

Showing items 701 - 800 of 839.

PDF 88 Sep 22 Th Press Major Commentary (Daily Telegraph) Europe/Bruges speech: “Untimely offensive” (leading article on Bruges speech)
PDF 88 Sep 22 Th Press Major Commentary (Daily Telegraph) Europe/Bruges speech: “Furore ignored as 'roughing-up' of EEC goes on” (Comparison with de Gaulle not an insult, says Thatcher)
PDF 88 Sep 22 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Europe/Bruges speech: “Europe fears battle ahead with Thatcher” ('Nightmare' of central control under attack)
PDF 88 Sep 25 Su Press Major Commentary (Sunday Times) Europe/Bruges speech: “Non! to the 'nightmare'” (news in focus)
PDF 88 Nov 1 Tu Press Major Archive (TNA) Public spending: Treasury press release ("Autumn Statement: Public Expenditure Plans") [outturn tables] [declassified Dec 2016]
PDF 88 Nov 1 Tu Press Major Archive (TNA) Public spending: Treasury press release ("Economic Prospects for 1989") [outturn tables] [declassified Dec 2016]
PDF 88 Dec 7 We Press Major Archive (TNA) Soviet Union: No.10 press release (Mr. Gorbachev's Address to the United Nations, 7 December 1988) [released Jul 2017]
PDF 88 Dec 13 Tu Press Major Archive (TNA) Broadcasting: Home Office press release ("Independent Television Levy") [proposed increase] [declassified Dec 2016]
PDF 88 Dec 14 We Press Major Archive (TNA) Broadcasting: Liberal Democrats political broadcast [unemployment] [declassified Jul 2017]
PDF 88 Dec 15 Th Press Major Archive (TNA) Community Charge: Department of the Environment press release ("Most households to pay less with the Community Charge") [60 percent will pay less than under rates, Gummer tells Commons]
Text 89 Jan 19 Th Press Major Shultz (George) Cold War: Understanding Ronald Reagan (Shultz memoirs)
PDF 89 Jun 5 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) China: "Thatcher tells of Britain's shock over the bloodbath" (statements by party leaders) ["Thousand feared dead as tanks crush heroic resistance"]
PDF 89 Jul 28 Fr Press Minor Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Northern Ireland Office press release ("The Day of Peace Must Surely Come") [publication of book on developments in Northern Ireland] [declassified Dec 2017]
PDF 89 Oct 19 Th Press Major Archive (TNA) European Policy: No.10 Press Office (cuttings faxed to PM's team in Kuala Lumpur) [Walters, EMS] [these copies declassified Jul 2018]
PDF 89 Oct 20 Fr Press Major Archive (TNA) European Policy: No.10 Press Office (cuttings faxed to PM's team in Kuala Lumpur) [Lawson, Howe in Commons; Walters, EMS] [these copies declassified Jul 2018]
PDF 89 Oct 21 Sa Press Major Archive (TNA) European Policy: No.10 Press Office (cuttings faxed to PM's team in Kuala Lumpur) [Walters, EMS] [these copies declassified Jul 2018]
PDF 89 Oct 22 Su Press Major Archive (TNA) European Policy: No.10 Press Office (cuttings faxed to PM's team in Kuala Lumpur) [Sunday press on Lawson and Walters, EMS] [these copies declassified Jul 2018]
Text 89 Nov 25 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Cold War: "Cold war 'will last until 2000'" (MT-Bush meeting at Camp David)
Text 89 Nov 26 Su Press Major Commentary (Sunday Times) Cold War: "Thatcher stands firm on boat people" (MT & Bush reported clash at Camp David)
Text 89 Dec 6 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Leadership election: "Victory with just a dent" (MT defeats Meyer)
Text 89 Dec 6 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Leadership election: "Clear-cut win as 314 vote for Thatcher" (MT defeats Meyer)
Text 89 Dec 6 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Cold War: "Bush moves swiftly to deny 'snub' over EC" (Bush calls MT)
PDF 90 Jun 18 Mo Press Major Archive (TNA) Broadcasting: Home Office press release ("Mellor Announces Changes to Broadcasting Bill on Moratorium on Takeovers and on Networking") [ITC power to impose a moratorium on takovers of C3 and c5 licensees] [declassified Dec 2016]
