

Document type: Declassified documents.

Showing items 60901 - 61000 of 76808.

PDF 86 Apr 5 Sa Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Prime Minister/Northern Ireland: Charles Powell briefing for MT ("Meeting with the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland") [situation over Easter; intimidation of RUC families; Molyneaux/Paisley letter; parades; election legislation] [released Jul 2017]
PDF 86 Apr 6 Su Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) South Africa: President Reagan letter to MT (Commonwealth Eminent Persons Group) ["I am pleased to support your efforts and will write to State President Botha, as you suggest, to urge him to continue the dialogue with the.... Group"] [declassified Feb 2016]
PDF 86 Apr 6 Su Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Libya: Poindexter memo for President Reagan ("Response to Libyan Terrorist Attacks") [recommendations of Terrorist Operations Sub-Group after Berlin disco bombing] [declassified 2005]
PDF 86 Apr 7 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) European Policy: Howe PS briefing for No.10 (“Prime Minister’s Meeting with the European Reform Group: 8 April”) [Fontainebleau Agreement, VAT ceiling] [declassified 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 7 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) G7: Armstrong minute for Powell (“Tokyo Economic Summit”) [his conversations in Washington] [declassified 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 7 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Defence: Norgrove minute for Powell ("NIMROD AEW") [his comments on the MOD report] [declassified 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 7 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) France: UKE Paris telegram to FCO ("France: EMS realignment and accompanying measures") ["to maintain downward pressure on inflation"] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 7 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Ireland: Northern Ireland Office briefing for MT (Prime Minister's meeting with Lord Brookeborough and Lord Moyola to discuss the current political situation in Northern Ireland) [Anglo-Irish Agreement; devolution; dialogue with unionists] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 7 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Ireland: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Tom King) ["Northern Ireland": security; dialogue with unionists] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 7 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Ireland: Cabinet Office record of conversation (dialogue with the unionists) [Robert Armstrong, Irish Ambassador] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 7 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Local Government: Kenneth Baker letter to Whitelaw ("Rate Support Grant 1986/7: legal challenge by Birmingham City Council") ["...essential to introduce a short piece of legislation during this session of Parliament..."] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 7 Mo Declassified documents Minor Archive (TNA) Parliament: Edwards PS letter to No.10 ("Government response to the Committee on Welsh Affairs Report on Coastal Sewage Pollution in Wales") ["It is not expected that the content of the response and its publication date will give rise to any Parliamentary problems"] [declassified Jul 2016]
PDF 86 Apr 7 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Soviet Union: Powell minute to FCO (MT farewell meeting with Soviet Ambassador) [declassified Jul 2017]
PDF 86 Apr 7 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Broadcasting: Paul Channon minute to John MacGregor ("Blank Tape Levy") [impact of receipts on budgetary provision] [declassified Feb 2016]
PDF 86 Apr 7 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cyprus: UKE Ankara telegram 193 to FCO (0850Z) ("Cyprus") [the Turks 'not looking at the draft agreement as part of an integrated package'] [declassified Jul 2021]
PDF 86 Apr 7 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cyprus: UKHC Nicosia telegram 112 to FCO (0930Z) ("UN Secretary General's Initiative") [row continues over whether or not both sides have agreed procedure] [declassified Jul 2021]
PDF 86 Apr 7 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Economic policy: Chancellor of the Exchequer PS letter to No.10 ("The Budget: What Businessmen Really Think") [survey; Labour & SDP/Liberal reactions to Budget also attached] [released Dec 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 7 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Economic policy: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Lawson) ["Stamp Duty": "mounting pressure for a change in the Budget proposals"] [released Dec 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 7 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Libya: North memo for Fortier ("Next steps re Libya") [decisions needed in afternoon meeting] [declassified 2005]
