

Document type: Declassified documents.

Showing items 51001 - 51500 of 76808.

PDF 84 Nov 2 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) India: FCO telegram 782 to UKHC New Delhi (1940Z) ("UK Sikh Reaction to Mrs Gandhi's Murder") [meeting with acting High Commissioner to explain "steps we are taking to discourage inflammatory statements by Sikh extremists"] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 2 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) India: FCO telegram 773 to UKHC New Delhi (1712Z) ("India Bilateral Aid Programme") [say nothing to Ranjiv Gandhi which could be taken as commitment to expanding or renewing existing programme] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 2 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) India: FCO telegram 782 to UKHC New Delhi (2036Z) (letter from BBC Chairman to MT) [broadcast by Chauhan] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 2 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) India: FCO telegram 785 to UKHC New Delhi (1900Z) ("UK Sikh Reaction to Mrs Gandhi's Murder: Indian High Commission") [will examine statement attributed to Chauhan] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 2 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) India: FCO telegram 778 to UKHC New Delhi (1700Z) ("UK Sikh Reaction to Mrs Gandhi's Murder") [remarks by Chauhan: "she deserved it", "Sikhs will never forget it, what has been done to them"] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 2 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) India: FCO telegram 780 to UKHC New Delhi (1859Z) ("Chauhan Extradition") [Indian request, on the grounds of anti-Indian activities] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 2 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) India: FCO telegram 772 to UKHC New Delhi (1445Z) ("UK Sikh Reaction to Mrs Gandhi's Murder") [MT statement "expressing her repugnance at reactions by Sikh extremists here"] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 2 Fr Declassified documents Minor Archive (TNA) India: FCO telegram 774 to UKHC New Delhi (1925Z) (possible bilateral with Malaysian Deputy PM) [British trade contracts] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 2 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) India: MT letter to Stuart Young (BBC coverage of comments by Sikh extremists) [damaging to bilateral relations, dangerous to security of British citizens in India] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 2 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) India: Stuart Young letter to MT (BBC coverage of comments by Sikh extremists) [BBC is "fully aware of its responsibilities"] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 2 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Industrial Policy: MT letter to Sir James Cleminson, President of the CBI (CBI Conference: MT unable to attend due to Indira Gandhi's funeral) [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 2 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Environmental Affairs: Patrick Jenkin minute to MT ("Government Response to the HoC Environment Select Committee's Report on Acid Rain") [text of draft response] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 2 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Environmental Affairs: Patrick Jenkin minute to MT ("Government Response to Tenth Report of the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution") [proposed final draft response] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 2 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Transport: Howe minute to MT ("Channel Fixed Link") [advice for Ridley on line to take for his meeting with French Transport Minister] [released Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 2 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Department of Energy briefing ("Daily Coal Report - Friday 2 November 1984") [miners' strike: situation report] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 2 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Havers letter to Francis Bennion (conspiracy prosecution against Scargill) [miners' strike] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 2 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: No.10 letter to Armstrong (Box 500 report: transfer of funds to the NUM) [miners' strike: The PM "has asked urgently if you could consider urgently whether there is any way in which these developments could be prevented"] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 2 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Stan Orme MP letter to Walker (secret document on pit closures in the North East) ["I was shocked and disheartened by the frivolous tone of your response to my letter yesterday"] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 2 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Rees letter to Fowler ("Supplementary Benefit for Strikers") [miners' strike] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 2 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Walker press statement (miners returning to work) [miners' strike] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 2 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Walker letter to Stan Orme MP (secret document on pit closures in the North East) [miners' strike: "It is not a 'hit-list', but an engineers' assessment of the current position"] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 2 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: Cartledge briefing for MT ("Ballistic Missile Defence: UK Policy Towards the US Strategic Defence Initiative (Meeting of Ministers on 7 November at 4 p.m.)") [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 2 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Soviet Union: FCO letter to No.10 ("Stalin's Daughter") [reports that Stalin's daughter has returned to USSR from UK] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 2 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Local government: Merseyside Task Force letter to Liverpool City Council (“Liverpool Partnership Programme - new sports centres”) [Jenkin gives approval for Urban Programme assistance toward cost] [released Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 2 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Falklands: BISBA to FCO (“Coup Rumours”) [Argentine internal situation] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 2 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Falklands: FCO minute to No.10 (“Foreign Affairs Committee: Belgrano Inquiry: Mr. Charles Wallace”) [declassified 2014]
Text 84 Nov 3 Sa Declassified documents Minor Archive (Thatcher MSS) MT Engagement Diary
PDF 84 Nov 3 Sa Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Legal Procedure: FCO telegram 788 to UKHC New Delhi (1100Z) ("Laker: London consultations 1/2 November") [summary] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 3 Sa Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) India: COI London telegram 003 to Information Item Addressees (0719Z) ("Princess Anne and Mrs Thatcher lead British Mourners") [size of British delegation is evidence of Britain's support] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 3 Sa Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) India: COI London telegram 006 to UKHC New Delhi (2240Z) (summary of Sunday papers) [coverage of Indira Gandhi's funeral] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 3 Sa Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) India: COI London telegram 001 to UKHC New Delhi (0020Z) (summary of Saturday papers) [religious violence in India, Indian politics] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 3 Sa Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) India: COI London telegram 005 to Information Item Addressees (1950Z) ("British Prime Minister Speaks of Special Understanding with Mrs Gandhi") [praise for Gandhi, thoughts on funeral, religious groups] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 3 Sa Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) India: UKHC New Delhi telegram 98 to COI London (0046Z) ("Princess Anne and Mrs Thatcher lead British Mourners") [size of British delegation is evidence of Britain's support] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 3 Sa Declassified documents Minor Archive (TNA) India: UKE Bahrain telegram 231 to FCO (0645Z) ("PM's Return Journey from New Delhi Communications") [opening of communications link] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 3 Sa Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) India: UKHC New Delhi telegram 99 to COI London (1700Z) ("British Prime Minister Speaks of Special Understanding with Mrs Gandhi") [praise for Gandhi, thoughts on funeral, religious groups] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 3 Sa Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) India: UKHC New Delhi telegram 891 to FCO (1745Z) ("Prime Minister's Press Conference: Saturday 3 November") [MT's "enormous respect for" Indira Gandhi, responses to press questions] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 3 Sa Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) India: FCO telegram 789 to UKHC New Delhi (0040Z) (press reports of Chauhan's statements) ["India Gandhi deserved to die and her son and successor ... would suffer the same fate"] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 3 Sa Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: FCO telegram 788 to UKHC New Delhi (1100Z) ("Laker: London Consultations 1/2 November") [progress made on agreement to allow inter-airline discussions on tariffs] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 3 Sa Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) India: Bernard Ingham minute to MT ("Press Conference and Media Issues") [arrangements, likely questions] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 3 Sa Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) India: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Rajiv Gandhi) [death of Mrs Gandhi, statements by Sikh extremists, ] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 3 Sa Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Armstrong message to Powell (draft communique and statement of position for Anglo-Irish summit on Northern Ireland) [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 3 Sa Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Shultz) [funeral of Indira Gandhi, terrorism, Cold War, Laker case] [declassified Dec 2014]
Text 84 Nov 4 Su Declassified documents Minor Archive (Thatcher MSS) MT Engagement Diary
PDF 84 Nov 4 Su Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) India: UKHC New Delhi record of conversation (MT-Paul) [Mrs Gandhi's funeral, Chauhan's statements] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 4 Su Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Japan: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Prime Minister Nakasone of Japan) [India; Japanese economy; Hong Kong; Japanese coal strike] [declassified Dec 2014]
Text 84 Nov 5 Mo Declassified documents Minor Archive (Thatcher MSS) MT Engagement Diary
PDF 84 Nov 5 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Environment: Prime Minister Lubbers of the Netherlands letter to MT (Law of the Sea Convention) [Netherlands’ objections, signature not a ratification] [released 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 5 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Germany: Howe minute to MT ("Anglo-German relations") ["We have recently been working rather effectively with the French on some Community issues. It is with the Germans, curiously, that we face almost more difficulty in establishing a working relationship."] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 5 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Parliament: No.10 letter to David Steel MP (Queen's Speech on the Opening of Parliament) [advance copy] [declassified Jul 2016]
PDF 84 Nov 5 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Yugoslavia: Powell briefing for MT (Visit by Yugoslav Foreign Minister Dizdarevic) [declassified Dec 2016]
PDF 84 Nov 5 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Public spending: Willie Whitelaw minute to Keith Joseph ("MISC 106: Agricultural R&D Expenditure") [should not be a separate line of reductions] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 5 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Public spending: Michael Jopling minute to Peter Rees ("Report on Agricultural Development and Advisory Services") [Professor Bell's report] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 5 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Public spending: Walker PS minute to Cabinet Office ("Report of the Ministerial Group on Public Expenditure (MISC 106): Gas and Electricity Industries") [latest position] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 5 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Public spending: Cabinet Office minute to Walker PS ("Report of the Ministerial Group on Public Expenditure (MISC 106): Gas and Electricity Industries") [agreement reached] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 5 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Public spending: Andrew Turnbull note to MT (handling of Cabinet) [inability to squeeze anything more out of Walker] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 5 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Public spending: Andrew Turnbull minute to MT ("Public Expenditure") [gas and electricity industries] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 5 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Foreign Policy: No.10 Policy Unit minute to MT ("United Nations Law of the Sea Convention") [notes the risks of signing, but endorses FCO advice to do so; MT rejects advice] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 5 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Foreign Policy: Prime Minister Lubbers letter to MT ("United Nations Law of the Sea Convention") ["Signing the Convention does not imply acceptance of the seabed regime"] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 5 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Foreign Policy: Cabinet Office briefing for MT ("United Nations Law of the Sea Convention: Future Options") ["the question is whether... [UK] interests would be better served... inside the Convention process as a signatory, or outside it as a non-signatory"] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 5 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Hong Kong: Foreign Secretary minute to MT ("Hong Kong Legislation") [legislative implications of Hong Kong Agreement] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 5 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Portugal: No.10 letter to Sir Alistair Frame (RTZ's activities in Portugal) [background for forthcoming visit of Prime Minister Soares] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 5 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Economic Policy: Tebbit PS