

Showing items 601 - 700 of 839.

PDF 85 Feb 26 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Pit strike is abandoned by a record 3,807 men” [large return of miners to work]
PDF 85 Feb 26 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Miners return in mood of despair” [mass return to work]
PDF 85 Feb 26 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Man fined 25 for Scargill bearhug” [man fined for grabbing Scargill]
PDF 85 Feb 27 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Miners strike near to collapse in militant areas” [little prospect of resumption of negotiations; strike near collapse]
PDF 85 Feb 28 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Scargill’s gift to Thatcher” Ronald Butt article]
PDF 85 Mar 1 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “NUM delegates face calls for return without deal” [strike could end without agreement]
PDF 85 Mar 1 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Sunday Times) Coal: “Scargill’s union link with East gets closer” [Scargill seeks international miner organisation]
PDF 85 Mar 2 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Miners set for big march-back next week” [massive return to coalfields predicted]
PDF 85 Mar 2 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Fight will go if strike ends, Scargill says” [Scargill pledges strike will go on]
PDF 85 Mar 4 Mo Press Key Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Strike ends but Scargill defiant” [NUM vote to end strike without agreement]
PDF 85 Mar 4 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Where Arthur doesn’t box clever” [Atkinson article]
PDF 85 Mar 4 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Walker says no gloating” [Energy Secretary rejects talk of victory]
PDF 85 Mar 4 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Sun) Coal: “New bid to topple Arthur” [moderate pitmen plan to force out Scargill]
PDF 85 Mar 4 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Sun) Coal: “Lest we forget” [Sun story on strike violence]
PDF 85 Mar 4 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Sun) Coal: “Face of defeat” [Scargill caves in]
PDF 85 Mar 5 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Kinnock opposes amnesty” [Kinnock rejects amnesty for convicted strikers]
PDF 85 Mar 5 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Battle to continue in Scotland and Kent” [miners in Scotland and Kent carry on strike]
PDF 85 Mar 5 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Why pit peace means danger” [Leader article]
PDF 85 Mar 5 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Scargill may face re-election” [legal process started to force Scargill to face re-election]
PDF 85 Mar 6 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Scargill: the fighter who led from the front” [David Felton article]
PDF 85 Mar 6 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Coal board says 85 percent of miners are back on first day of return to work” [85 percent of miners back to work; flying pickets remain in Wales and Yorkshire over amnesty]
PDF 85 Mar 6 We Press Major Commentary (The Sun) Coal: “Arthur the grand old duke of York” [Scargill marches up hill with men returning to work]
PDF 85 Mar 7 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Day of reckoning for returned pitmen accused of strike offences” [miners interviewed about offences that could lead to dismissal]
PDF 85 Mar 7 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Building on victory” [Leader article]
PDF 85 Mar 9 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Why moderate coal field blew gaping hole in strike” [Nottinghamshire defiance severely harmed strike]
PDF 85 Mar 10 Su Press Major Commentary (The Sunday Times) Coal: “Scargill still miners' choice ” [poll shows Scargill would win re-election]
PDF 85 Mar 12 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Case by Case examination by NCB” [Walker states NCB will look at individual cases dismissal]
PDF 85 Mar 13 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Welsh pickets defy court order” [strikers ignore limitations of pickets to six by High Court]
PDF 85 Mar 14 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Scottish dismissals “must stand”” [Scottish NCB state no amnesty for strikers dismissed]
PDF 85 Mar 14 Th Press Major Commentary (The Sun) Cold War: “Mrs T meets Mr G!” (“One hour of talking opens way for US”) [Chernenko funeral]
PDF 85 Mar 16 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Time to heal the wounds” [Leader article]
PDF 85 Mar 19 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Rebels defy NUM vote on 50p levy” [Nottinghamshire miners vote against funding dismissed miners]
PDF 85 Mar 20 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Lawson puts the final cost at £2,500m” [Chancellor puts costs of strike to public spending of 2.5 billion]
PDF 85 Mar 27 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “50p pit levy is rejected in ballot” [miners vote against levy; taken as criticism of union leadership]
PDF 85 Mar 29 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “NCB reveals secret plan that kept coal moving during miners’ strike” [secret planning to move coal supplies revealed]
PDF 85 Mar 29 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Pit victory claimed by Scargill” [strike had politicised thousands of young men and women]
