Speeches, etc.

Margaret Thatcher

Message to electors of Glasgow Hillhead (by-election)

Document type: Speeches, interviews, etc.
Source: Thatcher Archive: CCOPR 249/82
Editorial comments: Marked for "immediate release".
Importance ranking: Minor
Word count: 234
Themes: Economic policy - theory and process, By-elections

There are two overriding issues.

Will Gerry Malone make a first class Member of Parliament?

Will this Government have the courage to persevere in the massive task of reversing the long years of decline?

Yes, Gerry Malone will be a first class Member for Hillhead. He was born and brought up in the constituency. He knows its people. He knows your problems. His will be a powerful and effective voice at Westminister.

What distinguishes this Government from its predecessors is that we are determined to see through to success the policies upon which we were elected.

Too often in the past, Governments have put short-term electoral advantage ahead of the long term interests of Scotland and the rest of the United Kingdom. We are not going to be deflected from our long-term task. Already all of us can see signs of success. Inflation is falling. Daily our industries are becoming more competitive. Our special measures are combating unemployment. Under the Tenants' Rights Act, thousands of council tenants have bought, or are buying, their own homes. We have extended parental choice in education. We have repaid $9 billion of foreign debt accumulated by the Labour Government. Our exports are at record levels. This month's Budget will reinforce that success.

The people of Hillhead understand that at this juncture of our affairs, courage and consistency of purpose are the supreme political virtues.