PDF 86 Apr 7 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Education: Hurd letter to MT (Educational reform) [declassified 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 7 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Media: Bernard Ingham minute to MT (“The Week Ahead”) [Fulham by-election dominates] [released 2017]
PDF 86 Apr 7 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Media: Press Digest for MT (Northern Ireland bombings, clashes in Wapping, law and order) [released 2017]
PDF 86 Apr 7 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Monetary Policy: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Lawson) [Lawson described the two bids received for JMB; MT agreed Westpac bid should be accepted] [declassified 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 7 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Monetary Policy: Treasury minute to Department of Trade and Industry (“UK Provident Institution”) [declassified 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 8 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) European Policy: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Conservative European Reform Group) [budgetary control, Common Agricultural Policy, Single European Act] [declassified 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 8 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Manpower: No.10 letter to Lord Young PS (“Workfare”) [MT urgent request for report on feasibility of introducing a US-style system of compulsion to work or train in return for benefits] [declassified 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 8 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Industrial Policy: Geoffrey Pattie letter to Howe ("Framework Programme for European Community research and development") [" of the major issues for the [UK] Presidency later this year"] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 8 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Local Government: MacGregor letter to Kenneth Baker ("Deferred Purchase Schemes") ["...I [and MT are]... increasingly concerned about the way in which some local authories are using [DPSs] to [flout] both our capital and current control systems"] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 8 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) South Korea: Charles Powell briefing for MT ("Meeting with President Chun") [itinerary, arrangements & copy of Chun Doo Hwan dinner speech] [declassified Jul 2016]
PDF 86 Apr 8 Tu Declassified documents Minor Archive (TNA) South Korea: Crown Agents letter to No.10 ("The Prime Minister's visit to Korea") [Crown Agents' activities in Korea] [declassified Jul 2016]
PDF 86 Apr 8 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) South Korea: No.10 letter to Howe PS ("Korea: High Level visits") [announcement of MT visit] [declassified Jul 2016]
PDF 86 Apr 8 Tu Declassified documents Minor Archive (TNA) New Zealand: MT message to Robert Muldoon (visit by John Turner, businessman) [may not be possihble to see him] [declassified Dec 2016]
PDF 86 Apr 8 Tu Declassified documents Minor Archive (TNA) France: MT message to Jacques Chirac (new French government) [invitation for informal chat] [declassified Jul 2017]
PDF 86 Apr 8 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Libya: North, Teicher & Stark memo for Poindexter ("Next steps: Libya") [draft memo for the President] [declassified 2005]
PDF 86 Apr 8 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Libya: North, Teicher & Stark memo for Fortier ("Next steps re Libya") [draft letters to European leaders] [declassified 2005]
PDF 86 Apr 8 Tu Declassified documents Key Archive (Reagan Library) Libya: President Reagan letter to MT ("Response to Libyan terrorism") [seeks support for use of British based FB-111s to respond to Libyan attacks] [declassified 2005]
PDF 86 Apr 8 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Privatisation: Biffen minute for Ridley (“Privatisation of British Airports Authority”) [declassified 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 8 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: UKE Moscow telegram to FCO (“US/Soviet relations: summit prospects”) [US ambassador’s “disappointment with the current Soviet approach to East/West relations”] [released Dec 2015]
PDF 86 Apr 8 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Civil Service: No.10 minute to MT (“Discretionary Increments for Grades 2 and 3 in the Civil Service”) [MT to meet with Lawson to discuss his objections to Cabinet Office proposals] [declassified 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 8 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Civil Service: John MacGregor minute to MT (“Budgeting in Government Departments”) [“The recommendations are very much a matter of making budgeting work rather than of setting up new systems to achieve the same objectives”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 8 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Home Affairs: Cabinet Office minute to MT (“Possible ‘Minister for Children’/‘Minister for the Family’”) [“An attempt to split off all responsibilities relating to children and concentrate them in a single Department would raise awkward questions of definition”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 8 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Media: Press Digest for MT (attacks on RUC homes in Northern Ireland, prison officer strikes, industry, education) [released 2017]
