Speeches, etc.

Margaret Thatcher

Remarks visiting Finchley

Document type: Speeches, interviews, etc.
Venue: Finchley
Editorial comments: 1550-1720 MT visited Willmot Close charity flats. 1730-2030 she fulfilled an annual fixture: the Grange Tenants Christmas Party at the Community Hall on the Grange Estate in Finchley. The Finchley Times, 13 December 1984, has an account of the annual party visit. "I enjoy it because I see you all here every year. I love the atmosphere and the spirit - it is a wonderful occasion. For me it is Finchley. Wherever I go in the world this is the constituency I represent, these are the people I know and I am very, very proud to represent you all". "Mrs Thatcher joked that the party very nearly got struck off her appointments diary this year because the next weekend she would be getting ready to go to China and then go on to the USA, although she would be back in time for Christmas. However, she added with a twinkle: "I was careful to see that the trip will take place not this week but next week". Mrs Thatcher said: "I must say I am very glad to see you again this year. I am very glad t
Importance ranking: Trivial
Word count: nil