Wednesday 2 July 1980
0930 Richard Allen, Foreign Affairs Adviser to Mr. Reagan and William Casey, Campaign Director to Mr. Reagan
1015 Secretary of State for Defence [Francis Pym] [Material from handwritten original of the 1980 appointment diary: [+First Sea Lord, Admiral Sir Henry Leach]
[Captain Salt].]
1100-1130 Mr. Suraj Paul
1150 Left for the House of Commons
1200 Leader of the Opposition, Mr. Callaghan - H/C [Material from handwritten original of the 1980 appointment diary: [Presidency of EEC Commission].]
1230 Lord Chancellor [Lord Hailsham]
1300 Lunch with Ministers [Material from handwritten original of the 1980 appointment diary: [Chairmen of Cabinet Committees].]
1430 Chancellor [Sir Geoffrey Howe] and Mr. [Terry] Burns [Material from handwritten original of the 1980 appointment diary: [Re Thursday’s Cabinet].]
1525 To House of Commons
1530 [Material from handwritten original of the 1980 appointment diary: S/ N. Ireland (Humphrey Atkins) Statement.]
1600 OD [Willie Whitelaw, Lord Carrington, Sir Geoffrey Howe, Lord Soames, Lord Hailsham, Francis Pym, John Nott, Sir Ian Gilmour]
1700-1900 Meeting with European Members followed by Drinks + Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary [Lord Carrington], Chairman [Lord Thorneycroft], Sir A.
Royle and Mr. Edward Bickham
2030 Meeting with Civil Service Staff Side
2130 Dined at the House with Ian Gow
2200 Vote: Three Line
2210 Secretary of State for Employment [Jim Prior] - H/C
[Material from handwritten original of the 1980 appointment diary: PM paired after 2200.]
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