
1987 Jun 26 - 1988 Jun 11
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

Economic Policy (G7 Summit - Toronto) (Part 24)

Document type: File list item
Source: TNA, PREM19 series
Release date: 2016 Jul 21
Classification: Confidential
Page count: 286
Any docs withheld? 1

Selections from this file

Showing items 1 - 20 of 54

Per page:
Date Value Title
87 Jul 12 Su Major G7: Robert Armstrong minute to Nigel Wicks ("Toronto Economic Summit 1988") [preparatory meetings of Personal Representatives planned; who should succeed Armstrong as MT's representative] [released July 2016]
87 Oct 29 Th Major G7: Rodric Braithwaite letter to Robert Armstrong ("Toronto Economic Summit: First Meeting of Personal Representatives") [briefing for the sherpas' meeting, which "will be overshadowed by the state of the financial markets and the consequences for the world economy and exchange rate mechanism"] [released July 2016]
87 Nov 2 Mo Major G7: Robert Armstrong minute to Nigel Wicks (Toronto Summit Personal Representatives meeting) ["it is far too early to judge what will be the main issues for the Toronto Summit or to take positions on them"] [released July 2016]
87 Nov 3 Tu Major G7: Charles Powell minute to Robert Armstrong (Toronto Summit - preparatory meetings of sherpas) [MT wants Armstrong to argue for fewer such meetings and to seek support for an "attempt to restore the Summits to something closer to their original conception"] [released July 2016]
87 Nov 13 Fr Major G7: UKHC Wellington telegram to FCO ("Toronto Economic Summit 1988") [sherpa meeting in British Columbia; MT "This is ridiculous. There is no point in having such an early meeting"] [released July 2016]
87 Nov 27 Fr Major G7: UKHC Ottawa telegram to FCO ("Toronto Economic Summit") [plus FCO reply; MT "considers there is not sufficient time during summits for a separate retreat, but looks forward to the customary private and informal exchanges with colleagues"] [released July 2016]
87 Dec 30 We Major G7: Howe PS minute to No. 10 ("Japanese Proposal for Trade Ministers' Meeting at the Economic Summit") ["the Prime Minister attaches importance to keeping Summits small and informal"] [released July 2016]
88 Jan 26 Tu Minor G7: Howe PS minute to Nigel Wicks ("Economic Summit: Science") [MT "is not particularly enthusiastic about scientific collaboration"] [released July 2016]
88 Jan 28 Th Major G7: Nigel Wicks minute to Cabinet Office ("Economic Summit: Science") [need to tread carefully on proposed international collaboration on scientific projects, MT "has somewhat reserved views"] [released July 2016]
88 Feb 4 Th Minor G7: Howe PS minute to Nigel Wicks (Mexican economy) [information from Mexican Embassy; proposed discussion on debt between G7 and Cartagena countries] [released July 2016]
88 Feb 5 Fr Major G7: Economic Relations Department to Nigel Wicks ("Toronto Summit: Background Papers") [recent declarations, current papers on debt, the Uruguay Round and agriculture] [released July 2016]
88 Feb 5 Fr Minor G7: Howe PS minute to Nigel Wicks ("Toronto Economic Summit: Second Meeting of Personal Representatives, 27-29 February") [list of briefs on likely main economic themes] [released July 2016]
88 Feb 5 Fr Minor G7: Nigel Wicks minute to Cabinet Office ("Economic Summit: Science") ["there is no enthusiasm on the Canadian side to raise scientific issues at the Summit"] [released July 2016]
88 Feb 9 Tu Minor G7: Nigel Wicks to Howe PS ("Toronto Economic Summit: Second Meeting of Personal Representatives, 27-29 February") [suggests brief on devices which might mitigate fluctuations in stock market] [released July 2016]
88 Feb 22 Mo Major G7: UKHC Ottawa telegram to FCO ("Toronto Economic Summit") [East-West relations expected to be the major political issue, Middle East might also feature] [released July 2016]
88 Feb 24 We Minor G7: Howe PS minute to Nigel Wicks ("Sir R Armstrong: University of Toronto Lecture Programme") [copy of draft text] [released July 2016]
88 Mar 13 Su Minor G7: UKE Tokyo telegram to FCO ("Japanese Proposal for a Meeting of Trade Ministers") ["to meet and candidly exchange their own point of view about world trade-related issues"] [released July 2016]
88 Apr 18 Mo Major G7: Rodric Braithwaite letter to Christopher Roberts (meeting of trade ministers) [opposition to Japanese proposals for a meeting, risks being seen as preparation for the Summit] [released July 2016]
88 Apr 18 Mo Major G7: Treasury minute to Lawson PS ("Meeting of G7 Deputies") [proceedings; "we should not fall into an institutional procedure of regular reports - contrary to spirit of Summit"] [released July 2016]
88 May 1 Su Major G7: UKE Bonn telegram to FCO ("Toronto Summit") ["Germans do not expect important steps forward on political matters at Toronto. Federal Chancellor wants to play South Africa down"] [released July 2016]