

Showing items 4401 - 4500 of 5291.

PDF 86 Oct 9 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: Charles Powell note to FCO (“US/Soviet pre-summit”) [MT’s message to Reagan on Reykjavik] [released Dec 2015]
PDF 86 Oct 9 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: UKDEL NATO telegram 277 to FCO (1823Z) (“Reykjavik meeting: NAC briefing by Nitze and Ridgway: other arms control and East/West issues”) [“Human rights will head US agenda”] [released Dec 2015]
PDF 86 Oct 10 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) South Africa: No.10 minute to MT ("South Africa") [MT not persuaded by Howe argument for writing to President Botha] [declassified Feb 2016]
PDF 86 Oct 10 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) South Africa: Howe PS letter to No.10 ("South Africa: visit of NAM Foreign Ministers") [request to meet with MT or Howe - expected to plea for comprehensive sanctions; advice] [declassified Feb 2016]
Video 86 Oct 10 Fr Multimedia Key Margaret Thatcher Speech to Conservative Party Conference [film]
Text 86 Oct 10 Fr Speeches, interviews, etc. Key Margaret Thatcher Speech to Conservative Party Conference
Info only 86 Oct 11 Sa Chronology Key [Chronology] Reykjavik (Reagan-Gorbachev) Summit (ended 12 Oct)
PDF 86 Oct 11 Sa Declassified documents Key Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Reykjavik (Reagan-Gorbachev) Summit 1st Session [declassified 2000]
PDF 86 Oct 11 Sa Declassified documents Key Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Reykjavik (Reagan-Gorbachev) Summit 2nd Session [declassified 2000]
PDF 86 Oct 12 Su Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: Charles Powell minute (“Reykjavik meeting”) [proposed meeting with Soviet emissary Karpov] [released Dec 2015]
PDF 86 Oct 12 Su Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: Charles Powell minute (“US-Soviet meeting in Reykjavik”) [discussion of “tentative deal” on INF] [released Dec 2015]
PDF 86 Oct 12 Su Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: UKDEL NATO telegram 283 to FCO (1253Z) (“Reykjavik summit: NAC briefing by Shultz”) [“Shultz said that beneath the disappointment of the moment was a positive sense that possibilities had been opened up for far-reaching arms control agreements”] [released Dec 2015]
PDF 86 Oct 12 Su Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: UKE Reykjavik telegram 95 to FCO (2330Z) (“Reagan/Gorbachev meeting”) [Gorbachev said “an historic opportunity had been missed”] [released Dec 2015]
PDF 86 Oct 12 Su Declassified documents Key Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Reykjavik (Reagan-Gorbachev) Summit 3rd Session [declassified 2000]
PDF 86 Oct 12 Su Declassified documents Key Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Reykjavik (Reagan-Gorbachev) Summit 4th Session [declassified 2000: the crucial session]
Text 86 Oct 12 Su Declassified documents Key Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Reykjavik (Reagan-Gorbachev) Summit 4th session [declassified 2000; second version]
Text 86 Oct 12 Su Press Key Shultz (George) Cold War: Reykjavik (Reagan-Gorbachev) Summit (Shultz memoirs)
PDF 86 Oct 13 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: UKE Washington telegram 2613 to FCO (0140Z) (“Reykjavik meeting”) [“The US media are baffled by the breakdown of talks”] [released Dec 2015]
PDF 86 Oct 13 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: UKE Washington telegram 2617 to FCO (0250Z) (“Reykjavik summit”) [“a set-back for the President … there is now no immediate prospect of the substantive summit here on which he had set such store”] [released Dec 2015]
PDF 86 Oct 13 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Media: Press Digest for MT (Reagan-Gorbachev talks, industry, terrorism) [released 2017]
PDF 86 Oct 13 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Afghanistan: MT letter to Lord Cranborne (Afghanistan) [Western solidarity; humanitarian aid] [released Jul 2018]
PDF 86 Oct 13 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Cobb memo for Poindexter ("Presidential phone call to PM Thatcher") [open line call; talking points on proposed agreement to eliminate nuclear weapons in ten years, "if raised"] [declassified 2008]
PDF 86 Oct 13 Mo Declassified documents Key Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: White House record of conversation (Reagan-MT) [Reykjavik summit] [declassified 2010]
PDF 86 Oct 13 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: Charles Powell note to FCO (“US/Soviet summit”) [press points on outcome of Reykjavik] [released Dec 2015]
