Speeches, etc.

Margaret Thatcher

Speech at Anglo-Italian Summit

Document type: Speeches, interviews, etc.
Venue: ?Villa Madam, Rome
Source: Thatcher Archive: speaking notes
Editorial comments: Probably delivered at the post-summit dinner hosted by Prime Minister Spadolini, 2000-2240.
Importance ranking: Minor
Word count: 376
Themes: European Union (general), Foreign policy (Western Europe - non-EU), Sport

[Notes by MT:] Prime Minister, Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen. Rome—for its beauty—and sense of history—a privilege [illegible word] in these lovely summer days.

You and I have met frequently recently, Senator Spadolini—at Versailles, Bonn and Brussels—and now in Rome. [Notes by MT:] We have been looking forward to our visit and to the [illegible words]. Always a pleasure to be here with you.

In April the Garibaldi celebrations in London reminded us of our historical ties and the value of the commitment to freedom and democracy that we both share. We were sorry that you (Spadolini) were unable to come because of the pressures of office. But we were glad to see Minister Scotti and we sent a Royal Navy ship to La Maddalena last month to coincide with the centenary of Garibaldi 's death. [end p1]

The atmosphere of Rome is always exciting. But it is doubly so today.

Not unconnected with a recent football match. I am sad that our own team will not meet you in the final. But let me say to you tonight “Good luck, Italy” .

And I hope that remark will not provoke another crisis among the Ten. [end p2]

Our talks today have been most useful. We have as usual found many areas of mutual interest—the middle east, Community matters, East/West relations, disarmament, trade. There are other areas where we value your advice and shape future policies together.

But the basis of our cooperation and understanding is of course our relationship within the European Community. We both want to develop the Community on the basis of shared obligations as well as shared benefits. [end p3]

This informs our approach to questions like the Budget, and other matters which we have discussed.

Italy, through the proposals which your Foreign Minister has advanced with Herr Genscher, is making an important contribution to thinking about the future of our Community. And it is right that the heirs of Garibaldi should do so, for we are partners in more than a common market.

We both believe that the Community has a vital role to play in preserving and extending democracy. [end p4]

It has been a most valuable and enjoyable day.

My warm thanks. [Toast]

The President of the Republic of Italy.