Speeches, etc.

Margaret Thatcher

Foreword to The United Kingdom - The United Nations

Document type: Speeches, interviews, etc.
Source: Erik Jensen & Thomas Fisher (eds) The United Kingdom - The United Nations (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1990), p.ix
Editorial comments: Dated arbitrarily to late December by editors. This foreword was accidentally omitted from the CD-ROM.
Importance ranking: Minor
Word count: 242
Themes: Foreign policy (International organizations)


I have been encouraged to find that the United Nations has increasingly been coming to play the role which its founders envisaged for it, both in dealing with international disputes and in confronting new problems such as global climate change. The Organization's growing confidence and effectiveness are a very hopeful sign for us and one which Britain will do everything possible to sustain. A very great deal is owed to the United Nations Secretary-General, who has made such a matchless contribution to the Organization's work.

The revival of the United Nations could not have taken place unless the foundations on which the Organization is built were solid. This book shows, through the accounts of those closely involved, how Britain has played a central role in laying those foundations and building on them. Our participation in creating with Charter itself, in writing the International Bill of Human Rights, in promoting the development and humanitarian undertakings of the United Nations, and in maintaining international peace through the Security Council and peace-keeping operations, provides material for a fascinating study. I am very grateful to Dr. Jensen for his initiative in launching this compilation of essays: and to the distinguished contributors who have done justice to the theme.

With the much more constructive relationship which is emerging between East and West, I hope that the 1990s will prove to be the decade in which the United Nations comes into its own.

Margaret Thatcher
December 1989