Speeches, etc.

Margaret Thatcher

Party Political Broadcast (Scotland)

Document type: Speeches, interviews, etc.
Venue: Unknown
Editorial comments: Item listed by date of broadcast. MT was interviewed by George Birrell for the Scottish version of the PPB. Untraced in its full form, but an excerpt surfaced during the 1987 General Election campaign (see 27 May 1987: Remarks on 1977 Party Political Broadcast). "Sometimes I’ve heard it said that Conservatives have been associated with unemployment. Well, that’s absolutely wrong. We’d have been drummed out of office if we’d have had this level of unemployment. ... your whole political philosophy is that you try to give the individual a chance and then you want him to be responsible for himself and his family." See Party Political Broadcast 22 April 1977 for the English version.
Importance ranking: Major
Word count: nil
Themes: Employment, Famous statements by MT