Speeches, etc.

Margaret Thatcher

Remarks visiting Inverness (case against protectionism)

Document type: Speeches, interviews, etc.
Venue: Tarka Controls, Inverness
Editorial comments: 0900-0945. MT’s visit to Inverness opened inauspiciously: a press photographer had collapsed and died when she arrived at Dalcross Airport the previous evening. The Inverness Courier, 2 June 1983, provides an austere account of the visit in its editorial column (deploring the impact of television and radio in making the election "a presidential-style operation"): "... no less a person than the Prime Minister, Mrs Margaret Thatcher, was quick to point out, when for some reason she visited one of Inverness’s obscurer "incame" industries on Wednesday, while on a foray North, that protectionist measures to keep a firm or industry going only led to reciprocal action from European or other overseas countries affected. The net effect, she said, was usually more unemployment in this country, although probably in quite different types of firms and industries than those protected".
Importance ranking: Minor
Word count: nil
Themes: General Elections, Trade