Review on Pakistan") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Feb 10 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Economic Policy: Cabinet Office record of conversations ("Ottawa summit and meeting of Personal Representatives") [Sir Robert Armstrong, Allan Gotlieb] [declassified Dec 2011]
PDF 81 Feb 10 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Defence: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Nott-Carrington) [future defence policy] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Feb 11 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Lybian Pilot Defects to Greece, Meeting with Omani Foreign Minister Zawawi, Appointment by Waldheim of a Special Representative on Afghanistan, Madrid CSCE: Beginning of the Final Stage") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Feb 11 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Prime Minister: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Howe, Volcker) [US economy; monetary control issues; Volcker findings as to opinion in London ("pretty nervous") and Europe (recesssion thought to be deepening)] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 81 Feb 11 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Monetary policy: No.10 minute (MT meeting with Paul Volcker, chairman Federal Reserve) [prospects of the Reagan Administration; monetary control, etc] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Feb 11 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: National Security Council minutes (“Central America [& Taiwan]”) (NSC 0002) [declassified 2007]
PDF 81 Feb 11 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) US: MT letter to Reagan (thanks for message of congratulations regarding MT's speech the Pilgrim's Dinner) [special relationship] [released 2012]
Text 81 Feb 11 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Thatcher letter to Reagan (importance of the US-UK relationship) [unclassified]
PDF 81 Feb 12 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Defence: Nott minute to MT (“A Review of NATO”) [objectives] [declassified 2013]
PDF 81 Feb 12 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Mexico: Special Emissary, Talks with Italian Foreign Minister, Japanese Ambassador Okawara's Call") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Feb 12 Th Declassified documents Minor Archive (Reagan Library) Italy/US: White House record of conversation (Reagan-Foreign Minister Colombo) [expressions of mutual regard; TNF; Italy as a "difficult democracy"] [declassified 2006]
PDF 81 Feb 12 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) US: Lankester minute to Walters ("Georgetown University Speech") [Walters' draft for MT's speech and comments] [released 2012]
PDF 81 Feb 13 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Breakfast with Weinberger, NATO Secretary General, AWACs to NATO, The Australian and New Zealand Ambassadors' Calls") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Feb 13 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Press Office: Ingham minute to MT ("Briefing for American Correspondents in London") [arrangements for on-the-record briefing] [released 2012]
PDF 81 Feb 13 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: Northern Ireland Office letter to No.10 ("Firearms for the RUC") [US ban on export licences] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Feb 13 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Overseas aid: Lord Carrington minute to MT (“International Development Association: 6th replenishment: bridging arrangements: Parliamentary timetable”) [declassified 2012]
PDF 81 Feb 16 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Congressional Briefings: El Salvador and Iran, Meeting of The Seven, Meeting with Armand Hammer, Meeting with David Rockefeller") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Feb 17 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Congressional Briefings on Central America and the Iranian Agreements, U.S. Mission to Europe on El Salvador, Visit of Italian Christian Democratic Leader Piccoli") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Feb 17 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: State Department briefing for President Reagan (“Essential Issues Papers”) [declassified 2006]
PDF 81 Feb 17 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Germany: UKE Bonn letter to FCO ("Farewell Call on the Chancellor") [account of UK Ambassador's final meeting with Schmidt] [released 2012]
PDF 81 Feb 17 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) US: Text of New York Times article ("Mrs. Thatcher is Confident of Close Ties with Reagan") [released 2012]
PDF 81 Feb 18 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Ambassador West, Argentina in the Human Rights Commission, Ambassador's Call on Polish Prime Miniater, U.S. Mission to Europe on El Salvador, Liquefied Natural Gas Talks with Algeria") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Feb 18 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Al Haig briefing for President Reagan (MT visit, with copy of her final schedule) [principal goal: "demonstrate publicly and privately that Mrs.Thatcher is the major Western leader most attuned to your views on East-West and security issues"] [declassified 2006]
PDF 81 Feb 18 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War & Caribbean: National Security Council minutes (1542Z) ("Caribbean Basin & F15s") (NSC 0003) [declassified 2007]
PDF 81 Feb 18 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) US: Reagan letter to MT (thanks for message of congratulations on inaugration) [released 2012]
Text 81 Feb 18 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Reagan letter to Thatcher (inauguration) [unclassified]
Text 81 Feb 18 We Declassified documents Major Henderson (Sir Nicholas) diary Cold War: Sir Nicholas Henderson diary (MT nervous about coming Washington visit)
PDF 81 Feb 18 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: President Reagan letter to MT (MT visit to US) [inauguration] [declassified 2012]
PDF 81 Feb 19 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: FCO minute to No.10 ("Central America") [background briefing] ​​​​​​​[released Dec 2017]
PDF 81 Feb 19 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Pentagon) Argentina: Joint Chiefs memorandum to Secretary of Defense ("Security Assistance Policy - Argentina/Chile") [argues for early action to repeal legislative restrictions on military assistance as relationships have "steadily deteriorated"] [declassified 2017]
PDF 81 Feb 19 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: FCO briefing for MT ("Prime Minister's Visit to the United States: 25-28 February 1981") [complete set] ​​​​​​​[released Dec 2011]
PDF 81 Feb 19 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("General Walters' Meeting with the Mexican President on El Salvador, Meeting of the Senior Interdepartmental Group on El Salvador, Turkey, Meeting with Ambassador Sam Lewis, Proposed Luns Visit, Meeting with Greek Orthodox Archbishop Iakovos") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Feb 19 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: NSC memorandum to Vice-President Bush (urges he meet Carrington whose “support (and restraint) will be critical”) [declassified 2006]
PDF 81 Feb 19 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Namibia: MT letter to President Masire of Botswana (future of Namibia) [MT agrees with Masire's views] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Feb 20 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Meeting with Israeli Foreign Minister, U.S. Mission on El Salvador, Polish Ambassador's Call") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Feb 20 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: NSC draft guidance for press on MT visit (“upbeat bad news”) [declassified 2005]
PDF 81 Feb 20 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) US: UKE Washington telegram 622 to FCO (0105Z) ("Initial Reactions to Reagan's Programme for US Economic Recovery") [response in Congress and on Wall Street] [released 2012]
PDF 81 Feb 20 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: FCO briefing for MT (Prime Minister’s visit to Washington) [talks with Reagan; meetings on the Hill; US space programme budget cuts; honorary degree ceremony; Donovan award; Economic Industrial Lunch] [declassified 2014]
PDF 81 Feb 21 Sa Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) US: UKE Washington telegram 626 to FCO (2140Z) ("Prime Minister's Visit") [suggested approach for MT in talks with Reagan] [released 2012]
PDF 81 Feb 23 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: State Department memorandum for National Security Adviser (“Paper for the NSC Meeting on El Savador”) [Interagency options paper, examining US and third country assistance] [declassified 2007]
PDF 81 Feb 23 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Francois-Poncet Visit, Meeting with the Guatemalan Foreign Minister, Briefing the Catholic Bishops on El Salvador") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Feb 23 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) US: UKE Washington telegram 649 to FCO (0202Z) ("Prime Minister's Visit") [Henderson's redraft of MT's speech for White House dinner] [released 2012]
PDF 81 Feb 23 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: Northern Ireland Office letter to No.10 ("Prime Minister's Visit to the United States - Northern Ireland") [account of meeting of US/Northern Ireland representatives] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Feb 24 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: National Security Adviser briefing for President (NSC Meeting 25 Feb) [Interagency options paper proposes only "initial quick fixes", need to "gear up for the longer haul"] [declassified 2008]
PDF 81 Feb 24 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Ottawa Visit, Human Rights Groups Protest Appointment of Dr. Lefever to Head Human Rights Bureau, FRG Views on TNF, Meeting with Japanese Economic Representative Okita") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Feb 24 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: NSC-State department planning for MT visit (agreeing MT should have one on one meeting with Reagan) [declassified 2005]
PDF 81 Feb 24 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Soviet Union: Carrington PS letter to No.10 (“26th Congress of the CPSU: Brezhnev’s speech”) [declassified 2012]
