
Horst Teltschik diary

Cold War: Horst Teltschik diary (MT welcomes agreement on German-Polish frontier) [translation]

Document type: Declassified documents
Source: Horst Teltschik, 329 Tage: Innenansichten der Einigung [329 Days: Inside Views of the Unification] , Siedler Publishing 1991
Editorial comments: Translated specially for Dr Teltschik was Helmut Kohl’s closest foreign policy adviser. On 10 March the diary refers again to MT’s attitude to the frontier question, contrasting it with Mitterrand’s inclination to join the Poles in expressing concerns.
Importance ranking: Major
Word count: 34
Themes: Defence (general), Foreign policy (USA), Foreign policy (USSR & successor states), Foreign policy (Western Europe - non-EU)

Wednesday, 7 March 1990

From Margaret Thatcher comes a response to yesterday's decision of the coalition on the western frontier of Poland. In it, she describes this as a ‘highly statesmanlike step’ that will be of great use.