letter to Patrick Jenkin PS ("BT Share Issue") [purchase of shares by Government Ministers] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 5 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Economic Policy: Chancellor of the Exchequer PS letter to No.10 ("Job Weighting for Permanent Secretaries") [Lawson "concerned that... [MT] should have a clear appreciation of the risks before deciding to proceed [with asking Top Salaries Review Body to examine the issue]"] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 5 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Economic Policy: Chancellor of the Exchequer letter to David Trippier ("Small Business Loan Guarantee Scheme") [options for future of the Scheme] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 5 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Education: Keith Joseph letter to Chancellor of the Exchequer ("Teachers' Pay (England and Wales)") [report on Burnham Committee meeting] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 5 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Environmental Affairs: Peter Walker minute to MT ("Government Response to the Environment Select Committee's Report on Acid Rain") [proposed amendments] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 5 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Nationalised Industries: Department of Transport letter to No.10 ("Competition Act 1980: References of Nationalised Industries to the Monopolies and Mergers Commission") [Ridley suggests post-audit of London and South East sector of British Rail] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 5 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Posts and Telecommunications: Tebbit PS letter to Jenkin PS ("BT Share Issue") [guidance for Ministers & Treasury staff on purchasing shares] [released Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 5 Mo Declassified documents Minor Archive (Thatcher MSS) Parliament: Robin Butler minute for MT (“Eve of Session Dinner” - procedure) [Cabinet Secretary to read out Queen’s Speech; no Loyal Toast] [released 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 5 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cabinet: Whitelaw memo circulated to Cabinet - C(84) 32 (Public Expenditure 1984) [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 5 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Armstrong minute to Butler (Box 500 report: transfer of funds to the NUM) [miners' strike: "Steps are being taken to prompt journalistic inquiries of Mr Scargill" regarding Soviet provision of aid] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 5 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Department of Energy briefing ("Daily Coal Report - Monday 5 November 1984") [miners' strike] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 5 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Department of Energy letter to No.10 ("Power Station Endurance") [miners' strike] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 5 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Record of conversation (Willetts-Tony Newton) ["Strikers' Benefits"] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 5 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Armstrong minute to MT ("Anglo/Irish Relations: Northern Ireland") [account of Armstrong-Nally talks] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 5 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Armstrong minute to Powell ("Anglo-Irish Relations: Forthcoming Summit") [arrangements for summit: to be held at Chequers] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 5 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Taoiseach Fitzgerald) ["EC/ACP Negotiations: Size of EDF VI"] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 5 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Powell minute to Armstrong ("Anglo-Irish Relations: Northern Ireland") [MT's comments on draft communique and statement of position] [declassified 2014]
Text 84 Nov 6 Tu Declassified documents Minor Archive (Thatcher MSS) MT Engagement Diary
PDF 84 Nov 6 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (State Department) Falklands: USE Buenos Aires telegram to State Department ("Argentine Intent to Retake Falklands") [published 2015]
PDF 84 Nov 6 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Foreign Policy: No.10 note to MT ("UNLOSC") [UN Convention on the Law of the Sea; MT notes she is strongly opposed to signing] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 6 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Bank of England) Monetary Policy: Bank of England record of conversation (Chancellor of the Exchequer & Governor of the Bank of England) [Johnson Matthey; David Owen] [declassified 2013]
PDF 84 Nov 6 Tu Declassified documents Minor Archive (TNA) Foreign policy: Hoskyns letter to MT (letter from Laurent Murawiec of the Schiller Institute) [concerns about the rise of the Green party in West Germany] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 6 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: Ambassador Wright despatch to Howe ("1984 US Presidential Election Result: What Will Reagan Do?") [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 6 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Defence: Howe PS letter to No.10 ("Commemoration of the End of the Second World War") [issues; proposals] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 6 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Defence: Heseltine minute to MT ("40th Anniversary of the End of the Second World War") [proposals in regard to Service in Westminster Abbey] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 6 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Environmental Affairs: No.10 letter to Patrick Jenkin PS ("Government Response to the Environment Select Committee's Report on Acid Rain") [MT content with draft response, subject to comments from colleagues] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 6 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Economic Policy: Patrick Jenkin letter to Chancellor of the Exchequer ("Contracting Out of Local Government Services") [draft announcement of compulsory tendering regime] [released Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 6 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Parliament: FCO Parliamentary Clerk letter to No.10 ("White Paper - Hong Kong") [publication of Independent Monitoring Team & Assessment Office reports] [released Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 6 Tu Declassified documents Minor Archive (TNA) Government Buildings: Cabinet Office minute to No.10 ("Richmond Terrace") [No.10 staff overspill accommodation requirements] [released Jul 2015]
PDF 84 Nov 6 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Prime Minister: Paddy Ashdown MP letter to MT (possible CIA operation against British companies in the computer technology field) ["very serious questions which ought to be investigated"] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 6 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) China: Nicholas Edwards minute to MT (UK trade and industrial opportunities in the Far East) [thoughts following visit] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 6 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cabinet: Jenkin memo circulated to Cabinet - C(84) 33 (Public Expenditure Survey 1984: Housing) [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 6 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Germany: MT message for Chancellor Kohl (bilateral relations: the forthcoming Anglo-German Summit) [declassified 2015]
PDF 84 Nov 6 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Department of Energy briefing ("Daily Coal Report - Tuesday 6 November 1984") [miners' strike: situation report] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 6 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: No.10 letter to Armstrong (Box 500 report: transfer of funds to the NUM) [miners' strike] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 6 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Public Expenditure: Gow letter to MT (cuts to the housing programme) ["any reduction in housing spending below baseline will lead to avoidable higher expenditure and to avoidable hardship later on"] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 6 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Public Expenditure: Gregson briefing for MT ("Public Expenditure: Housing Programme") [brief for meeting with Jenkin to discuss cuts to housing programme] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 6 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Public Expenditure: Redwood minute to MT ("Housing Expenditure") [argues for further reductions: "We should be robust about increasing council house sales and reducing the level of new build"] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 6 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Public Expenditure: Trippier minute to MT ("Repackaging of DTI Assistance Schemes") [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 6 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Powell minute to MT ("Anglo-Irish Summit") [arrangements for Chequers summit] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 6 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Conservative Party: Conservative Central Office press release (“Two New Vice-Chairmen For Conservative Party”) [appointments consequent upon September Ministerial changes] [released 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 6 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) US: MT note to Ronald Reagan (congratulations on election victory) [“You can count on Britain to work closely with you in meeting the challenges which lie ahead”] [released 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 6 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cyprus: UKHC Nicosia telegram 550 to FCO (1000Z) (“Cyprus: Secretary General’s initiative”) [“Kyprianou not prepared to give Perez de Cuéllar a yes or no answer”] [declassified 2014]
Text 84 Nov 7 We Declassified documents Minor Archive (Thatcher MSS) MT Engagement Diary
PDF 84 Nov 7 We Declassified documents Minor Archive (Thatcher MSS) Brighton bomb: Chancellor Kohl of FRG letter to MT (sympathy) [“enclosed a personal gift for you”] [released 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 7 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) EC: MT letter to Chancellor Kohl of FRG (talks) [Dooge Committee, defence cooperation] [released 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 7 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Germany: German Ambassador to the UK letter to MT (Prime Minister's interview for Die Welt, November 2 1984) ["...right when she said the identity of the European states must be preserved... [FRG however now convinced of need to formalise] cooperation between EC states. This was particularly true in foreign policy..."] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 7 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Germany: UKE Bonn telegram to FCO ("Anglo-German relations") [future of the European Union] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 7 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Germany: MT letter to Chancellor Kohl (bilateral talks) [future of EC; Dooge Committee; internal market/job creation; defence/NATO/Brussels Treaty] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 7 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Yugoslavia: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Yugoslav Foreign Minister Dizdarevic) [Yugoslav economy, debt rescheduling, East/West relations] [declassified Dec 2016]
PDF 84 Nov 7 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Netherlands: Howe PS letter to No.10 (The economic policy of the Netherlands Government) [despatch from former Ambassador, Sir Philip Mansfield] [declassified July 2017]
PDF 84 Nov 7 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Public spending: No.10 Lobby Briefing (publications, Yugoslavia, environment/local government debate, US elections) [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 7 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Government machinery: Lord Gowrie minute to MT ("Government Purchasing") [foreword to report; publication] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 7 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Bank of England) Monetary Policy: Bank of England record of conversation (Middleton, Governor of the Bank of England) [reporting system between Treasury & the Bank of England; Dunlop] [declassified 2013]
PDF 84 Nov 7 We Declassified documents Minor Archive (TNA) Broadcasting: Howe PS minute to David Barclay ("Scrutiny of BBC External Services") [transmission of scrutiny report] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 7 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Hong Kong: Youde telegram 3401 to FCO (0950Z) ("Future of Hong Kong: Prime Minister's Visit to Peking") [importance of Hong Kong perception] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 7 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: UKE Washington telegram 3322 to FCO (2240Z) ("US Election Results") [analysis] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 7 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: MT letter to President Reagan (1057Z) (US Election results) [personal message of congratulations; arms control seminar] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 7 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: Ambassador Wright despatch to Howe ("The 1984 US Presidential Election: Why Reagan Won") [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 7 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: Howe PS letter to No.10 ("The Next US Administration") [summary of Ambassador Wright's assessment of likely policies] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 7 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Environmental Affairs: Cabinet Office minute to No.10 ("Government Response to the Tenth Report of the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution") [redraft, at MT's request, to make line on nuclear energy more robust] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 7 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) European Policy: UKE Bonn telegram 1045 to FCO (1330Z) ("Anglo-German Relations") [Bullard, Teltschik: record of conversation] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 7 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) European Policy: Cabinet Office briefing for MT ("Cabinet: Community Affairs") [famine relief; EC Budget discipline; Research Council, 6 Nov; upcoming meetings] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 7 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Foreign Policy: Howe PS letter to No.10 ("Signature of the Hong Kong Agreement: Sir Y K Pao") [MT doubtful that Pao can be persuaded not to attend] [released Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 7 We Declassified documents Minor Archive (TNA) Parliament: Cabinet Office letter to Private Secretaries ("Legislation in the 1985/86 Sessions and 1986/87 Sessions") [request for Ministers' proposals] [released Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 7 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) City: DTI letter to No.10 (“Financial Services”) [replies on five points raised by No.10] [released 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 7 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Germany: Chancellor Kohl letter for MT (sympathy at the attack in Brighton) ["my sympathy and my horror at the attack on your life"] [declassified 2015]