PDF 86 Oct 13 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: Charles Powell minute for MT (“US Soviet summit”) [urges she call Reagan - worry that President will “use his television appearance this evening to point [sic] himself further into the corner on SDI”] [released Dec 2015]
PDF 86 Oct 13 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: Charles Powell minute to MT (“Points to make to President Reagan” - phone call) [“It is clearly the Soviet aim to sow dissension in the Alliance”] [released Dec 2015]
PDF 86 Oct 13 Mo Declassified documents Key Archive (TNA) Cold War: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Reagan phone call on Reykjavik summit) ["Reagan said he had put forward a radical proposal under which the US would guarantee not to deploy a strategic defence system for ten years in return for an undertaking to eliminate all US and Soviet nuclear weapons over that same period"] [released Dec 2015]
PDF 86 Oct 13 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: UKE Moscow telegram 1195 to FCO (1500Z) (“Reykjavik summit: preliminary view from Moscow”) [“Gorbachev put an unexpectedly high price - severe SDI constraint - on agreement in other arms control areas … which me must have known Reagan would be unlikely to pay”] [released Dec 2015]
PDF 86 Oct 13 Mo Declassified documents Key Archive (TNA) Cold War: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Reagan phone call) ["particularly sensitive" points on ABM, Reagan's pride in proposal to eliminate nuclear weapons in ten years; President's admiration for Tom Clancy book] [released Dec 2015]
PDF 86 Oct 13 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: Radio Interview for BBC (1200Z) (“Mr Tim Renton on World at One, Monday 13 October 1986”) [“what I think is surprising is that President Reagan and Mr Gorbachev did get so far in discussing important details”] [this copy released Dec 2015]
PDF 86 Oct 13 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: FCO minute to No.10 (“Reykjavik summit”) [draft message from MT to Reagan: “I want to congratulate you on getting so close to a new range of agreements”] [released Dec 2015]
PDF 86 Oct 13 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: FCO minute to No.10 (“Reykjavik summit”) [draft message from MT to Reagan designed “to deny Gorbachev the easy propaganda points for which he may now be looking”] [released Dec 2015]
PDF 86 Oct 13 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: Charles Powell minute to MT (“Meeting with Karpov”) [“By making agreement on all issues dependent on acceptance of their terms on SDI, they doomed the meeting to failure”] [released Dec 2015]
PDF 86 Oct 14 Tu Declassified documents Key Archive (TNA) Cold War: Charles Powell minute to FCO (“Prime Minister’s meeting with Mr. Karpov”) [MT “said she had been very disturbed by Soviet tactics at Reykjavik”] [released Dec 2015]
PDF 86 Oct 14 Tu Declassified documents Key Archive (TNA) Cold War: Charles Powell minute to FCO (“Prime Minister’s meeting with Mr. Karpov”) [“Karpov said that the Soviet side had gone to Reykjavik in the hope of achieving concrete results”] [released Dec 2015]
PDF 86 Oct 14 Tu Declassified documents Key Archive (TNA) Cold War: Charles Powell minute to Price (record of MT’s meeting with Karpov”) [for Price’s eyes only] [released Dec 2015]
PDF 86 Oct 14 Tu Declassified documents Key Archive (TNA) Cold War: UKE Bonn telegram 858 to FCO (1815Z) (“Reykjavik: initial German reactions”) [“the door is not closed”] [released Dec 2015]
PDF 86 Oct 14 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: Press Office bulletin (“Call by Mr Karpov”) [“both sides agreed it was vital to find a way forward”] [released Dec 2015]
PDF 86 Oct 14 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: FCO draft (Lady Young statement to House of Lords on Reykjavik) [“We believe it imperative that both sides return to the Geneva Nuclear and Space Talks”] [released Dec 2015]
PDF 86 Oct 14 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: UKE Washington telegram 2619 to FCO (0330Z) (“President Reagan’s television address”) [“we’re closer than ever before to agreements that could lead to a safer world without nuclear weapons”] [released Dec 2015]
PDF 86 Oct 14 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: UKE Washington telegram 2128 to FCO (2345Z) (“Reykjavik summit: US reactions”) [“Widespread concern among the experts at the US proposal for mutual abolition of all ballistic missiles”] [released Dec 2015]
