
Archive (Thatcher MSS)
Personal and party papers, Cambridge

Conservative Party: Liaison Committee (documents for meeting) [agenda, priority action points, coming weeks] [released 2014]

Document type: Declassified documents
Source: THCR 2/6/3/99/part1/ f53
Editorial comments:
Importance ranking: Major
Word count: 15pp
Themes: Agriculture, Executive, Judiciary, Conservatism, Conservative Party (organization), Defence (Falklands), Economic policy - theory and process, Education, Primary education, Employment, Industry, Privatized & state industries, European Union (general), European Union Budget, European Union Single Market, Foreign policy - theory and process, Foreign policy (USA), Local government, Local government finance, Leadership, Media, Religion & morality, Science & technology, Security services & intelligence, Trade unions, Strikes & other union action, 1984-85 coal strike