PDF 84 Nov 7 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Armstrong briefing for MT ("Cabinet: Industrial Affairs: Coal") [miners' strike] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 7 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Department of Energy briefing ("Daily Coal Report - Wednesday 7 November 1984") [miners' strike: situation report] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 7 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Havers letter to Francis Bennion (conspiracy prosecution against Scargill) [miners' strike] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 7 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Walker letter to Ian Lloyd MP (the miners' strike and the future of the coal industry) [miners' strike] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 7 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Howe-Chancellor of the Exchequer-Heseltine-Rifkind-Stanley-Armstrong-Acland-Whitmore-Cradock-Fieldhouse-Goodall-Cartledge) ["Ballistic Missile Defence: United Kingdom Policy towards the US Strategic Defence Initiative"] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 7 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Public Expenditure: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Chancellor of the Exchequer-Hailsham-Rees-Bailey-Gregson) ["Public Expenditure"] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 7 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Public Expenditure: Armstrong briefing for MT ("Public Expenditure Survey 1984 (C(84) 32 and 33)") [MISC 106 public expenditure proposals: outstanding issues] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 7 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Public Expenditure: Jopling minute to MT ("MISC 106: Agriculture and R&D Expenditure") [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 7 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Public Expenditure: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Jenkin-Gow-Whitelaw-Gregson) ["Housing"] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 7 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Public Expenditure: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Walker) ["Public Expenditure: Gas and Electricity EFLs"] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 7 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Public Expenditure: Willetts minute to MT ("Public Expenditure Cabinet") ["some ammunition for Cabinet"] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 7 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Powell minute to Armstrong ("Anglo-Irish Relations: Forthcoming Summit") [MT's comments on proposed arrangements for Chequers summit] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 7 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) US: MT telegram to President Reagan (his re-election) [“will be a great tonic and reassurance for all America’s friends”] [released 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 7 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: No.10 briefing for MT (“Call by American Ambassador”) [Reagan’s priorities for second term, MT meeting with Shultz, Freddie Laker case, IRA] [declassified Dec 2014]
Text 84 Nov 7 We Declassified documents Key Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Thatcher telegram to Reagan (congratulations on his reelection) [declassified 1998]
PDF 84 Nov 7 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) South Africa: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Van Zyl Slabbert) [detention orders against people in British Consulate] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 7 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) South Africa: MT letter to President Botha (British Consulate in Durban) [urges ending public standoff] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 7 We Declassified documents Major Archive (CIA) International economic policy: CIA National Intelligence Estimate 3-84 ("The Political Repercussions of the Debt Crisis on Major LDCs") [Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Nigeria, the Phillipines, Venezuela] [declassified 2009]
Text 84 Nov 8 Th Declassified documents Minor Archive (Thatcher MSS) MT Engagement Diary
PDF 84 Nov 8 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) EC: Chancellor Kohl of FRG telegram to MT (talks) [Dooge Committee, foreign affairs] [released 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 8 Th Declassified documents Minor Archive (Thatcher MSS) G7: Prime Minister Craxi of Italy letter to MT (proposed conference on technological innovation) [arrangements for event in Venice, April 1985] [released 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 8 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Industrial Policy: Geoffrey Pattie letter to Rees ("Moratorium on applications for support for innovation") [draft answer to Written PQ] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 8 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Portugal: UKE Lisbon telegram to FCO ("Visit to London by Portugese Prime Minister 20 - 23 November: economic background") [EEC; Portugese economy; UK market share, investments and potential contracts] [declassified Jul 2016]
PDF 84 Nov 8 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Portugal: UKE Lisbon telegram to FCO ("The Portugese scene at the time of Dr Mario Soares' visit to London (20 - 23 November)") [politics; economy; Presidential election in 1985] [declassified Jul 2016]
PDF 84 Nov 8 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Nicaragua: UKE San Jose telegram to FCO ("Migs for Nicaragua") [summary of current state of play amidst mounting Soviet/US military tension] [declassified Nov 2016]
PDF 84 Nov 8 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Nicaragua: UKE San Jose telegram to FCO ("Nicaragua: election results") [declassified Nov 2016]
PDF 84 Nov 8 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Nicaragua: Powell note to MT ("Nicaragua") [declassified Nov 2016]
PDF 84 Nov 8 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Legal Procedure: No.10 letter to US Embassy, London (Laker case) ["the procedure if British Airways were to plead no contest"] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 8 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Legal Procedure: No.10 (partial) record of conversation (MT, Ambassador Price) [Laker case: indictments] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 8 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Hong Kong: Home Office letter to Powell ("Hong Kong Legislation") [legislative implications of Hong Kong Agreement] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 8 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Hong Kong: Foreign Secretary minute to MT ("Hong Kong: White Paper on Further Development of Representative Government") [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 8 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) India: Rajiv Gandhi message to MT (Indira Gandhi's funeral) ["Your presence was a source of strength to us"] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 8 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) India: Alasdair Milne letter to Pushkar Johari (Mrs Gandhi's Murder) [regrets at coverage of Chauhan's comments] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 8 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Economic Policy: Cabinet Office briefing for MT ("Meeting with Sir Robert Armstrong: 0930 on Friday, 9 November") [job weighting for Permanent Secretaries; attribution in Cabinet minutes & the conventions of collective responsibility] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 8 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Economic Policy: Andrew Turnbull minute to No.10 ("Loan Guarantee Scheme") [options for future of the Scheme] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 8 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Environmental Affairs: Howe minute to Patrick Jenkin ("Government Response to the House of Commons Environment Select Committee's Report on Acid Rain") ["we must continue to coordinate very carefully the presentation abroad of our policy on this issue"] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 8 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) European Policy: UKRep Brussels telegram 3645 to FCO (1902Z) ("Ad Hoc Committee on Institutions (Dooge Committee) 7/8 November 1984") ["Nature of Report to European Council": record of conversation] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 8 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) European Policy: Cabinet Office minute to No.10 ("Committee on People's Europe") [report on first meeting] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 8 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Employment: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Sir Anthony Jolliffe) [City of London Business in the Community Initiative] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 8 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) NHS: DHSS letter to No.10 ("Restrictions on NHS Prescribing") [law change to require prescription of generic drugs] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 8 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cabinet: Minutes of Full Cabinet - CC(84) 36th (Parliamentary Affairs, Foreign Affairs, US Presidential Election, EC Affairs, Miners' Strike, Public Expenditure Survey 1984, Economic Situation and Prospects) [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 8 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Department of Energy briefing ("Daily Coal Report - Thursday 8 November 1984") [miners' strike: situation report] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 8 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Robert Maxwell) [miners' strike] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 8 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Public Expenditure: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Whitelaw-Rees-Younger-Edwards-Hurd-Armstrong) ["Territorial Expenditure"] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 8 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Public Expenditure: Nicholson minute to MT ("Report on Agricultural Development and Advisory Services") [charging for ADAS's services] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 8 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: UKE Dublin to FCO ("Anglo-Irish Summit") [Irish Government under pressure over proposed British location of Anglo-Irish summit] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 8 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Armstrong minute to Powell ("Anglo-Irish Relations: Northern Ireland") [amended draft communique] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 8 Th Declassified documents Minor Archive (Thatcher MSS) Conservative Party: Sherbourne letter to John Gummer (technology at Central Office) [problems, solutions] [released 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 8 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Local government: Turnbull minute to Armstrong (Liverpool City Council obligations) [“All the evidence points to a repeat of Liverpool’s challenge over the coming year”] [released Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 8 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: No.10 record of conversation (MT, US Ambassador) [Reagan’s domestic priorities for second term, goals on East/West relations and arms control] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 8 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Falklands: Julian Amery MP letter to Michael Heseltine (All Party delegation visit to the Falklands report) [declassified 2014]
Text 84 Nov 9 Fr Declassified documents Minor Archive (Thatcher MSS) MT Engagement Diary
PDF 84 Nov 9 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Defence: MT letter King Fahd of Saudi Arabia (kingdom’s requirements) [sale of Tornadoes and Hawks] [released 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 9 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Education: Keith Joseph letter to Jenkin (new ILEA: transfer of staff) [Inner London Education Authority] [declassified Jul 2016]
PDF 84 Nov 9 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) France: UKE Paris telegram to FCO ("France: economic report for October 1984") ["...encouraging..."] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 9 Fr Declassified documents Minor Archive (TNA) Germany: Julian Bullard letter to No.10 ("Chancellor Kohl") [conversation with Bergsdorff] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 9 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Home Affairs: No.10 minute to MT ("H committee next week") [nuclear waste disposal; grants for Norfolk Broads farmers; prohibition of under-strength whisky] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 9 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Parliament: King PS letter to No.10 (State Opening of Parliament: Debate on the Address) [latest version of Tom King's speech] [declassified Jul 2016]
PDF 84 Nov 9 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cabinet: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Robert Armstrong) ["Attribution in Cabinet and Cabinet Committee meetings"] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 9 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Defence: MT letter to King Fahd (sale of Tornado and Hawk aircraft to Saudi Arabia) ["I trust that the final negotiations... may now proceed... As a mark of my desire to bring this message directly to Your Majesty's attention, I have asked Michael Heseltine to bring it in person"] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 9 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (Bank of England) Monetary Policy: Bank of England record of conversation (Middleton, Governor of the Bank of England) [Autumn Statement; SIA; CLCB reaction to £1 note/coin decision] [declassified 2013]
