Speeches, etc.

Margaret Thatcher

Written Statement following conclusion of Lib-Lab Pact

Document type: Speeches, interviews, etc.
Venue: House of Commons
Source: Thatcher Archive
Editorial comments: Marked for immediate release. The statement must have been released after the division on the confidence motion (2200).
Importance ranking: Major
Word count: 198
Themes: Parliament, Labour Party & socialism, Liberal & Social Democratic Parties

The vote in the House of Commons tonight showed clearly that this Government is more concerned to cling to office than it is to seek the verdict of the people.

They have concluded a shadowy deal with the Liberal MPs based on one single identity of interest—the common dread of both the Labour and Liberal parties at the prospect of facing a General Election.

By his own admission the Prime Minister heads a Minority Government. He has patched together a deal with the Liberals—a deal worthy of timid men, fearful of the fate they know awaits them.

It must be a sad occasion for the many thousands of people, up and down the country, who have voted Liberal in the past only to see the Parliamentary Liberal Party keeping this Socialist Government in office.

We Conservatives will continue to fight unceasingly to put an end to this discredited administration. It will not be long before they face another moment of truth. We do not know when that time will come, but in the national interest we shall do everything in our power to ensure that it comes soon.

When Socialism is sustained by Liberal M.P.s it must surely be a bad day for the United Kingdom and a sad day for Liberal voters.