

Ending: 3 May 1979. Document type: Multimedia.

Showing items 1 - 50 of 274.

Video 73 Mar 5 Mo Multimedia Key Archive (BBC) TV Interview for BBC1 Val meets the VIPs (too inexperienced to be Prime Minister)
Video 74 Aug 14 We Multimedia Major Margaret Thatcher (& many others) Party Political Broadcast (Conservative Candidates’ Conference) [film]
Video 74 Aug 28 We Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher (& others) Party Political Broadcast (pledges to cap mortgage rate, sell council houses, abolish rates) [film]
Video 74 Sep 24 Tu Multimedia Major Edward Heath (& others) Party Election Broadcast [film]
Video 74 Sep 27 Fr Multimedia Major Edward Heath (& others) Party Election Broadcast [film]
Video 74 Sep 27 Fr Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher (& others) Party Election Broadcast (pledges to cap mortgage rate, sell council houses, help first-time buyers) [film]
Video 74 Sep 30 Mo Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher (& others) Party Election Broadcast (Housing) [defends her “firm and unshakeable pledges”] [film]
Video 74 Oct 3 Th Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher (& others) Party Election Broadcast (“I’m All Right, Jack”) [film]
Video 74 Nov 27 We Multimedia Major Geoffrey Johnson Smith Party Political Broadcast [film]
Video 74 Dec 4 We Multimedia Major Geoffrey Howe (& others) Party Political Broadcast [film]
Audio 75 Feb 28 Fr Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher Speech to West Dorset Conservatives [complete audio tape]
Video 75 Mar 5 We Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher Party Political Broadcast (introducing MT) [film]
Video 76 Jan 31 Sa Multimedia Major Margaret Thatcher Speech to Finchley Conservatives (admits to being an "Iron Lady") [film extract]
Video 77 Feb 16 We Multimedia Major Margaret Thatcher (& others) Conservative Party Political Broadcast ("The Conservative Challenge")
Photo 77 May 7 Sa Multimedia Major Archive (Carter Library) MT meeting President Carter for the first time (at US Ambassador’s Residence, Winfield House)
PDF 77 Sep 13 Tu Multimedia Major Archive (Carter Library) MT meeting President Carter at the White House (Oval Office)
Audio 79 Jan 16 Tu Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher HC S: [Industrial Situation] [audio]
Video 79 Jan 17 We Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher Conservative Party Political Broadcast (Winter of Discontent) [film]
Audio 79 Mar 28 We Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher HC S: [Her Majesty's Government (Opposition Motion) (motion of confidence)] [audio]
Audio 79 Mar 28 We Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher HC S: [Her Majesty's Government (Opposition Motion) (announcement of dissolution)] [audio]
Video 79 Apr 19 Th Multimedia Major Margaret Thatcher Conservative Party Election Broadcast
Video 79 Apr 27 Fr Multimedia Key Archive (BBC) TV Interview for BBC Campaign ’79
Video 79 Apr 30 Mo Multimedia Major Margaret Thatcher Conservative Party Election Broadcast
Video 79 May 4 Fr Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher Remarks on becoming Prime Minister (St Francis's prayer) [film]
Audio 79 May 15 Tu Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher HC S: [Debate on Address] [audio]
Audio 79 Nov 21 We Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher HC S: [Mr Anthony Blunt] [audio]
Photo 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Carter at the White House (arrival ceremony 1)
Photo 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Carter at the White House (arrival ceremony 2)
Photo 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Carter at the White House (arrival ceremony 3)
Photo 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Carter at the White House (arrival ceremony 4)
Photo 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Carter at the White House (arrival ceremony 5) [high resolution image]
Photo 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Carter at the White House (arrival ceremony 6)
Photo 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Carter at the White House (arrival ceremony 7)
Photo 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Carter at the White House (arrival ceremony 8)
Photo 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Carter at the White House (arrival ceremony 9)
Photo 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Carter at the White House (arrival ceremony 10)
Video 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Margaret Thatcher Speech at White House arrival ceremony [film]
Video 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Minor Margaret Thatcher Photo opportunity on White House Balcony [film]
Photo 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Carter at the White House (walking to the Oval Office)
Photo 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Carter at the White House (introductions - Carol Thatcher)
Photo 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Carter at the White House (introductions - Lord Carrington)
Photo 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Carter at the White House (looking over the President’s desk)
Photo 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Carter at the White House (the British team in the Cabinet Room)
Photo 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Carter at the White House (meeting in the Cabinet Room)
Photo 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Carter at the White House (coffee break)
Video 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Margaret Thatcher Remarks after meeting with President Carter [film]
Photo 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Carter at the White House (White House Banquet - posing with the Carters)
Photo 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Carter at the White House (White House Banquet - pre-dinner drinks)
Photo 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Carter at the White House (White House Banquet - dinner)
Photo 79 Dec 17 Mo Multimedia Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) White House photos: MT visiting Carter at the White House (White House Banquet - talking with the Carters)

Documents lie at the core of this website, each one dated and sorted chronologically (by default) in search results. Most are images in PDF format of original paper documents scanned or filmed for the site. There also transcripts of speeches and interviews, press articles, photos, videos, and more. The document database contains tens of thousands of items and permits complex searching.

Files are multi-page PDFs from which most of the documents on the site are selected. All of Mrs Thatcher’s official files from No.10 are available in full on this site (paper copies are stored at the National Archives in the series PREM19), as well as most of those of Geoffrey Howe and Nigel Lawson as Chancellor (stored at TNA as series T639 and T640).

Guides are articles about key events and topics. Many were written to accompany annual releases of Mrs Thatcher’s private and party papers at the Churchill Archive Centre in Cambridge.


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