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Text 83 Apr 26 Tu Declassified documents Minor Archive (Thatcher MSS) MT Engagement Diary
PDF 83 Apr 26 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) International economic policy: Chancellor of the Exchequer PPS letter to No.10 (“Argentina”) [UK uneasy about IMF commitment to ending Argentine discrimination against UK business] [declassified 2013]
PDF 83 Apr 26 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) European Policy: No.10 minute to MT ("CAP price fixing") [Agriculture Council negotiations: "proposal is that we should agree that the central rate for sterling in the ECU should be realigned"; MT: "leave tactics to Peter Walker. He is a very good negotiatior"] [declassified Aug 2013]
PDF 83 Apr 26 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Nicaragua: MT letter to President Ortega (Central American crisis) [Ortega: "The attitude taken by the Governments of Honduras and the United States... obstructs any genuine attempt to secure a reduction in tensions"] [declassified Nov 2016]
PDF 83 Apr 26 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Gibraltar: UKdel NATO telegram to FCO ("Spain/Gibraltar") ["NATO fleet... visit was being taken by Spaniards as a sign that NATO states were taking sides in the dispute"] [declassified Aug 2013]
PDF 83 Apr 26 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Industrial policy: Lord Cockfield letter to Biffen (The Companies Act, pension schemes, and employment share schemes) [legislative amendment required urgently to avoid risk of disruption to financial markets] [declassified Aug 2013]
PDF 83 Apr 26 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Local government: Cabinet Office briefing for MT ("Local Taxation: control of rate increases and expenditure") [main issues] [declassified Aug 2013]
PDF 83 Apr 26 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Local government: Keith Joseph minute to MT ("Local Taxation") [observations for E(LF) sub-committee] [declassified Aug 2013]
PDF 83 Apr 26 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Local government: Jenkin minute to MT ("Local Taxation") [observations on Tom King paper for E(LF) sub-committee] [declassified Aug 2013]
PDF 83 Apr 26 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Local government: Cabinet Office briefing for MT ("Local Taxation") [Tom King paper for E(LF) sub-committee] [declassified Aug 2013]
PDF 83 Apr 26 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Local government: Tebbit PS letter to No.10 (letter to the Prime Minister from Mr. F.W. Cottam) [National Industrial Officer for the General & Municipal Workers Union: water industry dispute] [declassified Aug 2013]
PDF 83 Apr 26 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Nationalised industries: Department of Industry briefing for MT ("Prime Minister's Questions, 26 April 1983") ["British Steel Corporation: Mr MacGregor's visits to Moscow and Peking"] [declassified Aug 2013]
PDF 83 Apr 26 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) National Health: Fowler minute to MT (Nurses' Pay Review Body) [Royal College of Nursing request for meeting with MT] [declassified Jan 2014]
PDF 83 Apr 26 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Trade Unions: Gregson briefing for MT ("Outcome of consultations on Green Paper on 'Democracy in Trade Unions' and proposals for legislation (E(83)9)") [declassified 2014]
PDF 83 Apr 26 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Trade Unions: Lawson minute to MT ("Employee Involvement") [supports employee involvement in British industry; prefers a 'voluntarist' route, but supports legislation if necessary] [declassified 2014]
PDF 83 Apr 26 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) General Election: Flesher minute to MT ("Your visit to the East Midlands") [arrangements for visit] [released 2013]
PDF 83 Apr 26 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) General Election: Derek Howe letter to David Mannion of ITN (MT's response to ITN General Election filming requests) [released 2013]
PDF 83 Apr 26 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Media: Ingham letter to Harris (feedback on Kenneth Harris' text of interview with MT for The Observer ) ["It seems to me to be a very faithful account"] [released 2013]
PDF 83 Apr 26 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (Thatcher MSS) Central America: MT letter to Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua (situation in Central America) [released 2013]
PDF 83 Apr 26 Tu Declassified documents Minor Archive (Thatcher MSS) Environment: MT letter to Heiser (thanks for preparing papers for discussion at E(LF) committee) [released 2013]
PDF 83 Apr 26 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Italy: UKE Rome telegram to FCO (“Italy internal”) [Craxi and De Mita's strategies] [declassified Jan 2010]
PDF 83 Apr 26 Tu Declassified documents Minor Archive (Thatcher MSS) Conservatism: Michael Ancram minute (political scene in Scotland) [“the psychology of attacking rather than defending is going to be central to the campaign we fight”] [released 2017]
PDF 83 Apr 26 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Monetary Policy: Treasury paper for No.10 (“Sterling and the Election Approach”) ["political" risks between now & election, plus options if downward pressure develops] [declassified 2013]
PDF 83 Apr 26 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Monetary Policy: Walters minute to MT (“Interest Rates”) [market pressure for a reduction; yield reluctantly] [declassified 2013]
PDF 83 Apr 26 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Monetary Policy: Walters briefing for MT (“Visit of Karl Brunner: 27 April 1983”) [banks and debts, investment markets, US monetary policy] [declassified 2013]
PDF 83 Apr 26 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Middle East: No.10 minute to MT (“Rolls Royce Engines for Iran”) [Pym’s and Heseltine’s accounts] [declassified 2014]
PDF 83 Apr 26 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Falklands: Heseltine minute to MT (“Argentine next of kin visit”) [potential unauthorised landing on Falklands] [declassified 2013]
PDF 83 Apr 26 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Civil Service: Heseltine letter to Chancellor of the Exchequer (“Standing Group on industrial action”) [declassified 2013]
PDF 83 Apr 26 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Civil Service: Howe PS letter to No.10 (“Obligations of civil service managers”) [legal obligations during industrial action] [declassified 2013]
Text 83 Apr 26 Tu Speeches, interviews, etc. Major Margaret Thatcher House of Commons PQs
PDF 83 Apr 26 Tu Declassified documents Minor Archive (Bank of England) Monetary policy: Foreign Exchange & Gold Market report (daily report on market conditions including US report) [declassified 2013]
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Documents lie at the core of this website, each one dated and sorted chronologically (by default) in search results. Most are images in PDF format of original paper documents scanned or filmed for the site. There also transcripts of speeches and interviews, press articles, photos, videos, and more. The document database contains tens of thousands of items and permits complex searching.

Files are multi-page PDFs from which most of the documents on the site are selected. All of Mrs Thatcher’s official files from No.10 are available in full on this site (paper copies are stored at the National Archives in the series PREM19), as well as most of those of Geoffrey Howe and Nigel Lawson as Chancellor (stored at TNA as series T639 and T640).

Guides are articles about key events and topics. Many were written to accompany annual releases of Mrs Thatcher’s private and party papers at the Churchill Archive Centre in Cambridge.


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