Speeches, etc.

Margaret Thatcher

Remarks visiting Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire marginal seats

Document type: Speeches, interviews, etc.
Venue: Hertfordshire or Bedfordshire
Source: (1) Evening Standard, 1 April 1977 (2) Daily Telegraph, 2 April 1977
Journalist: (1) Robert Carvel, Evening Standard (2) James Wightman, Daily Telegraph, reporting
Editorial comments: Available on CD-ROM only. MT toured Welwyn, Watford, Luton and Hemel Hempstead, among other marginals. The Daily Mail (2 April 1977) reported some remarks she made visiting Vauxhall cars in Luton, where she was asked about the strong performance of the National Front. She replied: "I don’t like extremes of any kind. We must work harder among those people, and point them in the right direction". Asked whether the trade unions would allow a Conservative Government to govern, whatever its majority, she said "We really must not let a few extremists in some of the unions control the country". Transcript of an article by James Wightman published in the Daily Telegraph on 2 April 1977 and reproduced with permission of James Wightman and the Telegraph Group Limited.
Importance ranking: Major
Word count: 1442
Themes: Labour Party & socialism, Race, immigration, nationality, Trade unions