

Date range: 4 Nov 19863 Dec 1986. Document type: Declassified documents.

Showing items 1 - 50 of 56.

PDF PREM19/1666 86 Jan 1 86 Dec 22 292 Secret Aerospace (Future and structure of British Airways: engines for British Airways Boeing 747-400s; UK/US air services; UK/Canada air services) (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/1671 86 Aug 1 86 Nov 19 378 Confidential Aerospace (Westland Helicopters) (Part 6)
PDF PREM19/1685 85 Apr 7 86 May 29 405 Secret Civil Service (Pay and pensions: pay dispute; review of early retirement arrangements) (Part 15)
PDF PREM19/1692 86 Jun 10 86 Dec 22 314 Secret Defence (Procurement of Weapon Systems (HARM/ALARM air launched missiles): airborne early warning aircraft (British Aerospace Nimrod and Boeing E3A)) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/1695 86 Jul 1 86 Nov 28 427 Secret - UK Eyes Defence (Arms control) (Part 9)
PDF PREM19/1713 84 Jan 19 86 Dec 16 132 Confidential Economic policy (Private direct investment overseas: British representation at United States conference on private sector initiatives)
PDF PREM19/1747 86 Apr 17 86 Nov 28 435 Secret European policy (Common Agricultural Policy (CAP): reform of CAP; Green Pound; agricultural land and rural employment) (Part 14)
PDF PREM19/1749 86 Oct 1 86 Nov 29 298 Confidential European policy (European Community Budget: UK Presidency; policy after European court judgment on illegally set budget; protection of VAT ceiling and UK abatement) (Part 32)
PDF PREM19/1750 84 Oct 1 86 Sep 22 362 Confidential European Policy (European Community Budget: report on UK applications for European Regional Development Grants) (Part 33)
PDF PREM19/1751 85 Jul 15 86 Nov 28 271 Confidential European Policy (European Council meeting, London, December 1986) (Part 23)
PDF PREM19/1753 83 Feb 15 86 Dec 31 212 Confidential European Policy (Visits to UK by Presidents of the European Commission, Gaston Thorn (March 1983 - June 1984) and Jacques Delors (May 1985 - February 1987): meetings with Prime Minister) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/1762 85 Oct 16 86 Nov 28 239 Top Secret France (Visits to UK by President Mitterrand) (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/1776 86 Oct 21 86 Dec 5 35 Restricted Government Machinery (The 70th anniversary of the Cabinet Office)
PDF PREM19/1803 86 May 1 86 Dec 16 294 Secret and Personal Industrial policy (Future of British Leyland/Rover Group) (Part 12)
PDF PREM19/1808 81 Feb 23 86 Dec 12 144 Confidential Iran (Internal situation: Anglo-Iranian relations) (Part 9)
PDF PREM19/1818 79 Jun 5 86 Nov 6 387 Top Secret Italy (Anglo-Italian relations: Italian political scene; British contribution to Italian earthquake relief, 1980-1981) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/1820 85 Jun 7 86 Dec 31 264 Confidential Japan (Anglo-Japanese relations) (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/1826 81 Jan 6 86 Nov 11 151 Confidential Legal Procedure (Possible reform of the law on rape)
PDF PREM19/1834 86 Jul 23 86 Dec 23 369 Confidential Local Government (Correspondence from Sir John Sainsbury on planning controls: general planning enquiries) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/1837 86 Jan 3 86 Aug 23 258 Confidential Local Government (Future of the rating system: rating revaluation; Community Charge) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/1863 85 Aug 28 86 Dec 31 240 Confidential National Health (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/1890 86 Jan 15 86 Feb 21 40 Unclassified Prime Minister (Meeting with Geoffrey Dickens MP about child welfare and protection, 30 January 1986)
PDF PREM19/1916 86 May 7 86 Nov 24 80 Confidential Prime Minister's Tours Abroad (Prime Minister's visit to France for Anglo-French Summit, Paris, November 1986: administrative arrangements)
PDF PREM19/1970 86 Aug 1 86 Nov 28 289 Top Secret - Cab One South Africa (Internal situation; relations with UK) (Part 13)
PDF PREM19/2013 86 May 8 88 Mar 30 217 Top Secret Afghanistan (Soviet invasion) (Part 7)
PDF PREM19/2016 86 Jun 26 87 Jul 28 305 Secret Argentina (Falklands) (Part 41)
PDF PREM19/2023 86 Mar 6 88 Jun 20 290 Confidential Broadcasting (Direct broadcasting by satellite; cable systems and their effect on broadcasting policy) (Part 6)