PDF 81 Feb 24 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Trade: Conservative Research Department briefing for Conservative MPs (“Textiles, clothing and footwear”) [declassified 2012]
PDF 81 Feb 25 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Congressional Consultation on F-15 Enhancement, Election of Spanish Prime Minister, Coup Arrests") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Feb 25 We Declassified documents Minor Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: NSC & British schedules for MT visit (drafts) [declassified 2006]
PDF 81 Feb 25 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) France: MT message to President Giscard (MT's visit to the US, fisheries, New Zealand Butter) [released 2012]
PDF 81 Feb 25 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Germany: No.10 record of telephone conversation (MT-Schmidt) [MT's forthcoming meeting with Reagan] [released 2012]
Text 81 Feb 25 We Declassified documents Key Henderson (Sir Nicholas) diary Cold War: Sir Nicholas Henderson diary (MT visit to Washington)
Text 81 Feb 26 Th Declassified documents Minor Archive (Thatcher MSS) MT Engagement Diary
PDF 81 Feb 26 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) US: Martin Anderson note to senior White House Staff (“Reaganism & Thatcherism” - stresses differences of economic approach) [declassified ?2005]
PDF 81 Feb 26 Th Declassified documents Minor Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Ed Thomas note to Ed Meese on US takeover of British engineering firm (Governor of Texas requests his intervention) [declassified ?2005]
PDF 81 Feb 26 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) US: MT notes for speech on arrival at White House (first visit to US since Reagan's election) [released 2012]
PDF 81 Feb 26 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: FCO note of conversation (Haig-Carrington meeting) [France, Germany, NATO, Afghanistan, Middle East] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Feb 26 Th Declassified documents Key Archive (TNA) Cold War: No.10 briefing for MT (Reagan-Thatcher discussions) [topics to raise] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Feb 26 Th Declassified documents Key Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: White House record of conversation (MT-Reagan plenary) [East/West, Central America especially Belize; jellybeans] [declassified 2012]
PDF 81 Feb 26 Th Declassified documents Key Archive (TNA) Cold War: No.10 note of conversation (Reagan-Thatcher meeting) [plenary session] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Feb 26 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: White House Press Briefing (MT visit) [distance between British & US approach to the economy]
PDF 81 Feb 26 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: No.10 record of conversation (MT-US Senate Members) [Reagan Administration, defence, nuclear weapons, Soviet Union, Poland, economy, socialism, NATO] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Feb 26 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: No.10 record of conversation (MT-US House of Representatives Members) [Reagan Administration, economy, Anglo-Irish relations, Northern Ireland, Zimbabwe, defence, Poland, Arab-Israeli conflict, NATO] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Feb 26 Th Declassified documents Trivial Archive (Thatcher MSS) US: MT's invitation to White House dinner [released 2012]
PDF 81 Feb 26 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Your Attendance at the Mexico Summit, Increasing the Pressure on Vietnam, F-15 Briefing: House of Representatives") [declassified 2016]
Text 81 Feb 27 Fr Declassified documents Minor Archive (Thatcher MSS) MT Engagement Diary
PDF 81 Feb 27 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Meeting with Foreign Minister Carrington, Canadian Fisheries") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Feb 27 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: FCO note of conversation (Haig-Carrington meeting) [Libya, Middle East, China, Arms Control, relations with White House ("would resign" if his authority challenged)] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Feb 27 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Central America & Middle East: National Security Council minutes (2130Z) ("El Salvador & Saudi F15s") (NSC 0004) [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Feb 27 Fr Declassified documents Minor Archive (TNA) US: No.10 note ("Presents Given to the Prime Minister: Washington and New York") [MT's visit to the US] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Feb 27 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: FCO telegram 360 to UKE Washington (1555Z) (Donald Regan criticism of UK economic policy) [Regan ‘plain talk’ ruffles diplomatic feathers during MT visit] [declassified 2014]
Text 81 Feb 28 Sa Declassified documents Minor Archive (Thatcher MSS) MT Engagement Diary
PDF 81 Feb 28 Sa Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Meeting with Foreign Minister Talboys, Mexico Summit, Message from King Hassan of Morocco") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Feb 28 Sa Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Richard Allen briefing for Reagan (farewell call from MT) [declassified ?2005]
PDF 81 Feb 28 Sa Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) US: Reagan letter to MT (OSS award MT William J. Donovan Medal) [letter of congratulations] [released 2012]
PDF 81 Feb 28 Sa Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: UKE Washington telegram 715 to FCO (0805Z) ("Secretary of State's Meeting with Mr Haig: North/South Summit") [Reagan to attend North/South summit] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Feb 28 Sa Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: No.10 record of conversation (MT-UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim) [new US Administration, Cold War, arms control, Namibia, Afghanistan, El Salvador, Middle East, UNIFIL, UNWRA] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Feb 28 Sa Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: UKE Washington telegram 4 to FCO (0405Z) (“edited extracts of the Prime Minister’s tv interview) [foreign policy, arms control] [declassified 2014]
PDF 81 Feb 28 Sa Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: UKE Washington telegram 715 to FCO (0805Z) (“Secretary of State’s meeting with Mr Haig: North/South summit”) [Reagan would attend if postponed and Castro not present] [declassified 2014]
PDF 81 Mar 1 Su Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: UKE Washington telegram 721 to FCO (1830Z) (“Visit of the Prime Minister and Lord Carrington to the USA: 25-28 February 1981”) [Reagan said he looked to the visit “as that of a leader who had a similar approach to international issues and economic policy”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 81 Mar 2 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Meeting with Waldheim and von Wechmar at the UN, Meeting with Indonesian Foreign Minister Mochtar, The F-15 Deal: Reaction in Saudi Arabia and Israel") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Mar 3 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Breakfast with House Congressional Leadership, Coffee with House Foreign Affairs Committee Members, Washington Visit of Dutch Prime Minister, Egypt's Views on Israeli Settlements and U.S., Luncheon for the ASEAN, ANZUS and Japanese Ambassadors") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Mar 3 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) US: Couzens letter to Sprinkel (Regan testimony to Congress re: MT's economic policies) [offers "one or two corrections"] [declassified 2010]
PDF 81 Mar 3 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Soviet Union: FCO letter to No.10 (“French wheat sale to Soviet Union”) [UK registers protest at US green light for deal] [declassified 2012]
PDF 81 Mar 4 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("El Salvador, Saudi Arabia F-15 Enhancement Items, Foreign Policy Briefing for United States Senate, North/South Summit") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Mar 4 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Namibia: President Masire of Botswana letter to MT (future of Namibia) [thanks for support] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Mar 5 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("El Salvador, Brezhnev-Polish Meeting, Meeting with Australian Foreign Minister") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Mar 5 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) US: MT letter to Sir Nicholas Henderson (thanks for help on Washington visit) ["I have great confidence in the President"] [declassified 2010]
PDF 81 Mar 5 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) US: MT letter to Reagan (thanks for visit to Washington) ["We shall never have a happier visit"] [released 2012]
PDF 81 Mar 5 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cabinet: Minutes of Full Cabinet - CC(81) 9th (Civil Service Dispute, US, Soviet Union, Belize, EC Affairs, Marriage of the Prince of Wales) [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Mar 5 Th Declassified documents Minor Archive (TNA) US: MT letter to Nicholas Henderson (thanks for assistance in arranging visit to US) ["I have great confidence in the President. I believe he will do the things he wants to do - and he won't give up"] [declassified 2011]
Text 81 Mar 5 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Thatcher letter to Reagan (thanks for Washington hospitality) [unclassified]
PDF 81 Mar 6 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Letter to you from Brezhnev, PIA Hijacking Incident, East-West Relations, Saudi F-15's") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Mar 9 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Brezhnev Letter, Meeting with FRG Foreign Minister Genscher, Mozambique") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Mar 9 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Egypt: Lord Carrington message to President Sadat (1259Z) (personal impressions following UK Prime Minister & Foreign Secretary's joint visit to Washington) [report & MT invitation to Sadat to visit UK] [released Jul 2018]
