

Showing items 301 - 400 of 839.

PDF 84 May 15 Tu Press Minor Commentary (The Times) Coal: "20,000 in miners' protest march" [strikers gather in Mansfield for a mass demonstration]
PDF 84 May 16 We Press Trivial Commentary (The Sun) Coal: “Happiness is a hamlet called Scargill” [report on town called Scargill]
PDF 84 May 17 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Scargill’s wife on picket charge” [Scargill’s wife banned from picketing]
PDF 84 May 18 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Police teams to fight intimidation of working miners” [teams of detectives being formed]
PDF 84 May 18 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Thatcher defends decision of NCB to import coke” [Defends NCB importing 175,000 tonnes of coal from US]
PDF 84 May 19 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Unions must obey law, Kinnock says” [Criticised Thatcher for intervention; unionists should not scorn legality]
PDF 84 May 19 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Whose Plan For Coal?” [Editorial]
PDF 84 May 20 Su Press Major Commentary (The Sun) Coal: “Scargill seeks foreign support” [Scargill meets international union representatives]
PDF 84 May 21 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Pit strikers would vote to return now, mines survey indicates” [pithead polls tend towards end to strike]
PDF 84 May 23 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Scargill to meet coal board” [leader and NCB to meet for first time since strike began]
PDF 84 May 26 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Notts miners win right-to-work orders from court” [High court confirms workers cannot be instructed to strike by their union]
PDF 84 May 27 Su Press Minor Commentary (Sunday Times) Coal: "Scargill: has to rest" [a horoscope for Scargill]
PDF 84 May 29 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Coal board aims at turning talks into all-out peace drive” [Two sides prepare for negotiations]
PDF 84 May 30 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Thatcher had secret plan to handle strike” [Government had plans for strike three years ago]
PDF 84 May 31 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Scargill’s arrest and pit riot shatter peace hope” [hopes for settlement fade with violence; Scargill arrested]
PDF 84 Jun 1 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Thatcher sees no early settlement” [Thatcher sees no prospect of settlement; insists she will not intervene]
PDF 84 Jun 4 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Unions angry over Government’s strike vote scheme” [anger over intent to tighten law on strike ballots]
PDF 84 Jun 7 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “The myths mined by Mr Scargill” [Ronald Butt article]
PDF 84 Jun 11 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: "Compromise ruled out by Scargill" [Scargill will accept nothing but total victory]
PDF 84 Jun 12 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Pit package promises higher pay and output for job cuts” [NCB prepares new plan]
PDF 84 Jun 15 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “One in 3 defiant says NCB” [limited return to work by striking miners; one in three still working however]
PDF 84 Jun 18 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Steelmen to defy Scargill threat” [Steel unions to reject cutting down coal supplies]
PDF 84 Jun 20 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Thatcher refuses to yield over Orgreave mob” [criticises mob violence at Orgreave]
PDF 84 Jun 20 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: "Total blockade call as miners move against steel plants" [NUM call on transport unions to blockade steelworks]
PDF 84 Jun 21 Th Press Major Commentary (The Sun) Coal: “Kinnock blasts Scargill” [Kinnock criticises Scargill]
PDF 84 Jun 22 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “MacGregor in “no victory” warning to NUM” [insists NUM will not win in letter delivered to 178,000 miners]
PDF 84 Jun 23 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Government backs MacGregor tactic” [government gives public support to attempt to break strike]
PDF 84 Jun 23 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: "Scargill at head of the funeral" [Scargill leads 8000 miners at Joe Green's funeral]
PDF 84 Jun 25 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Pits strike hits growth forecast” [strike reduced GDP growth]
PDF 84 Jun 26 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: "'My greatest day" [Scargill interview by New Left Review on memories of Saltley]
PDF 84 Jun 28 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Steelmen defy Scargill” [Llanwern steel workers reject Scargill call to halt protection]
PDF 84 Jun 29 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: "'Star chamber' move could split miners" [Scargill pursues new power to expel uncooperative pits from NUM]
PDF 84 Jun 30 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “No accord between NUM and steelmen” [no agreement on coal supplies to steelworks]
PDF 84 Jul 1 Su Press Major Commentary (News of the World) Coal: “Exclusive: Arthur Scargill puts his case” [“If the miners lose, you will all suffer”]
PDF 84 Jul 2 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Ministers step up attacks on pit violence” [government condemns intimidation]
