Speeches, etc.

Margaret Thatcher

Remarks on General Election expectations ("looking forward to it")

Document type: Speeches, interviews, etc.
Venue: West Midlands
Source: Central TV Archive: OUP transcript
Editorial comments: Time, place and interviewer unknown. Several journalists were present.
Importance ranking: Minor
Word count: 205

Unknown, ATV

Are you looking forward to the Prime Minister's statement tonight?


Uh … looking forward to it? Yes, of course, I am. I don't know quite what he'll say, but I don't imagine that he's making a ministerial broadcast to say he's not going to hold an election.

Unknown, ATV

What date would you like given the choice?


Any date he chooses. I can't choose, but I can cope with what any date he chooses. sic

Unknown, ATV

You're really looking forward to it? speaking over another reporter


One moment.

Unknown, ATV

Are you prepared for the election?


Yes. We're ready. We have been for quite some time, but you know you have to update things.

Unknown, ATV

And you're looking forward to the outcome of it?


I'm looking forward both to the three weeks' campaign—of which I shall enjoy every moment—and look at the marvellous reception we've had outside …   .

interview ends