Text 90 Aug 2 Th Press Key Margaret Thatcher Gulf War: Visiting Aspen [memoirs extract]
Text 90 Aug 3 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Gulf War: "Thatcher urges UN to act tough" (MT in Aspen)
Text 90 Aug 3 Fr Press Minor Commentary (Boulder Daily Camera) US: "Durgin recalls Margaret Thatcher's visit to Boulder" [2012 account of a 90 minute stop at National Center for Atmospheric Research]
Text 90 Aug 5 Su Press Major Commentary (Sunday Times) Gulf War: "Rape of the Gulf" (Insight account of Iraqi invasion of Kuwait)
Text 90 Aug 6 Mo Press Key Margaret Thatcher Gulf War: Bush-Thatcher meeting in Washington [memoirs extract]
Text 90 Aug 26 Su Press Major Margaret Thatcher Gulf War: Bush-Thatcher phone conversation (no time to go wobbly) [memoirs extract]
Text 90 Sep 30 Su Press Major Margaret Thatcher Gulf War: MT-Bush meeting in New York [memoirs extract]
Text 90 Nov 9 Fr Press Major Margaret Thatcher Gulf War: MT meeting with Jim Baker (reinforcing British deployment) [memoirs extract]
PDF 90 Nov 16 Fr Press Major Archive (TNA) Broadcasting: IBA press release ("Merger between BSB and Sky") [breach of BSB's programme contract] [declassified Dec 2017]
Text 90 Nov 20 Tu Press Key Thatcher memoirs Falling from power: Hearing the result of the first ballot [memoirs extract]
Text 90 Nov 22 Th Press Key Thatcher memoirs Falling from power: Cabinet overboard [memoirs extract]
Text 90 Nov 23 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Falling from power: "America astonished by fall of loyal ally" (reaction from Reagan & Bush)
Text 91 Mar 14 Th Press Minor Newton (Helmut) MT: Helmut Newton Autobiography (extract) [portrait of MT taken at Anaheim]
PDF 92 Mar 17 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) "The lady sails proudly away" [MT's final appearance in the House of Commons; tidying the despatch box]
Text 93 Oct 3 Su Press Key Commentary (Scotland on Sunday) Leadership elections: “Thatcher: The Inside Story” (George Younger’s recollections of 1989-90)
Text 94 Mar 1 Tu Press Major Sir Brian Harrison MT: “Mrs Thatcher and the Intellectuals”
Text 96 Sep 22 Su Press Major Commentary (Sunday Times) Cold War: “Germany? Maggie was absolutely right” (Norman Stone on 1990 Chequers Germany seminar)
Text 98 Oct 1 Th Press Minor Collins (Christopher) Editorial policy of site: Preface to Complete Public Statements of Margaret Thatcher, 1945-90 on CD-ROM (Oxford University Press, 1998)
PDF 01 Feb 26 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Gulf War: "We should have finished job, says Thatcher" (tenth anniversary of liberating Kuwait) [MT & John Major speak at British Embassy in Kuwait City]
Text 03 Jan 26 Su Press Major Commentary (The Times) Obituary: Younger [George] (1931-2003) [Scottish Secretary 1979-86, Defence Secretary 1986-89]
Text 03 Jun 26 Th Press Key Commentary (Daily Telegraph & BBC) Obituary: Thatcher [Sir Denis] (1915-2003)
Text 03 Jun 27 Fr Press Key Commentary (Daily Telegraph) MT & DT: “Denis - a sound judge of men who chose a great woman” (Bill Deedes tribute)
Text 04 Jun 5 Sa Press Key Commentary (The Times) Obituary: Reagan [Ronald] (1911-2004) [US President 1981-89]
Text 04 Nov 6 Sa Press Major Commentary (ABC News & MSNBC) Obituary: Reagan [Ronald] (ABC & MSNBC coverage of MT's role at funeral)
Text 04 Nov 14 Su Press Major Commentary (The Times) MT: “Slimeballs always hate a strong woman” (Julie Burchill)
PDF 05 Mar 24 Th Press Major Unwin (Peter) Cold War: Interview with Peter Unwin (UK Ambassador to Hungary, 1983-86; to Copenhagen, 1986-89; Deputy Sec-Gen Commonwealth, 1989-93)
Text 05 Jun 17 Fr Press Minor Commentary (The Times) MT & Reagan: “Old friends united by one man” (MT sees Nancy Reagan)
Text 05 Jul 17 Su Press Key Commentary (The Times) Obituary: Heath [Edward] (1916-2005) [Prime Minister 1970-74]
Text 05 Oct 3 Mo Press Minor Commentary (The Times) MT: “Lady Thatcher embroiled in US corruption probe” (Tom DeLay)