PDF 86 Apr 8 Tu Declassified documents Minor Archive (TNA) Commonwealth: FCO minute to Charles Powell (CHOGM photos) [suggested uses] [declassified Dec 2016]
PDF 86 Apr 8 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Westland: Wicks minute to MT (Trade & Industry Select Committee: Westland inquiry) [Dalyell calls for prosecutions and Speaker rejects complaint from Committee] [declassified 2016]
PDF 86 Apr 8 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Monetary Policy: Treasury minute to No.10 (“Johnson Matthey Bankers”) [report on enquiries into company’s involvement in gold fraud] [declassified 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 8 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Monetary Policy: Department of Trade and Industry minute to No.10 (“UK Provident Institution”) [declassified 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 9 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Germany: UKE Bonn telegram to FCO ("Your meeting with Genscher, 11-12 April: political situation in the FRG") [briefing for Howe] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 9 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Ireland: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Lord Moyola, Lord Brookeborough) ["[MT] spoke forcefully of the need for moderates in Northern Ireland to stop wringing their hands and to come forward with practical proposals"] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 9 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Ireland: Cabinet Office briefing for MT ("Cabinet: Northern Ireland") [" of Easter Monday and the attacks by loyalist elements on members of the [RUC]... increasing polarisation in the unionist community and the question... [of] dialogue with the Government"] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 9 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Nationalised Industries: MacGregor PS letter to No.10 ("Discussions with Nationalised Industries' Chairmen's Group (NICG)") [board members' terms of appointment; pay; future arrangements for corporations remaining in public ownership; Byatt report on effective accounting policies for nationalised industries] [declassified Jul 2016]
PDF 86 Apr 9 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) South Korea: No.10 letter to Howe PS ("Visit of the President of the Republic of Korea: defence sales") [MT & President Chun Doo Hwan seek to push through sale to Korea of the Ferranti/Marconi naval fire system] [declassified Jul 2016]
PDF 86 Apr 9 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) South Korea: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Howe, President Chun Doo Hwan, Ambassador Spreckley, Ambassador Young Choo Kim) [strategic value of Korean peninsula in the Cold War; North Korea; Gorbachev; trade; sale to Korea of the Ferranti/Marconi naval fire system; Olympics] [declassified Jul 2016]
PDF 86 Apr 9 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Falklands: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Howe) [Howe's suggestions on handling of the Falklands issue - MT "expressed very considerable reluctance ... cautioned against running after the Argentinians"] [declassified 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 9 We Declassified documents Minor Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Mark Addison minute to MT (Guinness kidnapping) [PIRA believed responsible] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 9 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cyprus: UKHC Nicosia telegram 118 to FCO (1000Z) ("Prime Minister's Meeting with President Kyprianou") [declassified Jul 2017]
PDF 86 Apr 9 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cyprus: Francis Noel-Baker letter for MT (Noel-Baker's book "My Cyprus File") [declassified Jul 2017]
PDF 86 Apr 9 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cyprus: MT letter for Francis Noel-Baker (his offer to mediate in the Cyprus dispute) [declassified Jul 2017]
PDF 86 Apr 9 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Government Machinery: Whitelaw letter to Hailsham (presentation of the Government's policies) ["main conclusions drawn from our experience over the last few months"] [released Jul 2015]
PDF 86 Apr 9 We Declassified documents Key Archive (Reagan Library) Libya: President Reagan letter to MT (Libyan terrorism) [reply to MT's points] [declassified 2005]
