Speeches, etc.

Margaret Thatcher

Joint Press Conference with French Prime Minister (Laurent Fabius)

Document type: Speeches, interviews, etc.
Venue: Outside No.10 Downing Street
Source: Thatcher Archive: COI transcript
Editorial comments: Around 1500. M. Fabius’s remarks (in French) were not transcribed.
Importance ranking: Minor
Word count: 434
Themes: Trade, European Union (general), Foreign policy (Africa), Foreign policy (USSR & successor states), Foreign policy (Western Europe - non-EU), Transport

Prime Minister

Laurent FabiusThe Prime Minister and I have just had a meeting. As you know, France and Britain meet quite often really to demonstrate once again the very close friendship that exists and has existed historically for many many years.

This time, we have discussed in particular problems of the European economy and the world economy. We are both affected in a very similar way.

We have also spent some considerable time on our hopes for the future of the European Community and on East-West relations. You will be aware that Mr. Gorbachev is going to visit Paris in October. We have hopes that the European problems will be resolved at the Luxembourg Conference which of course occurs at the end of this year.

We have also spoken of our desire to see the fixed Channel link built. It seems to me something that our generation can perhaps do for future generations. It would be very nice to have something exciting like that to talk about and to have it built within a reasonable time.

Those, I think, are the main things which we have talked about. May I say how delighted we were that Mr. Fabius found time to make this visit to London. It is brief, but it has been very well worthwhile. [end p1]

Prime Minister Fabius (In French)

(Not transcribed)


Mrs. Thatcher, could I ask you, did you reach any agreement at all about any possible sanctions on South Africa?

Prime Minister

As you know, France put up her own Resolution to the Security Council. We have perhaps different ways of achieving the objective, but the objective is the same. We do not like apartheid. We wish to see it ended. France has her particular way of achieving that objective and we have ours.


Why have the ambassadors, and ours in particular, been recalled now for discussions?

Prime Minister

There is a meeting in Brussels. They are just going to a meeting and then ours certainly will return straight to South Africa. There is one meeting I understand in Brussels. Ours will go to that and then return to South Africa. As you know, I take the view that I really want mine present in South Africa to know exactly what is going on.


Did you manage to reach any agreement here about South Africa? [end p2]

Prime Minister

No, we discussed it, but nothing further than that which we have already indicated.