
1980 Mar 17 - 1982 Jan 8
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

United Nations (North/South Global Negotiations)

Document type: File list item
Source: TNA, PREM19 series
Release date: 2012 Dec 28
Classification: Confidential
Page count: 116
Any docs withheld?

Selections from this file

Showing items 21 - 30 of 30

Per page:
Date Value Title
81 Dec 2 We Major United Nations: FCO telegram 823 to UKMIS New York (1306Z) (“Global negotiations”) [framework for discussions] [declassified 2012]
81 Dec 2 We Major United Nations: Carrington PS letter to No.10 (“Global negotiations”) [framework for discussions] [declassified 2012]
81 Dec 3 Th Major United Nations: UKMIS New York telegram 1437 to FCO (0020Z) (“Global negotiations”) [framework for discussions] [declassified 2012]
81 Dec 3 Th Major United Nations: FCO telegram 831 to UKMIS New York (1310Z) (“Global negotiations”) [framework for discussions] [declassified 2012]
81 Dec 4 Fr Major United Nations: UKMIS New York telegram 46 to Overseas Development Agency (1334Z) (“UN conference on the least developed”) [framework for discussions] [declassified 2012]
81 Dec 4 Fr Major United Nations: UKE Washington telegram 3687 to FCO (2140Z) (“Global negotiations”) [framework for discussions] [declassified 2012]
81 Dec 4 Fr Major United Nations: FCO telegram 844 to UKMIS New York (2000Z) (“Global negotiations”) [framework for discussions] [declassified 2012]
81 Dec 7 Mo Major United Nations: No.10 letter to Carrington PS (“Global negotiations”) [framework for discussions] [declassified 2012]
81 Dec 7 Mo Major United Nations: FCO telegram 851 to UKMIS New York (1226Z) (“Global negotiations”) [framework for discussions] [declassified 2012]
82 Jan 8 Fr Major United Nations: FCO telegram to Missions and Dependent Territories (“Global negotiations”) [framework for discussions] [declassified 2012]