
1990 Jun 1 - 1990 Dec 29
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

National Health (Expenditure and efficiency in the National Health Service (NHS): implementation of NHS reforms) (Part 25)

Document type: File list item
Source: TNA, PREM19 series
Release date: 2017 Jul 20
Classification: Secret
Page count: 353
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Showing items 1 - 20 of 49

Per page:
Datesort ascending Value Title
90 Nov 21 We Minor NHS: Waldegrave PS minute to Barry Potter ("NHS Reforms") [report on implementation] [released July 2017]
90 Nov 21 We Minor NHS: Huntingdon Health Authority letter to John Major (future of the authority) [possible merger] [released July 2017]
90 Nov 8 Th Major NHS: Carolyn Sinclair minute to MT ("BMA Attitude") [BMA will not launch another campaign against the reforms] [released July 2017]
90 Nov 2 Fr Major NHS: Carolyn Sinclair minute to MT ("Implementation of the NHS Reforms") [more optimism about prospects for smooth transition] [released July 2017]
90 Oct 29 Mo Major NHS: Carolyn Sinclair minute to MT ("First Audit Commission report on the NHS") [helps knock on head notion that long waiting times mainly caused by a lack of money] [released July 2017]
90 Oct 4 Th Major NHS: Clarke PS minute to Dominic Morris (new doctors' contract) [article in Doctor] [released July 2017]
90 Sep 17 Mo Minor NHS: Barry Potter minute to Clarke PS ("Northwick Park: Clinical Research Centre") [proposed closure and transfer of work] [released July 2017]
90 Sep 13 Th Major NHS: Clarke PS minute to Barry Potter ("Clinical Research Centre") [interim report on proposals for closure] [released July 2017]
90 Jul 31 Tu Major NHS: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Roy Griffiths) [NHS reforms, transfer of community care responsibilities; MT concerned at Clinical Research Centre closure] [released July 2017]
90 Jul 27 Fr Major NHS: Ian Whitehead minute to MT ("NHS: Manifesto. Waiting Times for Elective Surgery - A Three Point Plan") [would be benefits if waiting time issues addressed head on] [released July 2017]
90 Jul 27 Fr Major NHS: Ian Whitehead minute to MT ("Valedictory") [consultants' job plans, clinical research centre] [released July 2017]
90 Jul 27 Fr Minor NHS: Barry Potter minute to MT ("Meeting with Sir Roy Griffiths") [involvement with government coming to an end] [released July 2017]
90 Jul 26 Th Minor NHS: Barry Potter minute to Clarke PS ("NHS Reforms") [MT concerned about implementation of reforms in London] [released July 2017]
90 Jul 17 Tu Minor NHS: Barry Potter minute to Clarke PS ("Community Care - Implementation") [MT approves Clarke's statement] [released July 2017]
90 Jul 17 Tu Major NHS: Ken Clarke minute to Norman Lamont (Community Care) [phasing in of reforms] [released July 2017]
90 Jul 17 Tu Major NHS: Rifkind PS minute to Lamont PS ("Community Care: Implementation: Scotland") [phasing in of reforms in Scotland] [released July 2017]
90 Jul 17 Tu Major NHS: Ridley PS minute to Clarke PS ("Community Care") [comments on draft statement on phased approach] [released July 2017]
90 Jul 13 Fr Major NHS: Virginia Bottomley minute to Geoffrey Howe ("Ten Minute Rule Bill for Tuesday 17 July") [compensation for side effects from prescription drugs] [released July 2017]
90 Jul 11 We Minor NHS: Barry Potter minute to Andrew Turnbull ("NHS Reforms") [upcoming meetings] [released July 2017]
90 Jul 10 Tu Major NHS: Virginia Bottomley minute to Geoffrey Howe (prescription drugs) [Ten Minute Rule Bill on compensation for side effects] [released July 2017]