PDF 85 Mar 31 Su Press Major Commentary (The Sunday Times) Coal: “Why Scargill vetoed ballot” [Scargill admits national ballot would have been lost]
PDF 85 Sep 3 Tu Press Major Commentary (Sun) Reshuffle: “Why I had to switch Leon, by Maggie” (not a demotion)
PDF 85 Sep 3 Tu Press Major Commentary (Financial Times) Reshuffle: “Brittan, a minister with mind of his own” (profile)
PDF 85 Sep 3 Tu Press Major Commentary (Times) Reshuffle: “Young and Clarke join forces to cut dole queues” (“Hurd takes over from Brittan in Government reshuffle”)
PDF 85 Sep 18 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Conservative Party: “Fund raiser returns to Tory HQ” [McAlpine feud wtih Gummer]
PDF 85 Sep 24 Tu Press Major Archive (TNA) Local Government: Press agency report (“Liverpool Strike Cancelled”) [declassified 2014]
Text 85 Oct 21 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) South Africa: “Thatcher refuses to budge over sanctions” [arguments at Nassau CHOGM]
Text 85 Oct 22 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) South Africa: Summit accord on apartheid hailed as key step [outcome of Nassau CHOGM]
Text 85 Nov 20 We Press Major Shultz (George) Cold War: Geneva (Reagan-Gorbachev) Summit (Shultz memoirs)
PDF 85 Dec 3 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Westland: “Westland likely to cut 750 jobs as Heseltine pushes rescue” (board “not enthusiastic ” about European grouping)
PDF 85 Dec 14 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Westland: “Westland rejects Heseltine package” (board in “head-on conflict with its principal customer”)
PDF 85 Dec 16 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Westland: “Westland deal backed by cabinet” (board decision for Sikorksky deal “has the Government’s full endorsement and support”)
PDF 85 Dec 16 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Westland: “Battle on the Westland front” (Rodney Cowton explains the Heseltine-Brittan clash)
PDF 85 Dec 17 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Westland: “Brittan says ploy on Westland was overruled” (Commons statement)
PDF 85 Dec 17 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Westland: “Heseltine brushes aside resignation questions” (press conference in his MOD office)
PDF 85 Dec 17 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Westland: “A blur of blades” (second leader)
PDF 85 Dec 17 Tu Press Major Commentary (Daily Mail) Westland: “Defiant Heseltine puts job at risk” (“collision course” with MT)
PDF 85 Dec 18 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Westland: “Heseltine throws down gauntlet on Westland deal” (“Brittan accused by critics of ‘misleading Commons’”) [Haviland & Bevins articles]
PDF 85 Dec 18 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) City: “Unclean Air” [First Leader - “some deeply worrying discords in the tone of public life”; Sedgmore allegations]
PDF 85 Dec 19 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Westland: “MPs support Heseltine in Westland campaign” (“Rescue deal signed with Sikorsky”)
PDF 85 Dec 20 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Westland: “European bid fuels Westland battle” (European consortium plan to be published today)
PDF 85 Dec 20 Fr Press Major Commentary (Sun) Westland: “Has Tarzan fallen out of his tree?” (profile)
PDF 85 Dec 20 Fr Press Major Commentary (Daily Mail) Westland: “Premier orders Heseltine to shut up” (“Cabinet backs Westland rescue by US firm”)
PDF 85 Dec 20 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) City: “Sense for the City” [First Leader - Financial Services Bill published]
PDF 85 Dec 20 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) City: “Lloyd’s interests ‘a viper’s nest’” [Brian Sedgemore in Commons debate]
PDF 85 Dec 20 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) City: “Brittan acts to block further City scandals” [Financial Services Bill published]
PDF 85 Dec 21 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Westland: “Rival bid for Westland ‘vindicates Heseltine’” (European rescue terms published)
PDF 85 Dec 21 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) City: “City doubts that SRO system will work” [response to publication of Financial Services Bill]
PDF 85 Dec 23 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Westland: “Heseltine scents victory over Westland rescue” (Brittan “faces Cabinet isolation on the issue”)
PDF 85 Dec 26 Th Press Minor Archive (TNA) Westland: Press Association tape (Heseltine cancels holiday) [needed at home] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Dec 27 Fr Press Major Archive (TNA) Westland: Press Association tape (developments) [new European move; bribery claim by Teddy Taylor] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Dec 27 Fr Press Major Commentary (Sun) Westland: “‘Tarzan’ swings it in war over copter firm” (MT said to be irritated at Brittan’s attitude)
PDF 85 Dec 29 Su Press Major Commentary (Sunday Times) Westland: “Heseltine pressures Thatcher on Westland ” (circulates cabinet memo urging government express preference for European package)
PDF 85 Dec 29 Su Press Major Commentary (Sunday Express) Westland: “Maggie fury over Heseltine” (“in a mood last night to sack him”; Gordon Reece role)
PDF 85 Dec 31 Tu Press Major Commentary (Daily Mail) Westland: “Heseltine is ready to quit”