PDF 86 Oct 14 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Media: Press Digest for MT (Reagan-Gorbachev talks, Westland) [released 2017]
PDF 86 Oct 15 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) France: Charles Powell minute to MT ("Meeting with President Mitterrand") [Mitterrand seeking to upstage Chirac, Reagan's nuclear weapons proposals, EC issues, agriculture, Middle East] [declassified Feb 2019]
PDF 86 Oct 15 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: UKE Bonn telegram 860 to FCO (1400Z) (“Reykjavik summit: German views”) [Teltschik said “perhaps it was just as well that the meeting in Reykjavik had broken up when it did”] [released Dec 2015]
PDF 86 Oct 15 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: UKE Moscow telegram 1205 to FCO (1200Z) (“Reykjavik meeting: Politburo communique”) [failure “was the stubborn unwillingness of the American administration to create conditions for reaching these agreements”] [released Dec 2015]
PDF 86 Oct 15 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: UKE Moscow telegram 1209 to FCO (1630Z) (“Reykjavik meeting: Gorbachev’s television statement”) [“performance designed to show the extent of Soviet efforts to secure agreement”] [released Dec 2015]
PDF 86 Oct 15 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: UKE Moscow telegram 1211 to FCO (1600Z) (“Reykjavik meeting”) [Soviet position on arms control, human rights] [released Dec 2015]
PDF 86 Oct 15 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Media: Press Digest for MT (Reagan-Gorbachev talks, interest rates, industry) [released 2017]
PDF 86 Oct 16 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Defence: Powell minute to FCO ("Arms Control") [MT talk to President Mitterrand: a message for President Reagan] [declassified 2015]
PDF 86 Oct 16 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Defence: Powell minute to FCO ("Arms Control") [preparation for MT's meeting with President Reagan] [declassified 2015]
PDF 86 Oct 16 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) France: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Mitterrand-Attali) [French views on Reykjavik proposals on arms control, Reagan and Gorbachev's positions, future of nuclear weapons and tests] [declassified Feb 2019]
PDF 86 Oct 16 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: UKE Bonn telegram 874 to FCO (1815Z) (“ Karpov’s visit to Bonn”) [prospects of agreements on arms control] [released Dec 2015]
PDF 86 Oct 16 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: UKE Moscow telegram 1213 to FCO (1900Z) (“Reykjavik: INF/SDI linkage”) [contrasting reports on Soviet position] [released Dec 2015]
PDF 86 Oct 16 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Media: Press Digest for MT (Geneva summit on arms control, immigration, economic problems interest rates, industry) [released 2017]
PDF 86 Oct 17 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) South Africa: No.10 minute to MT ("South Africa") ["ideas... which he proposes to discuss with President Reagan. They seem to run well ahead of what is practicable"] [declassified Feb 2016]
PDF 86 Oct 17 Fr Declassified documents Key Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Poindexter memo for President Reagan ("Why We Can't Commit to Eliminating All Nuclear Weapons Within 10 Years") [focus instead on proposal to eliminate all ballistic nuclear missiles in ten years, as handed to Soviets at Reykjavik] [declassified 2005]
PDF 86 Oct 17 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Sommer memo for Poindexter ("Thatcher Visit") [suggests early announcement in view of UK story that MT had cancelled following Reykjavik] [declassified 2008]
PDF 86 Oct 17 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: UKE Washington telegram 2665 to FCO (2358Z) (“Reykjavik: President’s conversation with the Prime Minister”) [Reagan said the summit “had cleared the way for an agreement on INF despite Soviet insistence on linkage”] [released Dec 2015]
PDF 86 Oct 18 Sa Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: UKE Washington telegram 2666 to FCO (1900Z) (“Reykjavik”) [“President launches SDI as Congressional election campaign issue … Polls show support for the President’s handling of the issue at Reykjavik”] [released Dec 2015]
PDF 86 Oct 20 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: UKE Washington telegram 2667 to FCO (1915Z) (“Reykjavik”) [Shultz: “the elimination of ballistic missiles was quote a long way down the road unquote”; "Allied military staffs exaggerated the extent of the Warsaw Pact advantage" in conventional weapons in Europe] [released Dec 2015]
