Speeches, etc.

Margaret Thatcher

Speech to Conservative Friends Abroad in Houston

Document type: Speeches, interviews, etc.
Venue: Houston Club, Houston, Texas
Source: Thatcher Archive (THCR 1/7/21 f71): speaking notes
Editorial comments:

Around 1230.

Importance ranking: Minor
Word count: 401
Themes: Foreign policy (USA), Foreign policy (USSR & successor states), Foreign policy (Central & Eastern Europe), Conservatism
Rough notes by MT. [?] indicates illegible word. [? words] indicates uncertain words.

Michael Hick Thank you & Tony Henfry Committee.

Conservatives abroad.

Strong friendship between Texas & U.K.

Personal terms

President of Compaq Computers

Lelter 1986—Come to Scotland

900 employees very happy


Opposition—George Bush

Nor indeed forsee [sic] —variations in price of oil

—collapse of belief in Communism.

Mark Twain [sic] —Never prophesy especially about the future

Recently—Women's party conference in London

Wife of Deputy Prime Minister of Czechoslovakia

Why had changes come about?

Staunchness of West in last 10 years

President Reagan / Bush Admin.

Prime Minister & govt. of Great Britain. [end p1]

1) Conviction ?in Freedom & Justice

Govt. serving the people

700 year-old Parliament

1215 No man shall be tried except by lawful judgment of his peers

Greatest written expression of liberty in American Constitution.

Give me your huddled masses yearning to be free.

2) Prepare to proclaim it—and [?] it & defend it. and never let down our guard.

3) Central Planning & Control—Out


—Standard of living


Now [? Crumbled].

Change from one to another is not easy

—People see the benefits & want them.

Pennies don't come from heaven

Have to be earned here on earth

This land of opportunity became the greatest in the world

Not because people merely demanded their rights

But because they rose to their responsibilities to themselves & their neighbours. [end p2]

Never had Socialism in this country

It is still a danger in & to Britain.

And has not been eradicated from Europe.

Our task is entrench those qualities

freedom under law, effort a& opportunity

We need the help of Conservatives Overseas take the requisite action now

Keep the U.S./U.K. alliance in all its strength

That at this critical time when our goal is nothing less than the extension of genuine democracy from Atlantic to the Pacific

We can continue to do that great work by standing together