
1989 Mar 1 - 1989 Aug 31
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

European Policy (European Monetary System (EMS)) (Part 4)

Document type: File list item
Source: TNA, PREM19 series
Release date: 2016 Dec 30
Classification: Secret
Page count: 376
Any docs withheld?

Selections from this file

Showing items 41 - 46 of 46

Per page:
Datesort ascending Value Title
89 Apr 13 Th Major European Policy: Governor of the Bank of England letter to MT ("Economic and Monetary Union") [publication of Delors Report and outstanding issues still to be resolved by the Committee] [declassified Jul 2016]
89 Mar 13 Mo Major European Policy: Chancellor of the Exchequer letter to Lord Young ("The ECU Treasury Bill Programme") [Tony Newton reply: "important to ensure that any public announcements [of inclusion of Japanese firms in the Programme] do not undermine the Prime Minister's warning to Mr Takeshita"] [declassified Jul 2016]
89 Mar 10 Fr Major European Policy: UKRep Brussels telegram to FCO ("EMS Monetary Union and fraud") [main points from Delors press conference; "reiterates wish for sterling's full membership of ERM"] [declassified Jul 2016]
89 Mar 10 Fr Major European Policy: No.10 briefing for MT ("Delors Committee") [Report on economic & monetary union; MT meeting with Governor of Bank of England] [declassified Jul 2016]
89 Mar 9 Th Major European Policy: UKE Madrid telegram to FCO ("Visit of Italian Prime Minister") [De Mita visit to Madrid: "Spanish and Italian Prime Ministers declare support for EMU in principle"] [declassified Jul 2016]
89 Mar 2 Th Major European Policy: Charles Powell letter to Treasury ("Delors Committee") [Governor of the Bank of England's draft paper for Committee: MT "has commented that it takes very little account of what was agreed at her meeting on 15 February"] [declassified Jul 2016]