
Archive (Ingham MSS)

Press Office: Bulletin (Charter 77 letter) [Eva Kanturkova sends thanks] [released 2010]

Document type: Declassified documents
Source: Churchill Archive Centre, Cambridge: INGH 2/2/2
Editorial comments: Eva Kanturkova’s letter of thanks was released to the press. It is excluded here for reason of copyright. Ms Kanturkova thanked MT for her interest and help in her case, and asked her, in terms echoed later in the Bruges speech of September 1988, “to keep in mind at all levels of European decision-making that Bohemia is a land of old European culture of emotion and mind, that Czechoslovakia has not ceased to be a part of Europe”. The letter was sent from Prague, dated 24 October 1979.
Importance ranking: Major
Word count: 2pp
Themes: Foreign policy (Central & Eastern Europe)