
Archive (Reagan Library)

Cold War: Thatcher letter to Reagan (Polish sanctions) [summary declassified 2000]

Document type: Declassified documents
Venue: White House
Source: Reagan Library: NSA Head of State File (Box 35)
Editorial comments: MT's letter of 29 Jan 1982 is closed. Clark's memo on the letter was declassified on 27 March 2000. (Clark was National Security Adviser.)
Importance ranking: Major
Word count: 179 words
Themes: Trade, Foreign policy (USA), Foreign policy (USSR & successor states), Foreign policy (Western Europe - non-EU), MT contacts with Ronald Reagan
Declassified F96-107#123
By SMF, NARA, Date 3/27/00

Confidential with Secret attachment


From: William P. Clark


Attached at Tab A is a long letter from Margaret Thatcher requesting a meeting of the United States, the French, the Germans, and the Italians on Polish sanctions. It would be a secret meeting to agree on a set of sanctions which then would be adopted by the other NATO countries. She proposes that if this meeting agrees on a tough set of sanctions, the United States would lift its present sanctions on exports by subsidiaries in Western European countries, and would not take a next unilateral step.

Al Haig’s cable at Tab B says that he is presently arranging for the meeting MT requested and that he will discuss with you on his return our strategy for that meeting.