PDF 84 Jul 3 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Steel unions snub miners and pledge to keep up output; Coal Board says 2,000 men volunteer for redundancy” [Steel unions reject sympathetic action; 2000 accept redundancy]
PDF 84 Jul 4 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Lorry drivers defy union advice” [lorry drivers ignore calls to strike]
PDF 84 Jul 4 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “NCB advert in Times” [How the miners have been misled (part 1)]
PDF 84 Jul 5 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “NCB advert in Times” [How the miners have been misled (part 2)]
PDF 84 Jul 5 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Benn told: stop licking Scargill’s boots” [Benn questioned in Commons over support for Scargill and not steel leader]
PDF 84 Jul 5 Th Press Minor Commentary (The Times) Coal: "Scargill as star of micro game" [company launches computer game featuring Scargill]
PDF 84 Jul 6 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Help the miners beat Scargill” [David Hart article]
PDF 84 Jul 6 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “NCB advert in Times” [How the miners have been misled (part 3)]
PDF 84 Jul 7 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “NCB advert in Times” [How the miners have been misled (part 4)]
PDF 84 Jul 8 Su Press Major Commentary (Sunday Times) Coal: "Scargill sticks out for total victory" [amid NCB talks, Scargill declares "we are going to win"]
PDF 84 Jul 9 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Sun) Coal: “Is Arthur cracking up” [Ian MacGregor said he is worried about Scargill’s mental health]
PDF 84 Jul 10 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Dock strike starts today as pit talks fail again; MacGregor in appeal to NUM” [Dock strike over supply of coal; appeal to accept settlement]
PDF 84 Jul 11 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Miners set to defy court over militant meeting” [miners leaders ignore high court ruling]
PDF 84 Jul 11 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “NCB advert in Times” [How the miners have been misled (part 5)]
PDF 84 Jul 12 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: "Scargill denounces 'blatant state interference' in miners' strike" [Scargill accuses state organs of anti-union conspiracy]
PDF 84 Jul 14 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “NUM faces more legal action” [NUM faces legal action over plans to introduce “courts” for rebel action]
PDF 84 Jul 14 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Sun) Coal: “Lies they tell about Scargill” [Union responds to Scargill rumours]
PDF 84 Jul 15 Su Press Major Commentary (Sunday Times) Coal: "What drives Arthur Scargill?" [Andrew Stephen probes Scargill's background and philosophy]
PDF 84 Jul 16 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Coal board dismay over talks” [dismay over militant tone during negotiations]
PDF 84 Jul 17 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Crisis talks bring in 14 ministers” [MISC 101 secret meeting]
PDF 84 Jul 18 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “NCB closes ranks on “final offer” to miners” [NCB supports MacGregor's no surrender policy]
PDF 84 Jul 20 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Thatcher makes Falklands link - Attack on enemy within” [coverage of “enemy within&rdquo speech]
PDF 84 Jul 20 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “There IS A War On” [Times leader article]
PDF 84 Jul 20 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: Peter Walker article for The Times (“Scargill’s challenge to us all”) [“contempt for parliamentary democracy and desire to seize power”] [released 2014]
PDF 84 Jul 23 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Pit talks halted for board's campaign” [NCB halts talks during back-to-work campaign]
PDF 84 Jul 25 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Working miners in secret campaign for a return to pits” [dissident pitmen tour coal fields in attempt to end strike]
PDF 84 Jul 27 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Labour MP seeks pit strike ballot” [MP calls for national ballot]
PDF 84 Jul 27 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Coal board’s offer rejected, strike may be stepped up” [miner leaders reject NCB offer]
PDF 84 Jul 27 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Sun) Coal: “We'll tighten the Knot, says Scargill” [miners reject peace offer]
PDF 84 Jul 30 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Unions seek TUC campaign to defeat Thatcher” [industrial action campaign proposed to bring down government]
PDF 84 Aug 1 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Seizure of NUM funds start today” [confiscation of funds to pay fines]
PDF 84 Aug 1 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Thatcher onslaught on Kinnock reunites Tories” [Thatcher speech re-establishes authority]
PDF 84 Aug 2 Th Press Major Commentary (News of the World) Coal: “Scargill talks with Kinnock” [Scargill meets Kinnock at Commons]
PDF 84 Aug 3 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “MacGregor ready to withdraw “final” pit offer” [failure of back-to-work campaign; MacGregor expected to withdraw offer]
PDF 84 Aug 3 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Thatcher softens tone on mines” [PM sees no reason for strike continuing; inflation expected to reduce once ended]
PDF 84 Aug 3 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Thatcher postpones Far East trip to tackle strike crisis” [PM postpones trip]