PDF 84 Nov 9 Fr Declassified documents Minor Archive (TNA) India: Charles Powell minute to Howe PS ("Gas Turbines for the Delhi Electric Supply Undertaking (DESU)") [dispute in Whitehall about a possible ATP offer] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 9 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Industrial Policy: Ingham minute to MT ("Manufacturing Industry") ["the notion is abroad in industry that manufacturing is numbered among the things about which you do not care"] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 9 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Civil Service: No.10 Policy Unit minute to Charles Powell ("The late Kenneth Whitty") [assassination & death in service; compensation for widow] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 9 Fr Declassified documents Minor Archive (TNA) Greece: MT message to Andreas Papandreou (European City of Culture) [will discuss UK attendance at Athens inauguration ceremony] [declassified Dec 2017]
PDF 84 Nov 9 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Environmental Affairs: No.10 Policy Unit briefing for MT ("Conservation of the Broads' Landscape") [options for preventing farmers ploughing: grant aid vs grazing grant] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 9 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Environmental Affairs: No.10 letter to Patrick Jenkin PS ("Government Response to the Tenth Report of the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution") [MT requests strengthening of passage on the environmental benefits of nuclear energy] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 9 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Environmental Affairs: Patrick Jenkin PS letter to No.10 ("Government Response to Select Committee Report on Acid Rain") [copy of response] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 9 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) European Policy: UKE Bonn telegram 1065 to FCO (1700Z) ("Britain, Germany and the EC") [Bullard, Ungerer: record of conversation: internal market; European Treat covering political cooperation and security] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 9 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Nationalised Industries: Turnbull minute to MT ("Gas Privatisation") [argues for further movement on privatisation] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 9 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Foreign Policy: UKE Beijing telegram 2727 to FCO (0405Z) ("Prime Minister's Visit to Peking and Hong Kong") [Hong Kong aims; bilateral aims; multilateral aims] [released Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 9 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Energy: No.10 Policy Unit minute to Andrew Turnbull ("BNOC") [MT opts not to pursue Policy Unit's counterarguments to Peter Walker's case for retaining BNOC] [released Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 9 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Armstrong minute to Turnbull ("Ministerial Group on Coal (MISC 101)") [miners' strike: Edwards requests formal membership of MISC 101] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 9 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Department of Energy briefing ("Daily Coal Report - Friday 9 November 1984") [miners' strike: situation report] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 9 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Booth minute to MT ("Law and Order/Picket Violence and Victimisation") [miners' strike] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 9 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Rees letter to Walker ("NCB Deficit Grant") [miners' strike] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 9 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Warry minute to Turnbull ("Coal Dispute") [miners' strike: the return to work] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 9 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Armstrong minute to Powell (Taoiseach Fitzgerald's views on repartition in Northern Ireland) [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 9 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: UKE Dublin to FCO ("Anglo-Irish Summit") [Haughey pressures Taoiseach Fitzgerald on location of Anglo-Irish summit] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 9 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Powell minute to Armstrong ("Anglo-Irish Relations: Northern Ireland") [MT proposes further amendments to draft communique] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 9 Fr Declassified documents Minor Archive (Thatcher MSS) Conservatism: Sherbourne note for John Gummer (meeting with MT) [appointments] [released 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 9 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Local government: Flesher minute to Jenkin (Liverpool sports halls projects) [City Council budget and funding for the halls] [released Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 9 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Civil service: Fowler minute to MT (“Newcastle shift dispute”) [“we have now undoubtedly reached the ‘bottom line’ and no further concessions can be made”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 9 Fr Declassified documents Minor Archive (TNA) Cabinet: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Robert Armstrong) [“Group on Housing”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 9 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cabinet: Cabinet Office minute to No.10 (“Ministerial Group on Coal (MISC 101)”) [MT “wishes to avoid any general broadening of the membership of the Group”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 9 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) International Economic Policy: Howe telegram to UKDEL IMF (“IMF Argentina”) [“we are not prepared to contribute to… new export credits”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 9 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Monetary Policy: Governor of the Bank of England letter to David Owen (Bank of England’s decision to rescue Johnson Matthey Bankers company) [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 9 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Falklands: BISBA to FCO (“Visit of Mr. George Robertson MP nad Mrs. Shirley Williams”) [talks on sovereignity of the Falklands] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 9 Fr Declassified documents Minor Archive (TNA) Local Government: Younger letter to Jenkin (“Contracting out of local authority services”) [declassified 2014]
Text 84 Nov 10 Sa Declassified documents Minor Archive (Thatcher MSS) MT Engagement Diary
PDF 84 Nov 10 Sa Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Legal Procedure: UKE Washington telegram 3355 to FCO (0023Z) ("Laker: Future Arrangements") [US/UK discussions on "relationship between US anti-trust law and bilateral aviation"] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 10 Sa Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Extracts from speech by Leon Brittan (the ending of the miners' strike) ["The challenge to the rule of law in Britain has never been so great or so direct as during this dispute"] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 10 Sa Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Pantling note to MT ("'Law and Order' material for your speech") [miners' strike: Brittan speeches, statistics, letter to Daily Telegraph] [declassified 2014]
Text 84 Nov 11 Su Declassified documents Minor Archive (Thatcher MSS) MT Engagement Diary
PDF 84 Nov 11 Su Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Public Expenditure: Draft Autumn Statement [annotated by MT] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 11 Su Declassified documents Minor Archive (TNA) G7: FCO minute to Robin Butler (“Economic Summit 1984”) [request for signed photo of MT] [released Dec 2014]
Text 84 Nov 12 Mo Declassified documents Minor Archive (Thatcher MSS) MT Engagement Diary
PDF 84 Nov 12 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Environment: Taoiseach FitzGerald of Ireland letter to MT (Law of the Sea) [lack of support “would have a disproportionate effect” on benefits, EC signature] [released 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 12 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Parliament: MT letter to John Biffen MP (State Opening of Parliament: Debate on the Address) [MT unable to attend House for winding up speeches due to prior commitment] [declassified Jul 2016]
PDF 84 Nov 12 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Nicaragua: UKE San Jose telegram to FCO ("Nicaragua") ["A state of national alert has been declared": summary of current state of play amidst mounting Soviet/US military tension] [declassified Nov 2016]
PDF 84 Nov 12 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cabinet: Cabinet Office minute (internal): Armstrong to Secretariat ("Attribution of Views to Individuals in Minutes of Meetings") [guidance] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 12 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Defence: Adam Butler PS letter to No.10 ("Overhaul Contract for Phantom Engines") [MT approves awarding the contract to Greece following resolution of the question over sale of Tornado to Turkey] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 12 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Foreign Policy: Taoiseach FitzGerald letter to MT (UN Convention on the Law of the Sea) ["probably the most significant achievement of the... [UN] in recent years and one which should not be diminshed by lack of support"] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 12 Mo Declassified documents Minor Archive (TNA) Foreign policy: Hoskyns letter to Powell (follow up to letter to MT regarding the Schiller Institute) [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 12 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) India: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Paul) [gas turbines] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 12 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Prime Minister: No.10 briefing for MT (meeting with Senator Hatch) [NATO/WEU revival; Northern Ireland] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 12 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Prime Minister: No.10 briefing for MT ("Call by Mr. Jing Shuping") [commercial relations with China] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 12 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) European Policy: UKRep Brussels telegram 3692 to FCO (1856Z) ("Foreign Affairs Council: 12 November 1984") ["Budget Discipline": record of conversation] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 12 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) European Policy: FCO telegram 513 to UKRep Brussels (1717Z) ("1985 Draft Budget and UK Abatements for 1984") [record of conversation: Howe, Ian Stewart, members of the European Democratic Group] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 12 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) European Policy: Cabinet Office minute to No.10 ("European Community: Budgetary Issues in the European Parliament") [revised Decision on Own Resources; EC Budget discipline; 1985 Budget] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 12 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Employment/Agriculture: Jopling letter to MT ("Agricultural Training: Overseas Activities") [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 12 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Nationalised Industries: Policy Unit minute to No.10 ("Competition Act 1980, Section 11 References") [Department of Trade & Industry have 'moved some way to accommodate' MT's requests on references to Monopolies and Mergers Commission] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 12 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Overseas Aid: Prime Minister Mara of Fiji letter to MT (renegotiation of the Lomé Convention) [ACP States seek larger EC commitment to European Development Fund] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 12 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Department of Energy briefing ("Daily Coal Report - Monday 12 November 1984") [miners' strike: situation report] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 12 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Department of Energy letter to No.10 ("Power Station Endurance") [miners' strike] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 12 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Gregson briefing for MT ("MISC 101(84) 47th Meeting: Coal") [miners' strike] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 12 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Turnbull minute to MT ("Meeting with Working Miners") [miners' strike: Walker suggests MT should not meet working miners] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 12 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: UKE Dublin to FCO ("Anglo-Irish Summit") ["Dr Fitzgerald cannot afford to come away from the summit empty handed"; MT: "That is not my problem"] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 12 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Powell minute to MT ("Anglo/Irish Summit: 18/19 November") [announcement of and arrangements for summit] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 12 Mo Declassified documents Minor Archive (Thatcher MSS) Economy: Conservative Research Department briefing (“Industry & Employment and The Economy”) [Queen’s speech measures, other current issues] [released 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 12 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Local government: MT letter to Robert Kilroy-Silk (rating system) [“This Government recognises that the present system is far from perfect; it will be looking for a system that is altogether fairer and more robust”] [released 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 12 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cyprus: UKE Athens telegram to FCO (“Cyprus”) [“No apparent change in Greek position”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 12 Mo Declassified documents Minor Archive (TNA) US: Michael Spicer letter to Geoffrey Pattie (anti-misting kerosene: US ‘controlled crash’) [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 12 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cabinet: Cabinet Office letter to Michael Franklin (Official Group on Agricultural Expenditure) [“The knowledge of the existence of the Group should be confined to the Ministers concerned and to those officials who take part in its work”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 12 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) International Economic Policy: Chancellor of the Exchequer PPS letter to No.10 (“International Financial Scheme”) [report by the Bank of England] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 12 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Netherlands: FCO minute for Powell (“Possible Invitations to Belgian and Netherlands Prime Ministers”) [MT approves proposal; possible dates] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 12 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Immigration: Howe minute to Brittan (“The charging of fees for entry certificates for Commonwealth citizens”) [declassified 2016]
