
Archive (TNA)
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

Ireland: No.10 briefing for MT ("Meeting with Northern Ireland Assembly delegation") ["You will want to make clear... that the Government is not going to be deflected from the Agreement. The Unionists should therefore focus on the benefits of the Agreement for them"] [declassified Dec 2014]

Document type: Declassified documents
Source: PREM19/1809/1 f87
Editorial comments:

Relevant supporting documents follow the main item. Read other documents selected from this file. The full file from which this item is taken can be seen here - PREM19-1809-1.

Importance ranking: Major
Word count: 25pp
Themes: Defence (general), Terrorism, Northern Ireland, Elections & electoral system, Parliament, Union of UK nations, Law & order, Race, immigration, nationality, Religion & morality