1990 May 1 - 1990 Jun 27
Prime Ministerial Private Office files
European Policy (European Monetary System (EMS): economic and monetary union) (Part 7)
Source: | TNA, PREM19 series |
Release date: | 2018 Jun 5 |
Classification: | Secret |
Page count: | 382 |
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Showing items 1 - 20 of 41
Date | Value |
Title![]() |
90 May 18 Fr | Major | European Policy: Brian Griffiths minute for MT ("ERM Entry: For and Against") [economic arguments unchanged; sceptical that entry would reduce UK interest rates; "real case for entry is political"; "On balance ... I believe that the UK should enter the ERM"] [declassified Jun 2018] |
90 Jun 18 Mo | Major | European Policy: Butler minute for Turnbull ("EMU: Press Stories") [articles appearing with inside knowledge; MT agrees to warn colleagues] [declassified Jun 2018] |
90 May 2 We | Minor | European Policy: FCO letter to No.10 ("Committee for the Monetary Union of Europe: Letter to the Prime Minister from M. Giscard d'Estaing") [draft reply for MT] [declassified Jun 2018] |
90 Jun 15 Fr | Major | European Policy: Graham Bishop letter to to No.10 ("The Creation of a European Community 'Hard Money' Union") [Salomon economist's paper for French Treasury seminar] [declassified Jun 2018] |
90 Jun 17 Su | Major | European Policy: Hurd minute for MT ("Economic and Monetary Union") [problems with Ridley paper] [declassified Jun 2018] |
90 Jun 8 Fr | Major | European Policy: John Major minute for MT ('ERM') [sterling's rate on entry; width of the bands; sterling's central rate] [declassified Jun 2018] |
90 Jun 26 Tu | Major | European Policy: John Major minute for MT ("The Timing of Sterling's Entry into the ERM") ["windows for entry"; higher exchange rate "would suit us well"] [declassified Jun 2018] |
90 Jun 18 Mo | Major | European Policy: John Major minute for MT (the forthcoming conference on EMU: British position) [response to Nick Ridley minute; UK cannot stand aside and be indifferent to EMU] [declassified Jun 2018] |
90 May 25 Fr | Key | European Policy: Major minute for MT ('EMU') [risk of "the beginning of a path to a two-tier Europe"; MT: "What's wrong with that if the other tier is going in the wrong direction?"] [declassified Jun 2018] |
90 Jun 14 Th | Major | European Policy: Major minute to MT ("An Objective Standard and EMU") ["a very mixed blessing"] [declassified Jun 2018] |
90 May 4 Fr | Minor | European Policy: MT letter to Giscard d'Estaing (Economic and Monetary Union) [thanks for keeping her up to date with his thinking] [declassified Jun 2018] |
90 Jun 14 Th | Key | European Policy: Nick Ridley minute to MT ("Economic and Monetary Union") [promote regional groupings or currency arrangements; for trade "it is the Single Market which matters"; "To be alone in the 12 is not the end of the world, nor would we be alone if other candidates were allowed to join the EC"] [declassified Jun 2018] |
90 Jun 12 Tu | Major | European Policy: No.10 briefing for MT ("Bilateral with the Chancellor") [entry into ERM - Walters and Greenspan advise it is "a political necessity ... properly timed and managed, it can give economic benefits"] [declassified Jun 2018] |
90 Jun 26 Tu | Major | European Policy: No.10 briefing for MT ("Bilateral with the Chancellor") [ERM entry date - Treasury background papers disappointing] [declassified Jun 2018] |
90 May 4 Fr | Major | European Policy: No.10 minute for MT ("Covert Exchange Controls") [Keith Joseph arguing German controls mean Madrid conditions not satisfied, but No.10 doubtful such controls exist] [declassified Jun 2018] |
90 Jun 20 We | Major | European Policy: No.10 minute for MT ("Objective Standards") [problems with, whether as an alternative to EMU, a basis for operating EMU or a new monetary order] [declassified Jun 2018] |
90 Jun 27 We | Major | European Policy: No.10 record of conversation (MT, John Major) [date of entry into the ERM - July, September or later in the year] [declassified Jun 2018] |
90 May 31 Th | Key | European Policy: No.10 record of conversation (MT, John Major; Middleton, Wicks) [EMU - MT rejects Major suggestion that UK should accept Treaty committing to EMU "leaving to individual states ... whether and when to join"; instead, campaign to instill doubts about EMU and in favour of alternative concepts] [declassified Jun 2018] |
90 Jun 13 We | Key | European Policy: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Major) [ERM - MT "said she no longer had reservations about the UK joining .... The issue was when was the right time to join"] [declassified Jun 2018] |
90 Jun 19 Tu | Major | European Policy: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Major, Hurd, Ridley) ["European Monetary Union": UK line at forthcoming Dublin European Council] [declassified Jun 2018] |