PDF 81 Mar 9 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Mexico: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Foreign Minister Castaneda of Mexico) [Belize, El Salvador, North/South Summit] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Mar 9 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: Lord Carrington PS letter to No.10 (“Messages to President Sadat and King Hussein“) [briefing on MT visit to US, and invitation to visit UK] [declassified 2014]
PDF 81 Mar 9 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Soviet Union: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Soviet Ambassador, Julian Bullard) [“Message from President Brezhnev”] [declassified 2012]
PDF 81 Mar 10 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Afghanistan: UKE Washington telegram 831 to FCO (2345Z) ("US Aid to Afghan Resistance") [Reagan's comments on aid to Afghan resistance in TV interview] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Mar 11 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Washington Post Story and Angola, Tentative Settlement of Belize Dispute, Meeting with British Defense Secretary Nott, Visit of Japanese Ambassador") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Mar 12 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Warsaw Pact Exercise "Soyuz '81", Pakistan, Meeting with Senator Tower, Luncheon with NATO Ambassadors") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Mar 12 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Canada: UK High Commission Ottawa to FCO ("Reagan's Visit to Canada: 10-11 March") [account of Reagan's visit] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Mar 12 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cabinet: Minutes of Full Cabinet - CC(81) 11th (Parliamentary Affairs, Belize, Mexico, Iraq/Iran, South Africa, UN Convention on Law of the Sea, Soviet Union, Community Affairs, Civil Service Pay) [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Mar 13 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("NATO Contingency Responses to a Soviet Intervention in Poland, Polish Dbet Discussion") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Mar 16 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Meeting with President-Designate Viola of Argentina, Meeting with FRG Economics Minister Lambsdorff") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Mar 16 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Soviet Union: Carrington PS letter to No.10 (“Anglo-Soviet contacts”) [MT unhappy with Carrington proposal to renew contact without US consultation] [declassified 2012]
PDF 81 Mar 17 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Defence: Nott minute to MT (“Visit to Washington”) [conversations between Nott, Weinberger and Haig] [declassified 2013]
PDF 81 Mar 17 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: White House record of conversation (Reagan-Argentine President-designate Viola) ["Argentina will cooperate in any effort to contain Communism and promote freedom"; Reagan promises "no public scoldings and lectures" on human rights; nuclear non-proliferation] [declassified 2012]
PDF 81 Mar 17 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Argentina: Presidential Daily Brief ("Argentina: President-Designate Viola") ["a strong and effective leader"; importance of his meeting with you "to strengthen his hand against opponents both inside and outside the military"] [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Mar 17 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Nicaragua, Testimony Before the House Appropriations Sub-committee on State, Justice, Commerce and the Judiciary, Costa Rican Request") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Mar 18 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Economic Policy: Walters briefing for MT ("Visit of Mr. "Tom" Clausen") [President of tthe World Bank: likely topics for discussion with MT] [declassified Aug 2013]
PDF 81 Mar 18 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Economic Policy: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Howe, Clausen, McMillen) [meeting with President of the World Bank: US economy; UK economic strategy; Bank's role in recycling of oil money; principles & role of World Bank & IMF; proportion of UK aid; increased visibility for capital projects vs increased credit] [declassified Aug 2013]
PDF 81 Mar 18 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Economic Policy: FCO record of conversation (Lord Carrington, Marten, Clausen, McMillen) [meeting with President of the World Bank: bilateral aid; politicisation of World Bank; proportional representation; World Bank's role in assisting developing countries; reduction in US and other countries' support & new strategies to compensate] [declassified Aug 2013]
PDF 81 Mar 18 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Bush Library) Argentina: White House record of conversation (Vice-President Bush-Argentine President-designate Viola) [human rights; El Salvador] [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Mar 18 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Van Agt Visit, House Foreign Affairs Committee Foreign Assistance Overview Testimony") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Mar 18 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Defence: Armstrong briefing for MT ("Statement on the Defence Estimates 1981 (C(81) 11)") [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Mar 18 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Trade: Biffen minute to MT (“US textiles”) [UK at odds with EC over imports issue] [declassified 2012]
PDF 81 Mar 19 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Testimony Before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Automobile Imports") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Mar 19 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Middle East: National Security Council minutes (2000Z) ("Sinai peacekeeping & Pakistan") (NSC 0005) [declassified 2005]
PDF 81 Mar 19 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Soviet Union: UKE Moscow telegram to FCO (“Call on Gromyko”) [Gromyko conversation with Curtis Keeble] [declassified 2012]
PDF 81 Mar 20 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Security Council Action on Lebanon, EC Commissioner Davignon, Congressional Consultations on Sinai Security, Pakistan Assistance Program") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Mar 23 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Meeting with Japanese Foreign Minister Ito") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Mar 24 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Meeting with Mexican Foreign Secretary Castaneda, Testimony Before the Subcommittee on International Operations of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Hill Briefings on Sinai Security") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Mar 25 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Visit of French Ambassador, Meeting with FRG Defense Minister Apel, Angola: Postponement of Savimbi Visit, Visit of Portuguese Foreign Minister Goncalves Pereira") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Mar 25 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: UKE Washington telegram 985 to FCO (0200Z) ("Call on Haig") [record of conversation: Henderson, Haig, Veliotes, Eagleburger] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 81 Mar 25 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: UKE Washington telegram 1002 to FCO (2311Z) ("Secretary Haig: crisis management") [report on Reagan's decision to allocate responsibility to Bush, and Haig's reaction] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 81 Mar 26 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Savimbi, French Fuel Supply for South Africa's Koeberg Reactors") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Mar 26 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War/Central America/Africa: National Security Council minutes (1905Z) ("Poland, Nicaragua/Central America, Southern Africa") (NSC 0006) [declassified 2005]
PDF 81 Mar 26 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) India: UK High Commission Delhi to FCO ("Mrs Gandhi's India") [assessment of the Indian scene prior to MT's visit] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Mar 26 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: No.10 note to Department of Energy (“Co-operation with the US on Fast Reactor Development”) [US Energy Secretary “enthusiastic about the idea of such collaboration”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 81 Mar 27 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Nicaragua, Pakistan, Poland, Herrera") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Mar 30 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Genscher Call, Poland, Political Directors Meeting: Highlights") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Mar 30 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) US: MT message to Reagan (attempted assassination of Reagan) ["I pray the injuries are not serious"] [released 2012]
Text 81 Mar 30 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library Cold War: Thatcher letter to Reagan (assassination attempt) [unclassified]
PDF 81 Mar 30 Mo Declassified documents Minor Archive (TNA) India: FCO letter to No.10 (“Invitation to Mrs Gandhi to visit the United Kingdom”) [declassified 2012]
PDF 81 Mar 31 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Soviet Pentecostalist Families in Embassy Moscow, SALT Standing Consultative Commission (SCC), Soviets on U.S. TV, Dutch Prime Minister, Visit of Indian Ambassador") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Apr 1 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Nicaragua, Visit of Turkish Foreign Minister") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Apr 2 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Meeting with Polish Deputy Prime Minister Jagielski, Nicaragua") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Apr 2 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cabinet: Minutes of Full Cabinet - CC(81) 14th (British Telecommunications Bill, Poland, Canadian Constitution, Belize, Thailand, Zimbabwe, Iran, United States, EC Affairs) [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Apr 2 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) China: UKE Beijing telegram to FCO (“Meeting between the Secretary of State and Chinese Foreign Minister, 1 April”) [conversation between Lord Carrington and Huang Hua] [declassified 2013]