PDF 86 Apr 9 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) European Policy: Cabinet Office briefing for MT (“Cabinet: Community Affairs”) [declassified 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 9 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Privatisation: Paul Channon minute for Ridley (“Privatisation of British Airports Authority”) [declassified 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 9 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Economic policy: Cabinet Office minute to No.10 (“Handling of Review Body Reports”) [declassified 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 9 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Economic policy: Office of Manpower Economics letter to MT (“Review Body on Top Salaries”) [declassified 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 9 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Education: Keith Joseph minute to MT (“Grant-aided primary schools”) [declassified 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 9 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Education: No.10 minute to MT (Education Bill - amendments on indoctrination”) [Whitelaw-Joseph correspondence] [declassified 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 9 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Civil Service: No.10 Policy Unit minute to Wicks (“Discretionary Increments for Grades 2 and 3”) [“this is the wrong time to give yet more money to senior civil servants”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 9 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Libya: MT letter to US Ambassador to West Germany Richard Burt (Berlin bomb) ["horrified … by the dreadful incident"] [released Jan 2017]
PDF 86 Apr 9 We Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Media: Press Digest for MT (economy, Northern Ireland, education) [papers dominated by latest terrorist outrages] [released 2017]
PDF 86 Apr 9 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Home Affairs: No.10 Policy Unit minute to MT (“Picketing Law”) [declassified 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 9 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Government Machinery: Chairman of ACARD letter to MT (work of the Advisory Council for Applied Research and Development) [declassified 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 10 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Conservative Party: Stephen Sherbourne minute for MT (“Meeting at Chequers on Sunday, 13th April”) [pre-election strategy] [released 2017]
PDF 86 Apr 10 Th Declassified documents Minor Archive (TNA) G7: Chairman of Cable and Wireless plc letter to Howe (Anglo-Japanese telecommunications project) [declassified 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 10 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) France: UKE Paris telegram to FCO ("The new Government's economic programme") ["change in a liberal direction...[while] safeguarding the progress made by the previous government in dealing with inflation and industrial relations"] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 10 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) South Africa: P.W. Botha message to MT (Commonwealth Eminent Persons Group) ​​​​​​​[Mandela's release should not be accompanied by an increase in violence] [released 2017]
PDF 86 Apr 10 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Ireland: No.10 record of conversation (MT,Tom King) [proposed reply to Molyneaux and Paisley] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 10 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Ireland: King PS letter to No.10 (draft reply to James Kilfedder MP) [proposal to write to the Queen requesting she host a Conference to resolve political deadlock in Northern Ireland post-Anglo/Irish Agreement] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 10 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Local Government: Mark Robinson letter to Baker ("Water privatisation: environmental protection") [White Paper on water privatisation: comments on draft consultation document about Paper's environmental protection proposals] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 10 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Parliament: Privy Council Office record of conversation ("Disabled Persons (Services, Consultation and Representation) Bill") [Whitelaw, Fowler, Biffen, Wakeham, Lord Denham, John Moore, Kenneth Clarke] [declassified Jul 2016]
PDF 86 Apr 10 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Parliament: Lord Hailsham letter to Whitelaw ("QL Legislative Programme 1986/87 Rate Support Grant Settlement 1986/87: Bill proposed for this Session by the Secretary of State for the Environment") [legislation requiring services of Parliamentary Draftsmen as a priority] [declassified Jul 2016]
PDF 86 Apr 10 Th Declassified documents Minor Archive (TNA) Portugal: President Soares of Portugal letter to MT (election to Presidency) [courtesy reply to MT letter of congratulations] [declassified Jul 2016]
PDF 86 Apr 10 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) South Korea: President Chun Doo Hwan message to MT (visit to UK) [courtesy note on departure home] [declassified Jul 2016]
PDF 86 Apr 10 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Nicaragua: UKE Washington telegram 882 to FCO (0430Z) ("US/Central America") [Oliver Wright record of conversation with Philip Habib] [declassified Nov 2016]