Text 05 Oct 10 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) MT at 80: “‘You’re not invited’, Thatcher tells Cameron and Clarke” (80th birthday party)
Text 05 Oct 11 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Obituary: Seldon [Arthur] (1916-2005) [free market thinker & IEA co-founder]
Text 05 Oct 12 We Press Major Commentary (Daily Telegraph) MT at 80: “The mellowing of Margaret Thatcher” (Charles Moore profile)
Text 05 Oct 14 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) MT at 80: “The ultimate Eighties revival night” (80th birthday party)
Text 05 Oct 20 Th Press Minor Commentary (The Times) MT at 80: “Thatcher and Gorbachev take a short stroll down memory lane” (meeting in London)
Text 05 Nov 3 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Cold War: “Thatcher plotted to block German unity, says Kohl” (Kohl memoirs published)
Text 05 Nov 4 Fr Press Minor Commentary (The Times) Northern Ireland: “McCartney sisters boycott awards to avoid Thatcher” (Irish Republican protest)
Text 05 Nov 12 Sa Press Minor Commentary (The Times) MT: “Glamour and talent of the lord of the photos” (tribute to Patrick, Lord Lichfield)
Text 05 Nov 19 Sa Press Minor Commentary (The Times) MT: “Lonely Black looks in vain for friends in need” (US fraud charges)
Text 05 Nov 20 Su Press Major Commentary (Sunday Times) Falklands: “The Sphinx and the curious case of the Iron Lady’s H-bomb” (memoirs of Mitterrand’s psychoanalyst)
Text 05 Nov 26 Sa Press Minor Commentary (The Times) MT: “‘Bush Oysters’ and nature&#146s call prove route to a nation&#146s heart” (Carol Thatcher on “I&#146m a Celebrity ... Get Me Out of Here!”)
Text 05 Dec 6 Tu Press Minor Commentary (The Times) MT: “Thatcher takes jungle seat with yet another landslide victory” (Carol Thatcher wins “I&#146m a Celebrity ... Get Me Out of Here!”)
Text 05 Dec 8 Th Press Minor Commentary (The Times) MT: “Baroness Thatcher ‘comfortable’” (dizzy spell)
Text 05 Dec 9 Fr Press Minor Commentary (The Times) MT: “Thatcher leaves hospital, feels ‘fine’” (health scare)
Text 05 Dec 28 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Conservatism: “Exorcise these Tory ghosts” (expunging Thatcherite rhetoric)
Text 06 Jan 1 Su Press Major Commentary (Sunday Times) Conservatism: “Blair is fading away to a dubious place in history” (Portillo compares Blair & MT)
Text 06 Jan 2 Mo Press Minor Commentary (The Times) Conservatism: “Cameron breaks with Thatcherite past in about-turn over health policy” (drops patient passport)
Text 06 Jan 6 Fr Press Minor Commentary (The Times) Conservatism: "Grandees rally to Thatcher" (direction of policy under David Cameron)
Text 06 Jan 29 Su Press Minor Commentary (Sunday Times) MT: "Maxwell tried to get Thatcher to bail him out" (1990 MT meeting with Robert Maxwell)
Text 06 Jan 31 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Conservatism: "Win centre ground or failure is inevitable, Tories told" (David Cameron Demos speech)
Text 06 Feb 8 We Press Minor Commentary (The Times) Foreign policy: "Has the Foreign Office had its day?" (Churchill College seminar)
Text 06 Feb 16 Th Press Minor Commentary (The Times) Conservatism: "Overlooked back home, Thatcher's legacy seeks haven in the US" (Conservatives rebuild relations with Republicans)
Text 06 Mar 11 Sa Press Minor Commentary (The Times) MT: "Gratitude and much respect at end of journey to redemption" (death of John Profumo)
Text 06 Mar 12 Su Press Major Commentary (Sunday Times) Economy: "How Maggie beat the experts" (25th anniversary of 1981 budget)
Text 06 Mar 13 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Economy: "It was bold, it was brutal, but who was proved right in 1981?" (25th anniversary of 1981 budget)
Text 06 Mar 15 We Press Major Commentary (Daily Telegraph) Economy: "How 364 economists got it totally wrong" (25th anniversary of 1981 budget)
Text 06 Mar 16 Th Press Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) IEA Seminar (25th anniversary of 1981 budget) [Andrew Alexander, Terry Burns, David Laws, Stephen Nickell, Michael Oliver & Geoffrey Wood]