PDF PREM19/2024 82 Oct 21 88 Apr 26 455 Confidential Broadcasting (Legislation on broadcasting; Green Paper on radio policy; breakfast television) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/2028 86 Jul 1 87 Feb 21 256 Confidential Broadcasting (Television licence fees; Peacock Report on Financing the BBC; BBC proposal for a world television news service) (Part 3)
PDF PREM19/2084 86 Oct 1 87 Jun 23 293 Secret Economic Policy (Domestic monetary policy) (Part 16)
PDF PREM19/2099 86 Nov 3 88 Aug 22 246 Secret Economic Policy (Prime Minister's bilaterals with the Chancellor of the Exchequer) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/2103 86 Oct 1 87 Jan 16 268 Secret Economic Policy (Public spending) (Part 36)
PDF PREM19/2142 86 Aug 1 88 Jul 27 334 Confidential Environmental Affairs (Environmental policy; establishment of HM Inspectorate of Pollution; acid rain - European Community directive on large combustion plants; air pollution; Government response to Select Committee on the Environment report on river and estuary pollution) (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/2155 86 Nov 27 86 Dec 6 295 Confidential European Policy (European Council meeting, London, December 1986; briefing papers) (Part 23A)
PDF PREM19/2172 86 Nov 3 87 Nov 27 300 Secret and Personal Foreign Policy (East/West relations) (Part 7)
PDF PREM19/2180 82 Oct 5 86 Nov 19 8 Confidential Former Prime Minister (Proposed visit by Sir Harold Wilson to the Soviet Union)
PDF PREM19/2181 86 Nov 3 88 Nov 28 339 Top Secret France (Anglo-French relations: French disruption of UK lamb trade; Anglo-French nuclear defence cooperation; Prime Minister Michel Rocard's environmental initiative) (Part 4)
PDF PREM19/2182 86 Oct 21 87 Oct 30 287 Top Secret - UK Eyes A France (Prime Minister's visits to France, November 1986 and March and July 1987) (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/2211 80 May 1 87 Mar 31 242 Secret Greece (UK/Greek relations) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/2299 86 Nov 3 87 Feb 25 293 Secret and Personal Local Government (Relations with central government, organisation & finance) (Part 31)
PDF PREM19/2304 86 Sep 2 87 Jan 30 341 Secret Local Government (Future of the rating system; rating revaluation; Community Charge) (Part 5)
PDF PREM19/2367 79 Jul 26 87 Feb 25 311 Top Secret Nicaragua (Internal situation: relations with UK) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/2455 86 Sep 29 87 Mar 27 310 Confidential Prime Minister's Tours Abroad (Prime Minister's visit to the Soviet Union, March-April 1987: administrative arrangements) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/2461 86 Dec 2 87 Apr 28 240 Confidential Regional Policy (Inner Cities Initiative: development of Canary Wharf and extension of Docklands Light Railway; new Urban Development Corporations) (Part 9)
PDF PREM19/2531 79 Aug 1 87 Sep 8 201 Top Secret Soviet Union (Policy towards the Soviet Union: calls on Prime Minister by Robert Conquest; organisation of a seminar on Soviet intentions; Soviet and East European studies) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/2538 86 Jun 2 87 Jan 30 218 Top Secret Soviet Union (UK/Soviet relations; internal situation) (Part 6)
PDF PREM19/2558 79 Nov 15 87 Jul 8 192 Confidential Turkey (UK/Turkish relations) (Part 1)
PDF PREM19/2588 86 Jan 3 89 Dec 29 267 Confidential Australia (UK/Australian relations: internal situation) (Part 2)
PDF PREM19/2691 86 Dec 1 89 Aug 31 379 Confidential France (Visits to UK by President Mitterrand) (Part 6)
PDF PREM19/3003 86 Jun 13 90 Mar 2 378 Secret Germany (Internal situation in the Federal Republic of Germany) (Part 3)

Documents lie at the core of this website, each one dated and sorted chronologically (by default) in search results. Most are images in PDF format of original paper documents scanned or filmed for the site. There also transcripts of speeches and interviews, press articles, photos, videos, and more. The document database contains tens of thousands of items and permits complex searching.

Files are multi-page PDFs from which most of the documents on the site are selected. All of Mrs Thatcher’s official files from No.10 are available in full on this site (paper copies are stored at the National Archives in the series PREM19), as well as most of those of Geoffrey Howe and Nigel Lawson as Chancellor (stored at TNA as series T639 and T640).

Guides are articles about key events and topics. Many were written to accompany annual releases of Mrs Thatcher’s private and party papers at the Churchill Archive Centre in Cambridge.


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