PDF 81 Apr 3 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Meeting with Howard Baker, Central American Hijacking, Madrid CSCE Meeting, Consultations on Nicaraguan Aid Determination") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Apr 3 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Haig telegram to US Embassy in London (Soviet preparations for invasion of Poland) [declassified 2002]
PDF 81 Apr 4 Sa Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Lebanon, Poland") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Apr 4 Sa Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Haig telegram to Carrington (Soviet invasion of Poland “serious posibility”) [declassified 2002]
PDF 81 Apr 6 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Meetings with German State Secretary van Well, Demarche to Soviets on Lebanon and Possible Carribean Naval Deployment, El Salvador, Nicaragua") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Apr 7 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("French Wheat Sales to USSR, Canadian National Energy Program, Israeli Participation at the African Refugees Conference in Geneva, El Salvador, Legislative Consultations Concerning the F-15 Enhancement Package") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Apr 8 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Jordan: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Hurd, King Hussein, Jordanian Ambassador) [exchange of reports on Haig visit to Jordan & MT visit to Washington; Arab/Israel dispute/Palestine; Syria; Iran/Iraq; Rapid Deployment Force; North Yemen; Egypt; Tornado MT visit to Gulf] [declassified Dec 2011]
PDF 81 Apr 8 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("E. C. Commission Decision on French Wheat Sale to USSR, Africa Trip, African Refugee Conference, New Belgian Government and Theater Nuclear Forces") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Apr 9 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("China-South Asia, African Refugee Conference in Geneva April 9-10, Foreign Assistance Budget") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Apr 9 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Haig letter to Carrington (Spanish and NATO) [declassified 2002]
PDF 81 Apr 10 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Poland: Prime Minister's Speech, Meeting with South African Ambassador") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Apr 10 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: No.10 record of conversation (MT, US Secretary of State Haig, Lawrence Eagleburger) [Middle East, India/Pakistan, Spain in NATO, USSR/Poland] [declassified 2012]
PDF 81 Apr 10 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: FCO record of conversation (Carrington, Gilmour, Haig, Lawrence Eagleburger) [Middle East] [declassified 2012]
PDF 81 Apr 11 Sa Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Middle East/Cold War/Central America: National Security Council minutes (1900Z) ("Haig trip to Mideast and Europe, Saudi AWACS, and Nicaragua") (NSC 0007) [declassified Jul 2010]
PDF 81 Apr 13 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Security Council Action on Lebanon, US-Soviet Navy Incidents-at-Sea Talks") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Apr 14 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Pakistani and Honduran Hijackings, Japan: Reaction to Submarine Collision Incident, Quad Ambassadors' Concerns") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Apr 14 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) US: MT message to Reagan (Space Shuttle Columbia flight) [MT offers congratulations] [released 2012]
PDF 81 Apr 14 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Romania: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Prime Minister Verdet of Romania) [third session: Middle East] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Apr 14 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) India: UK High Commission Delhi to FCO ("Visit of the Prime Minister: Race Relations and the Nationality Bill") [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Apr 14 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: MT letter to President Reagan (message of congratulations) [maiden flight of ‘Columbia’] [declassified 2012]
PDF 81 Apr 15 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Visit of Secretary General Luns, Pan Am to Halt Flights to Poland, Lunch with Common Market Ambassadors, Visit of New Zealand Ambassador") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Apr 15 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) India: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Prime Minister Gandhi of India) [plenary session: Anglo-Indian relations, Reagan Administration, SALT, Arab-Israeli conflict, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Iran-Iraq War, Pakistan, China] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Apr 15 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) India: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Indira Gandhi, Narasimha Rao, Sir John Thomson, Sir John Graham) [“Meeting between the Prime Minister and Mrs Gandhi”] [declassified 2012]
PDF 81 Apr 16 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Meetings with Malaysian Home Minister Ghazali Shafie, Economic Support for Jamaica, Soviet Reply to our April 11 Demarche on Lebanon, Lebanon in the Security Council") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Apr 16 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) India: UK High Commission Delhi to FCO ("Prime Minister's Talks with Mrs Gandhi") [account of plenary session] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Apr 16 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) India: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Sir John Thomson, Sir John Graham, Pamulaparti Venkata Narasimha Rao) [“The Prime Minister and the Indian Foreign Minister, Mr Rao”] [declassified 2012]
PDF 81 Apr 16 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: UKA Washington despatch to Lord Carrington (“The Reagan Administration’s economic policy - an initial assessment”) [assesses content, prospects in Congress & chances of success] [declassified 2012]
PDF 81 Apr 16 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: Carrington PS letter to No.10 (“US trade representative”) [visit to UK] [declassified 2012]
PDF 81 Apr 17 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Current Situation in El Slavador, Submarine Collision Incident, Discussions with the Indians") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Apr 17 Fr Declassified documents Trivial Archive (Thatcher MSS) US: Robert Conquest letter to Gow (comments on members of Reagan's Administration) [comment on resentment within the Administration at British attitudes] [released 2012]
PDF 81 Apr 17 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) India: UK High Commission Delhi to FCO ("Prime Minister's Visit to India") [report on MT's visit to India: "I would judge that the visit is being a real success but not a spectacular one"] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Apr 18 Sa Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Namibia, Japan: Submarine Incident, Malta-Soviets Make Approach on Refugee") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Apr 18 Sa Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) India: Haig message to MT (MT's comments to Indian press on Pakistan's defence needs and the situation in Afghanistan) ["As so often has been the case, we find ourselves in complete agreement with you"] [declassified 2011]
Text 81 Apr 18 Sa Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Haig to Thatcher (Pakistan/Afghanistan) [declassified 2000]
PDF 81 Apr 20 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Pakistani Foreign Minister, Japanese Ambassador") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Apr 21 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Talks with Pakistani Foreign Minister, Violence in Lebanon, Saudis on the Strategic Petroleum Reserve") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Apr 21 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Middle East: No.10 record of conversation (MT, “Naif, Minister of the Interior”) [visit to Saudi Arabia] [declassified 2012]
PDF 81 Apr 21 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Middle East: No.10 record of conversation (MT, “Prince Sultan, Minister of Defence and Aviation”) [visit to Saudi Arabia] [declassified 2012]
PDF 81 Apr 22 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Meeting with Senators Baker and McClure, Sadat Confirms U.S. Participation in Sinai Force") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Apr 23 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Meeting with the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations, Poland: Suslov and Rusakov in Warsaw") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Apr 23 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Middle East: No.10 record of conversation (MT, “Sultan Qaboos of Oman”) [declassified 2012]
PDF 81 Apr 23 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Soviet Union: Carrington PS letter to No.10 (“US grain embargo”) [US notification of ending] [declassified 2012]
PDF 81 Apr 24 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Progress in the El Salvador Murder Investigations, Food Shipments to Poland") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Apr 25 Sa Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Genscher and Carrington Letters, Namibia Developments, Cubans Claim to Have Been Set Adrift by Castro") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Apr 27 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Call to Duarte, Invitation to South African Minister Botha, Polish Debt, Israeli Protest about Saudi Minister's Speech") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Apr 27 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) US: MT letter Reagan (MT's visit to Gulf states and India) [report of MT's talks with Gandhi and Gulf leaders] [released 2012]
PDF 81 Apr 27 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) US: Reagan letter to MT (Reagan recovering from injuries sustained during assassination attempt) [released 2012]
Text 81 Apr 27 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Reagan letter to Thatcher (assassination attempt) [declassified 1997]
PDF 81 Apr 27 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Middle East: MT letter to President Reagan (Overview of visit to Middle East and India) [Reagan and Schmidt on Palestine and USSR] [declassified 2012]