Text 86 Jan 28 Tu Press Major Her Majesty's Government Green Paper on Local Government Finance ("Paying for Local Government") [origins of Community Charge]
PDF 86 Apr 9 We Press Major Archive (TNA) Broadcasting: Conservative Party political broadcast [what would Britain be like under Labour or the Alliance] [declassified Jul 2017]
Text 86 Apr 15 Tu Press Key Shultz (George) Cold War: US bombing of Libya (Shultz memoirs)
PDF 86 Apr 23 We Press Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Peter Barry press statement (murder of RUC member) [condemns PIRA attack] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 86 May 28 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Cold War: “US scraps subs for Salt treaty” [Reagan “warned Moscow he will no longer abide by the limit of the Salt 2 treaty if the Russians continue to violate it”]
PDF 86 Sep 3 We Press Major Archive (TNA) Broadcasting: Social Democratic Party political broadcast [pensions, arts funding] [declassified Jul 2017]
Text 86 Oct 12 Su Press Key Shultz (George) Cold War: Reykjavik (Reagan-Gorbachev) Summit (Shultz memoirs)
PDF 86 Oct 14 Tu Press Major Archive (TNA) Broadcasting: Labour Party political broadcast [Labour agenda for national recovery] [declassified Jul 2017]
PDF 86 Oct 30 Th Press Major Archive (TNA) Monetary Policy: Philips and Drew Economic Unit press release ("Sterling Threat to Chancellor's Tax Hopes") [can Lawson get away with a pre-election tax-cutting Budget] [declassified Jul 2016]
PDF 86 Nov 13 Th Press Minor Archive (TNA) Monetary Policy: Morgan Stanley press release ("An Opportunity in Gilts") [UK bond market looks attractive] [declassified Jul 2016]
Text 86 Nov 16 Su Press Major Commentary (Sunday Times) Cold War: "Thatcher wins Reagan pledge to sell Trident" (Camp David meeting)
Text 86 Nov 17 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Cold War: "Thatcher talks fail to bridge chasm" & "Reagan tells Thatcher Soviet-US deal would not affect UK deterrent" (Camp David meeting)
PDF 86 Dec 3 We Press Major Archive (TNA) Broadcasting: Labour Party political broadcast [nuclear missiles] [declassified Jul 2017]
PDF 87 Apr 29 We Press Major Archive (TNA) Broadcasting: Labour Party political broadcast [education, health, pensions] [declassified Jul 2017]
PDF 87 Apr 30 Th Press Major Archive (TNA) Broadcasting: SDP Liberal Alliance political broadcast [unemployment, crime, health] [declassified Jul 2017]
PDF 87 May 20 We Press Major Archive (TNA) Broadcasting: SDP Liberal Alliance political broadcast [unemployment, pensions, crime, health] [declassified Jul 2017]
PDF 87 May 28 Th Press Major Archive (TNA) Broadcasting: SDP Liberal Alliance political broadcast [education, teachers] [declassified Jul 2017]
PDF 87 May 28 Th Press Major Archive (TNA) Broadcasting: Labour Party political broadcast [health service] [declassified Jul 2017]
PDF 87 Jul 29 We Press Major Archive (TNA) Broadcasting: Liberal Party political broadcast [by-election victories] [declassified Jul 2017]
PDF 87 Nov 17 Tu Press Major Archive (TNA) Community Charge: Department of the Environment News Release ("Domestic Rates to be abolished in most areas of England in 1990") [Ridley written answer to Jeff Rooker] [declassified Feb 2018]
PDF 87 Nov 28 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) MT: “No slowing Mrs Thatcher” [feels faint at Buckingham Palace]
Text 87 Dec 10 Th Press Major Shultz (George) Cold War: Washington (Reagan-Gorbachev) Summit (Shultz memoirs)
PDF 88 May 5 Th Press Major Archive (TNA) Broadcasting: Labour Party political broadcast [health service] [declassified Jul 2017]
PDF 88 May 25 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Sterling policy: "Lawson pledges sterling stability" [inflation, sterling stability, EMS support]
PDF 88 May 25 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Sterling policy: "Lawson pledges sterling stability" [inflation, sterling stability, EMS support] test
Text 88 Jun 1 We Press Major Shultz (George) Cold War: Moscow (Reagan-Gorbachev) Summit (Shultz memoirs)
PDF 88 Sep 21 We Press Major Commentary (Daily Telegraph) Europe: “Thatcher signals fight to stop EEC superstate” (Bruges speech)
PDF 88 Sep 21 We Press Major Commentary (Daily Telegraph) Europe/Bruges speech: “Riding roughshod over Continental hypocrisy” (Bruce Anderson on Bruges speech)
PDF 88 Sep 21 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Europe/Bruges speech: “Thatcher hits at 'Identikit' European union” (Delors' dream of a superstate scorned)

Documents lie at the core of this website, each one dated and sorted chronologically (by default) in search results. Most are images in PDF format of original paper documents scanned or filmed for the site. There also transcripts of speeches and interviews, press articles, photos, videos, and more. The document database contains tens of thousands of items and permits complex searching.

Files are multi-page PDFs from which most of the documents on the site are selected. All of Mrs Thatcher’s official files from No.10 are available in full on this site (paper copies are stored at the National Archives in the series PREM19), as well as most of those of Geoffrey Howe and Nigel Lawson as Chancellor (stored at TNA as series T639 and T640).

Guides are articles about key events and topics. Many were written to accompany annual releases of Mrs Thatcher’s private and party papers at the Churchill Archive Centre in Cambridge.


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