Text 84 Nov 13 Tu Declassified documents Minor Archive (Thatcher MSS) MT Engagement Diary
PDF 84 Nov 13 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Government machinery: David Barclay minute to Robin Butler ("Seminars on Efficiency") [views on usefulness of the seminars] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 13 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Legal Procedure: UKE Washington telegram 3373 to FCO (2355Z) ("Laker: Grand Jury") [indictments; talks on future arrangements] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 13 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Legal Procedure: Ridley PS letter to Howe PS ("Aviation and US Antitrust: The "Laker" Issue") [indictments; US/UK discussions] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 13 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Portugal: Howe PS letter to No.10 ("Visit of the Portugese Prime Minister: 20-23 November") [timing of Kinnock's meeting with Soares] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 13 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Prime Minister: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Senator Hatch, Ambassador Price) [NATO; US dollar; Northern Ireland] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 13 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Prime Minister: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Jing Shuping) [commercial relations; MT visit to China] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 13 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) USA: President Reagan letter to MT (2257Z) (US Election results) [thanks; seminar on arms control & East/West relations; MT proposed stopover meeting during return flight from Beijing] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 13 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) European Policy: Ian Stewart PS letter to No.10 ("ECOFIN Council, 12 November: Budgetary Discipline") [final version of text outlining the Council's position; draft PQ reply] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 13 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Press Office: Lobby Briefing (1600Z) (Aid Budget, Coal Strike, Coin v Note) [tired of bleeding hearts who supported coal strike and also wanted more overseas aid] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 13 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Papua New Guinea: Howe PS letter to No.10 ("Proposed Invitation to Visit Britain: Mr Michael Somare, Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea") ["Our interests in PNG continue to grow"] [released Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 13 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Parliament: Ridley minute to MT ("Transport Bill") [additional clauses: right of Transport Consumer Bodies to consider BR/LRT fares/charges; Trust Ports; control of harbour development; public service vehicle driver licensing; railway accident reporting] [released Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 13 Tu Declassified documents Minor Archive (TNA) Parliament: Home Office Deputy Parliamentary Clerk letter to Mr. Caldwell ("Prosecution of Offences Bill") [introduction to House of Lords] [released Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 13 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Parliament: Fowler letter to Biffen (Social Security Bill) [additional items] [released Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 13 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cabinet: Minutes of Ministerial Group on Coal - MISC 101(84) 47th (Industrial Action in the Coal Industry) [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 13 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Ingham minute to MT ("Coal Strike") [Ingham meeting with GMBTU General Secretary David Basnett; MT: "Bernard was marvellous"] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 13 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Department of Energy briefing ("Daily Coal Report - Tuesday 13 November 1984") [miners' strike: situation report] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 13 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Department of Energy letter to No.10 ("Coal Firing Scheme") [miners' strike: need to defer review of scheme] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 13 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Turnbull note to MT (NCB deficit grant) [miners' strike] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 13 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Walker letter to Anne Scargill and Betty Heathfield (the miners' strike) ["The actions of your husbands are certainly damaging mining communities"] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 13 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Warry minute to Turnbull ("Coal Dispute") [miners' strike: encouraging workers to return to work; Turnbull: "I don't agree that the time has come to switch from the carrot to the stick"] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 13 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Armstrong minute to Powell ("Anglo/Irish Summit") [arrangements for summit] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 13 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Local government: Armstrong minute to Turnbull (“Ministerial Group on Local Authority Rate Setting”) [“To keep under review any problems which may arise affecting individual local authorities, arising from failure to set a local rate for 1985-86 or to fulfil their legal obligations”] [released Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 13 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) International Economic Policy: No.10 Policy Unit minute to MT (“International Debt”) [declassified 2014]
Text 84 Nov 13 Tu Declassified documents Key Archive (Reagan Library) Cold War: Reagan letter to Thatcher (congratulations on his reelection) [declassified 1998]
PDF 84 Nov 13 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Aerospace: Nicholas Ridley minute to MT (“Stansted-Heathrow Terminal 5 Public Inquiries”) [arguments, handling] [declassified 2014]
Text 84 Nov 14 We Declassified documents Minor Archive (Thatcher MSS) MT Engagement Diary
PDF 84 Nov 14 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Nicaragua: UKE Washington telegram 3376 to FCO (0137Z) ("Migs for Nicaragua") [current state of play] [declassified Nov 2016]
PDF 84 Nov 14 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Nicaragua: UKE Washington telegram 3387 to FCO (0028Z) ("U.S. policy on Nicaragua") [current state of play amidst speculation of an imminent US invasion] [declassified Nov 2016]
PDF 84 Nov 14 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Economic Policy: No.10 briefing for MT (“Bilateral with the Chancellor”) [Foreign Office programme; BT; Northern Ireland Industrial Bank; post mortem on Autumn Statement] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 14 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Government machinery: No.10 record of conversation ("Efficiency: Discussion with Sir Robin Ibbs") [Robin Butler, Robin Ibbs] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 14 We Declassified documents Minor Archive (TNA) Foreign policy: Foreign Secretary PS letter to No.10 (letter and paper from Laurent Murawiec of the Schiller Institute) ["It is a farrago of prejudiced and unsubstantiated propositions"] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 14 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) European Policy: UKE Rome telegram 764 to FCO (0800Z) ("Citizens Europe Committee") [Gallo's candidacy] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 14 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) European Policy: Cabinet Office briefing for MT ("Cabinet: Community Affairs") [EC enlargement negotiations; fisheries; European Development Fund for ACP countries in the Third Lome Convention; EC budgetary discipline; 1985 draft EC budget; budget discharge for 1982; milk super-levy; vehicle weights, Energy Council, 13 Nov; upcoming meetings] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 14 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Economic Policy: Lamont letter to Rees ("Privatisation of Warship Yards") [proposed strategy] [released Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 14 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Malaysia: Prime Minister Mahathir of Malaysia letter to MT (thanks for message of best wishes on installation of new Yang di-Pertuan Agong as Malaysian Head of State) [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 14 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Nationalised Industries: Rees letter to Walker ("Three Year Financial Target for Electricity Supply Industry") ['I am sorry you have difficulty with my proposal. I certainly did not intend it to involve a breach of faith'] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 14 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Overseas Aid: Howe minute to Tebbit ("Aid Trade Provision") [spending cuts: proposal to reduce planning figure for the Aid Trade Provision] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 14 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Overseas Aid: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Howe) [spending cuts to Aid and Overseas budget: likely political implications] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 14 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Press Office: Lobby Briefing (1600Z) (Anglo-Irish Summit, Overseas Aid, UNESCO, Miners) [coal strike had cost £1.3b otherwise available for overseas aid] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 14 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Foreign Policy: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Howe) ["Prime Minister's Visit to Peking": Y.K. Pao's attendance at Hong Kong signing ceremeny; delegation of UK industrialists] [released Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 14 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Foreign Policy: Howe PS letter to No.10 ("Visit of the Prime Minister to Peking and Hong Kong") [programmes; participation in the Signature Ceremony; topics for talks in Beijing; timing & content of Announcement; delegation of industrialists] [released Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 14 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Parliament: No.10 Policy Unit minute to Andrew Turnbull ("Transport Bill") [proposed right of Transport Consumer Bodies to consider fares charged by BR and LRT; MT advised to indicate she is content with the Bill's proposals, subject to care being taken in defining the role of TCBs] [released Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 14 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Parliament: Ingham minute to MT ("Bills") [presses for Local Government Abolition Bill to be published on Thursday rather than Friday, to maximise the media impact of a key Government policy] [released Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 14 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Government Buildings: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Howe) ["Richmond Terrace": MT makes clear that she has made no final decision yet on go-ahead for FCO staff to be based in the building] [released Jul 2015]
PDF 84 Nov 14 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Foreign Policy: President Reagan letter to MT (UN Convention on the Law of the Sea) ["I believe we must strenuously urge the FRG, Italy and Belgium not to sign... signature... will undermine our ability to negotiate a seabed mining regime"] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 14 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Posts and Telecommunications: Geoffrey Pattie minute to MT ("British Telecom") [flotation: details of final arrangements & announcement] [released Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 14 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Conservative party: Sherbourne minute to MT (“Your meeting with the Chairman”) [“another examine of a mild conflict between the Chairman and Alistair McAlpine”] [released 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 14 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) City: No.10 letter to DTI (“Financial Services”) [MT raises three more points] [released 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 14 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Education: Keith Joseph letter to MT (draft statement on research on education and school organisation) [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 14 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Education: Keith Joseph letter to Chancellor of the Exchequer (“Education for Economic Awareness”) [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 14 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Armstrong briefing for MT ("Cabinet: Industrial Affairs: Coal") [miners' strike] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 14 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Booth minute to MT ("Delay in Crown Court Trials") [miners' strike] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 14 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Alastair Graham editorial in CPSA's Red Tape ("More aid to pit families?") [miners' strike] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 14 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Department of Energy briefing ("Daily Coal Report - Wednesday 14 November 1984") [miners' strike] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 14 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: DHSS letter to Department of Energy ("Deduction from Benefit for Strikers") [miners' strike] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 14 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Department of Energy letter to No.10 ("Endurance") [miners' strike: report on power station endurance] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 14 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Havers minute to MT (tracking and freezing NUM funds) [miners' strike] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 14 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Unknown author minute to MT ("Northern Ireland Industrial Bank") [possible bank collapse] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 14 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Howe-Hurd-Armstrong-Goodall-Andrew-Cartledge-Goodison) ["Anglo-Irish Summit"] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 14 We Declassified documents Minor Archive (Thatcher MSS) Coal: David Hunt to Michael Alison (meeting on the industry) [information on event] [released 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 14 We Declassified documents Minor Archive (Thatcher MSS) Conservative Party: Sherbourne minute for MT (meeting with John Gummer) [agenda] [released 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 14 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) US: President Reagan letter to MT (Law of the Sea Convention) [“it is our aim to maintain as much Western solidarity as possible”] [released 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 14 We Declassified documents Minor Archive (TNA) Local government: Turnbull minute to Armstrong (“Ministerial Group on Local Authority Rate Setting”) [proposed make up of group] [released Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 14 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Local government: Jenkin minute to MT (“Liverpool City Council”) [“Of particular concern is the build-up of substantial commitments for next year and beyond”] [released Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 14 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Aerospace: Robert Armstrong minute to MT (“Cabinet: Parliamentary Affairs: Stansted Heathrow Terminal 5 Public Inquiries”) [main issues, handling] [declassified 2014]