PDF 81 Apr 27 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) India: MT letter to President Reagan (MT’s visit to India and the Arabian Gulf) [“warm personal regards… the world needs you”] [declassified 2012]
PDF 81 Apr 27 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: President Reagan letter to MT (thanks) [assassination attempt and meetings with MT] [declassified 2012]
PDF 81 Apr 28 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Testimony Before 'Doc' Long's Foreign Operations Subcommittee, Japan's Reaction to Embargo Decision, Israeli Military Actions in Lebanon, Allies and TNF") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Apr 29 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Meeting with Thai Foreign Minister Sitthi, World Health Organization (WHO): Draft Code of Conduct on the Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Apr 29 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Soviet Union: Cabinet Office minute to No.10 (“Grain sales to USSR”) [reaction to lifting of US embargo] [declassified 2012]
PDF 81 Apr 30 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Lunch with Waldheim, Meeting with Congressional Black Caucus, Lebanon: Syrian-Israeli Confrontation") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Apr 30 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: National Security Council minutes (1510Z) ("Theater Nuclear Forces - negotiations timing") (NSC 0008) [declassified 2005]
PDF 81 May 1 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Spain: Carrington minute to MT ("Spain/NATO") ["in the aftermath of the attempted coup d'etat, Sr Calvo Sotelo's government [intends] to accelerate the application for Spanish membership of NATO... might be possible to settle the Gibraltar impasse at the same time"] [declassified Jul 2016]
PDF 81 May 1 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("El Salvador, El Salvador Reprogramming Clears the Congress, Nicaragua-Honduras, Dobrynin sees Stoessel on Lebanon") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 May 4 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Lebanon, El Salvador, Tuna Boat Seizure by Mexico") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 May 5 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Soviet Communication on Lebanon, International Airline Service Difficulties, Ceausescu on Relations with the Soviets and Third World") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 May 6 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Call on Prime Minister Suzuki, Action on Lybian People's Bureau, Habib Mission to Middle East") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 May 7 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("SFRC Hearings on Control and SALT, Aid for Turkey, Spain-Terrorist Attacks Increase Danger of Coup") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 May 8 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("El Salvador, Safety of Americans in Libya") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 May 11 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Moroccan Foreign Minister's Visit") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 May 12 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Meeting With the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Costa Rica Breaks Relations With Cuba") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 May 12 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) United Nations: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Hurd, Kurt Waldheim, Perez de Cuellar) [Northern Ireland, E/W, Afghanistan, Iraq/Iran, Lebanon, Cambodia, Namibia, Middle East, South Lebanon, Cyprus] [declassified 2012]
PDF 81 May 13 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Meeting with Wife of Anatoliy Shcharanskiy, Senate Action on the Clark Amendment") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 May 13 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Economy: Peter Tapsell MP letter to MT (Reaganite policies and macro-economic strategy) [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 May 14 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Canadian Energy Policy, Meeting With Yugoslav Ambassador") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 May 15 Fr Declassified documents Minor Archive (TNA) Economic Policy: Foreign Office letter to Cabinet Office ("Ottawa Seven Power summit: political preparations") [declassified Dec 2011]
PDF 81 May 15 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Meeting with Dobrynin, Romanian Foreign Minister's Visit, General Walters' Mission to Guatemala and Honduras") [end to death squads condition of military aid] [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 May 16 Sa Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Ito Resignation, SIG Meeting on SALT Standing Consultative Commission (SCC), Visit of the United States High Commissioner for Refugees") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 May 19 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (State Department) Argentina: State Department research paper ("Argentina: a new President and old problems") [assessment of Viola; his civilian ties; poor relationship with Galtieri] [declassified 2017]
PDF 81 May 19 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Defence: UKE Washington telegram 1547 to FCO (1610Z) ("US Press Coverage of British Defence Spending Proposals") [defence cuts "likely to cause anxiety" in the US according to US press] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 May 19 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Northern Ireland Office letter to No.10 ("Firearms for the RUC") [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 May 20 We Declassified documents Minor Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: National Security Adviser note to President Reagan (“Secretary Haig’s Evening Report 20 May") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 May 21 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Canadian/Soviet Grain Agreement") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 May 21 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Sir Nicholas Henderson letter to Richard Allen (counters adverse press comment on British defence review) [declassified ?2005]
PDF 81 May 21 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Kenya: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Kenyan Foreign Minister, Dr Ouko) [situation in Kenya, Uganda, Chad, USSR role in Africa, North/South dialogue] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 May 22 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War/Caribbean: National Security Council minutes (1300Z) ("US-USSR Standing Consultative Commission and US Policy for Caribbean Basin") (NSC 0009) [declassified Nov 2008]
PDF 81 May 25 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Germany: No.10 record of telephone conversation (MT-Schmidt) [MT gives Schmidt account of her Washington visit] [released 2012]
PDF 81 May 27 We Declassified documents Minor Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: National Security Adviser note to President Reagan (“Secretary Haig’s Evening Report 27 May) [declassified 2016]
Text 81 May 27 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Middle East: Reagan letter to Thatcher (India/Pakistan, Middle East) [declassified 2000]
PDF 81 May 28 Th Declassified documents Minor Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: National Security Adviser note to President Reagan (“Secretary Haig’s Evening Report 28 May) [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 May 28 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War/Central America/China: National Security Council minutes (1730Z) ("US Policy for Caribbean Basin, US Relations with the PRC, and Sinai Multinational Force") (NSC 0010) [declassified Oct 2012]
PDF 81 May 28 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Law of the Sea: Wade-Gery minute to No.10 (“Announcement of the Government’s decision to extend the United Kingdom Territorial Sea”) [“risk of… seriously upsetting the Americans is small enough to be acceptable”] [declassified 2012]
PDF 81 May 29 Fr Declassified documents Minor Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: National Security Adviser note to President Reagan (“Secretary Haig’s Evening Report 29 May) [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 May 29 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) US: Reagan letter to MT (MT's visit to the Gulf and India) [Reagan unsure of Gandhi's position, expresses agreement with MT's view on Middle East] [released 2012]
PDF 81 May 29 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) India: President Reagan letter to MT (MT’s visit to India and the Arabian Gulf) [declassified 2012]
PDF 81 May 31 Su Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) US: Sir Nicholas Henderson letter to No.10 (handed MT Ulster speech to Meese) [impressed; "combined compassion with firmness"] [declassified 2010]
PDF 81 Jun 1 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Arms Control Compliance, Soviet Defector at US Embassy in Prague") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jun 1 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Latin America/Middle East: National Security Council minutes (1930Z) ("Arms Transfer Policy & F16s for Venezuela; US Policy Toward Libya") (NSC 0011) [declassified Oct 2012]
PDF 81 Jun 2 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Consultations on the Hill about Habib Mission, Walesa Visit to U.S.") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jun 3 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Clark Visit to Southern Africa, French Concerns About Southern Africa, Meeting with the Chilean Finance Minister de Castro")[declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jun 4 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("My Meeting with French Minister of External Relations Cheysson") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jun 4 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War/China & Far East: National Security Council minutes (1730Z) ("China, Cuba and Secretary Haig's Trip to the Far East") (NSC 0012) [declassified Jun 2016]