Text 86 Oct 20 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher Interview for Daily Express
PDF 86 Oct 21 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: Charles Powell minute to MT (Soviet diplomats) [Price checking reports on alleged American expulsion of 55 Soviet diplomats] [released Dec 2015]
PDF 86 Oct 21 Tu Declassified documents Key Archive (TNA) Cold War: UKE Moscow telegram 1235 to FCO (1134Z) (“US/Soviet relations”) [proposal for follow-up meeting between Hartman and Shevardnadze] [released Dec 2015]
PDF 86 Oct 21 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: UKE Washington telegram 2415 to FCO (1925Z) (“US/Soviet relations”) [“Lengthy Shultz/Shevardnadze discussions, over-shadowed by hand pounding, and no progress, on Daniloff”] [released Dec 2015]
PDF 86 Oct 22 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Soviet Union: UKE Moscow telegram 1240 to FCO (1140Z) ("Danish Prime Minister's Meeting with Gorbachev") [Danish Ambassador's record of conversation] [released Jul 2017]
PDF 86 Oct 23 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Nicaragua: Charles Powell minute to MT ("UN Security Council: Nicaragua/ICJ decision") [UN resolution on International Court of Justice verdict regarding US arms sales to Iran: "We know how very important this issue is to the President... We don't want this issue to mar your visit"; MT inclined to UK abstaining from vote] [declassified Nov 2016]
PDF 86 Oct 23 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Soviet Union: Charles Powell minute MT (Yuri Orlov, human rights activist, visit to UK) [endorses Lord Bethell's advice that MT meet Orlov] [released Jul 2017]
PDF 86 Oct 23 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: UKE Moscow telegram 1243 to FCO (0745Z) (“Expulsion of US diplomats from the Soviet Union and measures to restrict US Embassy activities”) [five declared persona non grata, all locally employed staff to be withdrawn] [released Dec 2015]
PDF 86 Oct 23 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: UKE Moscow telegram 1245 to FCO (1200Z) (“US/Soviet relations: television address by Gorbachev”) [Gorbachev “insisted that his package of arms control proposals remain on the table”] [released Dec 2015]
PDF 86 Oct 23 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: State Department instructions to Paris Embassy (conventional arms control) [declassified 2000]
PDF 86 Oct 26 Su Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Bush to MT (arrangements to meet) [declassified 2000]
PDF 86 Oct 27 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Sommer memo for Poindexter ("Your Meeting with Ambassador Acland: Ocobert 28, 3:00 pm") [Acland conveying MT's view of Reykjavik; telegram of his 23 Oct conversation with Shultz] [declassified 2005]
PDF 86 Oct 28 Tu Declassified documents Key Archive (TNA) Cold War: UKE Washington telegram 2734 to FCO (2200Z) (“Reykjavik aftermath”) [Acland discussion with Reagan: “The President said that he understood British and European concerns about the imbalance in non-nuclear forces”] [released Dec 2015]
PDF 86 Oct 28 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Shultz telegram to Reagan (LRINF zero zero option accepted by MT) [declassified 2000]
PDF 86 Oct 30 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Broadcasting: Conservative Central Office analysis (BBC news coverage of US Libya raid) [coverage "far from being balanced, fair and impartial"] [declassified Dec 2016]
PDF 86 Oct 30 Th Declassified documents Key Archive (TNA) Cold War: UKE Washington telegram 2768 to FCO (2200Z) (“Post-Reykjavik arms control negotiations”) [“Unsatisfactory discussion with Poindexter”] [released Dec 2015]
Text 86 Oct 30 Th Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
PDF 86 Nov 3 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Conservatism: Strategy Group minute ("Minutes of the Strategy Group. Seventh Meeting: Monday 3rd November 1986") ​​​​​​​[forward political diary, BBC bias, law and order] [released 2017]
PDF 86 Nov 3 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Foreign Policy: UKE Bonn telegram 923 to FCO (1655Z) ("Kohl Interview with Die Welt") [disarmament issues] [released July 2016]
PDF 86 Nov 3 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Foreign Policy: UKE Washington letter to FCO ("Shultz's San Francisco Speech: 31 October") [Reykjavik summit/arms control; next steps: "distinctly worrying"] [released July 2016]
