1985 Dec 2 - 1986 Sep 30
Prime Ministerial Private Office files
Economic policy (Domestic monetary policy) (Part 15)
Source: | TNA, PREM19 series |
Release date: | 2014 Dec 30 |
Classification: | Secret |
Page count: | 448 |
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PREM19/1707 - download whole file (PDF, 80.67 MB)
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Showing items 1 - 20 of 44
Date | Value | Title |
85 Dec 6 Fr | Major | Monetary Policy: Walters minute to No.10 ("some thoughts on the present fiscal and monetary conditions") [ease monetary policy in 1986, tightening control of public spending] [declassified 2014] |
85 Dec 6 Fr | Major | Monetary Policy: No.10 minute to MT (“Draft White Paper on Banking Supervision”) [still sounds complacent; MT disagrees] [declassified 2014] |
85 Dec 9 Mo | Major | Monetary Policy: Treasury minute to No.10 (“Banking Supervision White Paper: Chancellor’s Foreword”) [MT approves Lawson's personal draft] [declassified 2014] |
85 Dec 9 Mo | Major | Monetary Policy: Secretary of State for Northern Ireland PS minute to Treasury (“White Paper on Banking Supervision”) [declassified 2014] |
85 Dec 11 We | Major | Monetary Policy: Treasury minute to Lawson (“Johnson Matthey Bankers Briefing”) [declassified 2014] |
85 Dec 11 We | Major | Monetary Policy: Treasury minute to Secretary of State for Northern Ireland PS (“White Paper on Banking Supervision”) [declassified 2014] |
85 Dec 17 Tu | Major | Monetary Policy: Lawson statement in the House of Commons (“Banking Supervision”) [publication of White Paper] |
86 Jan 7 Tu | Major | Monetary Policy: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Chancellor) [markets driving up base rates; decision to wait till following day] [declassified 2014] |
86 Jan 8 We | Major | Monetary Policy: No.10 minute to MT (“Markets”) [interest rates moving up a little after rate rise] [declassified 2014] |
86 Jan 8 We | Major | Monetary Policy: No.10 record of conversation (MT,Chancellor, Governor, Eddie George) [decision to increase base rates by 1 percent in response to market pressure; resist firmly any further pressure] [declassified 2014] |
86 Jan 23 Th | Major | Monetary Policy: No.10 briefing for MT (“Interest Rates and Your Meeting with Brian Griffiths and Alan Walters”) [Lawson might be persuded to delay 1.5 percent rise] [declassified 2014] |
86 Jan 24 Fr | Major | Monetary Policy: No.10 minute to MT (market pressure to increase interest rates) ["I have emphasised to the Treasury how very relieved you would be if there were no increase today"] [declassified 2014] |
86 Jan 24 Fr | Major | Monetary Policy: Walters minute to MT (“The Budget of March 1986”) [case for a tight budget, as in 1981] [declassified 2014] |
86 Jan 30 Th | Major | Monetary Policy: Treasury minute to Lawson (“Treasury Economic Forecast”) [oil at $20 and 15] [declassified 2014] |
86 Feb 24 Mo | Major | Monetary Policy: Lawson minute to Trade and Industry Secretary (“Regulation of the Wholesale Money, Foreign Exchange and Bullion Markets”) [Bank of England worries it will lack authority in these markets under the new regulated regime for financial services] [declassified 2014] |
86 Feb 27 Th | Major | Monetary Policy: H.M. Customs & Excise minute to Chancellor (“Investigation of VAT Gold Fraud”) [JMB involvement] [declassified 2014] |
86 Mar 3 Mo | Minor | Monetary Policy: Treasury Press Office minute to Economic Secretary (“The Reserves in February 1986”) [press notice] [declassified 2014] |
86 Apr 4 Fr | Major | Monetary Policy: Department of Trade and Industry minute to No.10 (“UK Provident Institution”) [declassified 2014] |
86 Apr 4 Fr | Major | Monetary Policy: Treasury minute to Chancellor’s PS (“Standard Chartered”) [possible bid by Lloyds] [declassified 2014] |
86 Apr 4 Fr | Major | Monetary Policy: Treasury minute to Chancellor’s PS (Lloyds Bank bid for Standard Chartered) [declassified 2014] |