PDF 86 Apr 10 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) South Africa: UKE Cape Town telegram to FCO ("Commonwealth Group: message from President Botha") [Ambassador Moberly record of conversation with Pik Botha: "it was an assurance from the... [Commonwealth Group of Eminent Persons] rather than the ANC which the South African Government would be needing in regard to cessation of violence"] [declassified Feb 2016]
PDF 86 Apr 10 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) South Africa: President Botha letter to MT (Commonwealth Eminent Persons Group 'possible negotiating concept' and the cessation of violence) ["If... [we] could receive a definite assurance to the effect that violence would cease... [we] would be prepared to consider... the"possible negotiating concept" of the [CGEP]"] [declassified Feb 2016]
PDF 86 Apr 10 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cyprus: UKMIS New York telegram 346 to FCO (0020Z) ("Cyprus") [Perez de Cuellar 'extremely grateful' to MT for her support] [declassified Jul 2017]
PDF 86 Apr 10 Th Declassified documents Key Archive (Reagan Library) Libya: President Reagan letter to MT (Libyan terrorism) [thanks for seeing Walters] [declassified 2005]
PDF 86 Apr 10 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Reagan Library) Libya: North, Stark & others memo for Poindexter ("Letters regarding Libyan terrorism") [presidential letters to Mitterrand, Chirac, Kohl, Craxi, Gonzalez & MT] [declassified 2005]
PDF 86 Apr 10 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Australia: FCO minute to No.10 (“Visit of the Australian Prime Minister”) [declassified 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 10 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) European Policy: UKREP Brussels telegram to FCO (“Cheap Butter for Russia”) [declassified 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 10 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) International economic policy: UKDEL IMF telegram to FCO (“IMF: Interim Committee - informal session”) [declassified 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 10 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cabinet: Minutes of Full Cabinet - CC(86) 14th (Parliamentary Affairs, Foreign Affairs, defence estimates, health) [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 10 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: UKE Washington telegram 884 to FCO (0445Z) (“US-Soviet relations”) [“No date yet for summit, but summer not yet ruled out”] [released Dec 2015]
PDF 86 Apr 10 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Civil Service: Richard Luce letter to MT (“Discretionary Increments for Grades 2 and 3”) [“I favour the introduction of some form of discretionary performance-related element”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 10 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Civil Service: Keith Joseph letter to John MacGregor (Budgeting in Government Departments) [“need for flexibility”] [declassified 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 10 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Media: Press Digest for MT (Libya, Northern Ireland, GLC, Fulham by-election) [Reagan on brink of retaliation] [released 2017]
PDF 86 Apr 11 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Conservative Party: Brian Griffiths minute (“The 1979 and 1983 Manifestos”) [“Restoring the balance”; “The Road to Recovery”] [released 2017]
PDF 86 Apr 11 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Defence: Powell minute for MT ("Nimrod AEW") [briefing] [declassified 2014]
PDF 86 Apr 11 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Soviet Union: FCO briefing for MT ("Soviet Ambassador's Farewell Call") ["important to use Popov's farewell calls to (...) establish ourselves in Soviet eyes as independent interlocutors with views of our own"] [declassified Jul 2017]
PDF 86 Apr 11 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Prime Minister/DTI: Wicks briefing for MT ("Meeting with Secretary of State for Trade and Industry") [Channon in post for two months - "purpose of this general chat is to hear from him his current concerns"; shipbuilding; manifesto] [released Jul 2017]
PDF 86 Apr 11 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Falklands: UKE Montevideo telegram to FCO ("UK/Argentina - Restrictions") [declassified 2014]

Documents lie at the core of this website, each one dated and sorted chronologically (by default) in search results. Most are images in PDF format of original paper documents scanned or filmed for the site. There also transcripts of speeches and interviews, press articles, photos, videos, and more. The document database contains tens of thousands of items and permits complex searching.

Files are multi-page PDFs from which most of the documents on the site are selected. All of Mrs Thatcher’s official files from No.10 are available in full on this site (paper copies are stored at the National Archives in the series PREM19), as well as most of those of Geoffrey Howe and Nigel Lawson as Chancellor (stored at TNA as series T639 and T640).

Guides are articles about key events and topics. Many were written to accompany annual releases of Mrs Thatcher’s private and party papers at the Churchill Archive Centre in Cambridge.


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