PDF 84 Aug 6 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Coal board refuses to grant permits for private sector mining” [NCB doesn’t grant private open-cast permits]
PDF 84 Aug 6 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Rail unions to ask TUC for blockade to support miners” [attempt to seek halt to movement of coke, coal and iron]
PDF 84 Aug 8 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Rebels seek order for secret ballot on miners’ strike” [High court to be asked to enforce national ballot]
PDF 84 Aug 8 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: "Figured out" [top Scargill researcher quits]
PDF 84 Aug 9 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Union coordinated picket violence, says police chief” [police blames NUM for violence]
PDF 84 Aug 9 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: "Pitted fruit" [NUM begged not to accept illegal LSE SU donation]
PDF 84 Aug 11 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “National docks strike threatened as union tries to stop coal ship; secret committee attacks NUM” [breakdown in NUM/Steel talks; secret Lancashire working miner group criticises NUM]
PDF 84 Aug 11 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Miners to ask TUC for total support as funds run out” [NUM appeals to TUC for funds]
PDF 84 Aug 11 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: "Strike 'enforced by mobs'" [Walker says NUM are paying mobs to stop workers]
PDF 84 Aug 12 Su Press Minor Commentary (Sunday Times) Coal: "Trials of a star-crossed trio" [horoscopes of MacGregor, Thatcher and Scargill]
PDF 84 Aug 14 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Drift back at Bilston Glen heartens NCB” [increasing return to work]
PDF 84 Aug 14 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Kinnock pours scorn on “big bang” protest” [Kinnock criticises idea of united union effort against government]
PDF 84 Aug 14 Tu Press Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Press tape story (Galvin incident) [Prior takes responsibility for mistakes]
PDF 84 Aug 15 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Pit moderates to help plan rolling return to work” [plan to use moderates to encourage return to work]
PDF 84 Aug 16 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Scots pit faces lost, coal board claims” [two mines to be abandoned due to strike neglect]
PDF 84 Aug 17 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Left attacks Kinnock on miners’ dispute” [left-wing criticisms of Kinnock for denunciations of picket violence]
PDF 84 Aug 17 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Are the pit rebels winning?” [Routledge article]
PDF 84 Aug 18 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Scargill and NCB in TV debate” [upcoming debate on Channel 4 news]
PDF 84 Aug 19 Su Press Minor Commentary (Sunday Times) Coal: "Scargill intimidates TUC - MacGregor" [NCB head says Scargill using pickets to coerce other unions]
PDF 84 Aug 21 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Miners’ strike blamed for 0.5 percent fall in production” [strike led to decline]
PDF 84 Aug 21 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Murray told to head off TUC clash on miners” [TUC to appeal to NUM to discuss strategy]
PDF 84 Aug 22 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: "Mr Scargill and the TUC" [TUC worries about impact of coal strike on union movement]
PDF 84 Aug 23 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “TV clash Over peace formula” [Scargill/MacGregor debate]
PDF 84 Aug 24 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Docks employers predict vote for national strike” [sympathetic dock strike predicted]
PDF 84 Aug 25 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Rampage as rebels enter pit” [riot at Easington colliery]
PDF 84 Aug 26 Su Press Major Commentary (The Sunday Times) Coal: "Scargill to TUC: don't betray me" [Scargill condemns "scab" labourers, while some "large and moderate" unions offer support to the NUM]
PDF 84 Aug 26 Su Press Minor Commentary (News of the World) Coal: "Scargill hit by an egg at demo"
PDF 84 Aug 28 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: "Scargill attacks TV pit strike coverage"
PDF 84 Aug 29 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Coal: “Miners retreat on 10p union levy” [NUM withdraws request for level; fears lack of support]

Documents lie at the core of this website, each one dated and sorted chronologically (by default) in search results. Most are images in PDF format of original paper documents scanned or filmed for the site. There also transcripts of speeches and interviews, press articles, photos, videos, and more. The document database contains tens of thousands of items and permits complex searching.

Files are multi-page PDFs from which most of the documents on the site are selected. All of Mrs Thatcher’s official files from No.10 are available in full on this site (paper copies are stored at the National Archives in the series PREM19), as well as most of those of Geoffrey Howe and Nigel Lawson as Chancellor (stored at TNA as series T639 and T640).

Guides are articles about key events and topics. Many were written to accompany annual releases of Mrs Thatcher’s private and party papers at the Churchill Archive Centre in Cambridge.


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