
1987 Jun 30 - 1988 Aug 10
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

Prime Minister's Tours Abroad (Prime Minister's visit to G7 Economic Summit in Toronto and to Ottawa, June 1988: administrative arrangements)

Document type: File list item
Source: TNA, PREM19 series
Release date: 2016 Jul 21
Classification: Secret
Page count: 318
Any docs withheld? 7

Selections from this file

Showing items 1 - 20 of 67

Per page:
Date Value Titlesort descending
88 Apr 29 Fr Minor G7: Alan Urwick minute to Charles Powell ("Toronto G7 Summit") [programme of summit events for MT] [released July 2016]
88 Jun 3 Fr Minor G7: Bernard Ingham note to Charles Powell (Economic Summit 1988) [arrangements for press conferences] [released July 2016]
88 Jan 12 Tu Minor G7: Brian Mulroney message to MT (Toronto Economic Summit) ["the dramatic economic developments since we last met would suggest more emphasis on economic discussions"] [released July 2016]
88 Jun 15 We Minor G7: British Consul-General Toronto minute for Powell ("Conrad Black's Dinner: 7 for 8 p.m., Tuesday 21 June 1988") [arrangements, principal guests] [released July 2016]
88 Mar 28 Mo Minor G7: Cabinet Office minute ("Toronto Economic Summit, 19, 20, 21 June 1988: Draft Communications Plan") [timetable, staff, secure communications and office equipment] [released July 2016]
88 Apr 27 We Minor G7: Canadian High Commission in London letter to Nigel Wicks (Toronto Economic Summit) [arrangements for bilateral with Mulroney; No.10 should handle] [released July 2016]
87 Jul 31 Fr Minor G7: Charles Powell briefing for MT ("Meeting with Conrad Black") [Telegraph move to Isle of Dogs has "greatly weakened the role of the print unions"; its "editorial line remains quirky and unpredictable"; Toronto dinner] [released July 2016]
88 May 10 Tu Minor G7: Charles Powell letter to Alan Urwick ("Toronto Economic Summit") ['sideshows' during summit - MT would like to see Lord Thomson's art collection] [released July 2016]
88 May 18 We Minor G7: Charles Powell letter to Alan Urwick (Toronto Economic Summit) [Reichmann invitation to MT] [released July 2016]
87 Aug 26 We Minor G7: Charles Powell letter to Conrad Black ("Economic Summit 1988") [MT hopes to accept dinner speaking invitation] [released July 2016]
88 May 25 We Trivial G7: Charles Powell letter to Howe PS ("Economic Summit and Prime Minister's Visit to Ottawa: Travel Plans") [released July 2016]
87 Jul 31 Fr Minor G7: Charles Powell letter to Howe PS ("Economic Summit in Toronto") [seeks High Commissioner's advice on Toronto dinner speaking invitation from Conrad Black] [released July 2016]
88 Jun 1 We Minor G7: Charles Powell letter to Howe PS ("Economic Summit, Toronto: Programme") [will accompany MT to dinners] [released July 2016]
88 Jun 1 We Major G7: Charles Powell letter to Howe PS ("Economic Summit: Possible Meeting with the Premier of Ontario") [MT rejects proposal; Mulroney would not want to see MT boosting Ontatio Premier's standing] [released July 2016]
88 Jun 1 We Minor G7: Charles Powell letter to Howe PS ("Economic Summit: Prime Minister's Bilateral with the Italian Prime Minister") [doubtful if proposed time (equivalent of midnight in the UK) would be very wise] [released July 2016]
87 Dec 17 Th Minor G7: Charles Powell letter to Howe PS ("Economic Summit: Toronto 19-20 June 1988") [MT has accepted in principle an invitation from Conrad Black] [released July 2016]
88 Mar 7 Mo Minor G7: Charles Powell letter to Howe PS ("Economic Summit: Toronto") [flight arrangements] [released July 2016]
88 Mar 14 Mo Major G7: Charles Powell letter to Howe PS ("Economic Summit: Toronto") [MT "making this visit [to Ottawa] as a favour to Mr Mulroney"; for him to suggest how she should spend her time there; announcement of the visit] [released July 2016]
88 Jun 3 Fr Minor G7: Charles Powell letter to Howe PS ("Economic Summit: Welcoming Ceremony") [will accompany MT but "give my well-known impression of a Special Branch officer when I get there"] [released July 2016]
88 Jun 9 Th Minor G7: Charles Powell letter to Howe PS ("Invitation to the Prime Minister to be an Honorary Bencher of the Law Society of Upper Canada") [MT accepts with "great pleasure", but with shortest possible ceremonial] [released July 2016]