
1990 Jun 1 - 1990 Aug 31
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

Soviet Union (UK/Soviet relations) (Part 17)

Document type: File list item
Source: TNA, PREM19 series
Release date: 2018 Jul 24
Classification: Top Secret - Cab One
Page count: 312
Any docs withheld? 25

Selections from this file

Showing items 41 - 60 of 70

Per page:
Date Value Title
90 Jul 4 We Major Soviet Union: UKE Moscow telegram 1227 to FCO (0628Z) ("Soviet Union: Summary of Latest Developments") [2nd day of CPSU Congress - report & analysis; Lithuania; miners' strike; Western aid] [released Jul 2018]
90 Jul 5 Th Major Soviet Union: Amery letter to Hurd (Soviet Union: current situation) [views of Soviet junior officers; rise of a 'Soviet Hitler' predicted] [released Jul 2018]
90 Jul 6 Fr Major Soviet Union: Hurd PS letter to No.10 ("The British-Soviet Lecture") [theme; nomination of speaker] [released Jul 2018]
90 Jul 6 Fr Major Soviet Union: Percy Cradock minute to Charles Powell ("The 28th CPSU Congress") [report] [released Jul 2018]
90 Jul 9 Mo Major Soviet Union: Hurd PS letter to No.10 ("Kapitza Foundation") ["a sensible and worthwhile project. The Russians have approached... [MT] in order to gain political support to help to get the project off the ground"] [released Jul 2018]
90 Jul 12 Th Major Soviet Union: UKE Moscow telegram 1276 to FCO (0446Z) ("Soviet Economy: Reform Programme "500 Days"") ["Alternative reform programme... closely linked with Eltsin"; details] [released Jul 2018]
90 Jul 13 Fr Major Soviet Union: Christopher MacRae minute to Charles Powell ("The Split in the Soviet Communist Party") [Yeltsin's resignation & departure of Democratic Platform: details & analysis] [released Jul 2018]
90 Jul 13 Fr Major Soviet Union: MT message to Ivashko (1445Z) (election as Deputy Secretary General of the Communist Party) ["wish you success in furthering the all important cause of reform"] [released Jul 2018]
90 Jul 16 Mo Major Soviet Union: MT letter to Keith Joseph ('Marathon' project) [defends Government decision not to grant export license; suggest meeting of officials with representatives of the Marathon partners] [released Jul 2018]
90 Jul 16 Mo Major Soviet Union: UKE Moscow telegram 1305 to FCO (1150Z) ("Visit of Kohl to USSR: Financial Aid") ["Gorbachev rejects financial aid with strings attached": Pravda report on Kohl/Gorbachev press conference] [released Jul 2018]
90 Jul 16 Mo Major Soviet Union: UKE Moscow telegram 1300 to FCO (0645Z) ("The 28th Congress of the CPSU, 2-13 July: Comment") [report & analysis, focusing on Gorbachev's performance] [released Jul 2018]
90 Jul 18 We Major Soviet Union: Hurd PS letter to No.10 ("Re-Election of Mr Gorbachev") [draft MT message of congratulations, not sent] [released Jul 2018]
90 Jul 19 Th Major Soviet Union: Cabinet Office minute to Charles Powell ("Marathon") [correspondence with Keith Joseph regarding Government refusal to grant export license] [released Jul 2018]
90 Jul 19 Th Major Soviet Union: UKE Moscow telegram 1327 to FCO (1301Z) ("Call on Falin, CPSU Secretariat") [Braithwaite, Falin record of conversation: Germany; Western aid; Communist Party Congress; future of the Communist Party] [released Jul 2018]
90 Jul 21 Sa Major Soviet Union: UKE Moscow telegram 1338 to FCO (0528Z) ("Call on Abalkin") [Braithwaite, Abalkin record of conversation: economic reform; economic relations with the West] [released Jul 2018]
90 Jul 21 Sa Major Soviet Union: UKE Moscow telegram 1339 to FCO (0543Z) ("Visit by Mr Delors") [Soviet proposals for economic reform; economic relations with the West; European Commission report] [released Jul 2018]
90 Jul 24 Tu Major Soviet Union: UKDEL IMF/IBRD Washington telegram 279 to FCO (1430Z) ("IMF: Study of the USSR Economy") [division of responsibilities; timing; relation to EC study; Soviet attitudes; media blackout] [released Jul 2018]
90 Jul 25 We Major Soviet Union: Charles Powell note to MT ("De Beers Centenary AG and the Soviet Union's Diamond Industry Sign Billion Dollar Loan and 5-Year Sales Agreements") [copy of de Beers press released annotated by Powell: "fascinating to see how the Soviets are using their precious metals as collateral for loans"] [released Jul 2018]
90 Jul 26 Th Major Soviet Union: Charles Powell letter to George Soros ("Western Aid to the Soviet Union") [UK avoiding large-scale commitments, pending Dublin European Council & Houston Economic Summit reports] [released Jul 2018]
90 Jul 28 Sa Major Soviet Union: UKE Rome telegram 597 to FCO (0750Z) ("Italian-Soviet Relations: Visit to Moscow by Andreotti and De Michelis, 25-26 July") [EC aid package; Italian credit; Soviet debt to Italian companies] [released Jul 2018]