
1982 Jun 29 - 1983 Apr 18
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

Industrial policy (Versailles G7 Summit: Working Group on Technology)

Document type: File list item
Source: TNA, PREM19 series
Release date: 2013 Aug 1
Classification: Confidential
Page count: 177
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Date Value Title
82 Oct 8 Fr Minor Technology: Robin Nicholson minute to MT ("Working Group on Technology, Growth and Employment") [UK emphasising need to work on harnessing technology for growth and employment] [released 2013]
82 Oct 10 Su Minor Technology: John Coles minute to Robin Nicholson ("Working Group on Technology, Growth and Employment") [MT has said she feels "we are once again losing out to the French"] [released 2013]
82 Oct 12 Tu Minor Technology: Robin Nicholson minute to MT ("Working Group on Technology, Growth and Employment") [US has asked to co-lead discussions on materials] [released 2013]
82 Dec 20 Mo Minor Technology: Robert Armstrong minute to MT ("Versailles Working Group on Technology, Growth and Employment") [favours delaying publication until the Summit] [released 2013]
83 Jan 14 Fr Minor Technology: Robin Nicholson minute to Robert Armstrong ("Working Group on Technology, Growth and Employment") [draft report and project papers; UK has achieved its objectives and Mitterrand's "ridiculous and harmful proposals" are not included in the report] [released 2013]
83 Feb 8 Tu Minor Technology: President Mitterrand message to MT (Versailles Economic Summit: Working Group on Technology) [in French] [released 2013]
83 Feb 9 We Minor Technology: Robin Nicholson minute to Robert Armstrong ("Working Group on Technology, Growth and Employment") [final text: "the fate of our scientific and technological innovations is largely a function of the willingness of the public to accept them"] [released 2013]
83 Feb 24 Th Minor Technology: Robert Armstrong minute to MT ("Versailles Working Group on Technology, Growth and Employment") [the French want to publish the report as soon as possible] [released 2013]
83 Feb 28 Mo Minor Technology: Robin Nicholson minute to Cabinet Office ("Versailles Working Group on Technology, Growth and Employment") [draft Q&A responses: the report "concludes that there is increasing scope for countries to collaborate in scientific and technological programmes"] [released 2013]
83 Mar 1 Tu Minor Technology: MT letter to President Mitterrand (Versailles Economic Summit: Working Group on Technology) ["the report is a valuable commentary on the important role of Science and Technology in the major economic and social issues which we face"] [released 2013]
83 Apr 15 Fr Minor Technology: Keith Joseph minute to Geoffrey Howe ("Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC): International Subscriptions") [seeks approval for changes to funding arrangements to buy some time before larger decisions have to be made] [released 2013]
83 Apr 18 Mo Minor Technology: Leon Brittan minute to Keith Joseph ("SERC International Subscriptions") [SERC "should be urged to look again" at their budget] [released 2013]
83 Jul 2 Sa Minor Technology: Cabinet Office minute to John Coles ("Versailles Economic Summit: Working Group on Technology") [the French expect representation to be at a high official level] [released 2013]