
Archive (Reagan Library)

Cold War: Reagan call to Thatcher (returning her "morale boost" call) [unclassified] [covernote only]

Document type: Declassified documents
Venue: White House? - Chequers
Source: Reagan Library: Presidential Handwriting File: Presidential Telephone Calls (Folder 177)
Editorial comments:

MT called the President at 1.31 EST, but was unable to speak with him (Presidential Log). He returned the call on Sunday afternoon, UK time.

Importance ranking: Major
Word count: 114 words
Themes: MT contacts with Ronald Reagan

White House,

Recommended Telephone Call

TO: Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister
DATE: February 28, 1987
RECOMMENDED BY: Frank Carlucci
PURPOSE: Return call from the Prime Minister’s Office
SECURE OR OPEN: Open line call
INTERPRETER: None required
PHONE NUMBER: Via Signal Switchboard
CONTACT PERSON: Situation Room
SUGGESTED TIME: 12:45 EST February 28, 1987 (Mr. Powell indicated the Prime Minister would not be available to accept the call earlier)
TOPICS OF DISCUSSION: Mr. Powell did not indicate topic, but characterized the call as “not urgent”.
Date of submission: February 28, 1987

ACTION: [RR annotated the document:] A morale boost call – says people there are very high on us. RR