
1980 Feb 3 - 1980 Feb 14
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

Industrial policy (Industrial relations law) (Part 3)

Document type: File list item
Source: TNA, PREM19 series
Release date: 2010 Dec 30
Classification: Secret
Page count: 232
Any docs withheld?

Selections from this file

Showing items 21 - 33 of 33

Per page:
Date Value Titlesort ascending
80 Feb 5 Tu Major Trade Unions: Hoskyns minute to MT ("E Committee - Employment Bill") [declassified 2010]
80 Feb 13 We Major Trade Unions: Hoskyns briefing for MT ("Jim Prior's proposals are inadequate") [our paper last night not critical enough] [declassified 2010]
80 Feb 13 We Major Trade Unions: Hoskyns briefing for MT ("Employment Bill") [ensure Green Paper by summer] [declassified 2010]
80 Feb 12 Tu Minor Trade Unions: Hoskyns briefing for MT ("Employment Bill - E") [declassified 2010]
80 Feb 12 Tu Major Trade Unions: Hailsham minute to E Committee ("Employment Bill: Trade Union Immunities") ['propositions'] [declassified 2010]
80 Feb 4 Mo Major Trade Unions: Chancellor of the Exchequer minute to MT ("Immunities for Secondary Industrial Action") [strengthen Prior proposals] [declassified 2010]
80 Feb 3 Su Major Trade Unions: CBI Director-General statement ("Time for an end to industrial anarchy") [declassified 2010]
80 Feb 8 Fr Major Trade Unions: Cabinet Office Note by Officials ("Immunities for Secondary Industrial Action") [options paper requested by E] [declassified 2010]
80 Feb 12 Tu Major Trade Unions: Armstrong briefing to Whitmore (possible union resistance to Employment Bill) ["Armageddon Option" considered] [declassified 2010]
80 Feb 5 Tu Major Trade Unions: Armstrong briefing to MT ("E: Employment Bill") [declassified 2010]
80 Feb 13 We Major Trade Unions: Armstrong briefing for MT (report to cabinet on E) [compromise reached] [declassified 2010]
80 Feb 12 Tu Major Trade Unions: Armstrong briefing for MT ("Immunities for Secondary Industrial Action") [possible compromises] [declassified 2010]
80 Feb 4 Mo Major Trade Unions: Angus Maude letter to Prior (proposals insufficient) ["important and critical decision"] [declassified 2010]