
Archive (Walters MSS)

Economy: Alan Walters diary (Falklands) [questions of next Governor; Walters compensation scheme for Falklands rejected by Howe] [released 2012]

Document type: Declassified documents
Source: Walters MSS (Churchill Archives Centre): WTRS 3/1/2
Editorial comments:

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Importance ranking: Major
Word count: 183
Themes: Defence (Falklands), Monetary policy

Sunday 9th May 1982

[opening of entry written on Saturday 8 May, later assigned to Sunday by Walters]


Douglas Wass asked me who should be next gvr of Bank. Eddie George eventually but now too young.

Scholey not suitable - no knowledge of policy

Hadon-Cave - but no knowledge of UK. I said out edn system not suitable for producing gvrs. [Sir Philip Haddon-Cave]

Conversion - he was KEEN but gvr stopped him

Gvr was in the pockets of the fund managers

Sat next to GH [Sir Geoffrey Howe] at lunch and tried out my compensation scheme for Falklands - he said it was logical but it would be taken as a sell out - still I think my scheme is v. good.

[following written in Sunday 9 May section]

George Schultz [sic: George Shultz] at Chequers

- suggested redn [reduction] of international invest barriers through World Bank since GATT had no experience

- Trade Dept (Michael) said best thing was to consolidate and prevent deterioration in protection - but Schultz said it was best to attack

OD and War Cabinet met upstairs at Chequers.