PDF 81 Jun 5 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("PLO Observer Status at International Monetary Fund/World Bank Meetings, New Strike Threat in Poland, Appointments to the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jun 5 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: UKE Washington letter to FCO ("Prime Minister's Stormont Speech, 28 May") [impact of MT's speech in the US; "it is very probable that [Ed Meese] showed and commended it to the President"] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Jun 9 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Arms Control Compliance, Israel-Iraq, General Walters' Meeting with Colonel Noriega of Panama") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jun 10 We Declassified documents Minor Archive (CIA) Argentina: CIA National Intelligence Daily ("Guatemala-Belize: Status of Negotiations") [Guatemalan FM considering postponing treaty talks in face of domestic criticism of territorial concessions to Belize] [declassified 2019]
PDF 81 Jun 10 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Situation in Poland, Meeting with Dobrynin, Secretary's Meeting with Chilean Foreign Minister, Procedural Preparations for TNF Negotiations") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jun 10 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) China/Cold War: National Security Council minutes (1554Z) ("China, Greece and Poland") (NSC 0013) [declassified Mar 2007]
PDF 81 Jun 11 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Poland, Status of Security Council Action in Aftermath of the Israeli Air Raid") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jun 12 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Polish Situation, PLO Observer in IMF/IBRD, Sale of Howitzers to Uruguay, Meeting with Turkish Defense Minister Bayulken") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jun 12 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Economic Policy: Cabinet Office minute to MT ("Meeting of Personal Representatives, 4 to 6 June 1981") [Ottawa G7 economic summit: key issues] [declassified Dec 2011]
PDF 81 Jun 15 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Security Council Debate on Israeli Raid, US-Greek Defense Negotiations, British Views on Middle East, Namibia and Cyprus") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jun 16 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Our Meeting with British, French and Germans in London, Organization of African Unity (OAU), Infant Formula") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jun 16 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Middle East: UKE Washington telegram 1838 to FCO (1619Z) ("Lord Privy Seal's Meeting with the Vice President") [Gilmour-Bush meeting: Arab-Israeli conflict, Mitterand's position on Israel, Israeli attack on Osirak nuclear installation in Iraq, Syria, European initiatives] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Jun 16 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: UK delegation NATO to FCO (“Brezhnev letter to President Reagan”) [declassified 2012]
PDF 81 Jun 17 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Soviet Message on US Arms Transfers to China, Soviet Reaction to Presidential Press Conference, House Foreign Affairs Subcommittees' Hearing on Israeli Attack, Greeks Suspend Defense Negotiations") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jun 17 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Japan: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Prime Minister Suzuki of Japan) [Royal wedding, Suzuki's visit to the US, economic issues, Soviet military build-up, third world problems, Poland, Afghanistan, defence spending, trade] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Jun 17 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Defence: Nott minute to MT ("Special Nuclear Materials (SNM)") [attitude of Reagan Administration to supply to UK of enriched uranium and other materials] [declassified 2012]
PDF 81 Jun 17 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Defence: Nott minute to MT (defence programme: potential disagreement between Nott and Chancellor of the Exchequer) [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Jun 18 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Economic Policy: Chancellor of the Exchequer minute to MT ("International economic situation: US interest rate policies") ["We need... to think carefully about the line that the United Kingdom should adopt... I am very conscious of the need not to part company from the Germans over this"] [declassified Dec 2011]
PDF 81 Jun 18 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("SFRC Hearing on Israeli Raid on Iraq, Organization of African Unity Attacks U.S. on Namibia, New Italian Government") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jun 18 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Middle East: FCO letter to No.10 ("Iraq and Israel: Security Council Debate") [Israeli attack on Osirak nuclear installation: text of Iraqi resolution, outstanding points of contention] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Jun 19 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Economic Policy: Cabinet Office record of conversation (Chancellor Schmidt's views on the German political situation, the Ottawa summit, and the Middle East) [Federal German Chancellory State Secretary, Sir Robert Armstrong] [declassified Dec 2011]
PDF 81 Jun 19 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Meeting with Israeli Ambassador Evron, Reactions to UN Security Council Vote on Israeli Raid") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jun 22 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Habib Mission/Lebanon, Meeting with Libyan Foreign Policy Official, Meeting with Foreign Operations Subcommittee Minority Members") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jun 23 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Communists Enter New French Government, World Bank Loan to China, Poland-Namibia, US-USSR") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jun 23 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Economic Policy: Cabinet Office record of conversation ("Visit of Mr. Trudeau") [Canadian High Commissioner, Sir Robert Armstrong] [declassified Dec 2011]
PDF 81 Jun 24 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Congressional Testimony, Canada-Air Pollution, Southeast Asian Refugees") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jun 24 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: No.10 record of conversation ("Mr. Carbaugh") [Michael Alexander, John Carbaugh: Namibia/Angola/Southern Africa; Cuba; US/UK defence policies] [released Aug 2013]
PDF 81 Jun 24 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: UKE Washington telegram 1930 to FCO (1915Z) ("Northern Ireland: Meeting with Friends of Ireland") [Henderson meets with Ted Kennedy and others] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Jun 25 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Message from Australian Prime Minister on Sinai Force, UK Concerns Over Anti-British Protests in U.S., Lech Walesa Postpones Visit to U.S.") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jun 25 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Canada: Cabinet Office record of conversation (Armstrong-Candian High Commissioner) [likely main themes at upcoming Ottawa economic summit; patriation] [declassified Dec 2016]
PDF 81 Jun 25 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: UKE Washington telegram 1959 to FCO (2255Z) ("Northern Ireland: Meeting with the Friends of Ireland") ["The ignorant and partisan nature of a lot of American comment is a further aggravation..."] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Jun 26 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Developments at the SALT Standing Consultative Committee (SCC), United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Action Against Vietnam, OAU SUMMIT") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jun 26 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Economic Policy: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Trudeau, Gilmour, Biffen, Jopling, Lord Bridges, Michael Pitfield, Allan Gotlieb & others) [France; W. Germany; forthcoming Ottawa G7 summit; Canadian domestic issues] [declassified Dec 2011]
PDF 81 Jun 26 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Canada: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Trudeau) [Trudeau's visits to Europe, Ottawa economic summit, Canadian domestic issues] [declassified Dec 2016]
PDF 81 Jun 29 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Egypt-U.S. Peaceful Nuclear Cooperation Agreement Signed, Organization of African Unity (OAU) Summit, Japanese Defense Minister's Visit") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jun 29 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: UKE Washington telegram 1987 to FCO (2225Z) ("Recent developments in Congress on Reagan's proposed public expenditure reductions") [report] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 81 Jun 29 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) EC: MT speech at Luxembrough European Council ("Economic Situation - Speaking Note") [released 2012]
PDF 81 Jun 30 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Meeting With Australian Prime Minister, The Israeli Election") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jun 30 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) EC: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Mitterrand) [Anglo-French relations, British economy, EC budget, TNF, Soviet Union and US, Middle East] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Jul 1 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("The Israeli Election-II") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jul 2 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Namibia and the Contact Group, French President Mitterrand's Thoughts on Allied Political Cooperation and the Ottawa Summit, Caribbean Basin Initiative") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jul 2 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: UKE Washington telegram 2023 to FCO (2207Z) (“President Reagan’s economic recovery programme: the present position”) [declassified 2012]
PDF 81 Jul 3 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Economic Policy: UKE Washington telegram 2034 to FCO (2010Z) ("Ottawa economic summit: U.S. objectives") [speculative assessment] [declassified Dec 2011]
PDF 81 Jul 3 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Economic Policy: UKE Paris telegram to FCO ("Ottawa economic summit") [G7: anticipated French position on key issues] [declassified Dec 2011]
