
1985 Jun 3 - 1985 Nov 29
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

Social Services (Reform of social security: pensions, housing benefit and supplementary benefit; child support) (Part 3)

Document type: File list item
Source: TNA, PREM19 series
Release date: 2014 Dec 30
Classification: Secret
Page count: 347
Any docs withheld?

Selections from this file

Showing items 21 - 40 of 64

Per page:
Date Value Title
85 Sep 27 Fr Major Social Services: No.10 Policy Unit minute to MT ("Social Security Expenditure") [Fowler "trying to escape the tough cuts... We didn't just want structural changes for their own sake; he gets his reforms if the taxpayer saves some money"] [released Dec 2014]
85 Sep 30 Mo Major Social Services: Cabinet Office briefing for MT (Green Paper on Reform of Social Security; Public Expenditure Discussions) [MT meeting with Fowler] [released Dec 2014]
85 Sep 30 Mo Major Social Services: MacGregor minute to MT ("Joint Department of Employment and DHSS Study of Local Office Networks") [terms of reference; timetable; potential savings; grading & pay levels; consultation] [released Dec 2014]
85 Sep 30 Mo Major Social Services: No.10 minute to Fowler PS ("Joint Department of Employment and DHSS Study of Local Office Networks") [MT's request that study should be turned into a scrutiny, with the help & advice of Efficiency Unit & a designated official to be placed in charge] [released Dec 2014]
85 Sep 30 Mo Major Social Services: David Norgrove minute to MT (Meeting with Norman Fowler: Social Security Savings) [need to press for clarification of DHSS figures] [released Dec 2014]
85 Sep 30 Mo Major Social Services: No.10 Policy Unit minute to MT ("Meeting with Norman Fowler: Social Security Savings") ["The Treasury and DHSS are arguing about how much was promised when by whom"] [released Dec 2014]
85 Oct 3 Th Major Social Services: No.10 record of conversation ("Note for the Record") [Ingham, Norgrove: presentation of the payment of arrears of housing benefit to Liverpool and other authorities] [released Dec 2014]
85 Oct 4 Fr Major Social Services: Hurd letter to Tony Newton (Green Paper: enforcement of requirements under the new pension arrangements) [Hurd proposes "a new sort of relationship (between employers and pension providers)... subject to the oversight of your inspectors. I would hope that on those grounds the powers could be defended in the face of any objections there may be"] [released Dec 2014]
85 Oct 4 Fr Major Social Services: Treasury minute to MacGregor ("Social Security Reviews and 1985 Survey: Mr Fowler's 2 October Package") [implications of Fowler proposals; tactics to be adopted in Treasury discussions with Fowler; request for guidance on how to handle Fowler's forthcoming paper to MISC III] [released Dec 2014]
85 Oct 9 We Major Social Services: Cabinet Office minute to No.10 ("Review of Social Security") [draft MISC III paper: "What is not at all clear... is the public expenditure and PSBR implications"; timing of implementation of proposals] [released Dec 2014]
85 Oct 10 Th Major Social Services: Cabinet Office minute (internal) ("Social Security") [gainers & losers from Green Paper proposals] [released Dec 2014]
85 Oct 11 Fr Major Social Services: Cabinet Office briefing for MT ("Report on the Review of Social Security") [Green Paper proposals; consultation reactions; proposed modifications; main issues; pensions; other social security policy proposals; timing; interaction with local government finance proposals; future processing; handling; conclusions] [released Dec 2014]
85 Oct 11 Fr Major Social Services: No.10 Policy Unit minute to MT ("What Should We Do About SERPS?") [options] [released Dec 2014]
85 Oct 14 Mo Major Social Services: Cabinet Office briefing for MT ("Review of Social Security (MISC 111 (85) 14") [SERPS; other social security measures] [released Dec 2014]
85 Oct 14 Mo Major Social Services: Hurd minute to MT (MISC 111: Review of Social Security: State-Earnings-Related Pension Scheme (SERPS)) [Hurd now in favour of retaining SERPS whilst limiting open-ended nature of commitment] [released Dec 2014]
85 Oct 14 Mo Major Social Services: Chancellor of the Exchequer PS letter to No.10 ("Social Security and Local Authority Finance") [analysis of the combined impact of proposed changes] [released Dec 2014]
85 Oct 14 Mo Major Social Services: Leon Brittan minute to MT ("Review of Social Security: The Next Steps") [thoughts on the proposed abolition/modification of the state-earnings-related pension scheme] [released Dec 2014]
85 Oct 14 Mo Major Social Services: No.10 briefing for MT ("MISC 111 tomorrow") [Social Security review: summary of papers for the meeting; proposed Cabinet Office further study on impact of proposals] [released Dec 2014]
85 Oct 14 Mo Major Social Services: No.10 Policy Unit minute to MT ("The Cost of SERPS") [Social Security review: state-earnings-related pension scheme: analysis] [released Dec 2014]
85 Oct 14 Mo Major Social Services: No.10 Policy Unit minute to MT ("MISC 111") [Social Security reform: "If we are driven back to draining SERPS rather than abolishing it, it is important to set fairly penal rates for those remaining in SERPS. Norman Fowler should be invited to produce final proposals along these lines"] [released Dec 2014]