Text 84 Nov 15 Th Declassified documents Minor Archive (Thatcher MSS) MT Engagement Diary
PDF 84 Nov 15 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Brighton bomb: MT letter to John Wakeham (messages from heads of state/government) [“sympathy for the injuries you received and the tragic personal loss which you suffered”] [released 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 15 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Brighton bomb: MT letter to Sarah Berry (messages from heads of state/government) [“sympathy for the injuries you received and the tragic personal loss which you suffered”] [released 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 15 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Brighton bomb: MT letter to Mabel Delamott (messages from heads of state/government) [“sympathy for the injuries you received”] [released 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 15 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Brighton bomb: CDP note to MT (condolences from heads of state/government) [“to let those who were injured or bereaved … know of the very impressive list … who sent messages”] [released 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 15 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Parliament: Fowler letter to Whitelaw ("The Queen's Speech: the Water Fluoridation Bill") [handling of questions arising from non-inclusion of the Bill in the Speech] [declassified Jul 2016]
PDF 84 Nov 15 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Civil service: Rees minute to MT ("Civil service numbers") [latest statistics] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 15 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Legal Procedure: Ridley letter to Howe ("Aviation and US Antitrust: The "Laker" Issue") [settlement on future working of Bermuda 2 agreement] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 15 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Home Affairs: Booth minute to MT ("Public Order Act, 1936, Section 5") [amendments to the Act] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 15 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Industrial Policy: Lamont letter to MT ("Austin Rover (ARG) Strike") [latest developments] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 15 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cyprus: UKE Washington telegram 3395 to FCO (2025Z) ("Cyprus: Secretary General's Initiative") [advance notices of messages to be sent from Reagan to key players in the negotiations] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 15 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Economic Policy: John Moore PS letter to No.10 ("ICI's Case on Ethane Valuation") [case due to be heard in High Court; background; line to take] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 15 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Employment: King minute to MT ("Employment Exercise") [update on progress of employment strategy exercise] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 15 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Overseas Aid: Ingham minute to Alison and Flesher ("Robert Rhodes James") [spending cuts to Aid programme: response to suggestion that lobby briefings have 'impugn[ed] the motives of Mr Robert Rhodes James'] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 15 Th Declassified documents Minor Archive (TNA) Parliament: Cabinet Office letter to Private Secretaries ("Legislation Committee Procedures") [review] [released Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 15 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Transport: Cabinet Office minute to No.10 ("Channel Fixed Link") [main points from joint UK/France communiqué] [released Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 15 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cabinet: Minutes of Full Cabinet - CC(84) 37th (Parliamentary Affairs, Foreign Affairs, EC Affairs, Miners' Strike) [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 15 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Department of Energy briefing ("Daily Coal Report - Thursday 15 November 1984") [miners' strike: situation report] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 15 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: No.10 minute to MT ("Mr Ian MacGregor: Performance Payments") [miners' strike] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 15 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Armstrong minute to Powell ("Anglo-Irish Relations: Northern Ireland") [Irish Ambassador to UK clarifies that Irish Speaking Note does not 'represent a hardening of the Irish position'] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 15 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Local Government: Letwin minute for Turnbull (“The Politics of Local Government”) [“The policy is brinkmanship: it will require nerves of steel; but it stands a real chance of defeating most of the councils”] [released 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 15 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Conservatism: National Union of Conservative and Unionist Associations minutes (Executive Committee meeting) [conference, appointments] [released 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 15 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cyprus: President Reagan letter to President Kyprianou (UN talks) [“The present partition of Cyprus, and the long delay in finding viable solutions to that situation, are to the advantage of no one”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 15 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cyprus: UKHC Nicosia telegram to FCO (“Kyprianou’s meeting with the Prime Minister”) [Kyprianou wishes to discuss treaty of guarantee] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 15 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: No.10 briefing to MT (“Meeting with the Bishop and Archbishop of Liverpool”) [“The two of them are trustees of a hardship fund for striking miners”] [released Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 15 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Local government: No.10 record of conversation (“Meeting with the Archbishop and Bishop of Liverpool”) [City Council “determined to follow their policy of 100 per cent municipal solution for the city’s problems”] [released Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 15 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Civil service: Barney Hayhoe letter to Fowler (“DHSS Newcastle: shift-working dispute”) [“matters should now be brought to a head”] [declassified 2014]
Text 84 Nov 16 Fr Declassified documents Minor Archive (Thatcher MSS) MT Engagement Diary
PDF 84 Nov 16 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Unemployment: Gordon Brown letter to MT (meeting with Gordon Brown) [factory and shop closures in constituency] [released Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 16 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Education: Jenkin PS letter to No.10 ("Rate capping: ILEA") [Inner London Education Authority] [declassified Jul 2016]
PDF 84 Nov 16 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Home Affairs: No.10 minute to Cabinet Office/MT ("H committee") [nuclear waste storage; grants for Norfolk Broads farmers; prohibition of under-strength whisky; private lease of Hampton Court Palace flats] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 16 Fr Declassified documents Minor Archive (TNA) Foreign policy: MT letter to Hoskyns (letter and paper from Laurent Murawiec of the Schiller Institute) ["In general the paper is a good deal stronger on unsubstantiated propositions than it is on facts"] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 16 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Legal Procedure: UKE Washington 3413 telegram to FCO (1850Z) ("Laker: Grand Jury") [Protection of Trading Interests Act 1980] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 16 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Legal Procedure: UKE Washington 3420 telegram to FCO (2205Z) (Prime Minister's visit to the US) [proposed dates] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 16 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Legal Procedure: Howe minute to Ridley ("Aviation and US Anti-Trust: The "Laker" Issue") [future working of Bermuda 2 agreement: talks with US officials] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 16 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Legal Procedure: FCO briefing for MT ("Laker") [Reagan's pending decision on indictments; US/UK antitrust negotiations] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 16 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Legal Procedure: Attorney General's Legal Secretary letter to Ridley PS ("Aviation and US Antitrust: The "Laker" Issue") [US/UK antitrust negotiations: Protection of Trading Interests Act] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 16 Fr Declassified documents Minor Archive (TNA) India: Charles Powell minute to MT ("Sikh Demonstration") [demonstration banned but Hyde Park has permission as an assembly point] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 16 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Industrial Policy: Redwood minute to No.10 (British Leyland Corporate Plan: response to letter from Austin Bide) [Lamont's letter "covers the ground in a workmanlike but ponderous manner"] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 16 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Portugal: Howe PS letter to No.10 ("Visit of the Portugese Prime Minister: 20-23 November") [guest list] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 16 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cyprus: UKMIS New York telegram 1352 to FCO (0135Z) (MT, Kyprianou) [John Thomson, Pérez de Cuéllar: record of conversation, to inform MT's forthcoming meeting with Kyprianou] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 16 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cyprus: FCO briefing for MT ("Visit of President Kyprianou") [Treaty of Guarantee; Cyprus vote in UN against UK over Falklands; 3rd round of UN proximity talks on Cyprus] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 16 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) European Policy: Charles Powell minute to MT ("The Dooge Committee") [interim report to European Council; Powell highlights two issues: formalisation of existing commitments in POCO; case-by-case look at possible extension of majority voting; MT comments extensively on report & on paper by Ruhfus on political cooperation ] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 16 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Employment: Redwood minute to No.10 ("The Employment Exercise") ['maintain[ing] the momentum' on employment strategy] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 16 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Nationalised Industries: Department of Trade & Industry letter to No.10 ("British Shipbuilders: Disposal of Brooke Marine") [comment on risk of strike action if minority stake sold to Omani Government] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 16 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Foreign Policy: Charles Powell letter to Howe PS ("Prime Minister's Visit to the United States") [MT advises not to pursue proposal for December 1984 meeting, and to concentrate on February 1985 meeting instead; line to take for media speculation] [released Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 16 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Foreign Policy: Howe PS letter to No.10 ("Prime Minister's Visit to Peking") [Howe/Youde advise against MT bring delegation of businessmen with her, and seeking to close Guangdong Nuclear Project deal, for fear of deflecting media attention from signing of Hong Kong agreement] [released Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 16 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Parliament: No.10 minute to MT ("H Committee") [NIREX; grant-in-aid for the Broads; prohibition of sale of under-strength whisky; disposal of nuclear waste (redacted)] [released Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 16 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Parliament: Patrick Jenkin letter to Whitelaw ("Dog Licensing") [issue of consultation paper, following resolution of licensing income classification as charge rather than tax] [released Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 16 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) European Policy: Rifkind PS letter to Cabinet Office ("Topical Points on European Community Matters") [comprehensive briefing pack for Ministers, backbenchers and MEPs] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 16 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Education: Report by HM Inspectors (“Education Provision and Response in some Haringey Schools”) [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 16 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Department of Energy briefing ("Daily Coal Report - Friday 16 November 1984") [miners' strike: situation report] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 16 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Hailsham minute to MT ("Miners' Cases") [miners' strike: progress with Crown Court cases arising out of miners' dispute] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 16 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: MacGregor letter to Stan Orme MP (response to "negotiating" paper) [miners' strike] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 16 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Hurd letter to MT ("The Council of Europe and Northern Ireland") [handling of Council of Europe Reports on Northern Ireland] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 16 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Howe minute to MT (report of Howe's talks with Taoiseach Fitzgerald and Barry) [the "Irish problem" will "be with us for many decades yet"] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 16 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: FCO record of conversation (Howe-Irish Ambassador to UK) [prospects for Anglo-Irish summit] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 16 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Ingham minute to MT ("Anglo-Irish Summit") [press arrangements for Anglo-Irish summit] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 16 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Northern Ireland Office letter to No.10 ("Anglo-Irish Summit") [view of RUC Chief Constable prior to the summit] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 16 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Civil service: Patrick Mayhew minute to MT (“The Newcastle shift dispute”) [risk of legal challenge to unilateral variation of employees terms and conditions of service] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 16 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Local Government: No.10 briefing for MT (“Politics of local government”) [rate-capping revolt] [declassified 2014]