Text 06 Mar 28 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Obituary: Weinberger [Caspar] (1917-2006) [long-time US friend & ally of MT]
Text 06 Apr 6 Th Press Major Rumsfeld (Donald) Obituary: Weinberger [Caspar] (Donald Rumsfeld Eulogy)
Text 06 May 22 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Economy: “Cameron draws line under Thatcher policies” (‘General Well-Being’ versus GDP)
Text 06 Jun 13 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Obituary: Haughey [Charles] (1925-2006) [former Irish Taoiseach]
Text 06 Jul 31 Mo Press Minor Commentary (The Times) MT: “BBC to ban repeats of Ross versus Cameron” (controversial interview comments on MT)
Text 06 Aug 8 Tu Press Minor Commentary (The Times) MT: “Thatcher state funeral plan denied” (‘no such plans’)
Text 06 Aug 26 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Obituary: Sherman [Sir Alfred] (1919-2006) [key 1970s advisor to MT]
Text 06 Aug 28 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) South Africa: "Cameron disowns Thatcher's policy on apartheid" (ANC not terrorists)
Text 06 Aug 29 Tu Press Trivial Commentary (BBC) MT: "Maggie rated best Prime Minister of 20th Century" (by BBC History Magazine )
Text 06 Aug 30 We Press Minor Commentary (The Times) Obituary: Monro [Hector] (1922-2006) [Scottish Conservative stalwart]
Text 06 Aug 31 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Obituary: Sherman [Sir Alfred] (appreciation by Bruce Anderson)
Text 06 Sep 12 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Foreign policy: “Cameron and Thatcher divided over ‘slavish’ special relationship” (Cameron speech & MT 9/11 statement)
Text 06 Oct 2 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Conservatism: “We can never return to the policies of the Thatcher era, says Cameron” (Cameron party conference speech)
Text 06 Oct 19 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Obituary: Harris [Lord Ralph] (1924-2006)
Text 06 Oct 30 Mo Press Trivial Commentary (The Times) MT: “Maggie, the born queen of the desert” (Carol Thatcher has 24 per cent Middle Eastern DNA)
Text 06 Nov 16 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Obituary: Friedman [Milton] (1912-2006)
Text 06 Nov 22 We Press Minor Commentary (The Times) Obituary: Peyton [John] (1919-2006) [1975 Conservative leadership candidate]
Text 06 Dec 11 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Chile: “General Pinochet, 91, dies awaiting trial for murder” (MT “greatly saddened” by his death)
Text 07 Jan 8 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Obituary: Cockfield [Arthur] (1916-2007) [Conservative tax expert & European Commissioner 1985-89]
Text 07 Jan 27 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Obituary: Channon [Paul] (1935-2007) [Trade & Industry Secretary 1986-89]
Text 07 Feb 8 Th Press Minor Commentary (RAF News) Cold War: “Freezing temperatures as Cold War Exhibition opens” [MT at RAF Cosford]

Documents lie at the core of this website, each one dated and sorted chronologically (by default) in search results. Most are images in PDF format of original paper documents scanned or filmed for the site. There also transcripts of speeches and interviews, press articles, photos, videos, and more. The document database contains tens of thousands of items and permits complex searching.

Files are multi-page PDFs from which most of the documents on the site are selected. All of Mrs Thatcher’s official files from No.10 are available in full on this site (paper copies are stored at the National Archives in the series PREM19), as well as most of those of Geoffrey Howe and Nigel Lawson as Chancellor (stored at TNA as series T639 and T640).

Guides are articles about key events and topics. Many were written to accompany annual releases of Mrs Thatcher’s private and party papers at the Churchill Archive Centre in Cambridge.


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