Speeches, etc.

Margaret Thatcher

Remarks on IRA bomb at Mill Hill ("another lesson")

Document type: Speeches, interviews, etc.
Venue: Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia
Source: Thatcher Archive: COI transcript
Editorial comments: Exact time and place unknown.
Importance ranking: Minor
Word count: 165
Themes: Northern Ireland, Terrorism



Prime Minister

We have not any more than that at the moment, apart from the fact that one person was killed and ten were injured and three were rather badly injured. They are in two hospitals—one the Barnet Hospital, and the other not very much further away, the Edgware Hospital—and I have arranged to ring the hospitals when I get to Canberra, at which time it will be their morning and they will know how their patients are.

It was, of course, a great shock and again, another lesson that no-one—but no-one—must support the IRA or any form of terrorism. They want to get their way not by democracy, they do not like the result of the ballot box, so they turn to bombing, maiming, killing. It is the very negation of democracy and we must all condemn it, and I know Mr. Haughey was here recently and he is as concerned as I am that we shall stamp out terrorism and bring them to justice.