
Archive (Thatcher MSS)
Personal and party papers, Cambridge

Media: Press Digest for MT (Main newspaper stories) [emergency action to cool the economy, mortgage rates to rise, international aid, IRA extradition, spy ring, olive branch to NUT] [released Jul 2018]

Document type: Declassified documents
Source: Thatcher MSS, Churchill Archive Centre: THCR 3/5/82 f34
Editorial comments:

Read all documents from the 1988 release of MT's party and personal papers.

Importance ranking: Major
Word count: 1p
Themes: Education, Economic policy - theory and process, Industry, Monetary policy, Taxation, Trade unions, Foreign policy - theory and process, Foreign policy (Africa), Foreign policy (development, aid, etc), Housing, Media, Security services & intelligence, Terrorism, Northern Ireland, Law & order, Conservative Party (organization)