PDF 86 Nov 4 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Soviet Union: UKE Vienna record of conversation (2030Z, telegram 169) (Howe, Shevardnadze) ["Human Rights": individual cases; Syria; Libya; Falklands fishing dispute; MT visit to Moscow] [released Jul 2017]
Text 86 Nov 4 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
PDF 86 Nov 5 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Foreign Policy: UKDEL NATO letter to No.10 (UK Security Policy Post-Reykjavik) [thoughts on the changing nature of US/Western European relations] [released July 2016]
PDF 86 Nov 5 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: USE London to State Department ("Mrs Thatcher's visit to Washington") [Charles Powell saying MT had no intention of seeking a joint statement; "no draft communiques would be up her sleeve"] [declassified 2007]
PDF 86 Nov 5 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Middle East: State Department telegram to London Embassy (US-UK next steps on Syria) [declassified 2000]
PDF 86 Nov 5 We Declassified documents Minor Archive (Reagan Library) Falklands: US Embassy Buenos Aires to State Department (Argentine policy) [declassified 2000]
PDF 86 Nov 5 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: US NATO Mission to State Department (Howe-Shevardnadze meeting) [declassified 2000]
PDF 86 Nov 5 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Falklands: US Embassy Bonn to State Department (Germans approached by Argentina over Falklands) [declassified 2000]
PDF 86 Nov 5 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: US Embassy London to State Department (British deny an arms control initiative with France & Germany) [declassified 2000]
PDF 86 Nov 5 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Summary Schedule for MT visit to Reagan at Camp David [declassified 2000]
PDF 86 Nov 5 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Ridgway briefing for Secretary of State Shultz (meeting with Foreign Secretary Howe) [declassified 2000]
PDF 86 Nov 6 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: US Embassy Vienna to State Department (Shultz-Shevardnadze meeting - day 1) [declassified 2000]
PDF 86 Nov 7 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: US Embassy Vienna to State Department (Shultz-Shevardnadze meeting - day 2) [declassified 2000]
PDF 86 Nov 10 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Prime Minister's Tours Abroad: Charles Powell minute to MT ("Visit to the Soviet Union") [timing] [released Dec 2016]
PDF 86 Nov 10 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Foreign Policy: FCO telegram 213 to UKDEL NATO (1215Z) ("North Atlantic Council Ministerial, 11-12 December: Communique") [Reykjavik; arms control; CSCE; Afghanistan; international terrorism] [released July 2016]
PDF 86 Nov 10 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Foreign Policy: Charles Powell note to MT ('Time' magazine: President Reagan's Account of Reykjavik) [MT: "very worrying"] [released July 2016]
PDF 86 Nov 10 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Lavin & Sommer memo for Poindexter ("Thatcher Visit") [have done everything to accommodate the British, who still want more; President playing unprecedented role in visit arrangements] [declassified 2000]
PDF 86 Nov 10 Mo Declassified documents Minor Archive (Reagan Library) Falklands: State Department to US Embassies (British statement on Falklands fisheries) [declassified 2000]
Text 86 Nov 10 Mo Speeches, interviews, etc. Key Margaret Thatcher Speech at Lord Mayor’s Banquet
PDF 86 Nov 11 Tu Declassified documents Minor Archive (Reagan Library) Middle East: State Department telegram (EC statement on Syrian terrorism) [unclassified]

Documents lie at the core of this website, each one dated and sorted chronologically (by default) in search results. Most are images in PDF format of original paper documents scanned or filmed for the site. There also transcripts of speeches and interviews, press articles, photos, videos, and more. The document database contains tens of thousands of items and permits complex searching.

Files are multi-page PDFs from which most of the documents on the site are selected. All of Mrs Thatcher’s official files from No.10 are available in full on this site (paper copies are stored at the National Archives in the series PREM19), as well as most of those of Geoffrey Howe and Nigel Lawson as Chancellor (stored at TNA as series T639 and T640).

Guides are articles about key events and topics. Many were written to accompany annual releases of Mrs Thatcher’s private and party papers at the Churchill Archive Centre in Cambridge.


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