PDF 81 Jul 3 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Meeting with Dobrynin, El Salvador Speech") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jul 6 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: National Security Council minutes (1509Z) ("East-West Trade Controls") (NSC 0016) [Siberian gas pipeline] [declassified Spt 2004]
PDF 81 Jul 7 Tu Declassified documents Minor Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: National Security Adviser note to President Reagan (“Secretary Haig’s Evening Report 7 July) [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jul 7 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cabinet: Carrington memo circulated to OD Committee - OD(81) 35 (The Arab/Israeli Dispute) [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Jul 8 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Appearance Before Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Meeting of US-Spanish Council, Sinai Negotiations") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jul 8 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Weinberger paper (“US policy on the West Siberian pipeline”) [declassified 2004]
PDF 81 Jul 8 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Haig paper (“Control on Exports to the Soviet Union”) [declassified 2004]
PDF 81 Jul 9 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Far East Trip Debriefing for House Foreign Affairs Committee, Meeting with EC Commission President Thorn, Four-Power Meeting on Namibia and CSCE/CDE, Sinai Negotiations") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jul 9 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: National Security Council minutes (1930Z) ("East-West Trade Controls") (NSC 0017) [Siberian gas pipeline] [declassified Oct 2005]
PDF 81 Jul 9 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Casey paper (“CIA Memorandum on Siberian pipeline”) [declassified 2004]
PDF 81 Jul 9 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Allen briefing (President’s notes for NSC meeting on Siberian gas pipeline) [declassified 2004]
PDF 81 Jul 10 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("MacFarlane Trip to Israel, Visit to the U.S. British Minister of State for Northern Ireland, Talks with Salvadoran Foreign Minister") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jul 10 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Energy: Brittan minute to MT (“Fast Reactor collaboration”) [prospects of international collaboration] [declassified 2012]
PDF 81 Jul 11 Sa Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) G7: UKE Washington telegram 2112 to FCO (1900Z) ("US Foreign Policy") [review of US Foreign Policy ahead of Ottawa G7] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Jul 13 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("U.S. Consul in Kuwait Declared Persona Non Grata, Caribbean Basin Initiative, International Communications and Information Policy, Iraq: Arrival of Mrs. Saddam Hussein") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jul 13 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Economic Policy: Cabinet Office minute to MT ("Ottawa economic summit") [summary of final preparatory meeting, with annexes addressing key issues] [declassified Dec 2011]
PDF 81 Jul 13 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Economic Policy: UKE Washington telegram 2127 to FCO (2350Z) ("Trudeau's visit to Washington: 12 July") [summary of his meeting with Reagan in advance of G7 summit] [declassified Dec 2011]
Text 81 Jul 13 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Walters MSS) Economy: Alan Walters diary (budget) [Brittan keen on package; opposes recruiting youths in Liverpool to clean up city post-riots][released 2012]
PDF 81 Jul 13 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) US: UKE Washington telegram 2125 to FCO (2322Z) ("US Views on the British Economy") [doubts in the US about state of UK economy] [released 2012]
PDF 81 Jul 13 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) G7: UKE Washington telegram 2125 to FCO (2322Z) ("US Views of the British Economy") [review of US views ahead of Ottawa G7] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Jul 13 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: UKE Washington telegram 2126 to FCO (2326Z) (“Prospects for the U.S. economy”) [“concern expressed by other countries”] [declassified 2012]
PDF 81 Jul 14 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("U.S. Receives Criticism for South African Rugby Team, Stoessel Human Rights Testimony, Call by Yugoslav Ambassador Loncar") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jul 14 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Economic Policy: Cabinet Office minute to MT ("Relations with developing countries") [minute presenting policy options & background briefing paper for forthcoming international summits] [declassified Dec 2011]
PDF 81 Jul 14 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: No.10 minute to MT (Eldon Griffiths visit to US) [negative press coverage; Northern Ireland] [declassified 2012]
PDF 81 Jul 15 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Sinai Agreement, Meeting with Norwegians, Military Discussions with Pakistanis") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jul 15 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Economic Policy: UKHC Canberra telegram to FCO ("Australian Prime Minister: North/South") [global negotiations on foreign aid] [declassified Dec 2011]
PDF 81 Jul 15 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: UKE Dublin to FCO ("Hunger Strike: Irish Initiative in USA") [Irish Ambassador to US appeals to Reagan to intervene in the hunger strike at HMP Maze] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Jul 15 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: Nott minute to MT ("Trident") [need to take decisions about aspects of the Trident force, including submarine design] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Jul 15 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Hong Kong: FCO briefing to No.10 (“Sir Y K Pao”) [declassified 2012]
PDF 81 Jul 16 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Congressional Consultations on McFarlane Mission to Israel, US-Pakistani Military Talks") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jul 16 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) G7: FCO letter to No.10 ("Ottawa Economic Summit: Bilateral Meeting with President Reagan") [objectives for meeting] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Jul 16 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) North/South: Chancellor of the Exchequer minute to MT ("Relations with Developing Countries") [summits on aid, North/South issues, development] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Jul 16 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Richard Allen brief for President Reagan (dinner with Lord Carrington) [declassified 2000]
PDF 81 Jul 17 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Security Council Meets on Israeli Air Raids in Lebanon, Meeting with Carrington, UN Kampuchea Conference Adjourns") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jul 17 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: FCO letter to No.10 ("Northern Ireland: Hunger Strike") [FCO advises against allowing the Friends of Ireland to send a delegation to HMP Maze] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Jul 17 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) G7: FCO letter to No.10 ("President Reagan's statement on non-proliferation and peaceful nuclear cooperation") [briefing for Ottawa G7] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Jul 17 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) G7: FCO letter to No.10 ("Ottawa Summit: Briefing for the Prime Minister: Northern Ireland") [briefing for meeting with Reagan] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Jul 18 Sa Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Lebanon") [declassified 2016]
Text 81 Jul 20 Mo Declassified documents Minor Archive (Thatcher MSS) MT Engagement Diary
PDF 81 Jul 20 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Polish Party Congress: Seventh Day, Madrid CSCE Follow-Up Conference, Bukovsky, Senate Hearings on Sinai Negotiations") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jul 20 Mo Declassified documents Minor Archive (Thatcher MSS) MT: Ronald Reagan's doodling (Ottawa G7) [heads, torso, etc] [released 2012]
PDF 81 Jul 20 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) US: MT notes for Reagan bilateral (Home and Foreign Affairs) [declassified 2010]
PDF 81 Jul 20 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) G7: MT's notes on talks at the Ottawa G7 [released 2012]
PDF 81 Jul 20 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) G7: MT's notes on talks at the Ottawa G7 [released 2012]