Text 84 Nov 17 Sa Declassified documents Minor Archive (Thatcher MSS) MT Engagement Diary
PDF 84 Nov 17 Sa Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Legal Procedure: UKE Washington telegram 3433 to FCO (0630Z) ("Laker: Consultations") [speculation as to Reagan's imminent decision on whether or not to proceed with indictments] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 17 Sa Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Legal Procedure: Department of Transport briefing for MT ("Laker") [lines to take in response to Reagan's imminent decision on whether or not to proceed with indictments] [declassified Jan 2014]
Text 84 Nov 18 Su Declassified documents Minor Archive (Thatcher MSS) MT Engagement Diary
PDF 84 Nov 18 Su Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Legal Procedure: UKE Washington telegram 3434 to FCO (1800Z) ("Laker") [Reagan decision not to proceed with indictments; US/UK antitrust negotiations] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 18 Su Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Legal Procedure: MT message to President Reagan (Laker case) [Reagan decision not to proceed with indictments; US/UK antitrust negotiations; Camp David] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 18 Su Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Legal Procedure: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Allan Wallis) [Laker case: Reagan decision not to proceed with indictments; US/UK antitrust negotiations; Camp David] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 18 Su Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Foreign Policy: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Wallis, Price) ["Prime Minister's Visits to Washington": proposed visit in December 1984] [released Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 18 Su Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: No.10 note to MT (coal strike adjournment debate) [miners' strike] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 18 Su Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Taoiseach Fitzgerald) [first evening: private after-dinner conversation] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 18 Su Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) US: MT telegram to President Reagan (Laker Airways) [delighted no indictments will be brought] [released 2014]
Text 84 Nov 19 Mo Declassified documents Minor Archive (Thatcher MSS) MT Engagement Diary
PDF 84 Nov 19 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Education: Keith Joseph minute to MT ("Rate capping: ILEA") [Inner London Education Authority] [declassified Jul 2016]
PDF 84 Nov 19 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Germany: UKE Bonn telegram to FCO ("PUS's talks with State Secretary Meyer-Landrut: 19 November") [East/West relations; SDI; INF; SALT 2; conventional arms control] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 19 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Defence: Heseltine minute to MT ("Sale of Tornado and Hawk to Saudi Arabia") [report on visit to Saudi Arabia/talks with King Fahd & Prince Sultan; criticism of Saudi royal family in British press; "I do not believe that the deal is necessarily lost, but I am not optimistic about the outcome"] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 19 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Government machinery: Lord Gowrie minute to MT ("Supporting Services for Administrative Work") [final report; key findings] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 19 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Government machinery: Lord Gowrie letter to Jopling ("Government Purchasing") [multi-Department review recommendations] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 19 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Government machinery: Lord Gowrie letter to Ridley ("Government Purchasing") [multi-Department review recommendations; roads programme] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 19 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Government machinery: Lord Gowrie letter to Rees ("Government Purchasing") [multi-Department review recommendations: implementation] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 19 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Legal Procedure: UKE Washington telegram 3437 to FCO (2310Z) ("Laker") [US Dept of Justice announcement of Reagan's decision to close antitrust investigation] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 19 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Legal Procedure: Tebbit PS letter to Ridley PS ("Aviation and US Antitrust: The "Laker" Issue") [Protection of Trading Interests Act 1980] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 19 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Hong Kong: FCO letter to Powell ("Hong Kong") [UMELCO Delegation visit to London: request to meet with MT] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 19 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Industrial Policy: No.10 letter to Lamont PS ("Austin Rover") [use of computer-aided design and manufacture; asks Lamont to discuss with British Leyland to ensure "technological lead" is not "lost to this country"] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 19 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Industrial Policy: Department of Trade & Industry briefing for MT ("Meeting with the CBI, Tuesday, 20 November 1984") [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 19 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Prime Minister: Ambassador Price letter to No.10 (Prime Minister's meetings with Senator Hatch and with Ambassador Price & Under-Secretary Wallis) [follow-up] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 19 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Transport: Ridley minute to MT ("Archway: the next steps") [announcement in Parliament that new Inquiry will not be set up until study of East London road problems is completed; GLC decision on proposed lorry ban] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 19 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cyprus: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Kyprianou) [Kyprianou's forthcoming meeting with Reagan; Cyprian membership of NATO] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 19 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Economic Policy: Ingham minute to Andrew Turnbull (campaign against the imposition of VAT on newspapers) [Ingham opposed to Lawson proposal] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 19 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Education: Keith Joseph letter to Chancellor of the Exchequer ("School Teachers' Pay and Conditions (England and Wales)") [local authority employers' package of pay & conditions of service proposals to teachers; other options, including performance appraisal] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 19 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Japan: Chancellor of the Exchequer minute to MT ("Anglo-Japanese Financial Talks") [report on bilateral talks] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 19 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Foreign Policy: Charles Powell letter to Howe PS ("Visit of the Prime Minister to Peking and Hong Kong") [schedule; speeches; announcement] [released Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 19 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Foreign Policy: Howe PS letter to No.10 ("Prime Minister's Visit to Far East and United States: Timings") [options] [released Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 19 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) European Policy: President of the EC Commission letter to MT (economic priorities for Western Europe) [copy of speech: "are the Europeans sufficiently robust economically to maintain their expenditures on defence and, if possible, to increase them to levels more acceptable to the United States?"] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 19 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Afghanistan: Howe minute to Leon Brittan ("Soviet Prisoners of the Afghan Resistance") [applications for political asylum: "we should think very carefully indeed before accepting any further applications"] [released Jul 2018]
PDF 84 Nov 19 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Department of Energy briefing ("Daily Coal Report - Monday 19 November 1984") [miners' strike: situation report] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 19 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Gregson briefing for MT ("MISC 101(84) 48th Meeting: Coal") [miners' strike] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 19 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Rees minute to MT ("Coal Firing Scheme") [miners' strike] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 19 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Turnbull minute to MT ("Coal Firing Scheme") [miners' strike: MT shares Walker's view rather than Rees'] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 19 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Soviet Union: FCO letter to No.10 ("Gorbachev's Visit: UK Objectives") [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 19 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Soviet Union: FCO letter to No.10 ("Mr Gorbachev's Visit") [members of the Soviet delegation] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 19 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: FCO record of conversation (Howe-Hurd-Spring-Barry) [EC, foreign affairs] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 19 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Taoiseach Fitzgerald) [Anglo-Irish relations and Northern Ireland] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 19 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: FCO record of conversation (Howe-Hurd-Spring-Barry) [Northern Ireland] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 19 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Taoiseach Fitzgerald-Howe-Hurd-Spring-Barry-Nally) [Anglo-Irish relations and Northern Ireland] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 19 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Ingham minute to MT ("Anglo-Irish Bilateral - Press Conference") [arrangements] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 19 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Conservative Party: Tessa Gaisman note for Michael Alison (“Procedure for the selection of the leader of the Conservative Party”) [released 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 19 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: Howe PS letter to No.10 (Foreign Secretary’s meeting with Shultz) [Middle East, NATO, Soviet Union, Central America, US economy, US stance on main foreign policy issues ] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 19 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: Professor Brezezinski letter to MT (“The Future of Yalta”) [“Yalta is unfinished business”] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 19 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Science and technology: David Barclay minute to Nicholson (“BBC 2 Horizon programme on science”) [MT requests more detail on “your idea that the Government might seek to put forward a more positive view of British science and technology”] [released Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 19 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Monetary Policy: Economic Secretary to the Treasury minute to No.10 (“National Savings Terms”) [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 19 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Aerospace: Nicholas Ridley minute to MT (“Stansted-Heathrow Terminal 5 Public Inquiries”) [handling of the Inspector’s report] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 19 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Local Government: Joseph minute to MT (“Local government finance studies”) [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 19 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Local Government: Cabinet Office briefing for MT (“Local authority capital expenditure”) [monitoring and control] [declassified 2014]
Text 84 Nov 20 Tu Declassified documents Minor Archive (Thatcher MSS) MT Engagement Diary