PDF 81 Jul 20 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) G7: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Reagan-Carrington-Haig-Regan-Meese-Allen-Armstrong-Whitmore) [global negotiations, trade with Japan, Lebanon, CoCom, interest rates] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Jul 20 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) G7: G7 record of conversation (Ottawa G7: first plenary session) [macroeconomic situation, fiscal and monetary polices, trade] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Jul 20 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) G7: G7 record of conversation (Ottawa G7: second plenary session) [developing nations and aid, energy, Middle East] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Jul 20 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) G7: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Prime Minister Spadolini of Italy) [French elections, economic situation in Italy] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Jul 21 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Israel-Lebanon, Korea") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jul 21 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) G7: G7 record of conversation (Ottawa G7: third plenary session) [summit communique] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Jul 21 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) G7: G7 record of conversation (Ottawa G7: fourth plenary session) [assessment of summit] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Jul 21 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) G7: Transcript of Chancellor of the Exchequer's interview with CBS Morning News (Ottawa G7) [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Jul 21 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) G7: Transcript of MT interview with BBC Radio 4 (Ottawa G7) [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Jul 22 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Lebanon: Meetings with Ambassadors Evron and Alhegelan") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jul 23 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("The Muldoon Visit: Concern over Law of the Sea Negotiations, Stoessel Briefing on Lebanon for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Eagleburger-Bessmertnykh Talks on TNF, Meeting with Finnish Foreign Minister Vayrynen") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jul 23 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cabinet: Minutes of Full Cabinet - CC(81) 29th (Parliamentary Affairs, Namibia, Israel/Lebanon, Gibraltar/Spain, Ottawa Economic Summit, EC Affairs, 1981 Public Expenditure) [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Jul 24 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Meeting with Arab Ambassadors, Madrid Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE)") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jul 24 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: Armstrong minute to Whitmore ("Trident") [Armstrong speaks to Ed Meese about Trident] [declassified 2011]
Text 81 Jul 25 Sa Declassified documents Minor Archive (Thatcher MSS) MT Engagement Diary
PDF 81 Jul 25 Sa Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) US: Nancy Reagan letter to MT (thanks for hospitality) [released 2012]
PDF 81 Jul 27 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Pakistan Reacts Strongly on F-16, French Support on Theatre Nuclear Force (TNF)") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jul 28 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Senate Hearing on Trade Policy, Ambassador Habib's Briefing on the Hill, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Hearings on Conventional Arms Transfers") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jul 29 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Ghorbal Visit, House GOP Foreign Operations Task Force Luncheon, Telephone Conversation with Mexican Foreign Minister Castaneda") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jul 30 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Testimony Before Senate Armed Services Committee, Assurances for Mauritania, Security Assistance and Human Rights in Guatemala, Nicaraguan Reprogramming") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jul 30 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: UKE Washington telegram 2299 to FCO (2355Z) ("Irish Prime Minister's Letter to President Reagan") [Reagan's "masterfully non-commital" reply to Fitzgerald's letter] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Jul 30 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) United Nations: Chancellor of the Exchequer PS letter to N0.10 (“Global negotiations”) [framework for discussions] [declassified 2012]
PDF 81 Jul 31 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Africa: The Coup Attempt in The Gambia, Senate Testimony on Mass Emigration from Cuba and Haiti, First Vice President of the Sudan Appeals for Security Assistance") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Jul 31 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Middle East/Indian Ocean: National Security Council minutes (1600Z) ("Gulf of Sidra Exercise; US Naval Presence in the Indian Ocean; Security Assistance for Egypt") (NSC 0018) [declassified Dec 2015]
PDF 81 Jul 31 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Defence: Nott minute to MT ("Special Nuclear Matters (SNM)") ["remarkable change of attitude" by US on supply of special nuclear materials to UK] [declassified 2012]
PDF 81 Jul 31 Fr Declassified documents Key Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Richard Allen memo for President Reagan (“Britain Drifts”) [declassified 2000]
PDF 81 Jul 31 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: UKE Washington telegram 2303 to FCO (2230Z) (“US economic programme: budgetary legislation”) [declassified 2012]
PDF 81 Aug 3 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Deteriorating Economic Situation in Poland, Nicaragua and Senator Dodd") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Aug 3 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Egypt: No.10 record of conversation (MT-President Sadat of Egypt) [first session: Arab-Israeli conflict, Soviet policy in the Middle East, oil supplies] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Aug 3 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Egypt: No.10 record of conversation (MT-President Sadat of Egypt) [plenary session: Arab-Israeli conflict, bilateral issues, Libya, Ethiopia/Somalia, Iraq, Iran] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Aug 4 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) G7: Reagan letter to MT (Ottawa G7) [thanks for constructive role play at G7 talks and royal wedding] [released 2012]
Text 81 Aug 4 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Reagan letter to Thatcher (Montebello G7) [declassified 2000]
PDF 81 Aug 5 We Declassified documents Minor Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: National Security Adviser note to President Reagan (“Secretary Haig’s Evening Report 5 August) [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Aug 5 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: UKE Washington telegram 2333 to FCO (0021Z) ("Northern Ireland Hunger Strike") [attempts by Irish Nationalist organisations to organise boycotts of British goods; Four Horsemen's letter to Reagan] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Aug 5 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Northern Ireland Office letter to No.10 ("Northern Ireland: Hunger Strike and ICRC Report") [latest developments; Atkins believes there is no case for a new Government initiative at this point] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Aug 6 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Conservative Party, Economy: MT off the record interview with Ivan Fallon (Pym & Thorneycroft) ["damned if she was going to change her views because of such a speech & press conference"] [released 2012]
PDF 81 Aug 6 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: UKE Washington telegram 2354 to FCO (2314Z) (“US economic programme: budgetary legislation”) [“doubts have been expressed”] [declassified 2012]
PDF 81 Aug 7 Fr Declassified documents Minor Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Theater Nuclear Forces, Enhanced Radiation Weapons (ERW), The Gambia Coup, Cyprus") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Aug 10 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Disruptive Action of Foreign Air Traffic Controllers, Poland, Portugal, Countervailing Duty Case Against Australian Lamb") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Aug 11 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Diplomatic Efforts Regarding Air Traffic Difficulties, Meetings of Lebanese Phalange Leader Bashir Gemayel in the State Department, Pakistan, Enders to Managua") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Aug 11 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: Chancellor of the Exchequer minute to MT (“US economic policy”) [concern about high interest rates] [declassified 2012]
PDF 81 Aug 12 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Preparations for the Begin Visit, Latin American States Join the Multinational Force and Observers, Report of Special Refugee Advisory Panel") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Aug 13 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Evron Demarche on Suspended Aircraft, Law of the Sea, Angola-Exchange of Soviet Airmen for American Mercenaries") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Aug 14 Fr Declassified documents Minor Archive (CIA) Argentina: Director of Central Intelligence daily schedule ("DCI's Schedule for Friday, 14 August 1981") [DCI attends Galtieri reception for US Army Chief of Staff at Argentine Embassy] [declassified 2006]
PDF 81 Aug 14 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Conversation with Saudi Prince Bandar, Namibia/Angola Issues, Nicaragua, Polish Situation") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Aug 17 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Lebanon, Preparations for Liu Huaging Visit") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Aug 17 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: National Security Council minutes (1530Z) ("East-West Trade; Central America Update; Strategic Forces") (NSC 0020) [extract only - remarks of Eugene Rostow, ACDA] [declassified Jun 2006]
PDF 81 Aug 18 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Demarche on Medflies, Cyprus Negotiations, Law of the Sea, C-24 Discussions on Puerto Rico") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Aug 19 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("Libya, Medfly, Puerto Rico") [declassified 2016]
PDF 81 Aug 20 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Secretary of State Haig's Evening Report ("El Salvador, Libya, Puerto Rico") [declassified 2016]

Documents lie at the core of this website, each one dated and sorted chronologically (by default) in search results. Most are images in PDF format of original paper documents scanned or filmed for the site. There also transcripts of speeches and interviews, press articles, photos, videos, and more. The document database contains tens of thousands of items and permits complex searching.

Files are multi-page PDFs from which most of the documents on the site are selected. All of Mrs Thatcher’s official files from No.10 are available in full on this site (paper copies are stored at the National Archives in the series PREM19), as well as most of those of Geoffrey Howe and Nigel Lawson as Chancellor (stored at TNA as series T639 and T640).

Guides are articles about key events and topics. Many were written to accompany annual releases of Mrs Thatcher’s private and party papers at the Churchill Archive Centre in Cambridge.


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