PDF 84 Nov 20 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Defence: MT letter to Emir Al-Sabah of Kuwait (arms) [merits of UK-manufactured armoured vehicle] [released 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 20 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Kuwait: MT telegram to Emir Al-Sabah of Kuwait (aircraft hijacking) [“I applaud your Government’s resolute stand in rejecting the terrorists’ demands”] [released 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 20 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Legal Procedure: Attorney General letter to Ridley ("Aviation and US Anti-Trust: The "Laker" Issue") [Protection of Trading Interests Act 1980] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 20 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) China: Channon minute to MT ("Guangdong Nuclear Project") [Anglo-French approach to negotiations with China] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 20 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Industrial Policy: King minute to MT ("Meeting with the CBI") [Youth Training Scheme; CBI support for training initiatives] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 20 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Industrial Policy: Wybrew briefing for MT ("CBI Visit - Sir James Cleminson and Sir Terrence Beckett") [infrastructure investment; training schemes; European Community and trade; de-regulation] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 20 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Portugal: No.10 briefing for MT ("Meeting with Dr Soares") [EC accession negotiations; economic/political situation in Portugal; southern Africa; Hong Kong/Macao; trade & investment] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 20 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cyprus: FCO briefing for MT ("Prime Minister's meeting with President Kyprianou") ["seems to have read rather more into President Reagan's message than was intended... misunderstanding is potentially dangerous"] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 20 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Economic Policy: No.10 Policy Unit minute to MT ("Taxation of Pension Funds") ["a vital step in encouraging wider share-ownership and wider wealth-ownership and individual responsibility"] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 20 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Employment: Turnbull minute to MT ("Meeting with Lord Young") [employment strategy exercise: MT's request for 'greater urgency...has disturbed Lord Young'] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 20 Tu Declassified documents Minor Archive (TNA) Parliament: Home Office Deputy Parliamentary Clerk letter to Mr. Sutherland ("Representation of the People Bill") [introduction on the House of Commons] [released Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 20 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cabinet: Minutes of Ministerial Group on Coal - MISC 101(84) 48th (Industrial Action in the Coal Industry) [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 20 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Attorney General's Office letter to FCO ("Soviet Assistance to the NUM") [miners' strike] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 20 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Department of Energy briefing ("Daily Coal Report - Tuesday 20 November 1984") [miners' strike: situation report] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 20 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: FCO letter to No.10 ("Soviet Assistance to the NUM") [miners' strike] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 20 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: No.10 letter to FCO ("Soviet Assistance to the National Union of Mineworkers") [miners' strike] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 20 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Public Expenditure: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Howe-Chancellor of the Exchequer) ["Public Expenditure Survey: Consequences for FCO Programme"] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 20 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Public Expenditure: Redwood minute to MT ("Public Spending") ["It is nonsense to say that all the easy things have now been done and there can be no further cuts"] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 20 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: UKE Dublin to FCO ("Anglo-Irish Summit: Immediate Reactions") [Irish reaction to summit] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 20 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Media: Bernard Ingham minute for Liaison Committee (“The Fortnight Ahead”) [events, issues] [released 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 20 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) US: President Reagan letter to MT (civil aviation) [need to resolve outstanding differences] [released 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 20 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cyprus: UKHC Nicosia telegram 532 to FCO (1235Z) (“Cyprus: impressions after 2 and a half years”) [“vital importance of getting a serious Turkish Cypriot offer on territory”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 20 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Local Government: Cabinet Office briefing for MT (“Local government finance studies - work programme”) [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 20 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Local Government: Baker letter to Rees (“Abolition Bill: organising committees”) [Rees concern: more bureaucracy] [declassified 2014]
Text 84 Nov 21 We Declassified documents Minor Archive (Thatcher MSS) MT Engagement Diary
PDF 84 Nov 21 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Brighton bomb: Robin Butler minute for Tim Flesher (“The No. 10 Office Functions in the Aftermath of the Bomb Explosion at the Grand Hotel, Brighton”) [information “could be added to the Duty Clerk’s ‘bible’”] [released 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 21 We Declassified documents Minor Archive (Thatcher MSS) Brighton bomb: Joy Robilliard minute for MT (“Staff at Grand Hotel Brighton”) [“As the situation was so exceptional, signed photographs of you were also sent to them all and they were delighted”] [released 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 21 We Declassified documents Minor Archive (Thatcher MSS) Germany: MT letter to Chancellor Kohl of FRG (thanks) [“delighted with the very pretty dish”] [released 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 21 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Defence: MT letter to President of the Society of British Aerospace Companies Ltd (sale of Tornado to Turkey) [credit support: "we have concluded that the financial risks for the Government are unacceptably high"] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 21 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Defence: MT letter to Chairman of British Aerospace PLC (sale of Tornado to Turkey) [credit support: "the financial risks for the Government... are unacceptably high"] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 21 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Energy: MT letter to Robert Maclennan MP (Proposed Fast Reactor Reprocessing Plant at Dounreay) [UK bid] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 21 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Broadcasting: Peter Warry minute to MT ("BBC Licence Fee") [BBC proposal for fee increase] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 21 We Declassified documents Minor Archive (TNA) Foreign policy: Hoskyns letter to MT (letter and paper from Laurent Murawiec of the Schiller Institute) ["As you advise, I will keep the Schiller Institute at arms length"] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 21 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Legal Procedure: FCO telegram 1990 to UKE Washington (2028Z) ("Laker: Leg 2") [lines to take] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 21 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) China: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Governor of Guangdong Province, Liang Lingguang-Cradock) [Chinese economy; Guangdong Nuclear Project; Hong Kong Agreement] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 21 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Industrial Policy: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Sir Terence Beckett and Sir James Cleminson of the CBI) [Brighton Bomb; economic outlook; taxation; training; pay; Trade Unions; infrastructure] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 21 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Portugal: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Soares, Howe, Channon, Ferreira) [EC accession negotiations; economic/political situation in Portugal; southern Africa; Hong Kong/Macao; trade & investment] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 21 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cyprus: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Kyprianou) [Kyprianou's meeting with US ambassador] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 21 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Economic Policy: No.10 briefing for MT ("Bilateral with the Chancellor") [autopsy on 1984 PES & planning for 1985; taxation of pension funds; interest rates; pay review bodies; nomination for a City honour] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 21 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Education: George Younger letter to Chancellor of the Exchequer ("Scottish Teachers' Pay") [case for allowing Scottish Joint Negotiating Committee to conduct a pay review] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 21 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) European Policy: Cabinet Office briefing for MT ("Cabinet: Community Affairs") [MT talks with FitzGerald and Soares; European Development Fund for ACP countries in the Third Lome Convention; EC enlargement: negotiations with Spain; European Council text on budgetary discipline; upcoming meetings] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 21 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Local Government: Barclay minute to MT ("Planning System: Meeting with Sir John Sainsbury") [brief for meeting] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 21 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: No.10 letter to Department of Energy (“Coal Firing Scheme”) [deferral of review of scheme until it is 'possible to see more clearly the supply and demand balance after the strike'] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 21 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Security: Timothy Flesher minute to Robin Butler ("Grand Hotel") [how staff in No.10 responded to the incident] [released Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 21 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Security: Robin Butler minute to MT ("Brighton Bomb") [statement to police on MT's security arrangements] [released Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 21 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Social Services: Fowler PS letter to No.10 ("Deductions from Strikers' Benefit") [uprating: PQ reply] [released Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 21 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Coal: Ingham note to MT (“After the NUM strike”) [“a perfectly satisfactory settlement is available and the miners increasingly recognise it”] [released 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 21 We Declassified documents Minor Archive (TNA) City: Hobson minute for Redwood (“Fraud” [at Lloyds]) [conversation with Ian Hay-Davison] [released 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 21 We Declassified documents Minor Archive (TNA) Germany: MT letter for Chancellor Kohl (thanking for the present of a dish) ["how clever of you to guess that I collect porcelain"] [declassified 2015]
PDF 84 Nov 21 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Education: Keith Joseph minute to MT (“Parental Influence and School Governing Bodies”) [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 21 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: Howe minute to MT ("Western Arms Control Strategy: Anglo/US Discussions") [advice on UK stance towards to US on arms control, outer space weapons systems etc.] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 21 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Public Expenditure: Turnbull minute to MT ("Bilateral with the Chancellor") [brief for MT's meeting with the Chancellor of the Exchequer on public expenditure in 1984 and 1985] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 21 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Soviet Union: No.10 letter to FCO ("Mr Gorbachev's Visit: UK Objectives") [MT requests meeting with USSR experts prior to Gorbachev meeting] [declassified 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 21 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Conservative Party: Michael Alison minute for MT (“Leadership Election”) [“formal rules of procedure for your re-election”] [released 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 21 We Declassified documents Minor Archive (Thatcher MSS) By-election: Conservative Central Office press release (“Enfield Southgate By-Election”) [Michael Portillo biography] [released 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 21 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Department of Energy briefing (“Daily Coal Report - Wednesday 21 November 1984”) [miners’ strike: situation report] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 21 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Department of Energy briefing (“Weekly Coal and Power Station Statistics”) [miners’ strike: situation report] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 21 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Armstrong minute to MT (“Cabinet: Industrial Affairs: Coal”) [suggestions for reports] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 21 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Ingham minute to MT and Butler (“After the NUM strike”) ['how we might manage a return to ‘normal’'] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 21 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Coal: Department of Trade & Industry letter to Charles Powell (“Soviet Assistance to the NUM”) ['the Government viewed with great concern the transfer of money'] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 21 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) US: Price note to MT (MT’s meeting with Under Secretary Wallis) [conveys Reagan’s gratitude] [declassified Dec 2014]
Text 84 Nov 22 Th Declassified documents Minor Archive (Thatcher MSS) MT Engagement Diary
PDF 84 Nov 22 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Defence: UKE Washington telegram 3485 to FCO (0434Z) ("US/Soviet arms control talks") ["US hopes for substantive talks, perhaps early in the new year"; details of latest developments] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 84 Nov 22 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Defence: President Reagan letter to MT (US/Soviet arms control dialogue) [confirmation that Shultz to meet with Gromyko on 7/8 January to resume negotiations] [declassified Jan 2014]

Documents lie at the core of this website, each one dated and sorted chronologically (by default) in search results. Most are images in PDF format of original paper documents scanned or filmed for the site. There also transcripts of speeches and interviews, press articles, photos, videos, and more. The document database contains tens of thousands of items and permits complex searching.

Files are multi-page PDFs from which most of the documents on the site are selected. All of Mrs Thatcher’s official files from No.10 are available in full on this site (paper copies are stored at the National Archives in the series PREM19), as well as most of those of Geoffrey Howe and Nigel Lawson as Chancellor (stored at TNA as series T639 and T640).

Guides are articles about key events and topics. Many were written to accompany annual releases of Mrs Thatcher’s private and party papers at the Churchill Archive Centre in Cambridge.


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